Idioms and Expressions
A mi entender
In my opinion, as I
understand it
A mi modo de ver
In my opinion
¡A mi qué!
What’s that to me? So what!
A montones
In abundance, heaps
A ninguna parte
A no ser que
By sight, by guess
A ojos cerrados
A ojos vistas
Visibly, clearly; before
one’s eyes
A oscuras (or a obscuras)
In the dark
A partir de
As of, beginning on
A partir de hoy
From today on
A pedir de boca
Exactly as desired, to one’s
heart’s content
A pesar de (todo)
In spite of (everything)
A pesar de que
In spite of the fact that
On foot, by foot
A piedra y lodo
Shut tight
A pie(s)juntillas
With both feet together; believe
A poco
Shortly after
A pocos pasos
At a short distance
In competition
A primera luz
At dawn
A principios de
Towards, early in, about the first of (day, week, etc.)
A propösito
By the way, apropos; on purpose
A prueba de
—proof, safe against
A puerta cerrada
Secretly, behind closed doors
A punto fijo
With certainty
A pura fuerza
By sheer force
A pures gritos
By just shouting
I bet...(not a real wager)
A que no!
I betyoudon’t!
£A que viene eso?
What is the point of that?
A quema ropa (or a quemarropa)
Very close, point blank, without warning
A raiz de
Soon after, close to
A ras de (or al ras con)
Flush (or even) with
A ratos
From time to time, at times
A ratos perdidos
In (at) odd or spare moments
A rienda suelta
Free rein, violently, swiftly
Namely, that is
A sabiendas
Knowingly, consciously’
Safe, unharmed
A sangre fria
In cold blood
Piain, alone, simply, to the point
A semejanza de
Like, as
A su (debido) tiempo
In due course or time
A tiempo
On time, in time
A tientas
A toda costa
By all means, at whatever cost
A toda bora
At any time, at all times
A toda prisa
At greatest speed
A toda vela
Under füll sail, at füll speed
A todas luces
By all means, any way you look atit
A todo correr
At füll speed
A todo trance
At all costs
A todo trapo
Under füll sail, speedily
A traiciön
Deceitfully, treacherously
A trav6s de, al traves de
Across, through
A ultima hora
At the last moment
A una brazada
At arm’s length
A una voz
A un tiempo
At one (the same) time
At times
A ver (si)
Let’s see (if)
A vista de
Within view, in the presence of
A vistas
On approval
A voluntad
A vuelo de pajaro
As the crow flies
Abrir paso
To make way, to clear the way
Acabar de
To have just (done something)
Acabar por
To end up by (doing something)
About, with regard to
Acordar con
To be on good terms with
Acostarse con las gallinas
To go to bed early
Adönde va?
Where are you going?
Adondequiera que
Agachar las orejas
To hang one’s head
Aguantar el chubasco
To weather the storm
Aguila o pico
Heads or tails
Äguila o sello
Heads or tails
Aguzar las orejas (los oidos)
To prick up one’s ears
Ahi estä el detalle!
That’s the point!
Ahogarse en poca agua
To worry about nothing
Ahora bien
Now then, well now, however
Ahora es cuando
Now is the time; now is your chance
Ahora mismo
Right now, at once
In the open air, outdoors
By chance, at random
A boca llena
Openly, plainly
On board
A buena hora
A buen santo te encomiendas
To bark up the wrong tree
A buen seguro
Certainly, very probably
A cada momento
Continually, frequently
A cada paso
At every turn (or step)
A cada rato
Each time, all the time
A cambio de
In exchange for
A campo raso
In the open
A campo traviesa
A causa de
On account of
A (or de) ciencia cierta
With certainty
A contrapelo
Against the grain
A cuänto(s) estamos?
What is the date?
A deshora(s)
At all hours, unexpectedly; at an untimely moment
A despecho de
In spite of, despite
A duras penas
With great difficulty, hardly, scarcely
Rapidly, at füll speed
A escondidas
On the sly, undercover
A escondidas de
Without the knowledge of
A eso de
At about
A espaldas de
Behind one’s back
A estas alturas
At this point or juncture
A falta de
For want of, lacking
A fin de cuentas
After all, in the final analysis
A fin de que
In order that, so that
Late, towards the end of a period (week, etc.)
A flor de
Flush with
Fully, thoroughly
A fuerza de
By force of, by dint of
On all fours, crawling
Like, in the manner of
On the sly, stealthily
A instancias de
At the request of
A la antigüita
A la buena (mala)
Willingly (unwillingly)
A la buena de Dios
Without malice, without plan, at random
A la carrera
In haste, on the run
A la fuerza
By force
A la larga
In the long run
A la moda
Up to date, in the latest fashion
A la noche
Tonight, at night
A la postre
At last, when all is said and done
A la redonda (or en redondo)
All around, round about
A la sazön
Then, at that time
A la Ventura
Aimlessly, haphazardly, at random
A la verdad
In truth, in earnest, truly
A la vez
Together, at the same time
A la vista de
In piain view of
A la voluntad
At will, as you like
A la vuelta de
Around the corner, on returning
A la vuelta de la esquina
Around the corner
A la vuelta de los aflos
Within a few years
A lado de
A las ciaras
Clearly, openly, frankly, publicly
A las mil maravillas
Beautifully, wonderfully well
A lo largo (de)
Along, alongside of, lengthwise, at füll length
A lo lejos
In the distance
At most, at worst
A lo mejor
Perhaps, maybe
A lo sumo
At most
A los cuatro vientos
In all directions
A los pocos meses
After a few months
A (la) manera de
Like, in the style of
By hand, at hand, handmade
A mar de
A lot of, lots of
A mäs no poder
To the utmost, füll blast
At the very latest
A mäs ver (or hasta mas ver)
A mediados de
About the middle of the (day, week, etc.), during the (week, etc.)
A medida que
As, in Proportion to
A medio Camino
Halfway (to a place)
A medio hacer
Incomplete, half-done
A menos que
A menudo
A merced de
At the mercy (or expense) of
AI cabo (de)
Finally or after
AI caer de la noche
At nightfall
AI centavo
Just right, to the letter
AI contado
AI contrario
On the contrary
AI cuidado de
In care of
AI derecho
Right side out
AI (or en) derredor
AI descubierto
Per day
AI dia siguiente
On the following day
AI filo de (las cinco)
At about (5 o’clock)
At the end, at last
AI fin de cuentas
In any case
AI fin y al cabo
In short, at last, anyway
AI frente de
In front of
AI habla
Within speaking distance; speaking! (in answering a telephone)
AI instante
At once
At one’s side, near at hand, next to
AI menos (or a lo menos)
At least, at the least
AI menudeo (or al por menor)
At retail, in small quantities
AI mismo tiempo
At the same time
AI otro dia
On the following day
AI otro lado de
On the other side of
AI pan, pan y al vino, vino
Call a spade a spade
Perfectly, agreed, just right
AI pie de la letra
Literally, to the letter
AI (or a) poco rato
In a short while, soon after
Now, at present
AI prindpio
At first
AI punto
At once
In the open air
Al (or en) rededor
At hard labor
Backwards, wrong side out, in the opposite way
In the night air
On the bias, diagonally, obliquely
AI soslayo
On the bias, slanting, obliquely
Hit or miss, by guess
AI traves de
Through, throughout
Algo por el estilo
Similar, something of the sort
Algo sordo
Hard of hearing
Rather late
Algün otro
Somebody eise, some other
Alrededor de
Around about, more or less
Alzar el codo
To drink too much
Alla a las quinientas
Once in a blue moon
[Alli esta el toque!
There is the heart of the matter!
Amante de
Fond of
Fond of (friend oO
Amor propio
Self-esteem, pride, vanity
Andar a gatas
To creep, crawl
Andar agitado
To be out of sorts
Andar bien
To keep good time (e.g., a watch), to work well, to be right
Andar (or ir) de parranda (or de fiesta en fiesta)
To go on a spree
Andarse con rodeos
To beat around the bush
Andarse el tiempo
Meantime, as time goes on
Andarse por las ramas
To beat around the bush
Especially, first of all, above all
Antes de que
Antes hoy que maftana
The sooner the better
Antes que
Rather than
Aflo antepasado
Year before last
Ano entrante
Next year
Ano bisiesto
Leap year
Aparte de eso
Besides that, aside from that
Aprender de memoria
To learn by heart
Aprendiz de todo y oficial de nada
Jack of all trades
Aprovechar la ocasiön
To take advantage of the Situation
Around (near) here
Aqui mismo
Right here
Arranque de cölera
Fit of anger
Just as, the same as, as well as
Asi de largo
That long
Asi es que
So that, as soon as
Asi esta bien
This wül do (be OK)
Asi nada mas
Just piain, just as is
So then, therefore
Asi que
So that, as soon as, so, therefore
Asi se hace!
