“You know, Mr. Telford,” I said as I watched him climb onto the long-legged chair next to mine, “if you don’t stop coming here, I’m going to have to.”
I wanted him to know I was not joking. “I like this restaurant, I like sitting at the bar, I like having John mix me a Manhattan. I like, most of all, that I’m not working when I’m here.”
Bill Telford kept his eyes on the television as he completed his personal seating arrangement. The Bruins were on, game seven of the first round of the playoffs, and while Mr. Telford dutifully watched, he didn’t say anything pithy or knowledgeable, the way a real hockey fan might.
John asked him what he wanted, and he said he would like a nice cup of coffee. This got barely a grunt out of John.
I turned back to my meal, steak tips over rice.
“I didn’t hear anything from you,” he said.
“I didn’t have anything to report.”
“I heard you went to see the chief.”
I dropped my fork, let it clang against the crockery. The two of us sat there staring at ten men slapping a disk up and down the ice, pausing in their pursuit only long enough to slam one another into the boards and occasionally grab one another by the sweater.
“None of my stuff was there, was it?”
“Mr. Telford, you obviously don’t need me. You know everything already.”
He got his coffee, turned the mug so that the handle was to the right, and poured in a fair amount of sugar. “Just wanted to confirm it.”
“So I was, what, an experiment? A mine canary? If you’ve got friends in the police department, why don’t you just ask one of them if anything’s going into the files?”
Mr. Telford stirred his sugar into his coffee, being careful not to let his spoon crack against the sides of his mug. “I wanted you to see for yourself.”
“Why?” But I knew I was asking a question to which I probably did not want the answer.
“Because, Mr. Becket, you’re a decent guy and my last hope.”
He fixed me with his blue-gray eyes and let them linger, even when I looked away. Perhaps he realized a commercial was on the television screen and there was nothing else to capture my attention. I tried focusing on my food, which did not seem as appetizing as it had a few minutes earlier. I decided I was, indeed, going to find a new place for dinner. Maybe I would even start cooking at home. Get microwave meals, sit by myself in front of the television, eat off a tray table.
“Mr. Telford, I’m just someone doing a job, that’s all. I’ve got no pull in the office, no say. I sit in a little dungeon in the basement and I do what I’m told, okay? So if you think I’m your best hope, you might as well forget it.”
“You talked Mitch White into letting you look at the file.”
“Honest to God, Mr. Telford, you’re so much more on top of things than I am, why don’t you just use all these other resources you have, go about your business, and leave me alone?”
Did I say that too loud? Is that why John looked up at me from down the bar?
But Mr. Telford was unperturbed. “My resources,” he said, “as you call ’em, are mostly people like me, support people who lived here all their lives doing the jobs that allow other folks to come down and have a good time for a few weeks every year. I want to get a plumber to my place seven o’clock in the morning, I can do that. I want to plant a cactus in my yard, I got no doubt I can get somebody to look the other way. But that only gets me so far. It doesn’t get me into the files.”
“Both the district attorney and the chief of police know who you are. They know the case isn’t solved and the file is still open.”
“Sure. They see me coming, they smile and say, ‘Hi, Bill,’ ‘Sure thing, Bill,’ ‘Get right on it, Bill.’ Then they never do anything.” He sipped from his mug, put it back on the bar. “Which you just proved.”
I tried to go back to watching the game, but he stayed where he was, his head hanging slightly, holding on to the mug handle like a tired swimmer. I finished my drink, pushed my plate forward, signaled to John that I was ready to go.
“I don’t know what’s been Goin’ on in your life, Mr. Becket,” he said suddenly. “But I’m willing to bet something has.”
“Yeah, the Bruins are getting the crap kicked out of them, the Celtics lost last night, and I’m glad baseball is under way so the Red Sox can prove that winning last year’s championship was a total fluke.”
“Guy like you,” he said, “young, good-looking, talented, you clearly could be doing something more than sitting in the basement of some backwater prosecutor’s office.”
