
THE TWO OF US LAY ON OUR BACKS. STARING STRAIGHT UP AT THE sky. What we could see of it. In between the branches there were swabs of gray growing ever darker. Night had not completely fallen, but it was close. We could not stay here any longer, but we could not move, either. At least I couldn’t.

“Why did you jump, George?”

“Because you were shooting at me.”

“Me? Shoot at you? With what?”

“What did you have in that bag you brought? I heard metal clunking around.”

“What did you think it was, a gun? I brought fucking beers, you asshole. Then you pissed me off so much I forgot all about them.”

“So where are they now?”

“Where? I imagine they’re where I dropped them when I heard the shots.”

“You heard the shots? All the way back in the hot tub?” I meant to sound cynical. I was probably too spent to pull it off.

“I was on the trail, coming after you. Because I was sitting there after you left, thinking why the fuck would you do this to me? Be the family’s little errand boy, run out here to check on me, see if I’m still being loyal? And I’m saying to myself, hey, you’re loyal to anyone, it should be to me, for fuck sake.”

Loyal to him. Guy who hadn’t so much as called me since the day we graduated from college.

“And then I keep thinking about it and I realize, wait, you’re not really accusing me, so why am I acting the way I am? I mean, it wasn’t as though you lied to me or anything about what you’re doing here. And suddenly it all started making sense.”

It didn’t to me, whatever he was saying, and I didn’t have the energy to piece it together. I was thinking about the beers, how much I would like to have one.

“I mean,” he said, apparently wanting some reassurance, “it’s like that Florida thing, right?”

What was? Did I get that question out? I must have, because he was answering it.

“Somebody makes a claim against them, it’s not as though the family’s going to hire a hit man or anything. That’s not the way they do things. They got a problem, they put someone in the right place to take care of it.”

He meant me. Being put in the right place.

“It’s just that this one, you know, I thought this one had been taken care of a long time ago. And then I’m thinking, okay, so something must have happened besides that stupid list of crew members the girl’s father was waving around a few years back. Something’s come up and Mitchell White has got to act like he’s doing something about it. So he sends you. I mean, that’s the reason the family’s got you working where you are, in case a problem like this came up.”

I lay even stiller than before. A man in the dirt in a faraway place, having just been told his function in life.

“Which means I shouldn’t be treating you like you’re the fucking enemy or something.”

I’m not the enemy. I’m the Gregorys’ errand boy. I’m one of the beagles they keep in their kennel.

“So that’s what got me out of the tub, running after you.” He shifted his position, lifting himself up onto his forearm.

“I was just trying to apologize for getting defensive like I did. Because all you’re doing is what you’re supposed to be doing. Talk to Cory, talk to the boys, to Jason, to me. Check things off. Everything’s fine, everybody goes on about their business. I didn’t have to get all pissed off like I did. That’s what I was coming to tell you.”

He was telling me something else, as well, although he didn’t seem to realize it. He knew something; he assumed I knew it, too. If I asked him what it was, it would show I didn’t really know it, and then he wouldn’t tell me. It was all very complicated, staring up at the sky, still feeling blessed just to be alive.

“You know where Jason is?” I asked.

“No. Doesn’t Chuck-Chuck?”

“He seems to have disappeared.” I felt that was a safe thing to say, given how long it would take for McFetridge to prove me wrong. Assuming I was wrong.

“I haven’t seen him since that weekend. I went back to New York. He went, I don’t know, wherever he came from. Connecticut, maybe. I didn’t really know him that well. He was Ned’s friend, and Ned was, you know, tied up that night with his au pair. The only reason Jason and I ended up together was that we were the ones who met those girls.”

Girls. The boys on the boat met girls on the night Heidi died. I tried to formulate a question that wouldn’t get me a question back. “You ever hear from them again? Those girls?”

McFetridge snorted. “We never even got their last names. Candy was the one I was with. Candy, Taffy, Cindy. Something like that. All they cared about was they got to go to the Gregory compound. I don’t think we had any in-depth discussions.”

“Yeah,” I said. I tried to snort, too. Dirt came out of my nose. It landed somewhere on my shirt.