Well done!, Bully for you!
Asi y todo
In spite of that, even so, anyhow
Aträs de
Behind, in back of
Even so
Aun cuando
Even if, even though
Not yet
Ayer mismo
Just yesterday
Ayer por la tarde
Yesterday afternoon
Azotar el aire
To work in vain
Bailar a secas
To dance without music
Baja el radio
Turn down the radio
Bajo techo
Barrios bajos
Beber a pulso
To gulp down
Bien arreglado
Neatly dressed
Bien asado
Well-done (well-cooked)
Bien cocido
Well-done (well-cooked)
Bien me lo merezco
It serves me right
Bien parecido
Bien peinado
Well-groomed, trim
Bien que
Boca abajo
Face down, prone
Face up, supine
Bromas aparte
All joking aside
Buen mozo
Handsome man
Buen provecho!
Good appetite! Enjoy your meal!
Buen rato
Pleasant (or long) time
Buen tipo
Good fellow
Burlarse de
To make fun of
Buscarle tres (cuatro) pies al gato
To look for trouble
Buscar una aguja en un pajar
To look for a needle in a haystack
Cada cual (or cada uno)
Each one
Cada cuanto tiempo?
How often?
Cada dos dias
Every other day
Cada uno
Cada vez menos
Less and less
Caer bien
To fit well, to be becoming, to please
Caer enfermo
To fall ill
Caer en gracia
To please
Caer en la cuenta
To realize, to get the point
Caer mal
To fit badly, displease
Caliente de cascos
Cällate la trompa!
Calle abajo
Down the street
Calle arriba
Up the street
Callejön sin salida
Blind alley, dead end
Cambiar de tema
To change the subject
Caminar con pies de plomo
To go cautiously
Camino de
On the way to, on the road to
Camino trillado
Beaten path
Cara a cara
Face to face
Cara o cruz
Heads or tails
Cargar con
To carry away, assume responsibility
Cargar con el muerto
To get the blame unjustly
Carne de gallina
To marry (someone)
Casi nunca
Hardly ever
Castafletear con los dedos
To snap one’s fingers
Near to, close to
Cerrarse el delo
To become overcast, cloudy
Cifrar la esperanza en
To place one’s hope in
Claro que no
Of course not, certainly not
Claro que si
Of course, naturally
Colmo de la locura
Height of folly
Como a costumbre
At about
Como de costumbre
As usual
Como dijo el otro
As someone said, as the saying
Como Dios manda
According to Hoyle (the rules)
Como en
In about
Como minimo
At least
Como no
Cömo no!
Of course, why not!
Como por ensalmo
As if by magic, in a jiffy
Como que
Since, inasmuch as
Como quiera que
Since, inasmuch as
Como quiera que sea
At any rate
Como si
Como si fuera
As if it were
Como siempre
As usual, lüce always
Como sigue
As follows
Como ultimo recurso
As a last resort
Como una seda
As smooth as silk, soft as silk
Como visita de obispo
Once in a blue moon
Con antidpaciön
In advance
Con delirio
Con el propösito de
With the aim of
Con (or en or por) extremo
Very much, extremely
Con fuerzas para...(la tarea)
Con la lengua de corbata (or con la lengua de pechera)
Out of breath, with tongue hanging out
Con motivo de
With the idea of, because of, on the occasion of, on account of
Con qui cara?
How can I (one) have the nerve?
Con razön!
No wonder!
Con respecto a
With regard to
Con rumbo a
In the direction of
Con tal (de) que
Provided that, so that
Con tiempo
In advance, in good time
Con todo (or con todos) los obstaculos
In spite of that
Conciliar el sueno
To get to sleep
To trust, rely on
Conforme a
In accordance with
Conocer de vista
To know by sight
Consigo mismo
To oneself
Conspirar contra una persona
To frame someone
Consultar con la almohada
To sleep on it
Contar con
To reckon with, rely on, count on
Contra viento y marea
Against all odds, come hell or high water, come what may
Convenirle a uno
To be to one’s advantage
Correr por cuenta de uno
To be one’s own affair, to be up to oneself
Correr riesgo
To take a Chance, to risk
Corrida del tiempo
Swiftness of time
Cortar el hilo
To break the thread of a story, to interrupt
Corto de oido
Hard of hearing
Corto de vista
Cosa de
Approximately, about
Costar trabajo
To be very difficult
Costar un ojo de la cara
To cost an arm and a leg, be very expensive
Cruzarse con
To meet
Cualquier cosa
Anything at all
Cualquiera (or cualesquiera) de los dos
Either of the two
Cuando mas tarde
At the latest
Cuando menos
At least
Cuando quiera
Cuanto antes
As soon as possible
Cuatro letras
A few lines
Cuatro palabras
A few words
Cuento alegre
Spicy story
Cuento chino
Cock and bull story
Cueste lo que cueste
At any cost
Cumplir anos
To have a birthday
Cumplir su palabra
To keep one’s word
Chueco o derecho
Hit or miss, happy-go-lucky
Dado caso
Dado el caso que
Provided that
To face, look towards, give to
Dar a conocer
To make known
Dar a entender
To pretend
Dar alas a
To embolden, give courage
Dar aliento
To encourage
Dar al traste con
To ruin, destroy
Dar al traves con
To ruin, destroy
Dar animo
To cheer up
Dar atenciön
To pay attention
Dar bateria
To raise a rumpus, to work hard
Dar calabazas
To reject, to jilt
To pursue, track down
Dar dma
To complete, carry out
To flauer, play up to, softsoap
Dar cuenta de
To give a report on
Dar de comer
To feed, be fed
Dar disgustos a
To cause distress or grief to
Dar el pesame por
To extend condoiences to or for
Dar el visto bueno
To approve, OK
To hit or to hit upon
Dar en cara
To reproach, blame
Dar en el clavo
To hit the nail on the head
Dar en (or dar con) el chiste
To guess right, hit the nail on the head
Dar en tierra con alguien
To overthrow someone
Dar esquinazo
To “ditch,” avoid meeting
Dar fe de
To vouch for
Dar fin (a)
To complete
Dar gato por liebre
To cheat or swindle
Dar grasa
To polish (shoes)
Dar guerra
To make trouble
Dar la hora
To strike the hour
Dar la lata
To annoy
Dar la mano
To help, shake hands
Dar la noticia
To break the news
Dar la razön
To agree, to be of same opinion
Dar la razön a una persona
To admit a person is right
Dar (or darse) la vuelta
To turn (to turn around)
Dar largas
To postpone or delay, or give someone the run around
Dar las espaldas a
To turn one’s back on
Dar las gracias
To give thanks, to thank
Dar lästima (de)
To arouse pity or sorrow
Dar lo mismo
To make no difference
Dar los recuerdos
To give regards
Dar lugar a
To give cause for
Dar lustre
To polish
Dar marcha atras
To back up
Dar mucha pena
To cause sorrow, to be disconcerting
Dar parte
To inform
Dar pie
To give opportunity (or occasion to)
Dar por
To consider as
Dar por descontado
To take for granted
Dar por hecbo
To take for granted, to consider as done
Dar por sabido
To take for granted
Dar por sentado
To take for granted
Dar por supuesto
To take for granted
Dar prestado
To lend
Dar propina
To tip (give a gratuity)
Dar que hacer
To cause extra work
To anger
Dar razön
To inform, give account
To enhance, emphasize
Dar sepultura
To bury
Dar un paseo
To take a walk or ride
Dar un paseo en barco
To go for a sail
Dar un paso
To take a step
Dar un pisotön
To step hard upon
Dar un portazo
To slam the door
Dar un salto (or dar saltos)
To leap, jump
Dar un traspie
To trip, stumble
Dar un vistazo a
To glance over, peruse
Dar una cita
To make an appoinment
Dar una fiesta
To give (throw) a party
Dar una pasada por
To pass by, walk by
Dar una pisada
To step (stomp) on (upon)
Dar una satisfacciön
To apologize
Dar una vuelta
To take a stroll
Dar uno en la tecla
To hit the nail on the head, find the right way to do something
Darle a uno mala espina
To arouse one’s suspicion
Darle lo mismo
It makes no difference
Darse aires a
To put on airs
Darse cuenta de (que)
To realize (that), to notice
Darse de baja
To drop out
Darse farol
To show off, put on airs
Darse la mano
To shake hands
Darse por vencido (or me doy)
To give up (or I give up)
Darse prisa
To hurry
Darse tono
To put on airs
Darse un tropezön
To trip, stumble
Darse un encontrön
To collide with, bump into each other
Darse un resbalön
To slip
Darselas de
To pose as
De acuerdo con
In accordance with
De ahi en adelante
From then on
De ahi que
De ahora en adelante
From now on, in the future
De algün modo
De algün tiempo para acä
For some time now
De alguna manera
De arriba abajo
From top to bottom
De aquel tiempo en adelante
From that time on
De aqui en adelante
From now on
De aqui para allä
To and fro, back and forth
Jokingly, in jest
De buen tomo y lomo
Bulky, important
De buen tono
In good taste, stylish
De buen ver
De buena cepa
Of good stock or quality
De buena fe
In good faith
De buena gana (or de buen grado)
Willingly, gladly
De buena ley
Of good quality
De buenas a primeras
All of a sudden, unexpectedly, on the spur of the moment
De burla
In jest
De cabo a rabo
From beginning to end
De camino (or de Camino real)
On the way
On edge
High rank, important, proud
Without stopping
De cualquier modo
At any rate
De cuando en cuando
Sometimes, occasionally
By day, before dark
De dientes afuera
De dönde!