I thanked him for his observation and he nodded as though my thanks were genuine.
John sidled over. “You done with that meal, Counselor? You want a doggy bag or anything?” I shook my head and made a little check mark in the air. He cut his eyes to Mr. Telford, indicating he knew exactly why I wasn’t eating, why I couldn’t enjoy my drink and the game in solitude. Guy comes in, orders a coffee, ruins everything for everyone. All that was expressed in one side glance.
Mr. Telford waited until John went back to the kitchen with my plate before he spoke again. “You know, it’s funny. My Heidi wanted to do so much with her life and didn’t get the chance, and here you are, you got the opportunity to do wonderful things, and what do you do instead? Sit around watching other guys play games on television.”
I grimaced. Kept my mouth shut. The guy had lost his daughter.
“Do that much longer,” he said, “you won’t have any other options. Maybe you could take up fishing. Stand out on the jetty every night with all those guys, got nothing else to do.”
“Look, Mr. Telford, I’m sorry for your loss. I really am. But that doesn’t give you the right to track me down, try to make me do what you want by insulting me.”
“Why do you suppose none of the tips I been giving Mitch are in the police file? Why do you suppose they never followed up on any of ’em?”
“Maybe it’s because the stuff you’re giving them isn’t really helpful.”
“The stuff I’m giving them is about the Gregorys.”
That was the moment when I could have left. Should have left. John had emerged from the kitchen and was at the cash register at the end of the bar, totaling me up. I could have gotten off my chair and walked down to where he was, given him my money, gotten out of the restaurant without another word passing between Mr. Telford and me. But that is not what I did. Instead, I looked around.
There was an overweight couple a few seats down the bar in the opposite direction from the cash register. Behind us, there was a table occupied by a family and the parents were making a fair amount of noise telling their two kids to sit, be still, stop kicking, eat their french fries.
I looked back at Mr. Telford. His head may have been hanging low, but his eyes were piercing right through me, almost daring me to leave. Go ahead, George, get up and go. Go join Mitch White and Cello DiMasi in whatever circle of hell is reserved for those who choose not to do the right thing, who cover up for people who really don’t give a damn about them.
John appeared in front of me, a slip of paper in his hand. I ordered another Manhattan. John got a funny look on his face, but he took the paper back and went to do what I asked.
“All right, Mr. Telford, tell me what it is you think you’ve discovered.”
“Let me start by asking you something,” he said.
He made me look at him. The blue-gray eyes, I saw now, had dark rings around the irises.
“You’re a lifeguard,” he said, “working Dowses Beach here in Osterville, and you want to grab something on your way home to Hyannis, a snack or whatever. Where you likely to stop?”
How would I know? I wasn’t a lifeguard. Except there was really only one way to go from Dowses to Hyannis. Leave the beach parking lot, take East Bay Road to Main. Turn east.
He pointed in that direction. “It’s just down the street.” We were on Main. “Next corner, really.”
I made him tell me.
“The Bon Faire Market.”
I knew it, of course. An upscale grocery that had once been a house. Either that or it was so old that it had been built in a day when markets were made to look like houses. If you wanted French cheeses, sculpted cuts of meat, jams that cost nine bucks a jar, fruits and vegetables that looked like works of art, Bon Faire was the place to go.
“Owned by the Ross family,” Mr. Telford said. “Nice people, but they know their clientele. You can’t blame ’em. They’re not going to push the most famous family on the Cape out their doors by talking about them.”
My drink came, and with it my revised check. It felt like a secret message: Get out of here, George. Drink up and go before the crazy old man ties you to his car and drags you bump, bump, bump through all the torturous streets and potholed lanes of our precious little seaside community.
