E, e f. E, e, sixth letter of the Spanish alphabet.
e conj. and [used for y before words beginning with i or hi not followed by e].
¡ea! interj. used as an encouragement or to express determination.
ebanista m. cabinetmaker.
ebanistería f. cabinetwork. 2 cabinetmaker’s shop.
ébano m. BOT. ebony. 2 ebony wood.
ebonita f. ebonite.
ebriedad f. drunkenness, intoxication.
ebrio, ebria adj. drunk, intoxicated. 2 fig. blind [with anger, etc.].
ebullición f. ebullition, boiling.
eburnación f. MED. eburnation.
ebúrneo, -a adj. eburnean, ivorylike.
Eccehomo m. Ecce Homo.
Ezequiel m. pr. n. Ezekiel.
eclecticismo m. eclecticism.
ecléctico, -ca adj.-n. eclectic.
Eclesiastés m. BIBL. Ecclesiastes.
eclesiástico, -ca adj. ecclesiastic(al. 2 m. ecclesiastic, clergyman.
eclipsar tr. ASTR. & fig. to eclipse. 2 ref. to disappear.
eclipse m. eclipse.
eclíptica f. ASTR. ecliptic.
eclisa f. RLY. fishplate.
eco m. echo: tener ~, fig. to spread, to be widely accepted. 2 distant sound. 3 (cap.) MYTH. Echo.
economato m. company store, commissary; cooperative shop.
economía f. economy: ~ dirigida, planned economy. 2 economics. 3 saving, thrift. 4 sparingness, scantiness. 5 pl. savings: hacer economías, to save up.
económico, -ca adj. economic. 2 economical. 3 thrifty, saving. 4 cheap, uncostly. 5 cheap [price].
economista m. economist.
economizar tr. to economize; to save, spare.
ecónomo m. acting parish priest.
ectoblasto m. BIOL. ectoblast.
ectodermo m. BIOL. ectoderm.
ectropion m. MED. ectropion.
ecuación f. MATH., ASTR. equation.
Ecuador m . pr. n. GEOG. Ecuador.
ecuador m. GEOG., GEOG., ASTR. equator.
ecuánime adj. equanimous. 2 just, impartial.
ecuanimidad f. equanimity. 2 impartiality.
ecuatorial adj.-m. equatorial.
ecuatoriano, -na adj.-n. Ecuadorian.
ecuestre adj. equestrian.
ecuménico, -ca adj. ecumenic(al.
eczema f. MED. eczema.
echada f. throw, cast. 2 SPORT, man’s length.
echar tr. to throw, cast, fling, pitch, toss; to heave, drop: ~ anclas, to cast anchor; ~ la culpa a, to throw the blame on. 2 to put in or into, to add: ~ leña al fuego, to add fuel to the flame. 3 to emit, give off or out [sparks, smell, etc.]: ~ chispas, fig. to be wild with anger. 4 to dismiss, discharge, fire, expel, throw out: ~ con cajas destempladas, fig. to dismiss or turn away without ceremony. 5 to grow, begin to have [hair, teeth, feathers]. 6 to put forth, sprout, bear [leaves, fruit, etc.]. 7 to give, deliver [a speech, a sermon]. 8 to turn [a key]; to shoot home [a bolt]. 9 to pour [wine, etc.]. 10 to move, push: ~ a un lado, to push aside. 11 followed by some nouns, it expresses the idea implied by the noun: ~ cuentas, to reckon; ~ maldiciones, to utter curses; ~ suertes, to draw lots; ~ un trago, to take a drink. 12 Other senses: ~ abajo or por tierra, to throw down, overthrow, demolish; ~ a broma, to take as a joke; ~ a perder, to spoil, to ruin; ~ a pique, to sink [a vessel]; ~ de menos, to miss; ~ de ver, to notice, observe; ~ las cartas, to tell fortunes by cards; ~ mano a, to seize, take hold of; ~ mano de, to resort to; ~ raices, to take root; ~ una mano, to lend a hand; ¿cuántos años le echa?, how old would you say he is? 13 intr. ~ calle arriba, to go or start up the street. 14 ~ por, to take [a road, etc.]; to turn to [the right, the left, etc.]. 15 intr.-ref. ~ or echarse a correr, a reír, a saltar, etc., to begin to run, laugh, jump, etc., to start running, laughing, jumping, etc. 16 ref. to lie down, to throw oneself down, to stretch oneself at full length. 17 to throw oneself into. 18 echarse a perder, to spoil, get spoiled, to become stale, to go bad. 19 echarse atrás, to draw back, to back out. 20 echarse a un lado, to move aside. 21 echarse encima or sobre, to rush at, fall upon; to throw on or upon oneself. 22 echárselas de, to pretend or claim to be, to boast of being.
echarpe f. scarf, stole, shawl.
echazón f. throwing. 2 NAUT. jettison; jetsam.
edad f. age: ~ madura or provecta, mature age, maturity; mayor ~, majority, full age; menor ~, minority; ~ de oro, golden age; ~ media, Middle Ages; ¿qué ~ tiene usted?, how old are you?
edafología f. edaphology.
edecán m. MIL. aide-de-camp.
edema f. MED. oedema, edema.
Edén m. Eden, paradise.
edènico, -ca adj. paradisiac.
edición f. edition. 2 issue [of a newspaper]. 3 publication [of a book].
edicto m. edict.
edículo m. ARCH. small building or niche.
edificación f. building, construction. 2 edification.
edificante adj. edifying.
edificar t r. to build, construct. 2 to edify.
edificio m. edifice, building, structure.
edil m. aedile, edile. 2 town councillor.
Edimburgo m. pr. n. GEOGR. Edinburgh.
Edipo m. pr. n. MYTH. Oedipus.
editar tr. to publish [a book, a newspaper, etc.].
editor m. publisher.
editorial adj. publishing. 2 leading [article]. 3 f. publishing house. 4 editorial, leader [article].
editorialista m.-f. writer of editorials.
edredón m. eider down. 2 down quilt.
Eduardo m. pr. n. Edward.
educación f. education. 2 breeding, manners; good breeding, good manners; politeness.
educador, -ra adj. educating. 2 m.-f. educator.
educando, -da m.-f. student, pupil.
educar tr. to educate; to train. 2 to give good breeding.
educativo, -va adj. educative.
educción f. eduction.
educir tr. to educe. ¶ CONJUG. like conducir.
edulcorar tr. PHARM, to edulcorate, sweeten.
efe f. Spanish name of the letter f.
efebo m. ephebus.
efectismo m. F. ARTS striving after effect.
efectivamente adv. really, actually. 2 as a matter of fact; indeed. 3 effectually.
efectividad f. reality, actuality. 2 effectuality.
efectivo, -va adj. effective, real, actual. 2 permanent [employment]. 3 dinero ~, cash. 4 hacer ~, to carry out; to cash. 5 m. cash, specie: en ~, in cash. 6 pl. MIL. effectives, troops.
efecto m. effect: surtir ~, to have the desired effect, to work; poner en ~, to put into effect, to carry out; con ~, en ~, in fact, indeed, really; de simple ~, de doble ~, MACH, single acting, double acting. 2 purpose, end: al ~, for the purpose. 3 impression; hacer ~, to be impressive. 5 BILL. side, *English. 6 COM. article of merchandise. 7 COM. draft, bill, security: efectos a cobrar, bills receivable; efectos públicos, public securities. 8 pl. effects, goods, movables.
efectuar tr. to effect, effectuate, do, carry out. 2 ref. to take place.
efemérides pl. diary, daily record. 2 events of the same day in former years.
efendi m. Effendi [Turkish title].
eferente adj. PHYSIOL . efferent.
efervescencia f. effervescence. 2 agitation.
efervescente adj. effervescent.
Efeso f. pr. n. HIST., GEOG. Ephesus.
eficacia f. efficacity, efficacy.
eficaz adj. efficacious, effective, effectual.
eficiencia f. efficiency.
eficiente adj. efficient.
efigie f. effigy, image.
efímero, -ra adj. ephemeral.
eflorecerse ref. CHEM. to effloresce.
eflorescencia f. CHEM., MED. efflorescence.
efluvio m. effluvium, emanation, exhalation.
Efrain m. pr. n. Ephraim.
efugio m. evasion, subterfuge, shift, way out.
efundir tr. to effuse, to pour.
efusión f. effusion, pouring out, shedding. 2 fig. warmth, effusion.
efusivo, -va adj. effusive, warm.
Egeo (Mar) m. pr. n. GEOG. Ægean Sea.
égida, egida f. aegis, egis.
egipcio, -cia adj.-n. Egyptian. 2 m. Egyptian [language].
Egipto m. pr. n. GEOG. Egypt.
egiptología f. Egyptology.
ègira f. HÉGIRA.
ègloga f. eclogue.
egocèntrico, -ca adj.-n. egocentric.
egocentrismo m. egocentrism, self-centredness, egocentrity.
egoísmo m. egoism, selfishness.
egoísta adj. egoistic, selfish. 2 m.-f. egoist.
egolatria f. self-worship.
egotismo m. egotism.
egregio, -gia adj. illustrious, eminent, egregious.
egresado, da adj.-n. graduate.
egresar intr. (Am.) to go away, to leave. 2 to graduate, to take one’s degree. 3 to pass out [military academy].
¡eh! interj. he!, here!
elder m. ORN. eider, eider duck.
eje m. axis. 2 axle, axletree, shaft, spindle, arbor. 3 fig. main or central point, subject, idea, etc.
ejecución f. execution. 2 LAW distraint.
ejecutante adj. executing. 2 m.-f. performer, executant. 3 LAW distrainor.
ejecutar tr. to execute, carry out, perform. 2 to execute [put to death]. 3 LAW to distrain.
ejecutivo, -va adj. executive. 2 pressing. 3 prompt, active. 4 m. (Am.) executive.
ejecutor, -ra m.-f. executer, executor. 2 m. ~ de la justicia, executioner.
ejecutoria f. letters pattent of nobility. 2 glorious deed.
ejecutorio, -ria adj. LAW firm.
ejemplar adj. exemplary. 2 m. exemplar, pattern, model. 3 exemplar, specimen. 4 copy [of a book, magazine, etc.]. 5 precedent: sin ~.exceptional. 6 example, warning.
ejemplaridad f. exemplary quality or character.
ejemplarizar tr. to exemplify, to set an example to, to demonstrate by example.
ejemplificar tr. to exemplify, illustrate.
ejemplo m. example: dar~, to set an example; sin ~, unexampled. 2 instance: por ~, for instance, for example.
ejercer tr. to exercise [authority, a right, etc.]. 2 to exercise, discharge, perform [functions]. 3 to exercise, practice, follow [a profession]. 4 to exercise, exert [influence, etc.].
ejercicio m. exercise. 2 MIL. drill. 3 practice [of a virtue, ability, or profession]; holding, tenure [of an office]. 4 fiscal year.
ejercitación f. exercise, practice.
ejercitante adj. exercising. 2 m.-f. exercitant.
ejercitar tr. to practice [a trade, profession, etc.]. 2 tr.-ref. to exercise, drill, train.
ejército m. army.
ejido m. commons, public land [nearing a village].
el def. art. masc. sing. the. él pers. pron. masc. sing, he, him; it.
elaboración f. elaboration, manufacturing.
elaborar tr. to elaborate, manufacture, work. 2 to work [a material]
elática f. knit vest, undervest.
elasticidad f. elasticity. 2 resilienc.
elástico, -ca adj. elastic. 2 m. elastic [fabric].
Elba f. pr. n. Elbe [river].
ele f. Spanish name of the letter l.
eléboro m. BOT. hellebore.
elección f. election. 2 choice. 3 free election. 4 pl. POL. election.
electivo, -va adj. elective.
electo, -ta adj. elected, chosen. 2 elect [chosen for office].
elector, -ra adj. electing. 2 m.-f. elector, electress. 3 m. Elector [German prince].
electorado m. electorate.
electoral adj. electoral.
electricidad f. electricity.
electricista m.-f. electrician.
eléctrico, -ca adj. electric(al.
electrificación f. electrification [of a railroad, etc.].
electrificar tr. to electrify [a railroad, etc.].
electrización f. electrification, electrization.
electrizante adj. electrifying.
electrizar tr. to electrify, to electrize.
electro m. amber. 2 electrum, electron.
electrocardiografía f. electrocardiography.
electrocardiograma m. electrocardiogram.
electrocinética f. electrokinetics, electrocución f. electrocution.
electrocutar tr. to electrocute.
electrodinámica f. electrodynamics.
electrodo m. electrode.
electroencefalograma m. electro-encephalogram.
electróforo m. electrophorus.
electrógeno, -na adj. generating electricity. 2 m. electric generator.
electroimán m. electromagnet.
electrólisis f. electrolysis.
electrólito m. electrolyte.
electrolizar tr. to electrolyze.
electromagnetismo m. electromagnetism.
electromecánico, -ca adj. electromechanical.
electrometría f. electrometry.
electrómetro m. electrometer.
electromotor, -ra adj. electromotive. 2 m. electromotor.
electromotriz adj.-f. electromotive [force].
electrón m. PHYS., CHEM. electron.
electrónico, -ca adj. electronic, electron: microscopio ~, electron microscope. 2 f. electronics.
electroquímica f. electrochemistry.
electroscopio m. PHYS. electroscope.
electrostático, -ca adj. electrostatic. 2 f. electrostatics.
electroterapia f. MED. electrotherapy.
electrotérmlco, -са adj. electrothermic.
electrotipia f. electrotypy.
electrotipo m. electrotype.
elefancía f. MED. elephantiasis.
elefanta f. ZOOL. female elephant.
elefante m. ZOOL. elephant.
elegancia f. elegance, gracefulness, neatness, style.
elegante adj. elegant, graceful, smart, stylish. 2 m.-f. elegant, dandy.
elegantizar tr. to make elegant, give style to.
elegía f. elegy.
elegíaco, -ca adj. elegiac, mournful.
elegible adj. eligible.
elegido, -da adj. elected, chosen. 2 m. THEOL., one of the elect.
elegir tr. to elect. 2 to choose, select. ¶ CONJUG. like servir.
elemental adj. elemental, elementary. 2 fundamental.
elemento m. element. 2pl. elements [atmospheric forces]. 3 elements, rudiments. 4 means, resources.
Elena f. pr. n. Helen, Elaine.
elenco m. catalogue, index. 2 THEAT. company.
elevación f. elevation, raising, rise, ascent. 2 elevation, height. 3 elevation [of mind, of the style]. 4 ecstasy, transport. 5 exaltation [to a dignity]. 6 elevation [in the Mass].
elevado, -da adj. elevated, raised, lifted; high. 2 exalted. 3 sublime.
elevador, -ra adj. elevating. 2 m. elevator.
elevamiento m. elevation, ecstasy, rapture.
elevar tr. to elevate, raise, lift. 2 to hoist. 3 to exalt [to a dignity].4 MATH, to raise [to a power]. 5 ref. to rise, ascend, soar.
elfo m. elf.
elidir tr. GRAM, to elide.
elijo, elija, etc. irr. V. ELEGIR.
eliminación f. elimination.
eliminar tr. to eliminate.
eliminatorio, -ria adj. eliminating.
elipse f. GEOG. ellipse.
elipsis f. GRAM, ellipsis.
elipsoide m. GEOG. ellipsoid.
elíptico, -ca adj. GEOG., GRAM. elliptic(al.
Elisa f. pr. n. Eliza.
Eliseo m. pr. n. BIBL. Elisha. 2 MYTH. Elysium.
elíseo, -a adj. Elysian.
elisión f. elision.
élitro m. ENT elytron, shard.
elixir, elixir m. elixir.
elocución f. elocution.
elocuencia f. eloquence.
elocuente adj. eloquent.
elogiable adj. praiseworthy.
elogiar tr. to praise, commend, eulogize.
elogio m. praise, eulogy.
elogioso, -sa adj. praising, eulogistic.
elongación f. ASTR., MED. elongation.
elote m. (Am.) ear of green Indian corn.
elucidación f. elucidation.
elucidar tr. to elucidate.
elucubración f. lucubration.
eludir tr. to elude, avoid, evade.
ella pron. f. sing. she, her, it.
eile f. Spanish name of the letter ll.
ello pron. neuter sing, it: ~ es que, the fact is that.
ellos, ellas pron. m. & f. pl. they, them.
Ema f. pr. n. Emma.
emaciación f. MED. emaciation.
emanación f. emanation.
emanar intr. to emanate, issue.
emancipación f. emancipation.
emancipar tr. to emancipate. 2 ref. to free oneself.