De dos caras
De dos en dos
By twos, two by two
De dos sentidos
De ese modo (or de esa manera)
In that way
De espaldas
On one’s back, supine
De este modo (or de esta manera)
In this way
De etiqueta
De grado en grado
By degrees
In fact
Without stopping
De hoy en adelante
From now on
De hoy en ocho dias
One week from today
De hoy en quince dias
Two weeks from today
De improviso
Tilted, oblique, sideways
De la noche a la manana
De lejos
From a distance
De lo contrario
If not, otherwise
De lo lindo
Wonderfully, very much, to the utmost
De mal en peor
From bad to worse
De mal grado
Reluctantly, unwillingly
De mal gusto
In poor taste
De mal temple
In a bad humor
De mala fe
In bad faith, deceitfully
De mala gana
De mala suerte
De manera que
So that
Of excellent quality
De memoria
By heart
In vogue, stylish
De modo que
So what?, so that, and so
De momento
For the time being
Don’t mention it; you’re welcome
De ningün modo
By no means
[De ninguna manera!
By no means!, I should say not!
De noche
By (at) night
De nuevo
Again, once again
Reduced price, a bargain
De (or al) oido
De oidos
Rumor, hearsay
De ordinario
Ordinary, usual
De otro modo
De palabra
By word of mouth
De par en par
Wide open
De parte a parte
Through, from one side to the other
De parte de
On behalf of, in favor of
In passing, at the same time, by the way, in transit
To boot, besides, in addition
De poca monta
Of little value or importance
In small amounts
Separately, by itself
De pronto
At once, suddenly
De propösito
On purpose
De puntillas (or de puntas)
On tiptoes
De punto
By the minute
De pura casualidad
By pure chance
On the rebound, indirectly
De relieve
In relief, outstanding, prominent
Absolutely, without remedy
De repente
Suddenly, all of a sudden
De repuesto
Spare, extra
De resultas
As a result, consequently
De rigor
A “must,” itmust
On one’s knees
Continuously, without interruption
De segunda mano
For certain, for sure
De sobra
More than enough, unnecessary
De sol a sol
Sunrise to sunset
De soslayo
Slanting, sideways
De subida
On the way up
De subito
De suerte que
So that, and so, in such a way
De su (propia) cosecha
Of one’s own making or invention
Naturally, by nature
De tarde en tarde
From time to time, now and then, once in a blue moon
De tejas abajo
Here below, in this world
De todas maneras
Anyway, at any rate
De todos modos
At any rate, in any case, anyhow, by all means
De transito
In transit, on the way, passing through
De traves
De un golpe
All at once
De un modo u otro
Somehow, in some way or other
De un momento a otro
At any moment
De un salto
De un solo sentido
One way (e.g., one-way street)
De un tir6n
All at once
De una pieza
Solid, of one piece
De una tirada
All at once, in one feil swoop
De una vez
At once, at one time, at one stroke, once and for all
De una vez por todas
Once and for all
De uno en uno
One at a time
De veras (De veras?)
Really, in truth, in earnest (really?, is that so?)
De verdad (,De verdad?)
Truly, truthfully (really?, is that so?)
De vez en cuando
Now and then, occasionally
De vicio
As a (bad) habit
De viva voz
By word of mouth
De (buena) voluntad
Willingly, with pleasure
De vuelta
Debajo de
Under, beneath
Debe de ser
It must be, it probably is
Decir para si
To say to one’s seif
Decir para su coleto (or capote)
To say to one’s seif
Dejar a uno plantado
To “stand someone up,” leave
someone in the lurch
Dejar caer
To drop
Dejar de
To stop
Dejar de asistir
To drop out
Dejar de la mano
To leave, abandon
Dejar dicho
To leave word
Dejar en las astas del toro
To leave in the lurch
Dejar en paz
To let be, to leave alone
Dejar saber
To let on, pretend
Dejar tranquilo
To leave alone
Dejarse de cuentos
Come to the point, stop beating around the bush
Dejarse de rodeos
Stop the excuses, stop beating around the bush
Del mismo modo
Of the same sort, in the same way
Del pröximo pasado
Of last month
Wholly, at all
Delante de
In front of
Dentro de
Inside of, within
Dentro de poco
In a little while
Dentro de un momento
In a Short time
Dentro de una semana
Within a week
Desayunarse con la noticia
To hear a piece of news early or for the first time
Descabezar el sueno
To take a nap
Desde ahora
From now on
Desde el principio
All along, from the beginning
Desde entonces
Since then, ever since
Desde hace
Dating from, over a period of...
Desde lejos
From a distance, from afar
Desde luego
Actually, of course, at once
Desde que
Desde un principio
From the beginning
Desempenar un papel
To play a part
Despedirse de
To say goodbye to
Despues de eso
Despues de todo
After all
Detras de
Behind, in back of
Devanarse los sesos
To rack one’s brain
Dia de raya
Dia de semana (or dia de trabajo)
Dia habil
Weekday, workday
Dia tras dia
Day after day
Dias de antano
Days of old
Dias de semana
Dicho y hecho
Sure enough, no sooner said than done
Dificultar el paso
To obstruct, impede
Well worth it
Digno de confianza
Reliable, trustworthy
Dinero contante y sonante
Ready (or hard) cash
Dinero menudo
Change (re money)
Doblar a la esquina
To turn the corner
Dolerle a uno la garganta
To have a sore throat
Dolor de cabeza
Donde no
Otherwise, if not
Dondequiera que (or por dondequiera que)
Dormir a pierna suelta
To sleep soundly
Dormir la mona
To sleep it off
Dormir la siesta
To take an afternoon nap
Echar a correr (or echarse a correr)
To begin running (to run away)
Echar(se) a perder
To spoil, to ruin
Echar a pique
To sink
Echar al olvido
To forget on purpose
Echar de menos
To miss
Echar de ver
To notice, to observe
Echar en cara
To reproach, blame
Echar espumarajos
To froth at the mouth, to be very angry
Echar flores
To throw bouquets, to flauer, to compliment
Echar la casa por la ventana
To spare no expense, squander everything
Echar la culpa a
To blame
Echar la garra
To arrest, grab
Echar la llave
To lock the door
Echar la una
To steal
Echar la zarpa
To grasp, to seize
Echar lefla al fuego
To add fuel to the fire
Echar mano
To seize
Echar pajas
To draw lots
Echar papas
Echar por tierra
To knock down, demolish
Echar raices
To take root, become firmly fixed
Echar suertes
To draw lots
Echar un piropo
To compliment, flatter
Echar un suefto
To take a nap
Echar (or soltar) un terno
To say a bad word, to swear, curse
Echar un trago
To take a drink
Echar una cana al aire
To go out for a good time or fling
Echar (una carta) al correo
To mail (a letter)
Echar una siesta
To take a nap
Echarle la bendiciön a una cosa
To give something up for lost
Echarse a
To begin to (do something)
Echarse al coleto
To drink down, devour •
Echarse para aträs
To back out, go back on one’s word
El caso es
The fact is
El comün de las gentes
The majority of the people, the average person
El cuento del tio
Deceitful story told to get money
The one with
El dia menos pensado
When least expected, unexpectedly
El gusto es mio
The pleasure is mine
El mäs reciente
The latter
El mismisimo hombre
The very man
El mismo que (or lo mismo que)
The same as
El pro y el contra
Pro and con
El que
The one who, the one which
El sol poniente
The setting sun
El tren llegö con (x) minutos de retraso
The train was (x) minutes late
El uno al otro
Each other
El uno o el otro (or uno u otro)
Either, one or the other
Empenar la palabra
To promise, pledge
Empinar el codo
To drink (too much)
En abonos
On installments
En absoluta
Absolutely (not)
En adelante
In the future, from now on
En alguna otra parte
Somewhere eise
En alguna parte
En ambos casos
In either case
En aquel tiempo (en aquel entonces)
At that time, in those days
En balde
En breve
En broma
In jest, asajoke
En buen romance
In piain language
En cambio
On the other hand
At home, indoors
En caso afirmativo
En caso de
In the event of
En caso de que
In case of (that)
En concreto
Concretely, to sum up
En conformidad con
In compliance with
En conjunto
As a whole
En contra de
Against, opposed to
En cualquier caso
En cuanto
As soon as
En cuanto a
As for, with regard to
En curso
In progress
En descubierto
Uncovered, unpaid
En dias pasados
In days gone by
En efecto
In fact, indeed, really
En el acto
Right away, at once
En el extranjero
Abroad, out of the country
En el fondo