“They got fresh-baked cookies, those flavored waters, little energy bars, you name it. So the police check and, sure enough, one of the Ross family girls—Rachel, her name is—had a memory of Heidi going in there on her last day. Thing is, she can’t remember anything else.” Bill Telford raised his mug to his lips and took a sip. He made a face, which I assumed was because the coffee was not to his liking. But then he said, “You probably want to know why that’s important, Heidi being in there. Well, it’s one of those things that only her mother and me would know about, and it took us a long time to put it together.”
“You think she met one of the Gregorys in the store.”
“Well, by God, it didn’t take you long.”
He seemed more put out than appreciative.
“Look,” he said, “the Gregorys come down here in the summer, come down from their fancy schools, and they get any girl they want. My daughter and all her friends knew that. Still, it was kind of a thing for them. Good that one of the Gregory boys hit on you—bad if you went along with it. Because, you know, the locals knew these kids weren’t interested in them in the long run. So we just had a little restriction in our house, same as a lot of other families around here. You can go out, you can date, you don’t allow yourself to get picked up by a Gregory.” He wanted me to tell him I understood.
What I was tempted to say was that I knew full well what the Gregorys did with pretty girls. What I actually said was, “Because you felt they were only interested in one thing and you didn’t want your daughter to be known as one of the girls who gave them that thing.”
“It’s true,” he said indignantly, as if I was arguing with him.
But I wasn’t arguing. I was thinking of Kendrick Powell lying on her back, her leg on top of the couch back, while Peter leered over her, his cock in his hand. Except I hadn’t seen his cock, had I? I had seen the red candle, I had seen his fingers, I had seen Jamie’s finger disappearing inside her. I shivered and drank quickly to try to hide it.
“This is how we put it together, my wife and me.” Mr. Telford wiped his mouth as if smoothing the path for what he was about to say. “That dress Heidi was wearing, it was an Ann Taylor dress. Paid more for it than she ever did for any of her other clothes. It was probably a style she picked up at school, quality without looking too sexy, you know what I mean?”
I didn’t know if I did or not. I had not looked at the dress that closely, not thought about it that deeply, didn’t know too much about dresses in the first place. My wife, when we were married, kept most of her dresses at her apartment in Boston.
“Thing is,” Mr. Telford went on, “what was she doing wearing that dress? Like I told you, it wasn’t what she was wearing when she left the house. Second thing, okay, we found some pictures of her when she had worn it before. It had a red belt. Or at least she wore it with a red belt. And red sandals. Accessories, my wife calls them. Both the sandals and the belt are missing. They weren’t in the house and the cops never found them. So it makes sense they were in that bag she was carrying when we last saw her. All of it: the dress folded up, the red belt, the red sandals. And she obviously changed someplace outside the house. Question is, why would she?”
It was his turn to look around, look at the fat couple, at the rambunctious kids behind us, at a new group of post-middle-aged, none-too-fit folks who had just come in and taken a table in front of the fireplace. Then he leaned in closer. “This is the part I’m not real comfortable talking about, Mr. Becket. But my daughter was what you call ‘well endowed.’ You know what I’m saying?”
It was important to him that I understand there was nothing salacious about what he was telling me. It was just a fact to be recognized. Recognized and reckoned with.
I nodded.
“When they found her, she didn’t seem to have been sexually molested, but she wasn’t wearing a bra. Okay, we look at the pictures, the pictures of when she was wearing the dress before, and she was definitely wearing a bra then. The other thing is, the cloth of the dress, it’s good, sturdy cloth. It’s not like you’re going to be able to see all the way through it.”
“Just enough to see that she’s well endowed and not wearing a bra.”
He sat back, embarrassed. But this, apparently, was his point.
“Maybe whoever killed her took off the bra.”
Mr. Telford shook his head. “The way that dress was, it didn’t make sense. We’re back to the part that’s hard for me to talk about, Mr. Becket, but it was like, you’d have to peel the dress down from the top, take off the bra, and then pull the dress back up, you know, to get it the way it was when they found her.”
I flashed back to Kendrick, to what I had tried to do when I was dressing her.