Emanuel m. pr. n. BIBL. Immanuel.
emasculación f. emasculation.
embabiamiento m. absorption, fit of abstraction.
embadurnador, -ra adj. daubing. 2 m.-f. dauber.
embadurnar tr. to daub, bedaub, besmear.
embaír tr. to deceive, humbug. ¶ Only used in the forms having i in their terminations.
embajada f. embassy. 2 ambassadorship. 3 message, errand.
embajador m. ambassador.
embajadora f. ambassadress.
embalaje m. packing [of goods]. 2 packing case.
embalar tr. to pack, bale [goods]. 2 intr. SPORT, to sprint. 3 AUTO. to step on the gas.
embaldosado m. paving with tiles. 2 tile floor.
embaldosar tr. to tile, pave with tiles.
embalsamador, -ra adj. embalming. 2 m.-f. embal-mer.
embalsamamiento m. embalming.
embalsamar tr. to embalm [a corpse]. 2 to embalm, to perfume.
embalsar tr. to gather in a pond or pool. 2 to dam up [water]. 3 ref. [of water] to gather in a pond or pool. ’
embalse m. damming [of water]. 2 dam [for water].
emballenar tr. to bone [stiffen with whalebone].
embanastar tr. to put into a basket. 2 to huddle, crowd together, pack.
embanderar tr. to bedeck with flags or banners. embarazada adj. pregnant, with child. 2 f. pregnant woman.
embarazar tr.-ref. to embarrass, encumber, hinder. 2 tr. to make pregnant.
embarazo m. obstruction, hindrance. 2 embarrassment, constraint. 3 pregnancy.
embarazoso, -sa adj. embarrassing, difficult. 2 cumbersome.
embarbillar tr. CARP, to join obliquely.
embarcación f. NAUT. boat, craft, ship, vessel.
embarcadero m. wharf, pier, jetty.
embarcador m. shipper.
embarcar tr. NAUT. to embark; to ship. 2 tr.-ref. to embark [engage or become engaged in an enterprise]. 3 intr.-ref. to embark [go on board].
embarco m. embarkation [of people].
embardar tr. BARDAR.
embargable adj. LAW attachable.
embargar tr. to impede, restrain. 2 [of emotions] to overcome, to paralyse. 3 LAW to attach, seize [property]. 4 to lay an embargo on.
embargo m. LAW attachment, seizure [of property]. 2 embargo. 3 adv. sin ~, notwithstanding, nevertheless, however.
embarque, m. shipment [of goods].
embarrancar tr. NAUT. to run [a ship] aground. 2 intr. NAUT. [of a ship] to run aground. 3 ref. fig. to stick in the mud.
embarrar tr. to bemud; to splash with mud. 2 to bedaub, besmear.
embarrilar tr. to pack in barrels or kegs.
embarullador, -ra adj. muddling. 2 m.-f. muddler.
embarullar tr. to muddle, mix up, make a mess of. 2 ref. to muddle, act in a confused way.
embasamiento m. ARCH, foundation.
embastar tr. SEW. to baste.
embaste m. SEW. basting.
embastecer intr. to put on flesh. 2 ref. to become gross or coarse. ¶ CONJUC. like agradecer.
embate m. dash, buffet, dashing, buffeting [of waves, wind, etc.].
embaucador, -ra adj. deceiving. 2 m.-f. deceiver, humbug, bamboozler.
embaucamiento m. deceiving, humbugging.
embaucar tr. to deceive, humbug, bamboozle.
embaular tr. to pack in a trunk. 2 to gobble, eat greedily.
embausamiento m. absorption, abstraction.
embebecer tr. to enrapture, absorb, delight. 2 ref. to become enraptured, be absorbed. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
embebecimiento m. rapture, absorption.
embeber tr. to absorb, imbibe, soak up. 2 to soak [in]. 3 to embed, insert, fit in. 4 SEW. to take in. 5 intr. [of cloth] to shrink. 6 ref. to become absorbed. 7 fig. embeberse de, to get well acquainted with [a subject].
embebezco, embebezca, irr. V. EMBEBECER.
embelecar tr. to delude, deceive, humbug.
embeleco m. deception, trick, humbug.
embelesador, -ra adj. charming, captivating.
embelesamiento m. EMBELESO.
embelesar tr. to charm, entrance, delight, captivate. 2 ref. to be charmed, become entranced.
embeleso m. delight, enchantment. 2 charm; charming thing.
embellecer tr. to embellish, beautify. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
embellecimiento m. embellishment, beautifying.
embermejar tr. EMBERMEJECER.
embermejecer tr. to dye red; to redden. 2 ref. to redden, blush. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
emberrenchinarse, emberrincharse ref. fam. to be enraged, fly into a rage.
embestida f assault, attack, charge, onset.
embestidor, -ra adj. attacking. 2 charging [a bull].
embestir tr. to assail, attack, charge. 2 to accost [someone]. 3 intr. ~ contra, to rush against or upon. ¶ CONJUG. like servir.
embetunar tr. to bituminize. 2 to black [shoes]
embicar tr. NAUT. to top [a yard].
embisto, embista, etc. irr. V. EMBESTIR.
emblandecer tr. to soften. 2 ref. to soften, to turn soft. 3 to relent.
emblanquecer tr. to whiten. 2 ref. to turn white. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
emblanquecimiento m. whitening.
emblema m. emblem.
emblemático, -ca adj. emblematic(al.
embobado, -sa adj. dumbfounded, flabbergasted, agape. 2 bewildered, dazed, stupefied.
embobamiento m. absorption, enchantment.
embobar tr. to enchant, hold in suspense. 2 ref. to be enchanted, absorbed; to stand gaping.
embobecer tr. to make foolish, make silly. 2 ref. to become foolish, get silly. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
embocado, -da adj. dry-sweet [wine].
embocadura f. entrance by a narrow passage. MUS. embouchure, mouthpiece. 3 mouthpiece [of a bridle]. 4 flavour [of wine]. 5 rivermouth. 6 THEAT. proscenium arch.
embocar tr. to mouth, put into the mouth. 2 to enter or to put through [a narrow place]. 3 to gobble up. 4 MUS. to mouth [as instrument].
emboclnado, -da adj. shaped like a trumpet.
embodegar tr. to store [wine, olive oil, etc.].
embojar tr. to put on branches, encouraging the formation of cocoons [silkworms].
embolada f. MACH. stroke [of piston].
embolado m. THEAT. minor role. 2 BULLF. bull with wooden balls on horns. 3 coll. trick, deception.
embolar tr. BULLF. to tip horns of [bull] with wooden balls.
embolia f. MED. embolism.
embolismar tr. to carry tales, to make mischief.
embolismo m. ASTR. embolism. 2 muddle, confusion, difficulty. 3 gossip, falsehood.
émbolo m. MECH. piston, plunger. 2 MED. embolus.
embolsar tr. to pocket [money].
embonar tr. to improve. 2 to sheathe [a ship].
embono m. sheathing [of a ship].
emboquillar tr. to tip, put a tip on [a cigarette].
emborrachamiento m. intoxication, drunkenness.
emborrachar tr. to intoxicate, make drunk. 2 ref. to become intoxicated, to get drunk. 3 [of colours] to run together.
emborrascar tr. to anger, irritate. 2 ref. to get angry. 3 [of weather] to get stormy.
emborrazamiento m. COOK, barding.
emborrazar tr. COOK. to bard [a fowl].
emborronar tr. to blot [paper]; to scribble.
emborrullarse ref. to wrangle.
emboscada f. ambuscade, ambush.
emboscar tr.-ref. to ambuscade, ambush [station or lie in ambush]. 2 ref. to enter or hide in the woods. 3 fig. to shirk work or danger by taking an easy job.
embotado, -da adj. blunt, dull.
embotamiento m. blunting, dulling. 2 bluntness, dullness.
embotar tr. to blunt, to dull. 2 to put [tobacco] in a jar. 3 ref. to become blunt or dull.
embotellado, -da p. p. of EMBOTELLAR. 2 adj. fig. prepared [speech, etc]. 3 m. bottling.
embotelladora f. bottling machine.
embotellamiento m. stoppage, jam, traffic jam.
embotellar tr. to bottle. 2 to bottle up. 3 fig. to stop, obstruct.
embovedar tr. to arch, vault. 2 to enclose in a vault.
embozadamente adv. covertly.
embozado, -da adj. muffled, wrapped up to the eyes. 2 covert, disguised. 3 m.-f. person wrapped up to the eyes.
embozar tr.-ref. to muffle or wrap up to the eyes. 2 tr. to mask, disguise [the meaning of]. 3 to muzzle [dogs, horses, etc.].
embozo m. part of cloak, etc., held over the face: quitarse el ~, fig. to remove one’s mask. 2 strip of wool, silk, etc., lining the side of a cloak. 3 fold in top part of bedsheet. 4 disguise [of meaning, etc.]: sin ~, openly, frankly.
embragar tr. to sling [for hoisting]. 2 MECH. to engage the clutch, throw the clutch in.
embrague m. slinging [for hoisting], 2 MECH. clutch. 3 MECH. throwing the clutch in.
embravecer tr. to irritate, enrage. 2 ref. to get angry. 3 [of the sea] to get rough; [of a storm] to gather violence. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
embravecido, -da adj. furious, enraged [person.], wild, rough [sea], wild [wind].
embravecimiento m. anger, fury, rage.
embrazadura f. handle [of shield].
embrazar tr. to clasp [a shield].
embreadura f. tarring, pitching.
embrear tr. to tar, pitch.
embriagado, -da adj. intoxicated, inebriated; drunk.
embriagador, -ra adj. intoxicating, inebriating.
embriagar tr. to intoxicate, inebriate. 2 to make drunk. 3 ref. to get drunk, become inebriated.
embriaguez f. intoxication, inebriation, drunkenness.
embridar tr. to bridle [a horse].
embriología f. embryology.
embrión m. embryo: en ~, in embryo.
embrionario, -ria adj. embryonic.
embrocación f. MED. embrocation; embrocating.
embrocar tr. to empty [a vessel] into another. 2 BULLF. to catch between the horns.
embrolladamente adv. confusedly.
embrollar tr. to entangle, confuse, muddle; to embroil. 2 ref. to get muddled or confused.
embrollo m. tangle, muddle, mess. 2 lie, deception. 3 imbroglio.
embrollón, -na m.-f. embroiler, confuser. 2 liar, mischief-maker.
embromado, -da adj. estar ~, to be in a fix, having a tough time.
embromar tr. to play jokes on, to banter, chaff. 2 to fool, deceive. 3 (Am.) to annoy, vex; to do a bad turn.
embrujamiento m. bewitchment.
embrujar tr. to bewitch.
embrutecedor, -ra adj. besotting, brutifying.
embrutecer tr. to besot, brutify. 2 ref. to become besotted. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
embrutezco, embrutezca, etc. irr. V. EMBRUTECER.
embrutecimiento m. sottishness, stupidity.
embuchado m. any kind of sausage. 2 stuffing [of a ballot-box]. 3 fraudulent affair.
embuchar tr. to stuff [guts] to make sausages. 2 to stuff [food] into a fowl’s crop. 3 to gobble up [one’s food].
embudar tr. to put a funnel into. 2 to trick, deceive.
embudo m. funnel. 2 trick, deception.
emburujar tr. to tangle [threads, etc.]. 2 to make lumpy. 3 to jumble.
embuste m. lie, falsehood, invention.
embustería f. lying, deceit.
embustero, -ra adj. lying. 2 m.-f. liar, deceiver.
embutido m. inlaid work, marquetry. 2 any kind of sausage.
embutir tr. to stuff [guts] to make sausages. 2 to inlay, set flush. 3 to stuff, cram. 4 to insert, put [into]. 5 tr.-ref. to gobble up [food].
eme f. Spanish name of the letter m.
emergencia f. emergence, emersion [act of emerging]. 2 happening, incident.
emergente adj. emergent.
emerger intr. to emerge.
emérito adj. emeritus.
emersion f. ASTR. emersion.
emético, -ca adj.-m. emetic.
emetropía f. MED. emmetropìa.
emigración f. emigration.
emigrado, -da m.-f. emigree, emigré.
emigrante adj.-n. emigrant.
emigrar intr. to emigrate.
emigratorio, -ria adj. migratory, emigratory.
Emilia f. pr. n. Emily.
Emilio m . pr. n. /Emilius.
eminencia f. eminence. 2 (cap.) Eminence [cardinal’s title].
eminente adj. eminent.
eminentísimo, -ma adj. superl. most eminent.
emirato m. emirate.
emir m. emir, ameer.
emisario m. emissary; envoy, messenger.
emisión f. emission. 2 COM. issuance, issue [of bonds, shares, etc.]. 3RADIO. broadcasting, broadcast.
emisor, -rа adj. emitting. 2 broadcasting. 3 m. wireless transmitter. 4 f. broadcasting station.
emitir tr. to emit. 2 to issue [bonds, shares, etc.]. 3 RADIO, to broadcast.
emoción f. emotion [agitation of mind].
emocionado, -da adj. touched, moved, stirred. 2 upset.
emocional adj. emotional [of the emotions].
emocionante adj. moving, touching, thrilling.
emocionar tr. to move, touch, thrill, arouse emotion in. 2 ref. to be moved.
emoliente adj.-m. emollient.
emolumento m. emolument.
emotividad f. emotionality.
emotivo, -va adj. emotive, emotional.
empacador, -ra m.-f. packer, baler.
empacar tr. to pack, bale. 2 ref. to get obstinate, stubborn or sulky [about].
empachado, -da adj. surfeited. 2 troubled, ashamed. 3 awkward, timid.
empachar tr. to impede, embarrass. 2 to surfeit, give indigestion. 3 ref. to be embarrassed; to be ashamed. 4 to have an indigestion.
empacho m. awkwardness, embarrassment, shame. 2 hindrance, obstacle. 3 surfeit, overeating.
empachoso, -sa adj. embarrassing. 2 bashful, empadronamiento m. census; taking of the census.
empadronar tr. to register in a census.
empajar tr. to cover or stuff with straw.
empalagar tr. to cloy, sicken, pall. 2 to weary, bore.
empalago m. cloying, sickening, palling. 2 boring.
empalagoso, -sa adj. cloying, sickening, palling.
empalar tr. to impale [on a stake].
empaliar tr. to adorn with hangings.
empalizada f. palisade, stockade.
empalizar tr. to palisade, strockade.
empalmar tr. to join end to end, to splice. 2 to join, connect. 3 intr. [of roads or railways] to connect.
empalme m. joint, connection, join, union. 2 junction [train, road], intersection. 3 connection [train, bus]. 4 kick on the volley [football].
empalletado m. NAUT. barricade.
empanada f. COOK. pie.
empanadilla f. dim. turnover, small pie.
empanar tr. COOK, to put into a pie. 2 COOK. to bread. 3 AGR. to sow with wheat.
empantanar tr. to make swampy. 2 to swamp [plunge into a swamp], 3 to obstruct [a business]. 4 ref. to become swampy. 5 to stick in the mud.
empañar tr. to swaddle. 2 to dim, blur, dull, tarnish. 3 to sully [reputation, etc.]. 4 ref. to become dim, dull, tarnished.
empapar tr. to soak, drench, steep, saturate. 2 to soak up, absorb, imbibe. 3 ref. fig. to acquire a full knowledge [of]; to enter into the spirit [of] 4 to get soaked, or soaked up.
empapelado m. papering, paper hanging. 2 wallpaper.
empapelador, -ra m. paper hanger.
empapelar tr. to wrap in paper. 2 to paper [a wall]; to wallpaper. 3 coll. to prosecute [a person].
empaque m. packing. 2 coll. mien, appearance. 3 stiffness, affected gravity.
empaquetado m. packing.
empaquetadura f packing. 2 MACH. gasket.
empaquetar tr. to pack [goods]. 2 to pack, crowd.
emparchar tr. to cover with plasters.
emparedado, -da adj. immured. 2 m.-f. recluse. 3 m. sandwich.
emparedar tr. to immure, wall in.
emparejar tr. to pair, match. 2 to make [a thing] level with another. 3 to close [doors] flush. 4 intr. to come abreast, catch up [with another]. 5 to equal. 6 ref. to pair.
emparentado, -da adj. related [by marriage].
emparentar intr. to become related by marriage. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.
emparrado m. vine arbour, bower.
emparrar tr. to form into a bower. 2 to embower.
emparrillado m. ARCH. & ENG. grillage.
empastar tr. to cover with paste. 2 to bind [books] in a stiff cover. 3 to fill [a tooth]. 4 PAINT. to impaste.
empaste m. covering with paste. 2 filling [of a tooth]. 3 PAINT, impasto.
empastelar tr. PRINT. to pi, pie.
empatar tr.-intr.-ref. to tie, be in a tie, equal, draw [in games or voting].
empate m. tie, draw [in games or voting].
empavesada f. NAUT. armings, waistcloths.
empavesado m. NAUT. dressing [of a ship], bunting.
empavesar tr. NAUT. to dress [a ship]. 2 to veil [a monument].
empavonado, empavonamiento m. blueing [of a metal].
empecatado, -da adj. confounded, incorrigible. 2 ill-starred, unlucky.
empecer intr. to be an obstacle. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
empecinado, -da adj. (Am.) stubborn. empecinamiento m. stubbornness, obstinacy, pig-headedness.
empecinar tr. to smear with pitch or slime. 2 ref. (Am.) to get obstinate [about].
empedernido, -da adj. hardened, hard-hearted. 2 inveterate.
empedernir tr. to harden. 2 ref. to harden; to become hard-hearted.¶ Only used in the forms having i in their terminations.
empedrado, -da adj. stone-paved. 2 strewn. 3 cloud-flecked. 4 m. stone pavement.
empedrador m. stone paver.
empedrar tr. to pave with stones. 2 fig. ~ de, to strew, bespatter with.
empegado m. tarpaulin.
empegar tr. to coat with pitch. 2 to mark [sheep] with pitch.
empeine m. lower part of the abdomen. 2 instep. 3 vamp [of shoe]. 4 MED. tetter.
empelotarse ref. coll. to get muddled. 2 coll. to get into a row. 3 coll. to strip naked, to undress. 4 to be mad or crazy about, to fall in love with.
empellar tr. to push, shove, jostle.
empellón m. push, shove: a empellones, by pushing, roughly.
empenachar tr. to plume, adorn with plumes.
empenaje m. AER. empennage, tail unit.
empeñadamente adv. with a will, hard, insistently.
empeñado, -da adj. pledged. 2 pawned. 3 eager [to], bent [on]. 4 [of a dispute, etc.] hard, hot.
empeñar tr. to pledge; plight; to pawn. 2 to engage, compel. 3 to join [battle]; to start [a dispute]. 4 ref. to get into debt. 5 to bind oneself. 6 [of a battle, dispute, etc.] to begin. 7 empeñarse en, to insist on, to set one’s mind on. 8 empeñarse por, to intercede for.