At bottom, at heart, in substance
En el momento preciso
In the nick of time
En el quinto infierno (or los quintos infiernos)
Very far away
En el sigilo (or silencio) de la noche
In the dead of the night
En especial
Especially, in particular
En espera de
En fecha a pröxima
At an early date
In Short, finally, in conclusion
En fragante
In the act
En grande
On a large scale
En grueso
In bulk, by wholesale
En junto (or en conjunto)
All together, in all
En la actualidad
At the present time
En libertad
En lo futuro
In the future
En lo mäs crudo del invierno
In the dead of winter
En lo sucesivo
Hereafter, in future
En lontananza
In the distance, in the background
En lugar de
Instead of, in place of
En manga de camisa
In shirtsleeves
En marcha
In progress
En muchos puntos
In many respects
En (or a) ninguna parte
En obsequio de
In honor of, for the sake of
En otros terminos
In other words
En parte
En particular
En pleno dia
In broad daylight
En pleno rostro (or en plena cara)
Right on the face
En poder de
In the hands of
En prenda de
As proof of, as a pledge
En pro de
On behalf of
En pro y en contra
For and against
En punto
On the dot, sharp
En rama
Crude, raw
En realidad
As a matter of fact
En regia
In order
En resoluciön
In brief
En resumen
Summing up, in brief
En resumidas cuentas
In short, after all
En rigor
In fact, in reality
En rueda
In turn, in a circle
En salvo
In safety, out of danger
En sazön
Ripe, in season
En secreto
En seguida
At once, right now
En senal de
In proof of, in token of
En suenos
In one’s sleep
En tal caso
In such a case
En tanto que
En todas partes
En todo caso
In any event
En un credo
In a jiffy, in a minute
En un chiflido
In a jiffy, in a second
En un improviso
In a moment
En un salto
En un santiamen
Instantly, in the twinkling of an eye
En un soplo
In a jiffy, in a second
En vela
On watch, without sleep
En verdad
Really, truly
En vez de
Instead of
En vigor
In force, in effect
En vista de que
Since, in view of
En voz alta
Aloud, loud voice
En voz baja
In a low voice, whispering
Encargarse de
To take Charge of
Encima de
On, upon
Encogerse de hombros
To shrug one’s Shoulders
Encontrarse con
To come across, to meet
Enfrentarse con
To confront, meet face to face
Enredarse con
To have an affair with
Entablar una conversaciön
To start a conversation
Entre azul y buenas noches
Undecided, on the fence
Entre bastidores
Behind the scenes, offstage
Entre la espada y la pared
Between the devil and the deep blue sea
Entre parentesis
By the way
Entre semana
During the week
Entre tanto
Meanwhile, all the while, at the same time
It’s true
That is to say, in other words
Es (la) hora de (partir)
It is time for, it is time to (go)
Es lo de menos
It makes no difference, that’s the least of the trouble
Eso corre prisa
That is urgent
Eso es
That is it, that’s right
Eso es el colmo!
That is the limit!
Eso es harina de otro costal
That’s a horse of a different color
Eso estriba en que
The basis for it is that
Eso no tiene quite
That can’t be helped
That was (or is) true
Esperar en alguien
To place hope (or confidence) in someone
Esperar todo el santo dia
To wait the whole blessed day
Estä de mäs
It is unnecessary, superfluous
Estä por hacer
It is yet to be done
Estamos a mano
We are even, quits
Estar a buen recaudo
To be safe
Estar a cargo de
To be in Charge of
Estar a gusto
To be contented or comfortable
Estar a la altura de
To be equal to (a task)
Estar a la mira de
To be alert for, on the lookout for
Estar a punto de
To be about to
Estar al cabo de
To be well-informed, up-to-date
Estar al corriente de
To be informed, to be up-to-date
Estar afecto a
To be fond of
Estar afilando con (or afilar con)
To flirt with
Estar (or ponerse) ancho
To swell with pride
Estar arreglado
To be in order
Estar bien
To be all right, OK. Ex.: Estä bien. (It is) all right, (it’s) OK
Estar bien de salud
To be in good health
Estar bruja
To be broke
Estar con el agua al cuello
To be in big trouble
Estar de acuerdo
To agree
Estar de böte en böte
To be crowded, be completely filled up
Estar de buen humor (or de buen genio)
To be in a good mood
Estar de conformidad con
To be in compliance with
Estar de duelo
To mourn, be in mourning
Estar de luto
To be in mourning
Estar de malas
To be out of luck
Estar de mal humor (or de mal genio)
To be in a bad mood
Estar (or quedar) de non
To be left alone, without a partner or companion
Estar de paso
To be passing through
Estar de prisa
To be in a hurry
Estar de regreso
To be back
Estar de sobra
To be in the way
Estar de turno
To be on duty
Estar de vacaciones
To be on vacation
Estar de (or estar en) vena (para)
To be in the mood (for)
Estar de venta
To be on sale
Estar de viaje
To be traveling, on the road
Estar de vuelta
To be back
Estar desahogado
To be well off
Estar dispuesto
To be willing
Estar en buen uso
To be in good condition (re a thing)
Estar en Camino
To be on the way
Estar en curso
To be going on, be under way
Estar en las mismas
To be in the same boat
Estar en las nubes
To daydream
Estar en las ültimas
To be on one’s last legs, to be at the end of one’s rope, out of resources
Estar en panales
To be in infancy, to possess scant knowledge
Estar en peligro
To be in danger
Estar en pugna con
To be opposed to, to be in conflict with, to be against
Estar en todo
To have a finger in everything
Estar en un aprieto
To be in a jam, to be in trouble
Estar en un error
To be wrong, to be mistaken
Estar encargado de
To have Charge of, to be in Charge of
Estar entre la espada y la pared
To be between the devil and the deep blue sea
Estar (or andar) escaso de dinero
To be just about out of money, be short of money
Estar fuera de la casa
To be out of the house, away from home
Estar fuera de la ley
To be against the law
Estar harto de
To be fed up with
Estar hasta los topes
To be filled up
Estar hecho un costal de huesos
To be very thin, nothing but skin and bones
Estar hecho una sopa
To be sopping wet, soaked through
Estar mal templado
To be in a bad humor
Estar muy metido en
To be deeply involved in
Estar para
To be about to
Estar peor que antes
To be worse off
Estar por
To be in favor of
Estar ras con ras
To be flush, perfectly even
Estar regulär
To feel OK
Estar salado
To be unlucky; to be witty, salty
Estar sobre si (...sobre aviso)
To be on the alert, cautious
Estar torcido con
To be on unfriendly terms with
Estar uno en sus cabales
To be in one’s right mind
Estar uno hasta el copete
To be stuffed, fed up
Estar uno hasta la coronilla
To be fed up, satisfied
Estarse parado
To stand still
Estirar la pata
Estrechar la mano (a)
To shake hands, grasp (or squeeze) a hand
Explicar una catedra
To teach a course
Falta de conocimientos
Lack of Instructions
Falta de saber
Lack of Instructions
Faltar a clase
To cut class
Faltar a su palabra
To break one’s word
Faltar poco
To be almost time
Faltarie a uno un tornillo
To have little sense, “to have a screw loose”
Fijarse en
To notice, pay attention to
Formar parte de
To be a part (or member) of
Forzar la entrada
To break into
Frente a
In front of
Fruncir el ceflo
To frown, scowl
Fruncir el entrecejo
To wrinkle one’s brow
Fruncir las cejas
To frown, knit the eyebrows
Fuera de broma
All joking aside
Fuera de lo corriente
Unusual, out of the ordinary
Fuera de propösito
Fuera de si
Beside oneself
Ganar para comer
To earn a living
Ganar tiempo
To save time
Ganarse la vida
To make one’s living
Gente de baja estofa
Low-class people, rabble
Guardar cama
To stay in bed, to be confined in bed
Guardar rencor
To bear or hold a grudge
Guardar silencio
To keep silent
Gusano de la conciencia
Habia una vez (or erase que se era; erase una vez; y va de cuento)
Once upon a time
Hablar al alma
To speak frankly
Hablar al caso
To speak to the point, or in piain language
Hablar alto (or en voz alta)
To speak loudly
Hablar en secreto
To whisper
Hablar para sus adentros
To talk to oneself
Hablar por los codos
To talk too much, chatter constantly
Hace (dos, tres, etc.) anos
(Two, three, etc.) years ago
Hace buen (mal) tiempo
It is good (bad) weather
Hace caso omiso
It (he, etc.) ignores
Hace mucho que no (juego, etc.)
