
CAPE COD, October 2008

BUZZY HELD A PRESS CONFERENCE THAT WAS SURPRISINGLY WELL attended, proving that all you had to do to get the attention of the news media, at least in the northeast, was mention the Gregorys. A notice had been blasted by email to more than one hundred newspapers, television and radio stations, networks, and news outlets. The notice said an important announcement was going to be made regarding the Cape & Islands district attorney and his investigation into the Gregory family’s involvement in the 1999 murder of Heidi Telford.

Mitch White, when he got wind of it, immediately issued a denial that there was any new development in the investigation, which, he said, was not only ongoing but now spanned three continents. Mitch did not identify the three continents, but I gathered he was counting Costa Rica as being in South America.

His denial managed to make it onto the 6:00 p.m. news on all the major television stations in Boston and Providence. I was biased, but to me he did not sound convincing when he said he knew of no involvement of the Gregory family. And he looked worried.