empeño m. pledging [of one’s word, etc.]. 2 pawning, pawn: casa de empeños, pawnshop. 3 pledge, obligation. 4 insistence, determination. 5 undertaking. 6 protector, recommender.
empeoramiento m. deterioration, worsening.
empeorar tr.-intr.-ref. to deteriorate, worsen [make or get worse].
empequeñecer tr. to make smaller, belittle, diminish. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
emperador m. emperor.
emperatriz f. empress.
emperejilar tr. to dress up, adorn. 2 ref. to dress up, adorn oneself.
emperezar intr.-ref. to grow lazy.
empergaminar tr. to cover or bind with parchment.
emperifollar tr. EMPEREJILAR.
empernar tr. to bolt [secure with bolts].
empero conj. yet, however, notwithstanding.
emperrarse ref. to get obstinate; to stick doggedly [to an idea or purpose].
empezar tr.-intr. to begin: ~ a, to begin to, to start [doing something]; ~ por, to begin by. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.
empiezo, empiece, etc. irr. V. EMPEZAR.
empinada f. AER. zooming. 2 irse a la ~, [of a horse] to rear.
empinado, -da adj. high; steep. 2 stiff, stuck-up.
empinar tr. to raise, lift. 2 ~ el codo, to crook the elbow, to tipple. 3 intr. to drink much. 4 ref. to stand on tiptoe. 5 [of a horse] to rear. 6 AER. to zoom. 7 to tower, rise high.
empingorotado, -da adj. of high social standing; stuck-up.
empíreo, -a adj.-m. empyrean.
empírico, -ca adj. empirical, empiric. 2 m.-f. empiric, empiricist.
empirismo m. empiricism.
empitonar tr. BULLF. to catch with the horns.
empizarrado m. slate roof.
empizarrar tr. to roof with slate.
emplastar tr. to apply plasters to. 2 to paint the face of. 3 ref. to paint one’s face.
emplástico, -ca adj. sticky, glutinous.
emplasto m. PHARM. plaster; poultice. 2 coll. unsatisfactory compromise.
emplazamiento m. summoning, summons. 2 location, emplacement.
emplazar tr. to summon at a specified time. 2 to locate, place.
empleado, -da m.-f. employee; clerk; officeholder.
emplear tr. to employ [a person, time, etc.]. 2 to employ, use. 3 to spend, invest [money]. 4 le está bien empleado, it serves him right. 5 ref. to take employment. 6 to occupy oneself.
empleo m. employ, employment, post, job; occupation. 2 employment, use. 3 investment [of money].
empleomanía f. eagerness for civil employment.
emplomado m. ieads [of roof or iatticed windows].
emplomar tr. to lead [cover, fix, etc., with lead]. 2 to plumb [seal with lead].
emplumar tr. to feather [cover, adorn with feathers]. 2 to tar and feather.
emplumecer intr. to fledge, grow feathers.¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
empobrecer tr. to impoverish. 2 intr.-ref. to become poor, ¶ CONIUG. like agradecer.
empobrecimiento m. impoverishment.
empobrezco, empobrezca, etc. irr. V. EMPOBRECER. empolvar tr. to cover with dust. 2 to powder [put powder on]. 3 ref. to get dusty. 4 to powder [one’s face].
empollado, -da adj. hatched, incubated. 2coll. pri med for an examination.
empollar tr. to brood, hatch [eggs]. 2 coll. to grind, swot up [a subject]. 3 intr. [of bees] to brood.
empollón, -na adj. swotting. 2 m.-f. swot, grind [student].
emponchado, -da adj. (Am.) wearing a poncho. 2 suspicious.
emponcharse ref. (Am.) to put on a poncho.
emponzoñamiento m. poisoning.
emponzoñar tr. to poison. 2 ref. to become poisoned.
emporcar tr. to dirty, foul, soil. 2 to get dirty. ¶ CONJUG. like contar.
emporio m. emporium. 2 center of arts or culture.
empotrar tr. ARCH. to embed [in a wall or floor].
emprendedor, -ra adj. enterprising.
emprender tr. to undertake, engage in, enter upon; to begin: ~ la marcha, to start out. 2 ~ a uno, to accost, address someone; emprenderla con, to attack, set upon.
empresa f. enterprise, undertaking. 2 concern, firm, company. 3 management [of a theater]. 4 HER. device.
empresarial adj. management, managerial.
empresario m. contractor. 2 theatrical manager; impresario; showman. 3 ~ de pompas fúnebres, undertaker.
empréstito m. government or corporation loan.
empujar tr. to push, shove; to impel.
empuje m. push, pushing. 2 ARCH., ENG. pressure, thrust. 3 push, energy, enterprise.
empujón m. push, shove, violent push. 2 push [to a work, etc.]. 3 a empujones, pushing, roughly; by fits and starts.
empuñadura f. hilt [of sword].
empuñar tr. to take [a sword, cane, etc.] by the hilt or the handle: ~ el cetro, to begin to reing. 2 to clutch, grasp, grip.
empunldura f. NAUT. earing.
emú m. ORN. emu.
emulación f. emulation.
emular tr. to emulate.
émulo, -la adj. emulous. 2 m.-f. emulator.
emulsión f. emulsion.
emulsionar tr. to emulsify.
emulsor m. emulsifier.
en prep. in, at, on, upon: ~ la caja, in the box; ~ casa, at home; -~ aquella ocasión, on that occasion. 2 into: convertir ~, to change or turn into. 3 for: ~ adelante, for the future. 4 [followed by infinitive] by: le conocí ~ el andar, I recognized him by his gait. 5 [followed by gerund] on, upon, once, no sooner, right after.
enaceitar tr. to oil.
enaguachar tr. to fill with water, make watery.
enaguas f. pl. petticoat, underskirt.
enaguazar tr. to flood, make swampy. 2 ref. to become swampy.
enaguillas f. pl. short skirt or petticoat; kilt, enajenable adj. alienable.
enajenación f. alienation. 2 abstraction, rapture. 3 ~ mental, mental derangement, madness.
enajenamiento m. ENAJENACIÓN.
enajenar tr. to alienate. 2 [of emotions] to transport, carry away. 3 ref. to dispossess oneself of. 4 to become estranged. 5 to become enraptured.
enálage f. GRAM. enallage.
enalbardar tr. to put a packsaddle on. 2 COOK, to bread, to cover with batter.
enaltecedor, -ra adj. ennobling. 2 exalting, extolling.
enaltecer tr. to ennoble. 2 to exalt, extoll. 3 ref. to become exalted. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enaltecimiento m. ennobling. 2 exalting, extolling.
enamoradizo, -za adj. inclined to love, amorous.
enamorado, -da adj. in love, loving, enamoured. 2 m.-f. lover; sweetheart.
enamoramiento m. love, infatuation. 2 enamouring, love-making.
enamorar tr. to make love to. 2 to infatuate, enamour; to charm. 3 ref. to fall in love.
enamoricarse ref. coll. to be slightly in love.
enanlto, -ta m.-f. little dwarf; gnome.
enano, -na adj. dwarf, dwarfish. 2 m.-f. dwarf.
enarbolar tr. to raise on high, to hoist [a flag, etc.]. 2 to brandish [a cane, a pike, etc.]. 3 ref. [of a horse] to rear. 4 to hoop [barrels].
enarcar tr. to raise [one’s eyebrows], to arch. 2 to hoop, to put a hoop on.
enardecer tr. to inflame, fire, heat, kindle, excite. 2 ref. to heat, to become inflamed, kindled. 3 [of a dispute] to become heated. 4 [of a part of the body] to burn.¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enardecimiento m. inflaming, heating, excitement.
enarenar tr. to sand, cover with sand; to gravel. 2 ref. NAUT. to run aground.
enarmònico, -ca adj. MUS. enharmonic.
enastado, -da adj. horned [having horns].
enastar tr. to put a handle or shaft on.
encabalgar intr. [of some things] to rest upon another thing. 2 tr. to provide horses for.
encaballar tr. to lap over [as tiles]. 2 intr. to rest upon another thing.
encabestrar tr. to halter [a horse, etc.]. 2 to make [wild bulls] be lead by tame ones.
encabezamiento m. heading, first words [of a letter, deed, etc.], caption. 2 tax roll. 3 registering on a tax roll.
encabezar tr. to head, put a heading to [a letter, deed, etc.]. 2 to head [a subscription list]. 3 to head, lead. 4 to register on a tax roll. 5 to fortify [wine] with another wine or alcohol.
encabritarse ref. [of horses] to rear. 2 AER., NAUT. to shoot up.
encachado m. stone or concrete lining in the bed of a canal, ditch, etc.
encadenamiento m. chaining. 2 enchainment, connection, linking, concatenation.
encadenar tr. to chain, enchain. 2 to enslave. 3 to connect, link together, concatenate.
encajar tr. to make [a thing] fit into another; to fit in, insert. 2 to put or force in. 3 to put in [a joke, a remark, etc.], to drop [a hint]. 4 to force or palm off [something] on someone. 5 to land [a blow, etc.]; to take [a blow, etc.]. 6 intr. to fit: ~ en or con, to fit into. 7 to be relevant, to the purpose. 8 ref. to squeeze [oneself into]. 9 to butt in. 10 to put on [a garment].
encaje m. fitting in, insertion. 2 socket, cavity, frame, etc., into which a thing is fitted or inserted. 3 lace [openwork tissue]. 4 inlaid work.
encajero, -ra m.-f. lacemaker. 2 lace dealer.
encajonado m. cofferdam. 2 MAS. wall made of packed earth.
encajonamiento m. boxing [putting in boxes]. 2 narrowing of rivers between steep banks.
encajonar tr. to box, put in boxes. 2 to put in a narrow place. 3 ref. [of rivers] to narrow between steep banks.
encalabrinado, -da adj. obstinate about a thing.
encalabrinar tr. [of a vapour or odour] to affect the head, make dizzy. 2 to excite, irritate. 3 ref. to get dizzy. 4 to get obstinate.
encalador m. whitewasher. 2 lime pit or vat [for liming hides].
encaladura f. whitewashing. encalar tr. to whitewash. 2 to lime [treat with lime].
encalmarse ref. VET. to be overheated. 2 [of weather or wind] to become calm, still.
encalladero m. NAUT. shoal.
encalladura f. NAUT. grounding, stranding.
encallar intr. NAUT. to run aground. 2 fig. to get stuck.
encallecer intr.-ref. to get corns or callosities. 2 ref. to become hardened or callous. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
encallecido, -da adj. hardened, callous.
encamarse ref. coll. to take to bed, fall ill. 2 [of cattle and game] to lie down. 3 [of wheat, etc.] to be beaten down by rain, wind, etc.
encaminar tr. to direct, set on the way, put on the right road. 2 to bend [one’s steps]. 3 to direct [to an end]. 4 ref. to betake oneself, be on one’s way [to]. 5 to be intended [to].
encanallamiento m. becoming base, vile.
encanallar tr. to make base, vile. 2 ref. to contract base habits, to become base, vile.
encanastar tr. to put in baskets.
encandelar intr. to blossom with catkin. encandilado, -da adj. hight, erect. 2 cocked [hat].
encandilar tr. to dazzle, daze. 2 coll. to stir. [the fire]. 3 ref. [of the eyes] to shine with lust or drink.
encanecer intr. to grow white, hoary, gray or gray-haired. 2 to become old. 3 tr. to turn hoary. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
encanijamiento m. weakness, sickliness.
encanijar m. to make [an infant] lean and sickly. 2 ref. [of infants] to grow lean and sickly.
encanillar tr. WEAV. to wind on a quill.
encantación f. ENCANTAMIENTO.
encantado, -da adj. enchanted. 2 delighted, satisfied. 3 coll. abstracted. 4 hautned, rambling [house].
encantador, -ra adj. enchanting, charming, delightful. 2 m.-f. charmer. 3 m. enchanter. 4 f. enchantress.
encantamiento m. enchantment.
encantar tr. to enchant, cast a spell on. 2 to enchant, charm, delight.
encante m. auction, public sale.
encanto m. enchantment. 2 charm, delight. 3 delightful thing. 4 pl. charms [of a woman].
encanutar tr. to shape like a tube. 2 to put into a tube.
encañado m. conduit for water. 2 trellis of reeds.
encañar tr. to pipe [water]. 2 to drain [a land]. 3 to prop up [plants] with reeds. encañizada f. weir [for fish]. 2 trellis of reeds.
encañonar tr. to convey through pipes. 2 to cover [with a firearm]. 3 to quill, ruff. 4 intr. [of birds] to fledge out.
encaperuzar tr. to put a hood on.
encapillar tr. to hood [a falcon].
encapirotar tr. to put a hood on.
encapotar tr.-ref. to put a capote on. 2 ref. to frown, look grim. 4 to become cloudy. 5 [of horses] to lower the head too much.
encapricharse ref. to take it into one’s head. 2 ~ por, to take a fancy to.
encapuchar tr. to cover with a cowl or hood. 2 ref. to put on one’s cowl or hood.
encarado, -da adj. bien (or mal) ~, well- (or ill-) favoured [in looks].
encaramar tr. to raise, hoist. 2 to elevate [to a high post]. 3 ref. to climb, mount. 4 to reach a high post.
encarar tr. to aim, point [a weapon]. 2 intr.-ref. ~ or encararse con, to face, to place oneself face to face with.
encarcelación f. encarcelamiento m. imprisonment, incarceration.
encarcelar tr. to incarcerate, imprison.
encarecedor, -ra adj. extolling, praising. 2 extoller, praiser.
encarecer tr. to raise the price of. 2 to emphasize, enhance, exaggerate; to praise. 3 to recommend strongly. 4 intr.-ref to become dearer. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
encarecidamente adv. earnestly, insistently.
encarecimiento m. increase in price. 2 emphasizing; praising. 3 earnestness: con ~, earnestly.
encarezco, encarezca,etc. irr. V. ENCARECER.
encargado, -da m.-f. person in charge, manager, foreman, forewoman. 2 m. ~ de negocios, chargé d’affaires.
encargar tr. to entrust, put under the care of. 2 to recommend, charge, urge. 3 to order [goods, etc.]. 4 ref. encargarse de, to take charge of; to attend, see to.
encargo m. charge, commission, job. 2 errand. 3 recommendation, warning. 4 order [for goods].
encariñado, -da adj. attached, fond of.
encariñar tr. to awaken affection or liking. 2 ref. encariñarse con, to get fond of.
encamación f. THEOL., incarnation. 2 incarnation, embodiment. 3 PAINT, SCULP. flesh colour.
encarnado, -da adj. incarnate. 2 flesh-coloured, incarnadine. 3 red. 4 m. flesh colour, incarnadine, red.
encarnadura f. buena (or mala) ~, quick- (or slow) healing flesh.
encarnar intr. THEOL. to be incarnate. 2 SURG. to heal over, incarn. 3 tr. to incarnate, embody, personify. 4 to bait [a fishhook]. 5 to give flesh colour to [a sculpture]. 6 ref. to unite, incorporate with one another.
encarnizadamente adv. bloodily, fiercely, bitterly, brutally, cruelly.
encarnizado, -da adj. blood-shot. 2 bloody, fierce, furious, bitter, hard fought.
encarnizamiento m. cruelty, fierceness, fury, rage.
encarnizar tr. to make cruel, to infuriate. 2 ref. to become infuriated; to fight bitterly. 3 encarnizarse con, to persecute, treat mercilessly.
encarpetar tr. to put in a file or portfolio.
encarrilar tr. to put back on the rails. 2 to put [a matter] on the right track; to set right.
encarrujarse ref. to curl, kink. 2 to become corrugated, to shrivel.
encartar tr. to indict. 2 [in card games] to play a suit that opponent can follow.
encarte m. [in card games] having to follow suit. 2 order of cards at the close of a hand.
encartonar tr. to put cadboard on; to protect with cardboard. 3 to bind [books] in boards.
encascabelar tr. to bell, put sleigh bells on.
encasillado m. set of squares or pigeonholes. 2 list of government candidates.
encasillar tr. to classify, to distribute. 2 to assign [a government candidate] to a voting district.
encasquetar tr. to pull on or down [a hat, cap, etc.]. 2 to hammer [an idea, etc.] into one’s head. 4 ref. to pull on [a hat, etc.]. 5 to get it into one’s head.
encasquillar tr. to put a cap or ferrule on. 2 (Am.) to shoe [horses]. 3 ref. [of a bullet in a gun] to stick, get stuck. encastillado, -da adj. castellated. 2 haughty, proud.
encastillar tr. to fortify with castles. 2 to pile up. 3 ref. to make a stand in a castle or lofty place. 4 to take refuge in some high spot. 5 to stick to one’s own opinion.
encastrar tr. MECH. to engage, mesh.
encauchar tr. to cover with rubber.
encausar tr. LAW to arraign, indict, prosecute.
encauste, encausto m. PAINT. pintura al ~, encaustic.
encàustico, -ca adj. encaustic. 2 m. wax polish.
encauzamiento m. channeling [directing by a channel]. 2 directing, guiding, guidance.
encauzar tr. to channel [direct by, or confine in, a channel]. 2 to direct, guide.
encebollado m. beef stew with onions.
encefálico, -ca adj. encephalic.
encefalitis f. MED. encephalitis.
encéfalo m . ANAT. encephalon.
encefalograma m. MED. encephalogram, encephalograph.
encelamiento m. jealousy. 2 rut.
encelar tr. to make jealous. 2 ref. to become jealous. 3 to be in rut.
enceldar tr. to put in a cell.
encella f. cheese mould.
encenagamiento m. bemudding. 2 wallowing in vice.
encenagarse ref. to get into the mud. 2 to get covered with mud. 3 to give oneself up to, or to wallow [in vice].
encendaja f. kindling [for starting a fire].
encendedor, -ra adj. lighting, kindling. 2 m. lighter, lighting device: ~ automático, cigarette lighter.