When I focused again on Mr. Telford, he had both hands on the bar, his fingers folded tightly together. “Look, maybe this is just something that only a parent can feel. But that dress is the clue. The dress and the bra.”
“You’re saying she put on a dress because she was going someplace she didn’t want you to know about. It was a conservative dress, which tells you she thought she was going someplace nice. And she took off her bra because she didn’t want whoever she was going to see to think she was too conservative.”
“She was twenty years old, Mr. Becket. I see my other daughter, she thinks she’s gettin’ dressed up when she puts on a denim skirt.”
“I’m just trying to make sure I understand the clue you’re talking about, Mr. Telford.”
“Yeah, you’re understanding, all right. More than Mitch White. I give him the photo, tell him the same thing I’m telling you. Ask, ‘Who would she do all that for, Mr. White?’ He just stares at me.”
“And you were trying to tell him she’d do that for the Gregorys.”
“Well, they fit the bill perfectly, don’t they? And here’s one more bit of information for you. That was Memorial Day weekend when it happened. What goes on around here on Memorial Day weekend? That race over to Nantucket. The one they call the Figawi. Who sails in the race? Well, the Gregorys do. Some of ’em, anyhow. And what happens at the end of the race? Parties. Parties on Nantucket, parties here. You’re an attractive girl like my daughter, you run into a Gregory, he invites you to a party, you’re gonna be sorely tempted, don’t you think? Even if your parents wouldn’t approve?”
I stared at my drink, wondering if I should finish it off or ask the next question, the one that could get me in a whole lot of trouble. I did both. “I don’t suppose you found out which Gregorys were in town that weekend?”
“Their boat’s called The Paradox. I found out who was registered as the crew. Six people. Five of ’em guys.”
There was no exit now. “You want to tell me who?”
“Ned Gregory was the captain. It was his boat. Crew was Jamie Gregory, girl was Cory Gregory, there was a boy named Jason Stockover, another one named Paul McFetridge, and then there was Peter Gregory Martin.”
My Manhattan surged back up from my stomach, got caught in my throat, didn’t seem to want to go back down again.
“You know him? Peter Martin? He was the one who was accused of rape down in Florida that time. They never proved anything, but people said the only reason he wasn’t prosecuted was because he was a Gregory.”
My skin was burning, my chest was constricted, and yet my whole body was so cold I began to shake. I gripped my empty glass around the stem and held it tight just so the old man could not see my hand rattling.
“I took the names, I give them to Mitch White, give them to Detective Landry. What happens? They go, ‘Hmm, hmm. We’ll look into it, Mr. Telford.’ Never hear anything more. So I do my own work. Start going to Bon Faire on a regular basis. Get to know the Ross girls; they get to know me. They know about Heidi, of course. They ask me what’s going on. They’re interested, and I can tell they’re concerned because, like I said, they’re good people. And finally one day I’m in the store alone with Rachel and I ask her, that last day she remembers Heidi being in there, was Peter Martin there, too? And she tells me the truth. She tells me he was.”
“Same time?” I surprise myself by getting the words out. They seemed to have escaped through a corner of my mouth.
“Well, she’s a little evasive there, but I can tell they were. See, what you gotta understand is that Rachel knows Peter. She probably knows the whole family, but, well, she’s a little chunky, so she’s probably not on their radar. Anyhow, she’s already told the police she can’t remember anything else, but now here she is admitting Peter was in the store. And what she’s really doing, Mr. Becket, is she’s being honest with me while still being loyal to them.”
“You told all this to—”
“Yep.” Bill Telford drew a five-dollar bill from his wallet. “And now I’m telling you.” He slid the bill under his coffee cup, inclined his head in the direction of John the bartender, and said, “That ought to smooth his feathers a little bit.” Then he got to his feet, looked up at the television screen, where the Bruins were getting shut out, and said, “Those three guys they got in the trade for Thornton are about as worthless as hazelnuts.”