
I COULD NOT BLAME MARION FOR HAVING A MISIMPRESSION. THE first time I had sex with her was in the front seat of her Audi, the front passenger’s seat, while we were parked at a curb on H Street in D.C. She was giving me a ride home even though I lived only a few blocks away because we had been at the library studying late for finals. We were giddy from effort and lack of sleep, and I am a little vague as to how it was that she happened to fall into my lap after I was seated. I know only that we started to kiss, then touch, then move about. I know there was a sense of danger, a need to hurry, and that she got one leg out of her jeans and underwear and straddled me as I partially reclined in the seat. It was dark and I enjoyed it. From the sounds she was making, she enjoyed it every bit as much as I did.

The second time was on the National Seashore, a public beach, where anybody walking in the dark could have come upon us. After that, she could well have thought I wasn’t just kinky but an exhibitionist.

I am sure I was an incredible disappointment to her.