encender tr. to light, set fire to, ignite, kindle. 2 to burn [the mouth, etc.]. 3 to inflame, excite. 5 ref. to burn, be kindled, catch fire. 6 [of war] to break out. 7 to become inflamed. 8 to blush, to redden. ¶ CONJUG. like entender.
encendidamente adv. ardently.
encendido, -da adj. high [colour], high-coloured. 3 red, flushed. 4 ardent, inflamed. 5 m. AUTO. ignition.
encendimiento m. ignition; kindling, lighting. 2 flush, ruddy colour. 3 ardour, inflammation.
encentadura f. bed sore. encentar tr.-ref. DECENTAR.
encerado, -da adj. waxed. 2 wax-coloured. 3 m. oilcloth, oilskin, tarpaulin.4 blackboard. 5 waxing [of floors and furniture].
encerador, -ra m.-f. waxer [of floors].
encerar tr. to wax.
encerradero m. sheep pen. 2 pen holding bulls before fight.
encerrar tr. to shut in, confine, hem in, lock up or in. 2 to enclose, contain. 3 ref. to shut oneself in. 2 to retire, go into seclusion. 5 to be closeted. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.
encerrona f. voluntary confinement. 2 plant, trap.
encespedar tr. to sward, turf.
encestar tr. to put in a basket.
enceste m. basket [in basketball].
encía f. gum [of the mouth].
encíclica f. encyclical.
enciclopedia f. encyclop(a)edia.
enciclopedismo m. Encyclop(a)edism.
enciendo, encienda, etc. irr. V. ENCENDER.
encierro m. shutting in or up, locking up, enclosing, penning, confinement. 2 seclusion, retirement. 3 place of confinement, prison.
encierro, encierre, etc. irr. V. ENCERRAR.
encima adv. on, upon, over, at the top: ~ de, on, upon; por ~, superficially, hastily; por ~ de, over, above; in spite of; bianco por ~, white at the top. 2 on, upon, with [a person, oneself]: echarse ~ [ropas, una responsabilidad], to throw [clothes] on, to take upon oneself [a responsability]; quitarse [una cosa] de ~, to be rid of [a thing]. 3 in addition, on top, to boot.
enclmar tr. to raise hight, to put on top. 2 ref. to rise above.
encina f. BOT. evergreen oak, holm oak.
encinal, encinar m. evergreen-oak grove.
encinta adj. pregnant, with child.
encintado m. curb [of a sidewalk, etc.].
encintar tr. to adorn with ribbons. 2 ENG. to put the curb or curbs on.
enclaustrar tr. to cloister.
enclavado, -da adj. enclaved. 2 m. enclave.
enclavar tr. to nail. 2 to pierce, transfix. 3 coll. to deceive.
enclave m. enclave, small area, isolated area. 2 setting, situation, location.
enclavijar tr. to join, interlock. 2 to peg [a stringed instrument].
enclenque adj. weak, feeble, sickly.
enclítico, -ca adj.-f. GRAM. enclitic.
encocorar tr. to vex, annoy, nag.
encofrado m. MIN. plank lining. 2 form [for concrete].
encofrar tr. MIN. to plank, timber. 2 to build a form for [concrete].
encoger tr. to contract, draw back, draw in [a limb, etc.]. 2 to dispirit. 3 intr. [of cloth, wood, etc.] to shrink. 4 ref. to shrink. 5 to lose courage. 6 encogerse de hombros, to shrug one’s shoulders.
encogido, -da adj. awkward, timid, bashful.
encogimiento adj. contraction, shrinking, shrinkage. 2 awkwardness, timidity. 3 ~ de hombros, shrug.
encolado m. clarification [of wine]. 2 WEAV. dressing.
encoladura f., encolamiento m. gluing. 2 PAINT sizing. 3 ENCOLADO.
encolar tr. to glue. 2 WEAV. to dress. 3 PAINT, to size. 4 to clarify [wine].
encolerizar tr. to anger, irritate. 2 ref. to become angry.
encomendar tr. to entrust, commit, commend, recommend. 2 to make [somebody] a knight commander. 3 ref. to commend oneself [to]. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.
encomendero m. holder of an ENCOMIENDA.
encomiar tr. to praise, eulogize, extol.
encomiasta m.-f. panegyrist.
encomiástico, -ca adj. encomiastic.
encomienda f. charge, commission. 2 commandery [of a military order]. 3 knight’s cross. 4 HIST. grant of land made by a Spanish king. 5 HIST. Indian territory committed to the care of a Spanish colonist. 6 praise, commendation. 7 care, protection. 8 (Am.) postal parcel. 9 pl. regards [sent].
encomiendo, encomiende, etc. irr. V. ENCOMENDAR.
encomio m. encomium.
enconamiento m. inflammation [of a wound or sore]. 2 bitterness, rancour.
enconar tr. to inflame, aggravate [a wound or sore]. 2 to embitter [the feelings]. 3 ref. to become inflamed, to rankle, fester. 4 to become embittered. 5 enconarse con uno, to treat someone bitterly.
encono m. bitterness, rancour.
encontradamente adv. oppositely.
encontradizo, -za adj. hacerse el ~, to try to meet someone seemingly by chance.
encontrado, -da adj. contrary, opposed.
encontrar tr. to find, meet, encounter. 2 to find [good, disagreable, etc.]. 3 intr. to meet, collide. 4 ref. to meet [come together]; to collide, be in opposition. 5 to be [in a place]. 6 to find oneself. 7 to feel [ill, well, at ease, etc.]. 8 encontrarse con, to meet with, run across; to find. ¶ CONJUG. like contar.
encontrón, encontronazo m. bump, collision.
encopetado, -da adj. presumptuous, stuck-up. 2 noble, aristocratic, of high social standing.
encorajar tr. to give courage to. 2 ref. to become enraged.
encorajinarse ref. to become enraged.
encorar tr. to cover with leather. 2 to grow a skin over [a sore]. 3 intr.-ref. [of a sore], to grow a new skin. ¶ CONJUG. like contar.
encordadura f. MUS. strings [on an instrument].
encordar tr. to string [a musical instrument or a tennis racket]. 2 to bind or wrap with a rope. ¶ CONJUG. like contar.
encordonar tr. to lace, tie with laces. 2 to adorn with cords.
encornado, -da adj. [of a bull or cow] horned.
encornadura f. horns; set of the horns.
encorralar tr. to corral, shut in [cattle].
encorsetar tr.-ref. to put a corset on.
encortinar tr. to put up curtains on or in.
encorvadura f., encorvamiento m. bending, curving, curvature. 2 stoop [bend of back and shoulderss].
encorvar tr. to bend, curve. 2 ref to bend over, to stoop. 3 [of horses] to buck.
encostarse ref. NAUT. to approach the coast.
encostrar tr. to encrust, cover with a crust. 2 intr.-ref. to crust; to develop a crust or a scab.
encovar tr. to put in a cave. 2 to keep, hide away. 3 to force to hide oneself. 4 ref. to hide oneself. ¶ CONJUG. like contar.
encrespado, -da adj. curly [hair]. 2 rough [sea].
encrespador m. curling iron.
encrespadura f. curling, crimping, crisping, frizzling.
encrespamlento m. curling, crisping, frizzling. 2 bristling, ruffling. 3 roughness [of the sea]. 4 anger, irritation.
encrespar tr. to curl, crisp, frizzle. 2 to bristle, ruffie. 3 to stir up [the waves].4 to anger, irritate. ref. to curl, crisp, frizzle [become curled, etc.]. [of hair, feathers] to bristle, ruffle. 7 [of the sea] to become rough. 8 to bristle with anger, be infuriated.
encrestarse ref. [of birds] to stiffen the crest or comb.
encrucijada f. crossroads; street intersection. 2 ambush, snare.
encrudecer tr. to make raw; to make hard to cook. 2 to exasperate, irritate. 3 ref. to become exasperated, irritated. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
encruelecer tr. to make cruel. 2 ref. to become cruel. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
encuademación f. bookbinding. 2 binding [of a book]: ~ a la holandesa, half binding; ~ en pasta, carboard binding.3 bindery.
encuadernador m. bookbinder.
encuadernar tr. to bind [a book]: sin ~, unbound.
encuadramiento m. framing.
encuadrar tr. to frame [provide with a frame; enclose in a frame; serve as a frame to].
encuadre m. CINEM. framing. 2 setting, background. 3 MILL. officering [troop].
encubar tr. to cask [wine, etc.]. 2 MIN. to timber [a shaft].
encubierta f. fraudulent concealment.
encubiertamente adv. secretly, on the sly.
encubierto, -ta p. p. of ENCUBRIR: palabras encubiertas, veiled words.
encubridor, -rа m.-f. concealer, one who covers up.3 LAW accessory after the fact.
encubrimiento m. concealment. 2 LAW being an accesory after the fact.
encubrir tr. to conceal, hide. 2 to cover up. 3 LAW to become an accesory after the fact.
encuentro m. meeting [act of meeting]; encounter: mal ~, unlucky encounter; salir al ~ de, to go to meet; to oppose; to meet half way. 2 clash, collision, opposition.3 MIL. encounter.4 ARCH.angle, nook, corner. 5 ZOOL. axilla. 6 pl. [in quadrupeds] points of the shoulder blades.
encuentro, encuentre, etc. irr. V. ENCONTRAR.
encuesta f. inquiry.
encuestador, -ra n . pollster.
encumbrado, -da adj. high, lofty. 2 elevated, sublime. 3 mighty, high-placed.
encumbramiento m. elevation, height. 2 exaltation, climbing or rising to high station.
encumbrar tr. to raise high. 2 to exalt, elevate. 3 to climb on the top of. 4 ref. to rise high. 5 to raise oneself [to high station]. 6 to become proud, haughty.
encunar tr. to put [a child] in the cradle. 2 BULLF. to catch between the horns.
encurtidos m. pl. pickles.
encurtir tr. to pickle.
enchalecar tr. coll. to pocket, to pinch. 2 to put someone into a straightjacket. 3 ref. to pocket. enchancletar tr. to put slippers on. 2 to drag shoes. 3 ref. to put slippers on.
enchapado m. veneer, veneering, covering of thin plates or sheets.
encharcar tr. to inundate, turn into a pool. 2 ref. to be covered with puddles. 3 to upset the stomach by much drinking.
enchiquerar tr. BULLF. to pen [the bull] before the fight. 2 coll. to jail.
enchironar tr. coll. to jail.
enchufado, -da adj. p.p. of ENCHUFAR. 2 coll. well in; estar ~, to have useful contacts, to have friends in the right places, to have a cushy lob. 3 coll. n. wirepuller, one who has succeeded through contacts. 4 slacker [soldier].
enchufar tr. to fit [a tube or pipe] into another. 2 ELECT. to connect, to plug in. 3 ref. to get a sinecure.
enchufe m. fitting [of a pipe into another]; joint [of two pipes]. 2 ELECT plug; plug and receptacle. 3 sinecure, easy job.
ende adv. por~, therefore.
endeble adj. weak, feeble, frail, flimsy.
endeblez f. feebleness, fragility, flimsiness.
endecágono m. GEOG. hendecagon, undecagon.
endecasílabo, -ba adj. hendecasyllabic. 2 m. hendecasyllabe.
endecha f. dirge, doleful song. 2 assonanced se-vensyllabled quatrain.
endemia f. MED. endemic.
endémico, -ca adj. endemic.
endemoniado, -da adj. demoniac. 2 fig. devilish, very bad. 3 fig. tremendous, awful. 4 m.-f. demoniac, possessed.
endemoniar tr. to possess with an evil spirit. 2 coll. to irritate, enrage.
endentar tr. MACH. to furnish with teeth. 2 tr.-intr. to engage, mesh. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.
endentecer intr. to teethe, cut one’s teeth. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enderezamiento m. straightening. 2 setting right.
enderezar tr. to straighten, unbend. 2 to right, set upright. 3 to address, dedicate. 4 to right, correct, put in order. 5 to fix, punish. 6 to bend [one’s steps]. 7 ref. to straighten up. 8 to be directed [to an end].
endeudarse ref. to fall into debt.
endiablado, -da adj. devilish. 2 ugly, deformed. 3 very bad. 4 furious, wild. 5 complicated, difficult.
endibia f. BOT. endive.
endiento, endiente, etc. irr. V. ENDENTAR.
endilgar tr. coll. to direct, guide. 2 coll. to put, lodge. 3 coll. to land [a blow]; to spring [something unpleasant] on [a person].
endino, -na adj. coll. wicked, perverse.
endiosamiento m. haughtiness, pride, conceit.
endiosarse ref. to become haughty, proud.
endocardio m. ANAT. endocardium.
endocarpio m. BOT. endocarp.
endocrino, -na adj. PHYSIOL . endocrine.
endodermo m. BIOL. endoderm. 2 BOT. endodermis.
endógeno, -na adj. endogenous.
endolinfa f. PHYSIOL . endolymph.
endomingado, -da adj. in his Sunday best.
endomingarse ref. to put on one’s Sunday best.
endosante m.-f. COM. endorser.
endosar tr. COM. to endorse, indorse. 2 to transfer [a burden, task, etc.] to another person, to saddle with.
endosatario, -ria m.-f. endorsee.
endoselar tr. to canopy.
endósmosis f. PHYS., CHEM. endosmosis.
endoso m. COM. endorsement.
endospermo m. BOT. endosperm.
endrina f. BOT. sloe plum.
endrino, -na adj. sloe-coloured. 2 m. BOT. blackthorn, sloe tree.
endulzar tr. to sweeten. 2 to soften, make bearable.
endurecer tr. to harden. 2 to inure. 3 ref. to harden [become hard]. 4 to become hardened, cruel. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
endurecido, -da adj. hard, hardened. 2 obdurate.
endurecimiento m. hardening. 2 hardness. 3 obduracy. 4 hard-heartedness.
endurezco, endurezca,etc. irr. V. ENDURECER.
ene f. Spanish name of the letter n. 2 x [unknown quantity].
enea f. BOT. cattail, bulrush.
eneágono, -na m. GEOG. nonagon.
Eneas m. pr. n. MYTH. Æneas.
enebrina f juniper berry.
enebro m. BOT. juniper.
Eneida f. Æneid.
eneldo m. BOT. dill.
enema f. enema, clyster.
enemiga f. enmity, hatred, ill-will.
enemigo, -ga adj. adverse, opposed [to]. 2 enemy, hostile. 3 m.-f. enemy, foe: el ~ malo, the Evil one.
enemistad f. enmity.
enemistar tr. to make enemices of. 2 ref. to become enemies: enemistarse con, to fall out with.
energético, -ca adj. energy. 2 f. energetics. 3 m. pl. fuels.
energía f. energy: ~ atómica, PHYS. atomic energy. 2 MECH. power: ~ eléctrica, electric power.
enérgico, -ca adj. energetic, vigorous, active, lively.
energúmeno, -na m.-f. energumen. 2 wild, frantic person.
enero m. January.
enervación f. enervation. 2 MED. nervous prostration.
enervamiento m. enervation.
enervante adj. enervating.
enervar tr. to enervate. 2 ref. to become enervate.
enésimo, -ma adj. MATH. nth.
enfadadizo, -za adj. easily displeased, peevish.
enfadar tr. to displease, annoy, anger. 2 to bore. 3 ref. to be displeased, get angry.
enfado m. displeasure, annoyance, irritation. 2 trouble, bother.
enfadoso, -sa adj. annoying, bothersome, boring.
enfangar tr. to bemud. 2 ref. to sink in the mud. 3 to mix [in dirty business]. 4 to sink [into vice].
enfardar tr. to pack, to bale.
enfardelar tr. to bundle, to pack.
