Dear Readers,
Welcome to Paws, Claws, and Magic Tales, the fifth anthology from the Fellowship of Fantasy. Because our admins are apparently crazy cat people, our theme for this excursion is the magical, fantastical beast known as the feline. Oh yes, the majestic house tigers we know as cats are on full display with their elegance, grace, and ability to chase tiny red dots.
Of course, this being the Fellowship of Fantasy, these aren’t ordinary felines. They’re crime fighters, guardian angels, and maybe even dragons. These furry friends open portals, play matchmaker, and save kingdoms.
Enjoy the furry, the funny, and the fantastic with sixteen original tales (or should it be tails?). There are many perilous journeys ahead of you, but no graphic content. All the stories here fall below a PG-13 rating.
The Fellowship of Fantasy is an online group of writers dedicated to presenting the best in clean fantasy stories of any stripe. Some tackle epic quests to save the world, while others prefer more urban settings. Whether you enjoy contemporary tales, romantic retellings, or something else entirely, you’re sure to find stories that speak to you.
Happy Reading, and may your reading be meowvelous!
The Fellowship of Fantasy Authors