It’s been a long time since (I played, etc.)
Hace mucho tiempo
Long ago
Hacer alto
To stop
Hacer arreglos
To make arrangements
Hacer buen papel
To make a good showing
Hacer burla de
To make fun of
Hacer caso a (or hacer caso de)
To take into account, pay attention to
Hacer caso omiso de
To ignore
Hacer cocos
To make eyes at, flirt
Hacer cola
To form a line, wait in line
Hacer como si
To act as if
Hacer cuco a
To fool, make fun of
Hacer de
To act as
Hacer de nuevo
To do again, to do over
Hacer deducciones precipitadas
To jump to conclusions
Hacer destacar
To emphasize
Hacer ejercicio
To take exercise
Hacer el favor de
Hacer el (or hacer un) papel
To play a role
Hacer el ridiculo
To be ridiculous, act a fool
Hacer escala (en)
To stop over at
Hacer falta
To lack, be in need of
Hacer favoritismos en prejuicio de
To discriminate against
Hacer frente (a)
To face
Hacer gala de
To boast of
Hacer garras
To tear to pieces
Hacer gestos
To make faces at
Hacer gracia
To amuse, to make laugh
Hacer juego
To match
Hacer la corte
To court, woo
Hacer la zanguanga
To feign illness
Hacer las maletas
To pack, get ready to leave
Hacer las paces
To make up after a quarrel
Hacer lo posible
To do one’s best
Hacer mal papel
To make a poor showing
Hacer mala obra
To hinder, interfere
Hacer mella
To make a dent or impression, to cause pain or worry
Hacer memoria
To remember, recollect
Hacer muecas
To make faces
Hacer otra vez
To do over
Hacer pedazos
To break into pieces
Hacer pinta
To play hooky, cut class
Hacer por escrito
To put in writing
Hacer preguntas (or hacer una pregunta)
To ask questions, to ask a question
Hacer presa
To seize
Hacer puente
To take a long weekend
Hacer rajas
To slice, to tear or cut into Strips
Hacer rostro
To face
Hacer rumbo a
To head (or sail) towards
Hacer sombra
To shade, cast a shadow
Hacer su agosto
To make hay while the sun shines
Hacer teatro
To show off
Hacer trizas
To tear to pieces, to shred
Hacer un pedido
To place an order
Hacer un trato
To make a deal
Hacer un viaje
To go on a journey
Hacer una mala jugada
To play a mean trick
Hacer una perrada
To play a mean trick
Hacer una plancha
To make a ridiculous blunder
Hacer una visita
To pay a visit
Hacer vida
To live together
Hacerle dano a uno
To hurt or härm someone
To get used to
Hacerse a la derecha
To pull over to the right
Hacerse a un lado
To step aside, move over
Hacerse amigo
To make friends with
Hacerse cargo
To take Charge, to be responsible for
Hacerse de rogar
To be coaxed, to let oneself (or want to) be coaxed
Hacerse dura
To resist stubbornly
Hacerse el desentendido
To pretend not to notice
Hacerse el sordo
To pretend not to hear, turn a deaf ear
Hacerse el tonto
To play dumb, to act the fool
Hacerse entender
To make oneself understood
Hacerse ilusiones
To fool oneself
Hacerse noche
To grow late, get late in the evening
Hacerse tarde
To get late
Hacerse un lio
To get tangled up, become confused
Hacerse uno rajas
To wear oneself out
Hacia adelante
Hacia atras
Hasta aqui (or hasta ahi)
Up to now, so far
Hasta cierto punto
In a way, up to a point
Hasta dönde?
How far?
Hasta mas no poder
To the limit, utmost
Hasta el tope
Up to the top
Hasta la fecha
Up to date, up to now
Hasta que
Hasta que se llene
Until füll
Hay gato encerrado
There is more than meets the eye
Hay moros en la costa
Something is wrong; the coast is not clear; little pitchers have big ears
Hay que
One must, it is necessary to
He aqui
Behold, hereis...
Hecho y derecho
Mature, full-fledged, grown up
Hincarse de rodillas
To kneel down
Hoy (en) dia
Ida y vuelta
Round trip
Idas y venidas
Comings and goings
Igual que
The same as
Impedir el paso
To block the door, to obstruct the way tmpetu de ira Fit of anger
Inaplicable al caso
Incurrir en el odio de
To incur the hatred of
Incurrir en un error
To fall into (or commit) an error
Ingresar en
To join (a club, etc.)
Ir a caballo
To ride horseback
Ir a medias (or ir a la mitad)
To go halves (50-50)
Ir a pie
To walk, to go on foot
Ir al centro
To go downtown
Ir al grano
To get down to cases, come to the point
Ir corriendo
To be running
Ir de compras
To go Shopping
To go on a spree
Ir de pesca
To go Hshing
Ir de vacaciones
To go on vacation
Ir del brazo
To go arm in arm
Ir entendiendo
To begin to understand
Ir para atras
To back up
Irse (or andar) a la deriva
To drift, be adrift
Irse abajo
To fall down
Juego de palabras
Pun, play on words
Juego limpio
Fair play
Juego sucio
Foul play
Jugar limpio
To play fair
Jugarle una mala partida
To play a bad trick on one
Junto a
Near to, or next to
Junto con
With, along with
La comidilla de la vedndad
La cosa no cuajö
The thing did not jell (or work well)
La cuestiön palpitante
The burning question
La gota que derrama el vaso
The last straw, the straw that broke the camel’s back
La mayoria (de)
The majority (of). most of
La mayor parte (de)
The majority (of), most of
La mera idea de
The very thought of
La mera verdad
The real truth
La rutina diaria
The daily grind
La verdad clara y desnuda
The whole truth, the piain and simple truth
Lado flaco
Weak side
Largas uflas
A thief
Largo de aqui!
Get out of here!
Largos aflos
A long time, many years
Lavarse las manos de
To wash one’s hands of
Levantar a pulso
To lift (something heavy) with the hand
Levantar la mesa
To clear the table
Levantarse de malas (or levantarse con las malas, or levantarse con el santo de espaldas)
To get up on (or out of) the wrong side of the bed
Ligero de cascos (or alegre de cascos)
Limpio de polvo y paja
Net, entirely free, clear profit
Lo antes posible
The earliest possible
Lo de menos
Of little importance, the least ofit
Lo expuesto
What has been said
Lo mas pronto posible
As soon as possible
Lo menos posible
As little as possible
Lo mismo da
It makes no difference
That which
Lo que hizo
Which caused
Lo reci£n Uegado
A new arrival
Lo siento mucho
I’m very sorry
Loco de remate
Stark raving mad
Los (las) demäs
The others, the rest of them
Those which, those who, the ones
Luego que
As soon as
Llamar al pan pan, y al vino vino
Call a spade a spade
Llamar por telefono
To call on the telephone
Llegar a saber
To come to know
Llegar a ser
To become, to get to be
Llenar un vacio
To bridge a gap
Lleno de böte en böte
Füll to the brim
Llevar a cabo
To carry through, to accomplish
Llevar a efecto
To carry out
Llevar cuentas
To keep accounts
Llevar el compas
To beat time
Llevar la contra
To oppose, to object to
Llevar la cuenta (or llevar cuenta de)
To keep track of
Llevar puesto
To wear
Llevar ventaja
To have the lead, to be ahead
Llevarse adelante
To carry out
Llevarse bien (con)
To get along well with
Llevarse un chasco
To be disappointed
Llover a cäntaros
To rain cats and dogs (pitchforks)
Llover sobre mojado
To come one after another (bad luck, misfortune)
Mal genio
Bad temper
Mal mandado (or muy mandado)
Mal sufrido
Malas tretas
Bad tricks, bad habits
Mandar una bofetada
To slap
Mandar una pedrada
To throw a stone
Manana Dios dira
Tomorrow is another day
Manana por la manana (temprano)
Tomorrow morning (early)
Manana por la noche
Tomorrow night
Mafiana por la tarde
Tomorrow afternoon
Mas aca
Mas acä de
This side of, before you get to
Mas adelante
Farther on, later on
Mas ahorita
Right now
Mas alla (de)
Beyond, farther away
Furthermore, what is more
Mas bien
Mas bien que
Rather than
Mas de
More than
Mas de una vez
More than once
Mas pesado que una mosca
Pesky as a fly
Mas que
More than
Mas que nadie
More than anyone
Mas que nunca
More than ever
Mas vale...
Itis better...
Mas vale tarde que nunca
Better late than never
Matar dos pajaros de un tiro
To kill two birds with one stone
Matar el gusano
To satisfy a need or desire (hunger, etc.)