énfasis m. emphasis [special impressiveness of expression]. 2 affectation in delivery.
enfático, -ca adj. emphatic, impressive.
enfatizar tr. to emphasize.
enfatuarse ref. to become vain or conceited.
enfermar intr. to fall ill, be taken ill. 2 tr. to make ill.
enfermedad f. illness, sickness, disease.
enfermera f. woman nurse [for the sick].
enfermería f. infirmary, sick-quarters.
enfermero m. male nurse [for the sick].
enfermizo, -za adj. sickly, unhealthy.
enfermo, -ma adj. sick, ill, diseased. 2 m.-f. sick person, patient.
enfermucho, -cha adj. sickish, sickly.
enfervorizar tr. to inspire fervour. 2 ref. to become inflamed with fervour.
enfeudación tr. infeudation, enfeoffment.
enfeudar tr. to enfeoff.
enfilar tr. to line up. 2 to aim, sight. 3 to go straight down or up [a street, etc.], 4 to string [beads, etc.]. 5 ARTILL. to enfilade.
enfisema m. MED. emphysema.
enfiteusis f. LAW emphyteusis.
enflaquecer tr. to make thin or lean. 2 to weaken 3 intr.-ref. to become thin or lean. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enflaquecimiento m. loss of flesh, emaciation.
enflorar tr. to flower [adorn with flowers].
enfocar tr. to focus. 2 to envisage, direct [an affair]; to approach [a problem, etc.].
enfoque m. focussing. 2 approach [to a problem, etc.].
enfrascamlento m. absorption.
enfrascar tr. to put in bottles. 2 ref. to become absorbed, become deeply engaged [in].
enfrenamiento m. bridling. 2 checking, restraining.
enfrentar tr. to confront, cause to face; to bring face to face. 2 tr.-ref. to face: enfrentarse con, to face, oppose, stand up to; to cope with.
enfrente adv. in front, opposite: ~ de, in front of, opposite, facing, against.
enfriadera f. bottle cooler.
enfriamiento m. cooling, refrigeration. 2 MED. cold.
enfriar tr. to cool, make cool. 2 ref. to cool [become cool], cool off. 3 to get chilled.
enfrontar tr. to come face to. 2 tr.-intr. to face, oppose.
enfundar tr. to sheathe, case. 2 to muffle [a drum].
enfurecer tr. to infuriate, enrage. 2 ref. to rage, become infuriated. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enfurecimiento m. infuriation, fury.
enfurezco, enfurezca,etc. irr. V. ENFURECER.
enfurruñamiento m. anger, sulkiness.
enfurruñarse ref. to get angry, to sulk.
enfurtir tr. to full [cloth].
engaitar tr. to deceive, cozen, humbug, wheedle.
engalanar tr. to adorn, bedeck. 2 NAUT. to dress.
engalgar tr. to brake [a cart wheel].
engallado, -da adj. erect, upright. 2 haughty.
engallador m. checkrein.
engallarse ref. to draw oneself up arrogantly; to get cocky. 2 [of a horse] to have the head pulled up.
enganchar tr. to hook [grasp with a hook]; to hook on or up. 2 to hitch, harness. 3 RLY. to couple [carriages]. 4 to attract, hook [a person]. 5 MIL. to recruit, enlist. 6 BULLF. to hook with the horns. 7 ref. to get caught [on a hook, a nail, etc.]. 8 MIL. to enlist [enroll oneself].
enganche m. hooking. 2 hitching [of horses]. 3 RLY. coupling, coupler. 4 MIL. enlistment.
engañabobos m.-f. bamboozler. 2 m. catchpenny.
engañador, -ra adj. deceptive, deluding. 2 m.-f. deceiver.
engañar tr. to deceive, beguile, delude, dupe, fool, hoax, mislead, impose upon, take in. 2 to wheedle. 3 to beguile, while away [time, etc.]. 4 ref. to deceive oneself, be mistaken.
engañifa f. coll. deception, trick. 2 catchpenny.
engaño m. deception, deceit; falsehood; fraud imposition: llamarse a ~, to revoke an agreement, alleging fraud. 2 error, mistake. 3 lure, bait.
engañoso, -sa adj. deceptive, delusive. 2 deceitful.
engarabatar tr. to hook. 2 to crook, gnarl, twist. 3 ref. to get crooked or gnarled.
engarabitar intr.-ref. to climb. 2 ref. [of fingers] to get crooked and stiff [from cold].
engarce m. JEWEL, linking, wiring; setting.
engargantar tr. to put into the throat. 2 intr. MACH. to mesh, engage.
engargante m . MACH, mesh, meshing.
engargolado m. groove for a sliding door.
engargolar tr. CARP. to groove [fix in a groove].
engarzar tr. JEWEL. to link, wire. 2 JEWEL. to enchase, set, mount. 3 to curl [hair].
engastar tr. JEWEL, to enchase, set, mount.
engaste m . JEWEL. enchasing, setting, mounting. 2 setting [of a gem]. 3 pearl flat on one side.
engatillado, -da adj. having a high, thick neck [horse or bull]. 2 m. flat-lock seaming.
engatillar tr. to joint with flat-lock seams.
engatusador, -ra m.-f. cajoler, wheedler.
engatusamiento m. coaxing, wheedling, inveigleing.
engatusar tr. to cajole, coax, wheedle.
engazar tr. ENGARZAR. 2 NAUT. to strap [blocks].
engendramiento m. engendering, begetting, generation.
engendrar tr. engender, beget. 2 to generate, originate. 3 GEOG. to generate.
engendrom. foetus. 2 abortion, freak. 3 poor literary or artistic work. 4 mal ~, perverse child.
englobar tr. to lump together, to include.
engolado, -da adj. HER. engouled. 2 presumptuous, pompous.
engolamiento m. arrogance, presumption, pretentiousness.
engolfar intr.-ref. NAUT. to go far out on the sea. 2 ref. to be deeply engaged or absorbed.
engolosinar tr. to allure, tempt. 2 ref. engolosinarse con, to get fond of.
engomadura f. gumming.
engomar tr. to gum [papers, fabrics, etc.].
engordar tr. to fatten. 2 intr. to fatten [grow fat; become rich].
engorde m. fattening.
engorro m. encumbrance, nuisance, bother.
engorroso, -sa adj. cumbersome, annoying.
engoznar tr. to hinge.
engranaje m. MACH. mesh, meshing. 2 MACH. gear, gearing. 3 teeth of a gear.
engranar intr. MACH. to mesh, gear. 2 to interlock.
engrandecer tr. to enlarge, aggrandize. 2 to extol. 3 to enhance, exaggerate. 4 to elevate, exalt. 5 ref. to be exalted. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
engrandecimiento m. enlargement. 2 praise. 3 enhancement. 4 exaltation.
engrane m. MACH. mesh, meshing.
engrapar tr. MAS., CARP. to cramp.
engrasador, -ra adj. greasing. 2 m.-f. greaser, oiler.
engrasar tr. to make greasy. 2 to grease, oil, lubricate. 3 to fertilize. 4 to dress [cloth].
engrase m. greasing, lubrication. 2 grease [for lubrication]. 3 fertilization [of land].
engreído, -da adj. vain, conceited.
engreimiento m. vanity, presumption, conceit.
engreír tr. to make vain or conceited. 2 ref. to become vain or conceited. ¶ CONJUG. like reír.
engrescar tr. to incite to quarrel. 2 to incite to merriment. 3 ref. to get into a row. 4 to get merry.
engrifarse ref. to take drugs, to drug oneself.
engrasamiento m. thickening. 2 enlargening [of a number].
engrosar tr. to thicken; to make fat or corpulent. 2 to enlarge [the number of]. 3 ref. to thicken [grow thick]. 4 to grow fat or corpulent. ¶ CONJUG. like contar.
engrudar tr. to paste.
engrudo m. paste [of flour or starch and water].
engruesar tr.-r. ENGROSAR.
engrueso, engruese,etc. irr. V. ENGROSAR.
engrumecerse ref. to clot, to curdle.
engualdrapar tr. to caparison [a horse].
enguantado, -da adj. wearing gloves.
enguijarrado m. cobblestone paving.
enguijarrar tr. to cobble [pave with cobblestones].
enguirnaldar tr. to garland. engullir tr. to swallow, gulp, gobble.
enharinar tr. to cover or smear with flour.
enhebillar tr. to bucle [a strap].
enhebrar tr. to thread [a needle]; to thread, string [beads].
enhestadura f. raising high; setting upright.
enhestar tr. to raise high. 2 to set upright. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.
enhiesto, -ta adj. erect, upright, raised.
enhilar tr. ENHEBRAR. 2 ENFILAR. 3 to marshal, arrange [ideas] in order. 4 to direct to an end.
enhorabuena f. congratulations: dar la ~ a, to congratulate. 2 adv. happily. 3 all right; well and good.
enhoramala adv. in an evil hour. 2 vete ~, go to blazes!
enhorcar tr. to string [onions].
enhornar tr. to put into an oven.
enigma m. enigma, riddle.
enigmático, -ca adj. enigmatical.
enjabonar tr. to soap, to lather. 2 coll. to softsoap. 3 coll. to give a rubbing to.
enjaezar tr. to put trappings on [a horse].
enjalbegadura f. whitewashing.
enjalbegar tr. to whitewash. 2 to paint [the face]. 3 ref. to paint one’s face.
enjalma f. light packsaddle.
enjambrar tr. to hive, swarm [bees]. 2 intr. [of bees] to swarm, to breed a new hive.
enjambrazón f. swarming [of bees].
enjambre m. swarm. 2 crowd, multitude.
enjarciar tr. NAUT. to equip with rigging.
enjaretado m. grating, lattice work.
enjaretar tr. to run [a string] through a casing. 2 to rattle off [a speech, etc.]; to do [something] in a rush. 3 to spring [something] on [a person].
enjaular tr. to cage. 2 coll. to imprison, confine.
enjoyar tr. to bejewel, adorn or cover with jewels. 2 to embellish. 3 to set with precious stones.
enjuagadientes m. mouthwash.
enjuagadura f. rinse, rinsing, wash.
enjuagar tr. to rinse [mouth, vessels, etc.].
enjuague m. rinse, rinsing. 2 rinsing water; mouthwash. 3 washbowl, rinsing cup. 4 fig. scheme, plot.
enjugador, -ra m.-f. drier. 2 m. clotheshorse.
enjugar tr. to dry [free from moisture]; to wipe. 2 to dry [tears, sweat, etc.]. 3 to cancel, wipe out [a debt, etc.].
enjuiciamiento m. examining, judging. 2 LAW act of instituting and carrying out a judicial proceeding. 3 LAW prosecution.
enjuiciar tr. to submit [a matter] to study and judgment; to judge of. 2 LAW to institute a judicial proceeding against, to prosecute.
enjundia f. fat in the ovary of fowls. 2 fat of any animal. 3 substance, force.
enjundloso, -sa adj. having much fat. 2 substantial, important, solid.
enjunque m. NAUT. pig-iron, ballast, kentledge.
enjuta f. ARCH, spandrel.
enjuto, -ta adj. dry [free from moisture]. 2 lean, thin, skinny.
enlace m. lacing, interlacing, linking. 2 link, union. 3 RLY. junction; connection. 4 wedding. 5 oficial de ~, MIL. liaison officer.
enlaciar tr.-ref. to render or to become lax or flabby.
enladrillado, -da adj. paved with bricks. 2 m. brick pavement.
enladrillar tr. to pave with bricks.
enlatar tr. to can [food, etc.]. 2 to roof or cover with battens.
enlazadura f., enlazamiento m. linking, connection.
enlazar tr. to lace, to interlace. 2 to link, join. 3 to lasso. 4 ref. to marry. 5 to become laced or linked. 6 to be connected together.
enligar tr. to smear with birdlime. 2 ref. to be caught with birdlime.
enlistonado m. CARP. lathing, lath work.
enlistonar tr. to lath, lay lathwork on.
enlobreguecer tr. to make dark or gloomy.
enlodar tr. to bemud, bemire. 2 to smirch. 3 ref. to get muddy. 4 to soil oneself.
enloquecedor, -ra adj. maddening.
enloquecer tr. to madden, drive insane, distract. 2 intr. to go mad, become insane. CONJUG. like agradecer.
enloquecimiento m. going mad. 2 madness, distraction.
enlosado m. flagstone paving.
enlosar tr. to pave with flagstones.
enlozar tr. (Am.) to enamel [iron, etc.].
enlucido, -da adj. MAS. plastered. 2 m. MAS. plastering [of a wall]; coat of plaster.
enlucimiento m. MAS. plastering. 2 polishing.
enlucir tr. MAS. to plaster [walls]. 2 to polish [metals].
enlutar tr. to put in mourning, to crape. 2 to darken. 3 to sadden. 4 ref. to put on mourning; to dress oneself in mourning.
enllantar tr. to rim, to shoe [a wheel].
enmaderar tr. to plank, board, wainscot. 2 to timber [a building].
enmagrecer intr. to grow lean, lose flesh. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enmallarse ref. [of a fish] to be caught in the meshes of a net.
enmarañamiento m. entanglement, tangle. 2 embroilment, confusion.
enmarañar tr. to entangle, tangle, ravel. 2 to embroil, confuse. 3 ref. to get tangled, embroiled.
enmararse ref. NAUT. to take to the open sea.
enmarcar tr. to frame. 2 to surround, to provide the setting for.
enmascaramiento m. MIL. camouflage.
enmascarar tr. to mask. 2 ref. to put on a mask.
enmasillar tr. to putty.
enmendable adj. emendable.
enmendadura f. emendation, correction.
enmendar tr. to emend, correct, amend. 2 to repair, make amends for. 3 ref. to reform, mend. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.
enmienda f. emendation, correction. 2 amends, reparation. 3 [in parliamentary procedure] amendment. 4 pl. AGR. amendments.
enmiendo, enmiende,etc. irr. V. ENMENDAR.
enmohecer tr. to make mouldy, to mildew. 2 to rust. 3 ref. to get mouldy. 4 to get rusty. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enmohecido, -da adj. mouldy, rusty.
enmoheclmiento m. mouldiness, rustiness.
enmohezco, enmohezca,etc. irr. V. ENMOHECER.
enmonarse ref. (Am.) to get drunk.
enmudecer tr. to hush, silence. 2 intr. to become dumb. 3 to be silent. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enmudezco, enmudezca, etc. irr. V. ENMUDECER.
enmugrecer tr. to soil, make greasy. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
ennegrecer tr. to blacken, to darken. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
ennegrecímiento m. blackening, darkening.
ennegrezco, ennegrezca, etc. irr. V. ENNEGRECER.
ennoblecedor, -ra adj. ennobling.
ennoblecer tr. to ennoble. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
ennoblezco, ennoblezca, etc. irr. V. ENNOBLECER.
ennoblecimiento m. ennoblement.
enojadizo, -za adj. irritable, peevish, easily angered.
enojar tr. to anger, make angry. 2 to annoy, displease. 3 ref. to become angry, get cross.
enojo m. anger, irritation, displeasure. 2 annoyance.
enojosamente adv. angrily.
enojoso, -sa adj. annoying, vexatious, bothersome.
enología f. cenology.
enólogo, -ga n. oenologist.
enorgullecer tr. to make proud. 2 ref. to be or become proud; enorgullecerse de, to pride oneself on. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enorgullecimiento m. pride, haughtiness.
enorgullezco, enorgullezca, etc. irr. V. ENORGULLECER.
enorme adj. enormous. 2 wicked, heinous.
enormemente adv. enormously, extremely, tremendously, vastly.
enormidad f. enormousness.2 enormity. 3 absurdity, nonsense.
enquistarse ref. MED. to encyst.
enrabiar tr. to anger, enrage.
enraizar intr. to take root.
enramada f. bower; shelter of branches.
enranciar tr.-ref. to make or to become rancid or stale.
enrarecer tr. to rarefy [make less dense]. 2 ref. to rarefy [become less dense]. 3 intr.-ref. to become scarce. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enrarecido, -da adj. rarefied.
enrarecimiento m. rarefaction.
enrasar tr. MAS. to make level or flush. 2 intr. to become level or flush.
enrase m. making or being level or flush.
enrayar tr. to spoke [a wheel].
enredadera adj. BOT. climbing. 2 f. BOT. climbing vine, climber. 3 BOT. bindweed.
enredador, -ra adj. entangling, embroiling. 2 mischievous.
enredar tr. to tangle, entangle, mat, ravel. 2 to net [catch in a net]. 3 to set [nets] for birds, etc. 4 to embroil, sow discord between. 5 to involve, implicate. 6 intr. [of children] to be mischievous, play pranks. 7 to fumble, meddle. 8 ref. to be caught [in a net, etc.]. 9 to get entangled; to get involved. 10 to become complicated, embroiled. 11 [of an anchor] to foul.
enredijo m. tangle, entanglement.
enredo m. tangle, entanglement. 2 complication. 3 imbroglio. 4 falsehood, gossip, mischief.
enredoso, -sa adj. complicated, full of difficulties.
enrejado m. iron railing, grille. 2 grating, latticework, trellis.
enrejar tr. to close with a grille. 2 to fence with railing or trellis. 3 to fix the share to [a plough].
enrevesado, -da adj. REVESADO.
enriar tr. to ret [flox or hemp].
Enrique m . pr. n. Henry.
enriquecedor, -ra adj. enriching.
enriquecer tr. to enrich. 2 ref. to become wealthy. 3 to be enriched. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enriquezco, enriquezca,etc. irr. V. ENRIQUECER.
enriquecimiento m. enrichment.
