People often ask us how we make a caramel sauce without any butter or cream, and still have it taste like a million bucks. We don’t have any fancy tricks up our sleeves: just sugar, coconut milk, and coconut oil, which gives our vegan caramel sauce a beautiful sheen and a full, luxurious body. Most often, we make it as-is, but sometimes we get all fancy and throw some sea salt in for good measure.
1½ cups (300 grams) granulated sugar
1 cup coconut milk or cream
2 tablespoons (30 grams) extra-virgin coconut oil
1 teaspoon (3 grams) flaky sea salt, such as Maldon (optional)
1. Spread the sugar in an even layer over the bottom of a clean, dry, heavy-duty pan or a deep skillet; oil and grease are caramel’s mortal enemies so make sure the skillet is clean! Heat the sugar over medium heat, keeping an eye on it. Sometimes it’ll start burning in a spot beneath the surface, where you can’t see it; this happens especially if the layer of sugar is pretty deep. You should see it start to liquefy at the edges first, with perhaps some random blobs in the middle. Once you spot browning at the edges, shift the sugar toward the center to prevent any burnt spots. If caramel looks grainy, don’t worry; reduce the heat and keep stirring gently and infrequently; stirring can often cause your sugar to lump and cluster instead of evenly melting. (If this happens, don’t worry; just continue to use gentle heat, stirring as little as possible, to let the caramel form and the sugar melt.) If any chunks remain, they will most likely dissolve on their own and any stubborn chunks refusing to melt can be strained after. Cook the caramel until it’s a rich brown color—the color of an Irish setter.
2. Reduce the heat to low; in a slow stream add the coconut milk or cream, stirring. Be careful, as caramel can spit and sputter. Stir in the coconut oil until melted, and stir in the salt, if using, until dissolved. Use immediately or cover and refrigerate until needed. The sauce will keep, covered and refrigerated, for up to 2 weeks.