A MESSED-UP LIFE. A LIFE AS MESSED UP AS MINE. MORE SO, because she had responsibilities beyond herself. Were those responsibilities enough for her to sacrifice me? Why not? If they led to a better job, better security, better daycare.
Still, it made no sense. Fly to California, fly to Costa Rica. What for? I had already been to those places. Why would she retrace my steps? Why would she go before I had a chance to go back?
I decided I would call her. Ask her to come in again. Meet me someplace else if she wanted.
SHE WAS WEARING A DARK blue belted sheath top that dipped very slightly at the neck and slacks that were more or less the color of oatmeal. Her purse, which was big enough to carry a notebook, a change of clothes, and a frying pan, was in her lap. She had been glad to come in. She had something to tell me and wanted to get through the preliminaries as quickly as possible.
From my seat of power on the other side of the desk I waved her into whatever she wanted to say.
“Tell me, George, of the people who were at the Gregorys’ that night, how many have you actually interviewed?”
I held up two fingers. “Not counting the woman who may or may not have been Leanne, only McFetridge and Cory.” Then I remembered and held up a third. “Patty the pickup.”
“You’ve tried to find Jason, Peter, Leanne, I understand that. But why haven’t you tried to find the rest?”
“Who’s left?” I said. “Jamie, who’s never done anything but follow Peter around, and Ned, who had his own thing going on. Think either one of them is going to tell me anything about cousin Peter’s adventures with his date that night?”
“First of all,” she said, her hands on her purse, her back straight, her words quick, “what you’re describing is not the Jamie I know. The Jamie I grew up with was the most conniving of the bunch. Maybe it was because of his size, I don’t know, but the way he competed was to try to outsmart everyone else. And it’s certainly not the Jamie I see these days, who’s probably the most popular of all the Gregorys of his generation because he’s making everybody a fortune.” She paused. “You know about these mortgages they’re giving away?”
“The Gregorys?”
She made a face. It wasn’t a bad face. It probably wouldn’t have been possible for Barbara to make a bad face. “Not the Gregorys. The banks. Something about they figure housing prices are going up so fast that as soon as people move in they’ve already acquired some equity. And then apparently the banks sell off the mortgages to somebody who bundles them all up, the good and the bad, and then offers them as a commodity that other investors bid on. Which I guess is where Jamie comes in. I don’t understand how it works, but that’s why Jamie was at my parents’ party that turned out to be such a disaster for you.”
“I thought he was there to raise money for a film for that girlfriend of his.”
“Well, that was what was going on, yes. But Dad didn’t know that ahead of time. See, that crowd, they’ve all been making money hand over fist through Jamie. So he shows up at the party, everybody wants to talk to him anyhow because he’s been doing so well for them, and he’s got this glamourous actress with him so he can let it drop how he’s raising money for her next picture. He doesn’t have to ask, which you don’t do at a gathering like that. But as soon as the party was over you can bet they were all calling him, see if they could get in on it.”
“That’s what I call my father.”
“I know.”
Barbara’s shoulders lifted and fell as if she did not quite understand me. It was a quick and graceful movement, and when it was over she was done with Jamie. She turned to Ned, and asked why I hadn’t talked with him.
I explained about the eighteen-year-old au pair.
“Well, there was someone else who was there that night, too, George.”
“Ned’s children?”
“I’m talking about the gatekeeper. The guard.”
“The black kid.”
“Chris Warburton, that’s his name,” she said, chiding me. “Sound familiar?”
I shook my head, feeling more wary than excited that I was about to learn something I had not figured out already.
“He’s the chef at The Captain Yarnell House in Brewster. You know it?”
Of course I knew it, a restaurant fashioned out of an old sea captain’s home off Route 6A. I just had never been to it because it cost about a hundred bucks a person to eat there and because I had not had a dinner date since Marion left me.
“I’ve known Chris since he was about six years old. His father used to do my parents’ yardwork, and he’s one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. All his life he wanted to cook, and the Gregorys gave him the chance. They sent him to culinary school. Then they made sure he got jobs until he proved to be so talented he didn’t need them anymore. I went to Chris, George.”
She went to Chris, who had spoken to Landry, and whom I had never even considered interviewing. I looked over the head of Barbara Belbonnet at the walls I had yet to decorate and wondered how long I would be here. In this room. In this office. On this job. Probably 2.5 months. Till the election. George Becket, my letter of recommendation would read, wonderful boy. Forgets to locate an occasional witness from time to time, but that’s all right. He fit in just fine with Detective Iacupucci.