Enriqueta f. pr. n. Henrietta, Harriet.
enriscado, -da adj. craggy [full of crags].
enriscar tr. to raise. 2 ref. to go or take refuge among the rocks.
enristrar tr. to couch [the lance]. 2 to string [onions, etc.]. 3 to go straight to.
enrocar tr.-intr. CHESS to castle. 2 tr. to put [flak or hemp] on the distaff.
enrojar tr. to redden. 2 to make red-hot.
enrojecer tr. to redden. 2 to make red-hot. 3 ref. to redden, turn red. 4 intr. to blush. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enrojecimiento m. reddening, blushing, blush [face]. 2 reddening, glowing [metal].
enrolamiento m. enrolment, enrollment, signingup. 2 MIL. enlistment.
enrolar tr. to enroll, to sign-up. 2 MIL. to enlist.
enrollable adj. roll-up.
enrollar tr. to roll, coil.
enronquecer tr. to make hoarse. 2 intr.-ref. to get hoarse. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enroque m. CHESS. castling.
enroscar tr. to coil, twist. 2 to screw on or in. 3 ref. to coil, twist itself.
ensacar tr. to bag, sack [put in bags or sacks].
ensaimada f. cake made of a coiled lenght of puff paste.
ensalada f. salad. 2 hodge-podge, medley.
ensaladera f. salad bowl.
ensaladilla f. kind of salad with mayonnaise sauce. 2 hodge-podge.
ensalivar tr. to moisten with saliva.
ensalmador, -ra m.-f. bonesetter. 2 one who pretends to cure by spells.
ensalmar tr. to set [bones]. 2 to cure by spells.
ensalmo m. curing by spells: como por ~, as if it were by magic, in a jiffy.
ensalzamiento m. exalting, elevation. 2 extolling.
ensalzar tr. to exalt, elevate. 2 to praise, extoll.
ensambladura f., ensamblaje m. CARP. joining, assembling; joint.
ensamblar tr. to join, fit together. 2 CARP, to joint.
ensamble m. joining. 2 joint.
ensanchador m. glove stretcher.
ensanchamiento m. widening, enlarging.
ensanchar tr. to widen, broaden, enlarge. 2 to let out [a garment]. 3 ~ el corazón, to relieve, cheer up. 4 ref. to widen, to expand. 5 to put on airs.
ensanche m. widening, enlargement, extension. 2 SEW. allowance [in seams] for future enlargement. 3 suburban development.
ensangrentar tr.-ref. to stain with blood. 2 ref. to get violent or furious. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.
ensañamientom. cruelty, ferocity.
ensañar tr. to irritate, enrage. 2 ref. ensañarse con, to be cruel to, to wend one’s fury on.
ensartar tr. to string [beads, etc]. 2 to spit, skew, pierce. 3 coll. to rattle off, say disconnectedly.
ensayar tr. to assay [metals]. 2 to try, try out, test. 3 to rehearse [a play, etc.]. 4 to train, practise. 5 ref. to practise, train oneself.
ensaye m. assay [of metals].
ensayista m.-f. essayist, essay-writer.
ensayo m. assay [of metals]. 2 trying, testing, trial, test, experiment. 3 preparatory practice; rehearsal: ~ general, THEAT. dress rehearsal. 4 LIT. essay.
ensebar tr. to grease, tallow.
enseguida adv. at once, right away, inmediately.
ensenada f. cove, inlet, small bay.
enseña f. standard, ensign.
enseñado, -da adj. trained, accustomed, educated.
enseñanza f. teaching, instruction, education: primera ~, primary education; ~ superior, higher education. 2 lesson, example.
enseñar tr. to teach. 2 to instruct, train, school. 3 to show [exhibit, let be seen]. 4 to show, point out.
enseñoreamiento m. mastery, domination.
enseñorearse ref. to make oneself the master [of], take possession [of].
enseres m. pl. chattels, household goods. 2 implements, utensils.
ensilaje m. ensilage, silage.
ensilar tr. to ensilage, to ensile.
ensillado, -da adj. saddle-backed.
ensillar tr. to saddle [a horse, etc.].
ensimismado, -da adj. pensive, lost in thought, thoughtful, absorbed.
ensimismamiento m. absorption in thought.
ensimismarse ref. to become absorbed in thought.
ensoberbecer tr. to make haughty, arrogant. 2 ref. to become haughty, arrogant. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
ensoberbecimiento m. haughtiness, arrogance.
ensombrecer tr. to darken, cloud. 2 ref. to darken [become dark or gloomy]. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
ensombrezco, ensombrezca, etc. irr. V. ENSOMBRECER.
ensopar tr. to dunk, to soak.
ensordecedor, -ra adj. deafening.
ensordecer tr. to deafen [make deaf]. 2 ref. to become deaf. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
ensordecimiento m. deafening; deafness.
ensordezco, ensordezca, etc. irr. V. ENSORDECER.
ensortijar tr. to curl, crisp [hair, etc.]. 2 ref. [of hair, etc.] to curl.
ensuciamiento m. soiling, staining.
ensuciar tr. to dirty, soil, stain, defile, pollute. 2 ref. to get dirty. 3 to soil one’s bed, clothes, etc. 4 to soil oneself.
ensueño m. dream, day-dream, fantasy.
entablado m. flooring [of boards]. 2 wooden framework.
entablamento m. ARCH. entablature.
entablar tr. to plank, board, cover with boards. 2 to start [a conversation, etc.]; to bring [a suit or action]. 3 SURG. to splint. 4 ref. [of wind] to settle.
entablillar tr. SURG. to splint.
entalamadura f. awning [of cart or wagon].
entalegar tr. to put in a bag, to bag. 2 to save, to hoard, to stash away. 3 to pocket. 4 ref. coll. to make, to earn.
entalladura f., entallamiento m. carving, sculpture; engraving. 2 notch, mortise, incision.
entallar tr. to carve, sculpture, engrave. 2 to notch, make a cut in. 3 to make [a garment] fit to the waist. 4 intr. [of a garment] to fit to the waist.
entapizar tr. to upholster. 2 to carpet [cover as with a carpet].
entarimado m. boarded or parqueted floor.
entarimar tr. to floor with boards.
entarquinar tr. to fertilize with slime. 2 to soil with slime. 3 to reclaim [a swamp] by siltation.
entarugado m. pavement of wooden blocks.
ente m. entity, being. 2 coll, fellow *guy.
enteco, -ca adj. weakly, sickly.
entelequia f. PHILOS. entelechy.
entena f. NAUT. lateen yard.
entenada f. stepdaughter.
entenado m. stepson.
entendederas f. pl. brains, understanding.
entendedor, -ra m.-f. one who understands: al buen ~ pocas palabras, a word to the wise is enough.
1) entender m. understanding; opinion: a mi ~, in my opinion.
2) entender tr. to understand, conceive, comprehend. 2 to intend, mean. 3 to think, believe; infer. 4 intr. ~ de or en, to be an expert on; to be in charge [of an affair]; to have authority to pass on. 5 ref. to be understandable. 6 to be understood. 7 to know what one’s about. 8 to understand each other. 9 to have a secret understanding. ¶ CONJUG. IND. Pres.: entiendo, entiendes, entiende; entendemos, entendéis, entienden. | SUBJ. Pres.: entienda, entiendas, entienda; entendamos, entendáis, entiendan. | IMPER.: entiende, entienda; entendamos, entended, entiendan.
entendido, -da p. p. of ENTENDER: tener ~, to understand. 2 adj. that understands; no darse por ~, to pretend not to understand. 3 able, expert, learned.
entendimiento m. understanding, comprehension. 2 understanding, intellect, mind, sense.
entenebrecer tr. to darken, obscure. 2 ref. to get dark. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enterado adj. informed, well informed.
enteramente adv. completely, fully, entirely, quite.
enterar tr. to inform, acquaint, make cognizant. 2 ref enterarse de, to learn, be informed of; to inquire about.
entercarse ref. to get obstinate.
entereza f. entirety. 2 integrity. 3 fortitude, firmness, presence of mind. 4 ~ virginal, virginity.
enteritis f. MED. enteritis.
enterizo, -za adj. in one piece.
enternecedor, -ra adj. affecting, moving, touching.
enternecer tr. to soften. 2 to touch, move to pity. 3 ref. to be touched, be moved to pity. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
enternecimiento m. tenderness, pity, compassion.
entero, -ra adj. entire, whole, complete. 2 sound, robust. 3 honest, upright. 4 firm, constant. 5 ARITH. whole [number]. 6 BOT.entire. 7 uncastrated. 8 m. ARITH. integer. 9 por ~, entirely, completely, fully.
enterocolitis f. MED. enterocolitis.
enterrador m. gravedigger, sexton.
enterramiento m. interment, burial. 2 sepulchre, tomb, grave.
enterrar tr. to bury; to inter. 2 to survive. 3 ref. to retire, bury oneself. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.
entesar tr. to stretch, tighten, tauten.
entestado, -da adj. stubborn, obstinate.
entibación f. MIN. timbering.
entibar tr. MIN. to shore up, timber. 2 intr. to rest, lean.
entibiar tr. to cool, to make lukewarm. 2 to temper, moderate. 3 ref. to become lukewarm, to cool down.
entibo m. MIN. timber, prop, strut.
entidad f. entity. 2 consequence, importance, moment. 3 association, corporation.
entiendo, entienda,etc. irr. V. ENTENDER.
entierro m. interment, burial, funeral. 2 grave, tomb. 3 buried treasure.
entierro, entierre,etc. irr. V. ENTERRAR.
entimema m. LOG. enthymeme.
entintar tr. to ink. 2 to stain with ink. 3 to dye.
entoldado m. covering with awnings. 2 awnings; overhead shelter made of awnings.
entoldar tr. to cover with awnings. 2 to adorn with hangings. 3 ref. to get cloudy, become overcast.
entomología f. entomology.
entomólogo m. entomologist.
entonación f. ENTONO. 2 intonation, modulation, tone. 3 MED., PAINT toning.
entonado, -da adj. haughty, stuck-up.
entonamiento m. ENTONACIÓN.
entonar tr. to sing in tune. 2 to sing [a song]. 3 to intone [for others to follow]. 4 MUS., PAINT, PHOT. to tone. 5 MED. to tone up. 6 ref. to become stuck-up.
entonces adv. then, at that time: por ~, por aquel ~, at that time. 2 then, this being the case.
entonelar tr. to put in casks or barrels.
entono m. singing in tune. 2 haughtiness, arrogance, airs.
entontecer tr. to besot, hebetate, make silly. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
entorchada adj. ARCH, wreathed [column].
entorchado m. bullion lace [in the cuffs of some uniforms]. 2 string covered with silk or wire.
entornar tr. to half-close [the eyes]; to set ajar [a door]. 2 to tilt, upset.
entorpecedor adj. dulling, blunting, benumbing. 2 delaying, obstructing.
entorpecer tr. to dull, blunt [the mind, the senses], to benumb. 2 to clog, delay, obstruct. 3 ref. to become dull, blunt, awkward. 4 to get delayed, obstructed. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
entorpecimiento m. dullness, bluntness, numbness; torpidity. 2 obstruction, delay.
entorpezco, entorpezca,etc. irr. V. ENTORPECER.
entozoario m. ZOOL. entozoan.
entrada f. entrance, gate, place of entrance, access; MIN. adit; MACH. intake, inlet. 2 entrance, entering, entry, ingress. 3 admission [to society, club, etc.]; admittance, opening. 4 entrance fee; admission ticket. 5 THEAT. house [audience]: gran ~, full house. 6 THEAT. receipt, takings. 7 first payment. 8 beginning [of a book, year, etc.]. 9 intimacy with. 10 COOK. entrée. 11 cash receipts. 12 invasion. 13 MUS. entrance. 14 THEAT. ~ general, gallery. 15 pl. income. 16 receding hair at the temples.
entrado, -da adj. ~ en años, advanced in years.
entramado m. MAR. timber framework, studwork.
entrambos, -bas adj. pl. both, both the.
entrampar tr. to trap, entrap, ensnare. 2 to trick.
3 to entangle [matters]. 4 to burden with debt. 5 ref. to stick in the mud. 6 to run into debt.
entrante adj. entrant, entering, incoming. 2 coming, next: el mes ~, the next month. 3 re-entering [angle]. 4 m.-f. entrantes y salientes, goers and comers.
entraña f. ANAT. vital or internal organ. 2 the innermost part, the bottom, the core. 3 pl vitals. 4 entrails. 5 heart, feeling: no tener entrañas, to be heartless. 6 temper, disposition: de buenas entrañas, kind, human.
entrañable adj. most affectionate. 2 deep [affection].
entrañablemente adv. dearly, deeply.
entrañar tr. to bury deep. 2 to contain, involve. 3 ref. to penetrate to the core. 4 to become deeply attached.
entrar intr. to enter, go in, come in. 2 to charge, attack. 3 [of seasons, writings, etc.] to begin. 4 to play for the stakes [at cards]. 5 MUS. to strike in. 6 ~ a, to enter, begin, start: ~ a reinar, to begin to reign. 7 ~ en, to go into, enter, penetrate; to have access to; to join, become a member of; to enter into, to engage in; to be numbered among. 8~en deseo, to be seized by a desire. 9 ~ en juego, to come into play. 10 entran cuatro peras en libra, there’s four pears to the pound. 11 no entrarle a uno una persona, not to be able to bear somebody. 12 tr. to introduce, bring, put in. 13 MIL. to invade. 14 to attack, to influence. 15 ref. to enter, go in, penetrate.
entre prep, between, among, amongst. 2 ~ mí,~ sÍ, in my, his, heart; to myself, to himself. 3~ tanto, meanwhile, in the interim.
entreabierto, -ta adj. half-open, ajar.
entreabrir tr. to half-open; to set ajar. ¶ Past, p.: entreabierto.
entreacto m. THEAT. entr’acte, interval.
entreancho, -cha adj. neither broad nor narrow.
entrecano, -na adj. grayish [hair or beard].
entrecava f. AGR. shallow digging.
entrecejo m. space between the eyebrows: fruncir el ~, to knit one’s brow. 2 frown, frowning.
entreclaro, -ra adj. lightish. entrecoger tr. to catch, corner.
entrecoro m. ECCL. chancel.
entrecortado, -da adj. broken, faltering [voice, sound].
entrecortar tr. to cut without severing.
entrecruzar tr. to intercross. 2 ref. to intercross [be intercrossed].
entrecubiertas f. pl. NAUT. between decks.
entrechocar intr.-ref. to collide with one another, to clash.
entredicho m. interdiction, prohibition. 2 ECCL. interdict.
entredós m. SEW. insertion. 2 PRINT. long primer.
entrefilete m. short feature [in a newspaper].
entrefino, -na adj. of medium quality.
entrega f. delivery, handing over. 2 surrender. 3 fascicle, instalment [of a novel, etc.].
entregar tr. to deliver, hand over; to give up: ~ el alma a Dios, to give up the ghost. 2 to surrender. J ref. to surrender, give oneself up. 4 to yield, submit. 5 to abandon oneself [to a feeling, etc.]. 6 to devote oneself [to something].
entrelazamiento m. interlacing, interweaving.
entrelazar tr. to interlace, braid, entwine, interweave.
entrelinea f. writing between the lines.
entrelinear tr. to interline, write between lines.
entreliño m. space between rows of trees or vines.
entrelucir intr. to show through. ¶ CONJUG. like lucir.
entremediar tr. to put between.
entremedias adv. in between; in the mean time: ~ de, between; among.
entremés m. hors d’oeuvre, side dish. 2 THEAT. short farce inserted between two acts of a play.
entremeter tr. to insert, place between. 2 ref. to butt in, meddle, intermeddle, obtrude.
entremetido, -da adj. meddlesome, officious. 2 m.- f. meddler, busybody.
entremetimiento m. meddling, meddlesomeness.
entremezclar tr. to intermingle, intermix, entrenador m. SPORT. trainer, coach.
entrenamiento m. SPORT. training, coaching.
entrenar tr. SPORT. to train, coach. 2 ref. SPORT. to train, be in training. entrenudo m. BOT. internode.
entreoír tr. to hear vaguely; to half-ear. ¶ CONJUG. like oír.
entrepaño m. ARCH, pier [piece of wall]. 2 panel [of door]. 3 shelf.
entrepernar intr. to put one’s legs between those of another. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.
entrepiernas f. pl. inner surface of the thights.
entrepiso m. MIN. space between galleries. 2 Am. mezzanine, entresol.
entrepuente m. or pl. -tes NAUT. between-decks.
entrerrenglonar tr. to pick out, select. 2 to thin out [trees, hair, etc.].
entresacar tr to select, to pick out, to sift out, to prune [tree], to thin out [plants], to thin [hair, woods].
entresijo m. ANAT. mesentery. 2 anything secret or hidden: tener muchos entresijos, to be complicated; to be reserved, sly.
entresuelo m. entresol, mezzanine.
entretalla, entretalladura f. bas-relief.
entretallar tr. to carve in bas-relief. 2 to sculpture, engrave. 3 to make openwork on.
entretanto adv. meanwhile. 2 m. meanwhile meantime: en el ~, in the meantime.
entretejer tr. to interweave, intertwine. 2 to insert, mix, intermix.
entretejido m. intertwining, interweaving, entwinning.
entretejimiento m. interweaving.
entretela f. SEW. interlining. 2 pl. heartstrings.
entretelar tr. SEW. to interline.
entretener tr. to delay, detain. 2 to make bearable [hunger, etc.]. 3 to entertain, amuse. 4 to maintain, keep up. 5 to delay, put off. 6 ref. to delay, dally, linter. 7 to amuse oneself. ¶ CONJUG. like tener.
entretenido, -da adj. entertaining, amusing.
entretenimiento m. entertainment, amusement, pastime. 2 maintenance, upkeep.
entretiempo m. spring or autumn: ropa de ~, light clothing.
entrever tr. to glimpse, see imperfectly. 2 to guess, divine.
entreverado, -da adj. intermingled, intermixed; interlarded. 2 tocino ~, streaky bacon.
entreverar tr. to intermingle, intermix. 2 to streak, to interlard.
entrevero m. (Am.) crowd, throng. 2 confusion, muddle, mix-up, jumble. 3 hand-to-hand fight [horse soldiers].
entrevia f. RLY. space between rails.
entrevista f. interview, meeting, conference.
entrevistarse ref. to meet, hold an interwiew.
entripado m. bellyache. 2 suppressed anger or displeasure.
entristecedor, -ra adj. sad, saddening, entristecer tr. to sadden; to make gloomy. 2 ref. to sadden, become sad. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
entristecimiento m. saddening, sadness.
entrojar tr. to garner [grain].
entrometer tr.-ref. ENTREMETER.
entrometido, -da adj. meddlesome, interfering. 2 n. meddler, interférer, busybody, intruder.
entromparse ref. coll. to get stewed, canned, tight 2 (Am.) to get angry, to get cross.
entroncar intr. to be or become related [to a family] by marriage. 2 (Am.) [of railways, roads, etc.] to connect.
entronerar tr. BILL. to pocket [a ball].
entronización f. enthronement, enthronization.
entronizar tr. to enthrone, enthronize. 2 to exalt.
entronque m. relationship between people of the same stock.
entropión m. MED. entropion.
entruchada f., entruchado m. coll. plot, intrigue, dirty affair.
entruchar tr. to lure into a business.
entubar tr. to tube, to pipe. 2 to tube, to case. 3 MED. to tube.
entuerto m. wrong, injustice. 2 pl. afterpains.
entumecer tr. to benumb, make torpid [a limb, etc.]. 2 ref. [of limbs] to become numb. 3 [of sea, etc.] to swell. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
entumecimiento m. numbness, torpor [of limbs]. 2 swelling [of sea, etc.].
entumezco, entumezca, etc. irr. V. ENTUMECER.
entumirse ref. [of a limb] to become numb.
enturbiar tr. to render turbid, to muddy. 2 to cloud, obscure, muddle, dim, confuse; to trouble [waters]. 3 ref. to get or become turbid. 4 to get obscured.