“It was like, ‘Okay, here’s the Senator’s house. There’s his brother’s house. His sister’s house. Wanna take a walk down the beach?’ ” McFetridge was quiet for a moment. “He got the better-looking one, I remember that. She was all over him, so I just took the other one, the one with the big tits. Kind of a squishy ass, I think, but she was great doing it in the sand. Cynthia, I’m pretty sure her name was.”

Age and responsibility, I saw, had not completely changed Paul McFetridge.

Out loud, I said, “You don’t think she could be the one who’s talking, do you?”

“Oh, man. She didn’t know anything. Jason and I screwed her and her friend on the beach and then I was hoping we were gonna switch, but Jason kind of liked his, so that didn’t happen. In the end we just brought them back to the house and when we got there nobody was around. We knew where Ned was, of course, but the rest were just gone. So we said, ‘Whoops, party’s over. Gotta go.’ ”

“And they left?”

“They had their own car, so it wasn’t hard getting rid of them. They were going back to Boston anyhow, I think. Roslindale, does that sound right? I really don’t remember. That might have been somebody else. I mean, these were just a couple of skanks down for the weekend to party. They ran into us and extended the partying a little longer. That’s all.”

“But, you know, Heidi’s picture was in the paper, wasn’t it?” This was pure guesswork on my part. I had never checked.

“Was it? I don’t know. I mean, I didn’t even know there was a problem until we weren’t able to get on the golf course the next morning. But I didn’t want to play anyhow. That was just something Peter was insisting on, fuckin’ seven o’clock tee time. So we didn’t get on, and I just said, ‘Screw it, I’m outta here,’ and I left. And as for those girls, they had such stars in their eyes, you’d think they were in Hollywood or something. I don’t know what they saw, who they saw, I just know they never came forward.”

McFetridge was silent for a moment. “Unless, like you say, they’re doing it now.”

“I didn’t say that. I was just asking.”

McFetridge thought about it. “You know, Chuck-Chuck’s gotta know who they are.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because the guard, every car that goes in the compound, he’s got to write down the license number. So if he thinks that’s who’s doing the talking … though I can’t imagine after all this time …” He stopped. “You don’t know anything about that, huh?”


He said “Huh” again.

I lay very still and abandoned plans to ask anything else. I could hear McFetridge moving, getting up on his side. I sensed him looking at me. “What do you know, George?” he said.

“I know somebody was just trying to kill me, Paul. That’s what I fucking know. Who do you suppose that was?”

“This is Idaho, man. It’s filled with wackos, isolationists, crazies living out in the woods.”

“You guys run a commercial rafting operation. You send people to walk miles up that trail. Up and back. And you’ve got crazies shooting guns at them?”

“It’s never happened before.”

“So why me, Paul? Why’s someone trying to kill me?” It felt good to be aggressive. It gave me a use for the leftover adrenaline.

“I doubt he was trying to kill you. More likely just trying to scare you. Scare all of us. I don’t know. Maybe he’s got a pot farm or something he doesn’t want us to find. But I’m guessing, the way rifles are these days and the way some of these gun nuts are, that if he really wanted to hit you, he could have … especially if he was on that hill and you being in an open field and all.”

Was I in an open field? I was in the spruces, the five-foot spruces, and the hill was behind me, where McFetridge was. McFetridge who had had the bag that clinked.

“What I’d like,” I said, “is to get one of those beers you dropped.”

“Go back there after you know somebody’s been shooting at you? I don’t think so.”

“You said yourself he wasn’t trying to kill me. If he was, he would have followed us here. Don’t you think?”

McFetridge certainly acted as though he was thinking. “You’re right. Let’s get the hell out of here. Get back to camp. We can get beer there.” He pushed himself to his feet.

I did the same. “You going to tell the others?”

It was now dark enough that I could barely see his features, but I was pretty sure he was biting his lip. “I’m going to tell the crew because I don’t think we’re going to be coming up here anymore. But I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell the other rafters, Georgie. I mean, all it’s gonna do is scare them.”

“Like Deliverance.”

“Yeah, like that.”

“Anything else you don’t want me to tell people?”

“Yeah, don’t tell ’em anything that’s going to make them think it’s not wonderful living out here in the fuckin’ woods.”