I looked across my desk at my former dungeon-mate and wondered not for the first time how I had managed to share a room with her for so long without really knowing her. Barbara Blueblood, with the pirate husband and the Down syndrome child and the daughter who was already fourteen years old. Friend of the Gregorys, second circle, taking a leave of absence from work so she could prove something to me. Was that possible? Didn’t she need the job, the security, the life the Gregorys had provided for her when she had screwed up everything else?
“Chris confirm that Heidi was there?” I asked, half hoping that was all she was going to say.
“He remembered something about Jason Stockover, George. He remembered he wore a green hat with a white D on it.”
Cory Gregory had remembered that, too. Dartmouth or Deerfield, she had said.
Now Barbara Belbonnet said the same thing. Such are the ways of people in a certain class in a certain place. She didn’t think Drew, Drake, Drexel, Duquesne, DePaul, Davidson, Dickinson, Denison.
“Chris said he thought Jason and Ned had been friends in college.”
She wasn’t thinking Duke, whose color was blue, or Delaware, whose team nickname was the Blue Hens.
“Thing is,” she said, “I know Ned went to college at Trinity and not Dartmouth, so I figured the D must be for Jason’s prep school, and I took a chance and drove out there.” She pointed. Nice, smooth underarms. “To Deerfield. In the western part of the state.”
I nodded. I knew where it was.
“I went to the school library, examined yearbooks from twenty years ago, around the time a college classmate of Ned’s would have been there, and was rewarded with a picture of Jason Stockover, a list of his school activities, and his home address in Cos Cob, Connecticut.”
“And let me guess, that’s where you went next.”
Sure, of course. Barbara Belbonnet doing my job better than me. Or maybe for me. I still wasn’t sure.
“I got there,” she said, “only to find the Stockovers no longer live at that address. The family had some sort of falling out, the current owners said, and there was a divorce. They couldn’t tell me where any of them went.”
“Do you think the school would have a—”
She was way ahead of me. “So I drove back to Deerfield and visited the alumni office. They were so sorry, but they were not at liberty to give out addresses.” She lilted the words “at liberty” as if she were imitating the Queen.
“But that didn’t stop you, I assume.”
“No,” she agreed, “it didn’t. I went back to the library, back to Jason’s yearbook. I had the idea that maybe he was on the sailing team and I could find a picture of the team, see if I recognized any of his teammates, people I could contact about him. It was a long shot, I know, but there are only so many races in the northeast, and, hey, I was at plenty of them.”
“Except you’re older.”
Barbara’s recitation came to a standstill. “I’m thirty-seven, George.”
“You’re what, thirty-four? You think that’s such a big difference?”
“You do, don’t you?” Her chin moved, her hand moved, her leg moved, the corner of her mouth squeezed shut, and I realized that I had actually hurt her. It seemed like such a small thing. I wanted to tell her that. I wanted to tell her that I hadn’t really noticed a difference, that it was one of a thousand things I hadn’t noticed, that I hadn’t noticed because my own life was so screwed up, such a mess, such a total disappointment, that I wasn’t even aware of things that were right in front of me.
But Barbara was not waiting for my explanations. “Ned’s at least two years older than I am,” she said. “Which means, since Jason was in his class, he’s about two years older as well.”
“Thirty-nine,” I said unnecessarily.
Was there a wince? It was hard to tell in the midst of my own embarrassment.
“The only problem with my idea was that the school didn’t have a sailing team.”
I told myself there could have been a lot of reasons for her new tone of voice. She could have been commenting on the incomprehensibility of a landlocked school not having a sailing team.
“What I found instead,” she continued, “in the listing of activities beneath his yearbook picture, was that Jason had been a member of the cross-country team, the Outdoor Club, and the French Club. I asked the librarian about those things, not expecting they were going to get me anywhere, except, it turns out, Monsieur Weber, the faculty member responsible for the French Club, is still at the school.”
“Great. That’s great, Barbara.” I may have gone overboard in my enthusiasm.
“That wasn’t the end of my good luck, George. Monsieur Weber is still in touch with Jason because, it turns out, Jason is actually living in France. In a bastide.” She got a shot in on me. “Do you know what a bastide is?”
I knew, but I didn’t tell her.
“It’s one of those fortified towns built during the Hundred Years’ War, when France and England only fought when the soldiers weren’t needed in the fields.”
“They’re all over the Bordeaux region, and what Monsieur Weber said was, the one where Jason lives is the most beautiful bastide of all.”
A slow smile crept over her lips, enough to make me question whether my punishment was over. It was a smile of promise, one that invited me to smile along with her. “So,” she said, as I watched her lips part, her teeth sparkle, her tongue flash, “I guess it’s no wonder that a guy like Jason Stockover would own a bed-and-breakfast there. Don’t you think?”