entusiasmar tr. to awake the enthusiasm of; to enrapture. 2 ref. to be filled with enthusiasm, be enraptured.
entusiasmo m. enthusiasm.
entusiasta m.-f. enthusiast.
entusiástico, -ca adj. enthusiastic.
enumeración f. enumeration.
enumerar tr. to enumerate.
enunciación f., enunciado m. enouncement, enunciation, statement.
enunciar tr. to enounce, enunciate, state.
envainador, -ra adj. sheathing, envainar tr. to sheathe.
envalentonamiento m. emboldening. 2 boldness.
envalentonar tr. to embolden, to make bold, daring. 2 ref. to grow bold or daring.
envanecer tr. to make vain, conceited. 2 ref. to become vain, conceited; to be proud [of], to boast [of].¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
envanecimiento m. vanity, conceit, conceitedness.
envanezco, envanezca, etc. irr. V. ENVANECER.
envaramiento m. stiffness, numbness.
envarar tr. to stiffen, benumb.
envasador, -ra m.-f. filler, packer.
envasar tr. to pack, bottle, can, sack, put into a container. 2 to drink [wine, etc.].
envase m. packing, bottling, canning, etc. 2 container [package, bottle, can, sack, etc.].
envejecer tr. to age; to make look old. 2 intr.-ref. to age, grow old. 3 to go out-of-date. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
envejecido, -da adj. aged, looking old. 2 tried, experienced.
envejecimiento m. ageing, growing or looking old. envejezco, envejezca, etc. irr. V. ENVEJECER.
envenenador, -ra m.-f. poisoner.
envenenamiento m. poisoning.
envenenar tr. to poison, to envenom. enverar intr. to take on ripe colour.
envergadura f. breadth [of a sail]. 2 AER. span, spread. 3 wingspread [of birds].
envergar tr. NAUT. to bend [a sail].
enverjado m. iron railing [for closing or fencing].
envés m. back, wrong side, underside. enviado m. messenger, envoy.
enviajado, -da adj. ARCH. oblique, sloping.
enviar tr. to send, dispatch; to ship.
envlciamiento m. corruption. 2 taking bad habits.
enviciar tr. to corrupt; to make [one] acquire bad habits. 2 intr. [of plants] to have luxuriant foliage and little fruit. 3 ref. to take [to], to become addicted [to].
envidar inir.-tr. to bid or bet against [at cards].
envidia f. envy, enviousness, jealousy.
envidiar tr. to envy.
envidioso, -sa adj. envious. 2 m.-f. envious person.
envigar tr. to put the beams [in a building].
envilecer tr. to debase, degrade, vilify. 2 ref. to degrade oneself. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
envilecimiento m. debasement, degradation, vilification.
envinagrar tr. to put vinegar into.
envío m. sending, remittance; shipment.
envión m. push, shove.
enviscar tr. to smear with birdlime. 2 to irritate, anger. 3 AZUZAR.
envite m. bid, rise on the stake [at cards]. 2 offer, proffer. 3 push: al primer ~, right off.
enviudar intr. to become a widower or widow.
envoltorio m. bundle, parcel. envoltura f. cover, envelope, wrapper. 2 AER., BOT. envelope. 3 pl. swaddling clothes. envolvente adj. enveloping.
envolver tr.-to cover, envelop, wrap, wrap up; to make up in a packet. 2 to swaddle [an infant]. 3 to wind [thread, etc.]. 4 to floor [an opponent]. 5 to involve [in an affair]. 6 to contain, imply. 7 MIL. to envelop. 8 ref. to wrap oneself up. 9 to become involved. ¶ CONJUG. like mover. | PAST. P.: envuelto.
envolvimiento m. wrapping, enveloping. 2 winding. 3 MIL. envelopment.
envuelvo, envuelva, etc. irr. V. ENVOLVER.
envuelto, -ta p. p. of ENVOLVER.
enyesado m. plastering [of wine]. 2 lasterwork.
enyesar tr. to plaster [walls, etc.]. 2 to treat with gypsum. 3 SURG. to put a plaster cast on.
enzarzar tr. to cover with brambles. 2 to set [people] disputing. 3 ref. to get entangled in brambles. 4 to engage [in difficult business]. 5 to dispute, quarrel.
enzima f. BIOCHEM. enzyme.
eñe f. name of the letter ñ.
eoceno, -na adj.-m. GEOL. Eocene.
eòlico, -ca adj. Æоliаn. 2 m. Æolic [dialect].
Eólida (la) f. pr. n. GEOG. Æolis.
eolio, lia adj.-n. Æolian.
eolítico, -ca adj. eolithic.
Eolo m. pr. n. MYTH. Æolus.
eón m. æeоn.
eoperlano m. ICHTH. smelt.
¡epa! interj. (Am.) hello! 2 come on!
épica f. epic poetry.
epicarpio m. BOT. epicarp.
epiceno, -na adj. GRAM. epicene.
epicentro m. epicentre.
epicicloide f. GEOG. epicycloid.
épico, -ca adj. epic, epical.
epicureismo m. Epicureanism.
epicúreo, -a adj.-s. epicurean. 2 Epicurean.
epidemia f. epidemic.
epidémico, -ca adj. epidemic(al.
epidérmico, -ca adj. epidermal, epidermic.
epidermis f. ANAT.. BOT. epidermis.
Epifanía f. Epiphany.
epifenómeno m. epiphenomenon.
epifisis f. ANAT. epiphysis.
eplfito, -ta adj. epiphytic. 2 f. BOT. epiphyte.
epifonema m. RHET. epiphonema.
epigastrio m. ANAT. epigastrium.
epiglotis f. ANAT. epiglottis.
epfgrafe m. epigraph. 2 title, headline.
epigrafia f. epigraphy.
epigrama in. epigram.
epigramático, -ca adj. epigrammatic(al.
epilepsia f. MED. epilepsy.
epikptico, -ca adj.-s. epileptic.
epilogar tr. to epilogize. 2 to sum up.
epflogo m. epilogue. 2 summing up.
Eplro (el) m. pr. n. GEOG. Epirus.
episcopado m. episcopacy, episcopate, bishopric.
eplscopal adj. episcopal. 2 Episcopal.
episódlco, -ca adj. episodic(al.
episodlo m. episode.
epfstola f. epistle, letter. 2 ECCL. Epistle.
epistolar adj. epistolary.
epistolario m. collection of letters. 2 ECCL. epistolary.
epltaflo m. epitaph.
epitalamio m. epithalamium.
epltelio m. ANAT. epithelium.
epitelioma m. MED. epithelioma.
epfteto m. GRAM, epithet.
epftlmo m. BOT. clover dodder.
epftome m. epitome, abstract, summary.
eplzootia f. epizootic.
época f. epoch, age, time.
epodo m. epode.
epónlmo, -ma adj. eponymous.
epopeya f. epopee. 2 epic poem.
épsilon f. epsilon.
eptágono, -na adj. MATH. heptagonal. 2 m. MATH. heptagon.
equldad f. equity; equitableness. 2 reasonableness [in prices, terms, etc.].
equidistancla f. equidistance, equal distance.
equldlstante adj. equidistant.
equidna m. ZOOL. echidna.
équido in. ZOOL. equid.
equilátero, -ra adj. equilateral.
equilibrado, -da adj. sensible, well-balanced.
equllibrar tr. to equilibrate, balance, equipoise, equalize. 2 ref. to balance [be equal].
equilibrio m. equilibrium, balance, equipoise: ~ europeo, European balance of power.
equlllbrista in.-f. equilibrist.
equlmosls m. ecchymosis.
equlno, -na adj. equine. 2 m. ZOOL., ARCH. echinus.
equlnoccial adj. equinoctial.
equlnocclo in. ASTR. equinox.
equlnodermo adj.-m. ZOOL. echinoderm.
equlpaje in. luggage, baggage. 2 equipment. 3 NAUT. crew.
equipar tr. to equip, fit out.
equlparable adj. comparable.
equiparar tr. to compare, to put on the same level.
equlpo in. equipment, fitting out. 2 equipment, outfit: ~ de novia, trousseau. 3 crew, gang, squad [of workmen]. 4 SPORT. team.
equlponderar intr. toequiponderate.
equls f.Spanish name of the letter x.
equlsetáceo,-a adj. BOT. equisetaceous.
equltación f. equitation, horsemanship, riding.
equltatlvo, -va adj. equitable. 2 reasonable [price].
equlvalencia f. equivalence.
equlvalente adj.-m. equivalent.
equivaler intr. to be equivalent; to be equal, tantamount. ¶ CONJUG. like valer.
equlvocaclón f. mistake, error.
equlvocadamente adv. by mistake. 2 erroneously.
equlvocado, -da adj. mistaken. 2 erroneous.
equivocamente adv. ambiguously, equivocally.
equlvocar tr.-ref. to mistake. 2 to make a mistake in, to take wrongly: ~ la carrera, to miss one’s calling; equivocarse de Camino, to take the wrong way. 3 ref. to be mistaken.
equivoco, -ca adj. equivocal. 2 in. equivocation quibble, ambiguity. era f. era, age : ~ cristiana, Christian era. 2 GEOL. era. 3 threshing floor. 4 vegetable patch; garden bed.
era, eramos,etc. irr. V. SER.
eral m. two-year-old ox.
erario m. exchequer, public treasury; provincial or municipal treasury.
ere f. Spanish name of the letter r.
eres 2ndpers. sing. pres. of SER.
erebo m. MYTH. Erebus.
erecclón f. erection [raising, building]. 2 PHYSIOL . erection. 3 foundation, establishment.
erektil adj. erectile.
eremita m. eremite, hermit.
eremftlco, -ca adj. eremite.
erg m. ERGIO.
ergástula m. slave prison.
ergio m. PHYS. erg.
ergotismo m. LOG., MED. ergotism.
ergotizar intr. to ergotize.
ergulmiento in. raising, straightening up.
ergulr tr. to raise, lift up, erect [the head, the body, etc.] 2 ref. to stand erect. 3 to become arrogant. ¶ CONJUG.: INDIC. Pres.: irgo or yergo, irgues or yergues, irgue oryergue; erguimos, erguis, irguen or yerguen. | Pret.: ergui, erguiste, irguió; erguimos, erguisteis, irguieron. | SUBJ. Pres.: irga or yerga, irgas or yergas, irga or yerga; irgamos or yergamos, irgdis oryergdis, irgan or yergan. | Imperf.: irguiera, irguieras, etc., or irguiese, irguieses, etc. | Fut.: irguiere, irguieres, etc. | IMPER.: irgue or yergue, irga or yerga; irgamos or yergamos, erguid, irgan or yergan. | PAST. P.: erguido. | GER.: irguiendo.
erlal adj. untilled, uncultivated. 2 m. uncultivated land.
ericáceo,-a adj. BOT. ericaceous.
erigir tr. to erect, build. 2 to found, establish. 3 tr.- ref. ~, or erigirse en, to set, or set oneself up as.
erisipela f. MED. erysipelas.
Eritreo, -a adj. Eritraean.
erizado, -da adj. bristled, bristling. 2 covered with bristles. 3 ~ de, bristling with [difficulties, etc.].
erizar tr. to set on end; to bristle. 2 to cause to be bristling [with difficulties, etc.]. 3 ref. to stand on end, to bristle.
erizo m. ZOOL. hedgehog. 2 fig. hedgehog [person]. 3 BOT. a prickly pant. 4 BOT. bur [of chestnut, etc.]. 5 ZOOL. ~ de mar, sea urchin.
ermita f. hermitage. 2 isolated sanctuary or chapel.
ermltano m. hermit. 2 keeperof an isolated sanctuary or chapel. 3 ZOOL. hermit crab.
Ernesto m. pr. n. Ernest.
erogaclón f. distribution. 2 (Am.) expenditure, payment. 3 (Am.) contribution.
erogar tr. to distribute. 2 (Am.) to pay, to spend. 3 (Am.) to contribute.
Eros m. pr. n. MYTH. Eros.
erosión f. erosion.
erótico, -ca adj. erotic. 2 f. erotic poetry,
erotismo m. erotism.
errabundo, -da adj. wandering.
errada f. BILL, miscue.
erradicación f. eradication.
erradicar tr. to eradicate.
errado, -da adj. mistaken, in error. 2 erroneous.
erraj m. fine coal made of crushed olive stones.
errante adj. errant, wandering. 2 errant, erring.
errar tr. to miss [the target, a blow, one's calling, etc.]. 2 to wander, roam. 3 intr.-ref. to err, to be mistaken. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar, changing the i for y in the irregular forms.
errata f. erratum.
errático, -ca adj. wandering. 2 GEOL., MED, erratic.
errátil adj. erratic, variable.
erre f. Spanish name of the letter rr.
erróneo, -a adj. erroneous.
error m. error. 2 mistake.
eructar intr. to belch, eructate.
eructo m. belching, eructation.
erudición f. erudition, learning.
erudito, -ta adj.-n. erudite.
erupción f. MED., GEOL. eruption.
eruptivo, -va adj. eruptive.
esa adj. f. of ESE.
ésa pron. f. of ÉSE.
esbatimentar tr. PAINT, to shade.
esbatimento m. PAINT shade.
esbeltez, esbelteza f. graceful slenderness.
esbelto, -ta adj. slender and graceful, svelte.
esbirro m. catchpoll, myrmidon.
esbozar tr. to sketch, outline.
esbozo m. sketch, outline.
escabechar tr. to pickle [fish, meat]. 2 coll. to kill.
escabeche m. pickle [of fish, etc.]. 2 pickled fish.
escabechina f. coll. ravage.
escabel m. stool; footstool. 2 fig. stepping stone.
escabiosa f. BOT. scabious.
escabrosidad f. roughness, unevenness [of a ground]. 2 asperity [of temper]. 3 scabrousness.
escabroso, -sa adj. rough, rugged, uneven [ground]. 2 harsh, rude. 3 scabrous, risqué.
escabullirse ref. to slip.
escacado, -da adj. HER. checkered.
escacharrar tr. to break, smash.
escafandra f., escafandro m. diving suit.
escala f. ladder, stepladder: ~ de cuerda, rope ladder. 2 scale [series of degrees; size, proportion; ratio, etc.]: en grande ~, on a large scale. 3 MUS. scale. 4 NAUT. port of call: hacer ~ en, to call at. 5 MIL. army list.
escalada f. escalade. 2 scaling, climbing.
escalador, -ra m.-f. scaler, climber, mountain climber.
escalafón m. roll, list [showing rank, seniority, etc.]; army list.
escalamiento m. escalading. 2 scaling, climbing.
escálamo m. NAUT. thole, tholepin.
escalar tr. to escalade. 2 to scale, climb. 3 to break into or out of [a place] through a wall, roof, etc.
Escalda m. pr. n. Scheldt [river].
escaldado, -da adj. cautious, wary.
escaldadura f. scalding, scald. 2 chafing [of the skin].
escaldar tr. to scald. 2 to make red-hot. 3 to chafe [the skin]
escaleno adj. GEOG. scalene.
escalera f. stair, staircase: ~ mecánica, escalator; ~ de caracol, winding stairs; ~ de escape, fire escape. 2 ladder; ~ de incendio, fire ladder; ~ de mano, ladder; ~ de tijera, stepladder. 3 irregular cut in hair. 4 sequence; straight [at cards].
escalerilla f. dim. short ladder, steps. 2 sequence of three or five [at cards].
escalfado adj. COOK. poached [egg].
escalfador m. barber's kettle. 2 chaffing dish.
escálfela f. CHOFETA.
escalinata f. ARCH. perron, front steps.
escalo m. breaking a way into or out of a place. 2 breaking in: robo con ~, burglary.
escalofriante adj. chilling, blood-curdling.
escalofrío m. chill [feverish shivering], shudder.
escalón m. stair, step, rung. 2 fig. step, degree. 3 MIL. echelon.
escalonado, -da adj. spaced out, spread out. 2 staggered. 3 in stages, escheloned.
escalonar tr. to place at intervals. 2 MIL. to echelon. 3 to space, to string out.
escalonia, escaloña f. BOT. scallion.
escalope m. escalope, veal cutlet.
escalpelo m. SURG, scalpel.
escama f. ZOOL., BOT. scale. 2 scale [of armour, etc.]. 3 distrust, suspicion.
escamado, -da p. p. of ESCAMAR. 2 adj. distrustful, suspicious. 3 m. scalework.
escamar tr. to scale [fish]. 2 to cause distrust or suspicion. 3 to adorn with scalework. 4 ref. to become distrustful or suspicious.
escamón, -na adj. distrustful, suspicious.
escamonda f. ESCAMONDO.
escamondar tr. to trim, to prune [a tree, etc.].
escamondo m. trimming, pruning.
escamonea f. BOT. scammony.
escamoso, -sa adj. scaly, squamous.
escamoteador. -ra m.-f. conjurer, prestidigitator.
escamotear tr. to make disappear by sleight of hand. 2 to whisk out of sight; to spirit away.
escamoteo m. sleight of hand. 2 spiriting away.
escampada f. clear spell [on a rainy day].
escampar tr. to clear out [a place]. 2 intr. to stop raining. 3 [of weather] to clear up.
escampavía f. NAUT. scout. 2 NAUT. revenue cutter.
escanciador, -ra m.-f. cupbearer.
escanciar tr. to pour, serve [wine]. 2 intr. to drink wine.
escandalera f. racket, uproar.
escandalizador -ra adj. scandalizing. 2 m.-f. scandalizer. 3 noisy, boisterous person.
escandalizar tr. to give scandal to. 2 to scandalize, shock. 3 to make a lot of noise. 4 ref. to be scandalized, be shocked.
escándalo m. scandal: dar ~, to give scandal; dar un ~, to make a scene. 2 tumult, noise, disturbance; shouting.
escandaloso, -sa adj. scandalous. 2 noisy. 3 shameful.
escandallar tr. NAUT. to sound.
escandallo m. NAUT. sounding lead.
