Wolf 359
1. A red dwarf star located in the Leo constellation, approximately 7.8 light-years from Earth, making it one of the stars nearest to our solar system.
2. A fictional space battle in the Star Trek Universe between the United Federation of Planets and the Borg Collective in the year 2367.
3. The opening battle of World War III in New York City on September 11, 2125. Over sixty percent of the United States of America Atlantic Oceanic Battle Fleet was destroyed by the Supreme Islamic Caliphate Battle Group on the first day.
Other terms:
1. (universal or American usage) a non-believer of god or gods; one that doesn't believe in religion, often negative to, hostile to, or hateful of religion.
2. (Russian Bloc) a member of the Wicca, Druid, or Old Pagan religions.
Jew-Christian: (American usage [by non-religious people]) a religious person, other than Muslim.
Faither: (global usage [by religious people]) a religious person, other than Muslim.
Tek World: common slang for tek-cities, tek-metropolises, or general tek-society.
Resistance: (pre-World War III)
1. [by non-religious people] government term for the network of Jew-Christian domestic "terrorists" in America.
2. [by religious people] the civilian resistance force against the militant, anti-religious American government.
1. (general usage) the parallel society created by and controlled exclusively by Faithers outside of Tek World.
2. (formal usage) the formal alliance of the New Protestant Order, New Jewish Continuum, New Catholic Order, African Collective, Shogun, and the Magi.