Me entrö miedo
I became afraid
Me hace falta
I need it
Me lloran los ojos
My eyes water
Media cuchara
A mediocre person
Medio sordo
Hard of hearing
Medir las calles
To walk the streets, be out of a job
Mejor dicho
Better yet, rather
Memoria de gallo
Poor memory
Menor de edad
A minor (person)
Menos de (or menos que)
Less than
Menos mal
At least
Merecer la pena
To be worthwhile
Meter la pata
To put one’s foot in one’s mouth
Meterse con
To pick a quarrel or fight with
Meterse de por medio
To intervene, meddle in a dispute
Meterse en un lio
To get oneself in a mess
Mientras mäs... menos
The more...the less...
Mientras tanto
Mil gracias
A thousand thanks
Mirada de soslayo
Side glance
Mirar con el rabo del ojo
To look out of the corner of one’s eye
Mirar por alguien
To take care of someone
Mirar por encima
To glance at
Mirar por encima del hombro
To look down on; despise
Molestarse en (con)
To bother about
Muchas subidas y bajadas
Many ups and downs, much going up and down
Mudar de casa
To move (change residence)
Muy a menudo
Very often
Muy de manana
Very early in the morning
Muy trabajador
Nacer de pie (or pies)
To be born lucky
Nada de eso
Nothing like that
Nada de particular
Nothing unusual
Nada en absoluto
Nothing at all
Nada mäs
Just, only
Negarse a (contestar)
To refuse to (answer)
Ni con mucho
Not by far, not by a long shot, far from
Ni esto ni aquello
Neither this nor that
Ni mucho menos
Not by any means, not anything like it
Ni siquiera
Not even, even though
Ni yo tampoco
Nor I either
Ningün otro
Nobody eise
No cabe duda (que)
There is no doubt (that)
No caer bien
To displease, (with direct object) not to fit well
No da abasto a
To be unable to cope with
No dar pie con bola
To make a mistake, not to get things right
No darse cuenta
Not to realize
No despegar los labios
Not to say a word, not to open one’s mouth
No diga!
Is that so? You don’t say!
No es asunto mio (suyo, etc.)
It’s none of my (your, etc.) business
No es mucho que
It is no wonder that
No estar de humor
To be out of sorts, not in a laughing mood
No estoy de acuerdo
I disagree
No faltaba mäs!
That’s the last straw! Why, the very idea!
No hallar vado
To find no way out
No hay de que
You’re welcome; don’t mention it
No hay mäs remedio que
There’s no other way but to; there’s nothing to do except
No hay para que
There’s no need to
No hay prisa
There’s no hurry
No hay que darle vueltas
There’s no way around it; there are no two ways about it
No importa!
No irle ni venirle a uno
To make no difference to one
No le hace
It doesn’t matter, it makes no difference
No mäs que
No le haga caso
Pay no attention to him
No me da la gana
I don’t want to
No nos debemos nada
We are even (quits)
No obstante
Not with standing, never the less
No pararse en pelillos
Not to bother about trifles
No poder con
Not to be able to stand, endure, control, carry
No poder con la carga
Not to be able to lift the load, not equal to the bürden
No poder mäs
To be exhausted, “all in”
No poder menos de
Not to be able to help... Ex.: No puede menos de hacerlo; he can’t help doing it
No quedar otro recurso
No way out, no alternative
No querer hacerlo
To be unwilling to do it
No saber ni papa (de eso)
To know absolutely nothing (about that)
No saber una (or ni) jota
Not to know anything
No se de usted prisa
Don’t hurry
;No se ocupe!
Never mind! Don’t worry!
No se preocupe usted!
Don’t worry!
No se trata de eso
That’s not the point; that’s not the question
Or eise, because
No ser cosa de juego
Not to be a laughing matter
No ser ni chicha ni limonada
To be worthless, neither fish nor fowl
No servir para nada
To be good for nothing
No sölo...sino tambien
Not only...but also
No tan a menudo
Not so often
No tener alternativa (or elecciön)
To have no alternative, no way out
No tener entranas
To be cruel
No tener nada que ver con
To have nothing to do with
No tener pelillos en la lengua
To speak frankly
No tener razön
To be wrong
No tener remedio
To be beyond help or repair
No tener sal en la mollera
To be dull, stupid
No tenga usted cuidado
Don’t worry about it; forget it
No tiene remedio
It can’t be helped; it is hopeless
No tiene vuelta de hoja
There’s no two ways about it
No vale la pena
It’s not worthwhile
No vale un pito
Not worth a straw
No vale una cuartilla
Not worth a penny
No ver la hora de
To be anxious to
No viene al cuento (or no viene alcaso)
It is not opportune, or to the point
That is to say
Oir decir que
To hear that
Oir hablar de
To hear about
To smell like
Optar por
To choose, decide upon
Otra, otra!
Otra vez
Pagado de si mismo
To be pleased with oneself
Pagar el pato
To be the scapegoat, get the blame
Pagarse de
To be proud of, or boast of
Palabrita de honor!
Word of honor, honestly; no kidding?
Para mis adentros
To myself
Para que
In order that
Para que?
What for? For what use?
Para (or por) siempre (+ jamäs)
Forever (forever and ever)
Para todos lados
To right and left, on all sides
Para unos fines u otros
For one purpose or another
Para variar
For a change
Parar en seco
To stop short or suddenly
Parar mientes en
To consider, reflect on
Pararse en pelillos
To split hairs
Parece mentira
It seems to be impossible
Pareddo a
Like, similar to
Pasado de moda
Out of style, out of date
Pasado maftana
Day after tomorrow
Pasar a mejor vida
Pasar como un relampago
To flash by
Pasar de la raya
To overstep bounds, take undue liberties
Pasar de moda
To go out of style
Pasar el rato
To while away time
Pasar la noche en claro (or en blanco)
Not to sleep a wink
Pasar lista
To call the roll
Pasar por alto
To omit, overlook
Pasar revista a
To review, to go over carefully
Pasar un buen rato
To have a good time
Pasarse sin
To do without
Pasear a pie
To take a walk
Pasear en coche
To go for a drive (by auto)
Pata de gallo
Crow’s foot wrinkles
Patas arriba
Upside down
Pecar de bueno
To be too good
Pecar de oscuro
To be very unclear, too complicated
Pedir prestado
To borrow
Pegar de soslayo
To glance, to hit at a slant
Pegar fuego
To set afire
Pegar un chasco
To play a trick, surprise, disappoint
Pegar un salto
To take a jump
Pegar un susto
To give a scare
Pensar en
To intend, to think about
Worse than
Peor que peor
That is even worse
Perder cuidado
Not to worry
Perder de vista
To lose sight of
Perder eljuicio
To lose one’s mind, go crazy
Perder el tiempo
To lose time
Perder la razön
To lose one’s mind
Perder la vista
To go blind
Perder prestigjo
To lose face
Perderse de vista
To vanish, to be lost from view, to drop out of sight
Pesarle a uno
To be sorry for someone, to regret
To dabble in
Picar muy alto
To aim very high
(X) Pies de altura (or de alto)
(X) Feet tall
(X) Pies de largo
(X) Feet long
Pillar una mona
To get drunk
Pintar venado
To play hooky
Pintarle un violin
To break one’s word
Planchar el asiento
To be a wallflower
Not much
Gradually, little by little
Poco despues (de)
Shortly thereafter
Poco para las (tres)
To be nearly (3) o’clock
Poco rato
Very soon
Poner a buen recaudo
To place in safety
Poner adelantado
To set forward (e.g., a clock)
Poner al corriente
To inform, to bring up to date
Poner casa
To set up housekeeping
Poner defectos
To find fault with
Poner el grito en el cielo
To complain loudly, to “hit the ceiling”
Poner en claro
To clear up, to clarify
Poner en conocimiento
To inform
Poner en duda
To question, to doubt
Poner en el cielo
To praise, extol
Poner enjuego
To set in motion, to coordinate
Poner en limpio
To make a clean copy, to recopy
Poner en marcha
To get going
Poner en razön
To pacify
Poner en ridiculo
To humiliate, make a fool of
Poner faltas
To find fault with
Poner la luz, (el radio, etc.)
To turn on the light (radio, etc.)
Poner la mesa
To set the table
Poner la mira
To fix one’s eyes on, aim at
Poner por las nubes
To praise to the skies
Poner por obra
To undertake, put into practice
Poner todo de su parte
To do one’s best
Poner una queja
To file a complaint
Ponerse a
To begin, start
Ponerse bien
To get well
Ponerse Colorado
To blush
Ponerse de acuerdo
To come to an agreement
Ponerse de pie
To get to one’s feet
Ponerse de rodillas
To kneel
Ponerse duro
To resist stubbornly
Ponerse en
To reach
Ponerse en Camino
To set out (on a trip, etc.)
Ponerse en contra de
To oppose, be against
Ponerse en marcha
To start, Start out
Ponerse en pie
To get up, or rise
Por acä (or por aqui)
This way, over here
Por accidente
By accident
Por adelantado
In advance
Por ahi (or por alla)
Over there, about that
Por ahora
For the time being, for now
Por algo
For some reason; that’s why
Por all!
That way
Por amor de
For the sake of
Por aqui
This way
Por aqui cerca
Around here, in this vicinity
Por arriba
Por casualidad
By chance, by accident
Por completo
Por (or en) consecuencia de
Therefore, consequently
Por consiguiente
Consequently, therefore
Por de (or por lo) pronto
For the present
Por delante
Por dentro
On the inside
Por desgracia
Por despecho
Out of spite
Por detras
From the rear
Por dia
By the day
Por dönde?
Where, through, which? Which way?
Por el estilo
Such as that, ofthat kind
Por el (or por la or por lo) presente
For the present
Por encima de
On top of
Por encima de todo
Above all
Por ende
Hence, therefore
Por entre
Among, between
Por esa razön
For that reason, that is why
Por escrito
In writing
For that reason, therefore
Por extenso
In detail, at length
Por favor
At last, finally
Por fuera
From the outside, on the outside
Por hoy
At present
Por instantes
Continually, moment to moment
Por la manana (or por la tarde, etc.)
In the morning (afternoon, etc.)
Por la mitad
In half, in the middle
Por la noche (or en la noche)
At night, in the evening
Por las buenas o por las malas
Whether one likes it or not
Por las nubes
Por lo comün
Por lo cual
Por lo demäs
Moreover, as for the rest (of us), aside from this
Por lo general
Usually, generally
Por lo menos
At least
Por lo pronto
For the time being
Por lo regulär
Usually, as a rule
Por lo que
Because of which
Por lo que pueda tronar
Just in case
Por lo tanto
Por lo visto
Apparently, by the looks of, evidently
Por mas que
However much
Por medio de
By means of
Por menudo
In detail, retail
Por mi parte
As far as Pm concerned
Por motivo
On account of
Por mucho que
No matter how much
Por ningün lado
Por ningün motivo
Under no circumstances, no matter what
Por otra parte
On the other hand
Por otro lado
On the other hand (or side)
Almost, nearly. Ex.: Por poco se muere; he almost died
Por primera vez
For the first time
Por que?
Por rareza
Por regia general
Äs a general rule, usually
Por separado
Por si acaso
In case, just in case
Por si solo
By oneself
Por su cuenta
All by himself (oneself)
Por su mano
By oneself
Por supuesto
Of course
Por termino medio
On an average
Por (or a or en) todas partes
All over, everywhere
Por toda suerte de penalidades
Through thick and thin
Por todo el mundo
All over the world
Por todo lo alto
Not sparing expense
Por todos lados
All over, everywhere, all sides
Por ultima vez
For the last time, finally
Por ultimo
Finally, at last
Porque si no
Preguntar por
To ask about
Prender el fuego
To start the fire
Prender fuego a
To set fire to
Preocuparse de
To take care of
Preocuparse por
To worry about, to be concerned about or for
Presencia de animo
Presence of mind, serenity
Prestar atenciön
To pay attention
Profundamente dormido
Fast asleep
Prohibida la entrada
No trespassing
Prohibido el paso
No trespassing, keep out
Prohibido estacionarse
No parking
Puede ser que
It may be that
Pues bien
Now then, well then, all right then
Well, look
Pues que(?)
Since, so what?
Puesta del sol
Puesto que
Although, since
¡Que barbaridad!
What nonsense! What an atrocity!
¡Que batingue!
What amess!
¡Que de!
What a lot! How much!
¡Que desgracia!
How unfortunate!
¡Que divino!
What a beauty!
¡Que gusto!
What a pleasure! I am delighted!
¡Que haces?
What’s the matter? What is it?
¡Que hay?
What’s the matter?
iQue hay de malo con eso?
What’s wrong with that? So, what’s so bad about that?
iQue hay de nuevo?
What’s new(s)?
iQue hora es? (or #nie horas son?)
What time is it?
¡Que horror!
How awful!
iQue hubo?
How goes it? What’s up?
¡Que lästima!
Too bad! What apity!
iQue le pasa (a Ud.)?
What’s the matter with you?
Que le vaya bien
Good luck
Que lo pase bien
Have a good day, etc.
iQue mosca te ha picado?
What’s eating you?
¡Que nombrecito!
What a tonguetwister!
iQue pasa?
What’s up? What’s going on?
iQue pas6?
What happened?
iQue quiere decir?
What does it mean?
¡Que se divierta!
Have a good time
iQue tal?
Hello! Howareyou?
iQue tiene de malo?
What’s wrong with...?
Quebrarse uno la cabeza
To rack one’s brain
Quedar bien (con)
To come out well, to get along well (with)
Quedar contento con
To be pleased with
Quedar en
To agree (to)
Quedar entendido que
To be understood, agreed to
Quedarle bien
To be becoming
Quedarse con (re una cosa)
To keep, to take (e.g., 1*11 take it.)
Quedarse en la casa
To stay in
Quejarse de
To complain of
Quemarse hasta el suelo
To burn down
Quemarse las pestanas (or las cejas)
To burn the midnight oil, study hard
Querer decir
To mean, signify
iQuien sabe?
Who knows? I don’t know
tQuien te mete, Juan Copete?
Mind your own business.
What’s it to you?
Quieras que no
Whether you wish or not
Quiere llover
It is trying (is about) to rain
Quince dias
Two weeks
¡Quita allä!
Don’t teil methat!
Quitar la mesa
To clear the table
Quitarse uno un peso de encima
To be relieved of, to be a load off one’s mind
Quitarse de una cosa
To give up (or get rid of) something
¡Quitese de aqui!
Get out of here!
Rabiar por
To be very eager to (or for)
Rara vez (or raras veces)
Ratos perdidos
Leisure hours
Recibir noticias (de)
To hear from
Recuerdos a
Rechinar los dientes
To gnash one’s teeth
Reirse para sus adentros
To laugh up one’s sleeve
Remolino de gente
Throng, crowd
Repetidas veces
Over and over again, various times
Repetir de carretilla
To rattle off, repeat mechanically
Resarcirse de
To make up for
Respecto a
With regard to, concerning, about
Reuniön de confianza
Informal gathering or party
Reventar de risa
To burst with laughter
Romper a
To Start to
Romper el alba
To dawn
Romperse los cascos
To rack one’s brain
Rosario de desdichas
Chain of misfortunes
Rozarse con alguien
To have connections (or dealings) with someone
To taste like
Saber de memoria
To know by heart
Sacar a bailar
To ask to dance
Sacar a uno de quicio
To exasperate someone
Sacar el cuerpo
To dodge
Sacar en claro (or en limpio)
To deduce, conclude
Salida de pie de banco
Silly remark, nonsense
Salida del sol
To resemble, take after
Salir a gatas
To crawl out of a difficulty
Salir al encuentro de
To go out to meet, to oppose, take a stand against
Salir bien
To be successful, to come out well
Salir de
To leave, depart
Salir del paso
To get out of a difficulty
Salir fiador de
To vouch for
Salir ganando
To win, to come out ahead
Salir mal
To fail, to come out poorly
Salirse con la suya
To have one’s own way
Saltar a la vista
To be obvious
Saltar a tierra
To disembark, to land
Saltar las trancas
To lose patience, lose one’s head
Salvar el pellejo
To save one’s skin
Sano y salvo
Safe and sound
Santo y bueno
Well and good
Se aguö la fiesta
The party was spoiled
Se conoce (que)
It is obvious
It is said, they say
Se ha acabado
It is all over
Se prohibe (fumar)
It is forbidden (to smoke); no (smoking)
Se solicita
Se suena que
It is rumored that
It is obvious that
Se venciö el plazo
The time limit expired
Seguir las pisadas
To follow in the footsteps (of), emulate
Segün y conforme (or segün y como)
Exactly as, just as, that depends
Seguro que estan
I bet they are
Seguro que si
Of course
Sentar bien a
To fit well
Sentarle bien
To be becoming
Sentarse en cuclillas
To squat
Sentir en el alma
To be terribly sorry, to regret very much
Sentirse destemplado
Not to feel well, to feel feverish
Ser aficionado a
To be a fan, a buff
Ser como un puno
To be close-fisted
Ser conocedor
To be a judge of
Ser de carne y hueso
To be only human
Ser de rigor
To be indispensable, to be required by custom
Ser de (or ser para) ver
Worth seeing
Ser dura de mollera
To be stubborn
Ser fuerza
To be necessary
Ser gente
To be cultured, socially important
Ser huesped en su casa
To be seldom at home
Ser oriundo de
To hail from, come from
Ser piedra de escandalo
To be the object of scandal
Ser plato de segunda mesa
To play second fiddle
Ser tan fuerte como un leön
To be as strong as a horse
Ser tempranero
To be an early riser
Ser un cero a la izquierda
To be of no account
Ser un erizo
To be irritable; a grouchy person
To serve, act as, be used as
Servir la mesa
To wait table
Servir para
To be good for, used for
If at all
Si alguna vez
Si bien
Si mal no recuerdo
If I remember correctly
Si me hace el favor
If you would do me the favor
Or eise
Si no fuera por
Except for
Si no fuera porque
Except for
Siempre que
Whenever, provided that, as long as
Siempre y cuando
Sin ceremonia
Sin comentarios
No comment
Sin contar
Exclusive of
Sin disputa
Without question
Sin embargo
However, nevertheless
Sin falta
By all means, without fail, without fault
An infinite quantity
Sin hacer caso de
Regardless of
Sin igual
Sin novedad
As usual (to be well, in good health)
Sin par
Peerless, without equal
Sin que ni para que
Without rhyme or reason
Sin querer
Sin rebozo
Openly, frankly
Sin recurso
Without remedy, without appeal
Sin remedio
Unavoidable, without help
Sin reserva
Unreserved, frankly
Sin sentir
Without realizing, inadvertently, unnoticed
Sin ton ni son
Without rhyme or reason
Sino que
Sobradas veces
Repeatedly, many times
Sobre manera
Sobre mi palabra
Upon my honor
Sobre que
Besides, in addition to
Sobre seguro
Without risk
Sobre todo
Especially, above all
Soltar el hervor
To come to a boil
Soltar la rienda
To let loose, act without restraint
To sound like, seem like
Sonar con (or sonar en)
To dream of
Sonar despierto
To daydream
Su punto flaco
His weakness, her weak side
Subidas y bajadas
Ups and downs
Subir al tren
To get on the train
Subir de punto
To increase, get worse
Subirse de tono
To put on airs
Suceda lo que suceda
Come what may, no matter what
Sudar la gota gorda
To sweat profusely, work hard, sweat blood, have a bad time
Suerte negra
Very bad luck
Suma atenciön
Close attention
Supuesto que
Supposing that, since
Surtir efecto
To come out as desired or expected, to give good results
Tal como (or tales como)
Such as
Such as, so-so, fair
Tal para cual
Two of a kind
Maybe, perhaps
Tal vez sea que
It may be that
Tan pronto como
As soon as
Tanto mejor
So much the better
Tanto peor
So much the worse
Tardar en
To be long in, take a long time
(in doing)
Tarde o temprano
Sooner or later
Tener a la vista
To have in sight
Tener a raya
To keep in bounds, hold in
Tener al corriente
To keep up-to-date (informed,
Tener buena cara
To look well
Tener cabida con alguien
To have influence with someone
Tener calor
To be hot
Tener celos
To be jealous
Tener confianza con
To be on intimate terms with
Tener cosquillas
To be ticklish
Tener cuidado (con)
To take care, watch out (for)
Tener deseos de
To want to, to be eager to
Tener el pico de oro
To be eloquent
Tener en cuenta
To consider, to take into
Tener en la mente
To have in mind
Tener en la punta de la lengua
To have on the tip of one’s
Tener en mucho
To esteem highly
Tener en poco a
To hold in low esteem
Tener entendido que
To understand that...
Tener 6xito
To be successful
Tener frio
To be cold
Tener gana(s) de
To feel like
Tener gancho
To be attractive, alluring
Tener gracia
To be funny
Tener gusto en
To be glad to
Tener hambre
To be hungry
Tener la bondad de
To be good enough to
Tener la costumbre de
To be used (accustomed) to...
Tener la culpa
To be to blame
Tener la intenciön de
To intend or mean to
Tener la lengua larga
To have a big mouth
Tener la pena de
To have the misfortune to
Tener la vida en un hilo
To be in great danger
Tener lastima de
To feel sorry for, take pity on
Tener lugar
To take place
Tener miedo
To be afraid
Tener mucho copete
To be arrogant, haughty
Tener murria
To be sulky, to have the blues
Tener para si
To think, to be of the opinion
Tener por
To believe, judge, consider, to
Tener presente (de or que)
To bear in mind
Tener prisa
To be in a hurry
Tener probabilidad
To stand a chance
Tener que
To have to (do something)
Tener que ver (con)
To have to do with
Tener razön
To be right
Tener roce con
To have contact with a person
Tener sed
To be thirsty
Tener sueno
To be sleepy
Tener suerte
To be lucky
Tener tiempo libre
To have time off
Tener verguenza
To be ashamed
Tenerle tirria a una persona
To have a dislike for (or grudge
against) a person
Tenerse en pie
To keep one’s feet
Tirar de
To pull
Tirar las riendas
To restrain, tighten the reins
Tirarse una plancha
To put oneself in a ridiculous
Tocar de oido
To play by ear
Tocar en lo vivo
To hurt to the quick, hit a nerve,
touch a sore spot
Tocar por fantasia
To play by ear
Tocarle a uno
To be one’s turn
Tocarle a uno la suerte
To be one’s turn, to fall to one’s
lot, to be lucky
Tocarse el sombrero
To tip one’s hat
Toda clase de
All kinds of
Todas las veces (que)
Every time, whenever
Todavia no
Not yet
Todo el ano
All year round
Todo el mundo
Todo el que
Everybody who
Todo el tiempo
All the time
Todo hombre
Todo lo contrario
Exactly the opposite
Todo lo demäs
Everything eise
Todo lo posible
All that is possible
Todo sigue bien
All goes well
Todos los dias
Every day
Tomar a broma
To take as a joke
Tomar a pecho(s)
To take to heart, to take
Tomar a risa
To laugh off, take lightly
Tomarie el pelo
To tease, pull one’s leg
Tomar el räbano por las hojas
To put the cart before the horse,
to misinterpret or misconstrue
Tomar el sol
To sunbathe
Tomar en cuenta
To consider, take into account
Tomar en serio
To take to heart
Tomar la delantera
To take the lead
Tomar por cierto
To take for granted
Tomar por su cuenta
To attend to personally
Tomar tiempo libre
To take time off
Tomarlo con calma
To take it easy
Tonto de capirote
Dunce, piain fool
Traer puesto
To wear, to have on
Transporte de locura
Fit of madness
Behind, after, beside
Tratar con
To have dealings with
Tratar de
To try to; to treat, to deal with
Tratar en
To deal in
To be a question of
jTrato hecho!
Tronar los dedos
To snap one’s fingers
Tropezar con
To meet, come across,
Un buen pasar
Enough to live on
Un dia si y otro no
Every other day
Un dia si y un dia no
Every other day
Un hervidero de gente
A swarm of people
Un no se que
Something indefinable
Un nudo en la garganta
A lump in the throat
Un rato desagradable
A hard time
Un tanto
Una buena carcajada
A hearty laugh
Una infinidad de
A large number of
Una mala pasada
A mean trick
Una negativa rotunda
A flat denial
Una negativa terminante
A flat denial
Una que otra vez
Once in a while
Una y otra vez
More than once, over and over
Unas cuantas (or unos cuantos)
Uno a la vez
One at a time
Uno por uno
One by one
Unos a otros
Each other
Valer la pena
To be worthwhile. Ex.: No vale
la pena, it’s not worth
the trouble
Valer mas
To be better
Valer por
To be worth
Valerse de
To make use of
Varias veces
Several times
Venir a las manos
To come to blows
Venir a menos
To decline
Venir a parar
To turn out to be, to end up (as)
Venir a (or al) pelo
To come at the right moment, to
suit perfectiy, to be opportune
Venir a ser
To turn out to be
Venir Wen
To suit
To agree to
Venir sobre
To fall upon
Venirse abajo
To fall down, collapse, fail
Ver de (or ver que)
To try to, see to it that
Verse obligado a
To be obliged to or forced to
Visto que
Whereas, considering that
Vivir de sus uftas
To live by stealing
Voltear la espalda
To turn one’s back
Volver a
Volver a las andadas
To fall back into old habits
Volver corriendo
To hurry back
Volver en sl
To come to, regain
Volver loco
To drive crazy
Volver por
To return for, to defend
Volverse aträs
To go back, back out, go back
on one’s word
Volverse loco
To go crazy
Y asi sucesivamente
And so on, et cetera
(A) little more
So what?
Ya es hora de
It’s time to
Ya es tarde
It’s too late now
Ya mero
Very soon, just about to...
i Ya lo creo!
I should say so! Yes, of course
No longer
Ya no sopla
To be no good, of no use as...
Since, although
Ya se acabö
It is all over
Yase ve
Of course; it is clear
I am Coming