Escandinávia f. pr. n. GEOG. Scandinavia.
escandinavo, -va adj.-n. Scandinavian.
escandir tr. to scan [verse].
escantillar tr. ARCH, to measure off.
escantillón m. pattern, scantling. 2 ESCUADRÍA.
escaño m. settle, bench with a back.
escapada f. escape, flight. 2 en una ~, in a jiffy.
escapar intr.-ref. to escape; to flee, run away, make one's escape; to slip away: ~ a, to escape [death, danger, etc.]: escapársele a uno [una cosa], not to notice; to let slip, say inadvertently. 2 ref. [of gas, water, etc.]. to escape, leak out.
escaparate m. show window. 2 glass cabinet.
escapatoria f. escape, getaway. 2 evasion, way out [of difficulty, etc.].
escape m. escape, flight: a ~, at full speed, in great haste. 2 escape, leak, leakage. 3 exhaust, valve. 4 HOROL. escapement.
escapo m. ARCH., BOT. scape.
escápula f. ANAT. scapula, shoulder blade.
escapular adj. scapular.
escapulario m. ECCL. scapular, scapulary.
escaque m. square [of chessboard]. 2 HER. square.
escara f.SURG. eschar, slough.
escarabajear intr. to crawl around. 2 to scribble, scrawl. 3 coll. [of worry, care, etc.] to gnaw.
escarabajo m. ENT. beetle, scarab: ~ pelotero, tumblebug. 2 pl. fig. scrawl, scribbling.
escaramujo m. BOT. dog rose. 2 BOT. hip. 3 ZOOL. goose barnacle.
escaramuza f. skirmish. 2 dispute, quarrel.
escaramuzar intr. to skirmish.
escarapela f. cockade. 2 dispute, quarrel.
escarbadientes m. toothpick.
escarbaorejas m. earpick.
escarbar tr. to scratch [the ground]. 2 to clean out, pick [one's ears or teeth]. 3 to poke [the fire]. 4 to dig into, to investigate.
escarcela f. a pouch hanging from the waist. 2 game bag. 3 skirt [of plate armour].
escarceo m. small bubbling waves. 2 pl. turns of spirited horses. 3 detour, circumlocution.
escarcha f. rime, hoarfrost, white frost.
escarchada f. BOT. ice plant.
escarchar tr. to frost [fruit; glass]. 2 impers. to freeze, to rime: anoche escarchó, it froze last night.
escarda f. AGR. weeding. 2 weeding time. 3 weeding hoe.
escardar, escardillar tr. to weed. 2 to weed out.
escardillo m. weeding hoe.
escariador m. reamer [tool].
escariar tr. to ream [a hole].
escarificador m. SURG. scarifier, scarificator. 2 AGR. scarifier, cultivator.
escarificar tr. AGR., SURG. to scarify.
escarlata adj.-f. scarlet [colour; cloth].
escarlatina f. MED. scarlatina, scarlet fever.
escarmenar tr. CARMENAR. 2 to cheat.
escarmentado, -da adj. taught or warned by punishment or experience.
escarmentar tr. to inflict an exemplary punishment on. 2 intr. to learn one's lesson, take warning. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.
escarmiento m. lesson, warning; punishment.
escarmiento,escarmiente, etc. irr. V. ESCARMENTAR.
escarnecedor, -ra adj. mocking, jeering, scoffing. 2 shameful. 3 n. mocker, jeerer, scoffer.
escarnecer tr. to mock, to jeer at, to scoff at, to ridicule.
escarnio m. scoffing, derision, mock.
escaro m. ICHTH. scarus, parrot fish.
escarola f. BOT. endive. 2 ruff [collar],
escarpa f. scarp, steep slope. 2 FORT. scarp.
escarpado, -da adj. abrupt, steep, cliffy.
escarpadura f. scarp, escarpment.
escarpar tr. to scarp, escarp. 2 SCULPT. to rasp.
escarpelo m. SURG. scalpel. 2 rasp.
escarpia f. hooked nail.
escarpidor m. wide toothed comb.
escarpín m. sock, thin-soled shoe. 2 woollen slipper.
escarzano adj. ARCH. segmental [arch].
escasamente adv. scarcely, hardly.
escasear tr. to give sparingly, to spare. 2 intr. to be or become scarce.
escasez f. scarcity, dearth, shortness. 2 stinginess. 3 want, poverty.
escaso, -sa adj. scant, scanty, scarce. 2 stingy. 3 short: andar ~ de, to be short of. 4 dos millas escasas, less than two miles.
escatimar tr. to stint, curtail, give sparingly.
escatologia f. THEOL. eschatology. 2 scatology.
escayola f. scagliola. 2 stucco.
escena f. THEAT. stage: poner en ~, to stage [a play]. 2 scene. 3 THEAT. scenery.
escenario m. THEAT. stage, boards. 2 setting, environment.
escénico, -ca adj. scenic [pertaining to the stage].
escenificación f. adaptation for the scene.
escenificar tr. to adapt for the scene.
escenografía f. scenography. 2 scene painting.
escenógrafo m. scenographer. 2 scene painter.
escepticismo m. scepticism, skepticism.
escéptico, -ca adj. sceptical, skeptical. 2 m.-f. sceptic, skeptic.
escila f. BOT. squill.
escinco m. ZOOL. skink.
escindible adj. divisible. 2 PHYS. fissionable.
escindir tr. to cut, divide, split.
Escipión m. pr. n. Scipio.
escisión f. scission, division, schism. 2 BIOL. fishion.
esclarea f. BOT. clary.
esclarecer tr. to light up, brighten. 2 to enlighten. 3 to ennoble, make illustrious. 4 to clear up, elucidate. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
esclarecido, -da adj. noble, illustrious.
esclarecimiento m. enlightening. 2 clearing up, elucidation.
esclarezco, esclarezca, etc. irr. V. ESCLARECER. esclavina f. cape, pelerine, tippet. 2 pilgrim's cloak.
esclavitud f. slavery.
esclavizar tr. to enslave.
esclavo, -va adj. enslaved. 2 m.-f. slave. 3 f. kind of bracelet.
esclerénquima m. BOT. sclerenchyma.
esclerosis f. MED. sclerosis.
esclerótica f.ANAT. sclera.
esclusa f. lock, canal lock, sluice.
escoba f. broom, besom. 2 BOT. broom.
escobajo f. old broom. 2 grape stem [with grapes removed].
escobazo m. blow with a broom.
escobén m. NAUT. hawsehole.
escobilla f. brush [for cleaning]. 2 ELECT. brush [of a dynamo]. 3 BOT. fuller's teasel. 4 BOT. broom heath.
escobillar tr. to brush.
escobillón m. brush or cleaner for firearms; swab.
escobón m. large broom.
escocedura f. chafe, soreness [skin irritation].
escocer intr. to smart, cause a burning sensation. 2 fig. to smart, to annoy. 3 ref. to feel hurt. 4 [of skin] to chafe. ¶ CONJUG. like mover.
escocés, -sa adj. Scotch, Scottish. 2 plaid [fabric]. 3 m.-f. Scot. 4 m. Scotchman. 5 Scotch [language]. 6 f. Scotchwoman.
Escocia f. pr. n. GEOG. Scotland.
escocia f. ARCH. scotia.
escocimiento m.ESCOZOR.
escofieta f. coif, woman's headdress of gauze.
escofina f. rough rasp.
escoger tr. to choose, select, pick, pick out, sort.
escogido, -da adj. chosen. 2 choice, select.
escogimiento m. choosing, choice, selection, picking out, sorting.
escolanía f. choir school. 2 choirboys.
escolapio, -pla adj. pertaining to the Scuole Pie. 2 m. piarist.
escolar adj. [pertaining to] school, scholastic. 2 m. pupil, student.
escolaridad f. schooling: ~ obligatoria, compulsory schooling.
escolarlzaclón f. schooling.
escolasticismo m. scholasticism.
escolástico, -ca adj. scholastic(al. 2 m. PHIL. Scholastic. 3 f. Scholasticism.
escollo m. scholium.
escoliosis f. MED. scoliosis.
escolopendra f. ZOOL. scolopendra, centipede. 2 BOT. hart's tongue.
escolta f. escort. 2 NAUT. convoy, convoying ship.
escoltar tr. to escort. 2 NAUT. to convoy.
escollera f. breakwater.
escollo m. NAUT. reef, rock. 2 fig. danger, difficulty.
escombrar tr. to clear of rubbish, obstacles, etc.
escombro m. debris, rubbish. 2 MIN. deads.
esconce m. angle, corner.
esconder tr. to hide, conceal. 2 to harbour, contain. 3 ref. to hide, be hidden; to lurk, skulk.
escondidas (a) adv. secretly, on the sly. 2 a escondidas de, without the knowledge of.
escondite m. hiding place, cache. 2 hide-and-seek.
escondrijo m. hiding place, cache.
escopeta f. shotgun, gun; fowling piece: ~ de viento, air gun.
escopetazo m. gunshot.
escopetear tr. to fire a gun [at someone] repeatedly. 2 ref. to exchange compliments or insults.
escopetería f. musketry. 2 musketry fire.
escopetero m. musketeer. 2 gun-maker, gunsmith.
escopetón m. (scorn.) big musket or shotgun.
escopleadura f. chisel cut, mortise, notch.
escoplear tr. CARP. to chisel, mortise, notch.
escoplo m. CARP. chisel.
escora f. NAUT. shore [prop]. 2 NAUT. list, heel.
escorar tr. NAUT. to shore up. 2 intr. NAUT. to list, heel.
escorbuto m. MED. scurvy, scoioutus.
escordlo m. BOT. water germander.
escoria f. scoria, dross, slag. 2 fig. dregs [worthless part, refuse]. 3 scoria [cinderlike lava].
escoriación f. excoriation.
escorial m. slag dump; slag heap.
Escorial (el) m. pr. n. Escorial or Escurial.
escoriar tr. to excoriate.
escorpena, escorpina f. ICHTH. scorpion fish.
escorpión m. ZOOL. scorpion. 2 ICHTH. scorpion fish. 3 ASTR . Scorpio.
escorzar tr. PAINT to foreshorten.
escorzo m. PAINT foreshortening.
escorzonera f. BOT. viper's-grass.
escota f. NAUT. sheet.
escotado, -da adj. low-necked. 2 indented.
escotadura f. low cut in the neck [of a garment]. 2 THEAT. large stage trap. 3 indentation, cut.
escotar tr. to cut the neck of [a garment]; to cut an indentation in. 2 to club, pay one's share of a common expense.
escote m. low-neck. 2 tucker. 3 share, part paid [of a common expense].
escotera f. NAUT. sheet hole.
escotero, -ra adj. walking or travelling unburdened. 2 NAUT. sailing alone [ship].
escotilla f. NAUT. hatchway.
escotillón m. trap door. 2 THEAT. stage trap. 3 NAUT. scuttle.
escozor m. irritation, burning pain or sensation.
escriba m. scribe [teacher of Jewish law].
escribanía f. court clerkship. 2 court clerk's office. 3 inkstand. 4 writing desk.
escribano m. court clerk. 2 obs. notary.
escribiente m. amanuensis; clerk.
escribir tr.-intr. to write. 2 ref. to hold correspondence. ¶ PAST. p. irreg.: escrito.
escriño m. casket, jewel case. 2 straw basket.
escrito, -ta p. p. irreg. of ESCRIBIR. 2 m. writing [written paper, etc.]: por ~, in writing. 3 LAW brief, bill, written plea.
escritor, -rа m.-f. writer.
escritorio m. writing desk; cabinet. 2 office, study; countinghouse.
escritorzuelo m. dim. scribbler.
escritura f. writing: ~ a máquina, typewriting. 2 handwriting, hand, script. 3 LAW deed, instrument. 4 La Escritura, the Scripture.
escriturar tr. LAW to establish by deed or legal instrument. 2 to engage [an artist].
escrófula f. MED. scrofula.
escrofularia f. BOT. figwort.
escrofuloso, -sa adj. scrofulous.
escroto m. ANAT. scrotum.
escrúpulo m. scruple. 2 ESCRUPULOSIDAD.
escrupulosidad f. scrupulosity, scrupulousness.
escrupuloso, -sa adj. scrupulous. 2 squeamish.
escrutador, -ra adj. searching. 2 m.-f. searcher, examiner, scrutinizes 3 teller of votes.
escrutar tr. to search, examine, scrutinize. 2 to tell the votes [at an election].
escrutinio m. scrutiny, examination. 2 telling or counting of votes [at an election].
escuadra f. NAV. fleet, squadron. 2 MIL. squad. 3 squad, gang. 4 angle iron. 5 carpenter's square, drawing triangle: falsa ~, bevel square; a ~, square, at right angles.
escuadrar tr. to square [form with right angles].
escuadría f. scantling [of timber].
escuadrilla f. NAV., AER. escadrille.
escuadrón m. MIL. squadron [ of cavalry].
escualidez f. leanness, emaciation. 2 squalor.
escuálido, -da adj. lean, pale, emaciate. 2 squalid, filthy. 3 m. pl. ICHTH. Squalidae.
escualo m. ICHTH. shark.
escucha f. act of listening: estar a la ~, to be listening. 2 MIL. night scout.
escuchar tr. to listen to. 2 to mind, heed [advice, etc.]. 3 intr. to listen.
escuchimizado, -da adj. lean, weak.
escudar tr. to shield, protect. 2 ref. to protect oneself. 3 to take refuge in [a law, authority, etc.].
escuderia f. squiredom, squire post. 2 AUTO. stable.
escudero m.HIST. shield bearer, squire. 2 HIST. nobleman. 3 HIST. lady's page.
escudete m. escutcheon. 2 SEW. gusset.
escudilla f. bowl [hemispherical cup].
escudo m. shield, buckler. 2 shield, protection. 3 escutcheon. 4 ZOOL. scute. 5 escudo [money]. 6 ~ de armas, coat of arms.
escudriñar tr. to scrutinize, search; to investigate; to pry into.
escuece, escueza, etc. irr. V. ESCOCER.
escuela f. school [teaching establishment]: ~ de artes y oficios, trade school; ~ dominical. Sunday school; ~ de la experiencia, de la vida, fig. school of experience, of life. 2 school [philosophic, artistic, etc.]. 3 school-house.
escuerzo m. toad. 2 fig. little runt [person].
escueto, -ta adj. bare, plain, unadorned, strict, unqualified.
Esculapio pr. n. MYTH. Aesculapius.
esculpir tr. to sculpture, carve; to engrave.
escultora f. sculptress.
escultor m. sculptor.
escultórico, -ca adj. sculptural [of sculpture].
escultura f. sculpture [art and work].
escultural adj. sculptural, sculpturesque.
escupidera f. cuspidor, spittoon.
escupir intr. to spit [eject saliva, etc.]. 2 tr. to spit [saliva, etc.]. 3 to spit at. 4 to throw off, discharge.
escupitajo m., escupitina f. spit [spitted saliva].
escurreplatos m. plate rack, dish-draining rack.
escurridero m. draining place.
escurridizo, -za adj. slippery.
escurrido, -da adj. narrow-hipped.
escurridor m. colander. 2 ESCURREPLATOS.
escurriduras, escurrimbres f. pl. heeltap, last dregs.
escurrir tr. to drain [a vessel, plates, a liquid, etc.]. 2 to wring [moisture out of]. 3 intr. to drip, ooze, trickle. 4 intr.-ref. to slip, glide. 5 ref. to slip away, slip out. 6 to say too much.
esdrújulo, -la adj.-m. GRAM. accented on the antepenult, proparoxytonic [word].
1) ese f. name of the letter s. 2 S-shaped link [of chain], 3 MUS. sound hole [of violin]. 4 hacer eses, [of a drunken man] to zigzag.
2) ese, esa, pl. esos, esas adj. that, those [nearest to the one addressed].
ése, ésa, pl. ésos, ésas pron. that one, those [nearest to the one addressed]. 2 ésa, your town or city. 3 ni por ésas, nothing doing. 4 ¡a ése!,at him!
esencia f. essence. 2 CHEM. essence, perfume. 3 quinta ~, quintessence.
esencial adj. essential.
esenciero m. scent bottle.
esfenoldes m. ANAT. sphenoid, sphenoid bone.
esfera f. GEOG., ASTR., GEOG. sphere. 2 sphere [of action, influence, etc.]. 3 sphere, rank, social class. 4 dial [of clock].
esfericidad f. sphericity.
esférico, -ca adj. spherical.
esferoidal adj. spheroidal.
esferoide f. GEOG. spheroid.
esfinge f. sphinx. 2 ENT. hawk moth.
esfínter m. ANAT. sphincter.
esforzadamente adv. vigorously, bravely.
esforzado, -da adj. brave, courageous.
esforzar tr. to give strength. 2 to give courage. 3 ref. to exert oneself, try hard, strive.
esfuerzo m. effort, exertion. 2 ENG. stress. 3 courage, spirit, vigor.
esfumar tr. DRAW. to stump. 2 PAINT to tone down, soften. 3 ref. to disappear, evanesce.
esfuminar tr. ESFUMAR.
esfumino m. DRAW. stump.
esgrima f. fencing [art].
esgrimidor m. fencer, swordsman.
esgrimir tr. to wield, brandish [a weapon]; to enforce, urge, make use of [arguments, reasons, etc.]. 2 intr. to fence, practice fencing.
esgufn m. ICHTH. parr, young salmon.
esguince m. dodge [to avoid a blow]. 2 frown, wry face. 3 sprain [of a joint].
eslabón m. link [of a chain]. 2 steel [for sharpening knives; for striking sparks from flint].
eslabonamiento m. linking, sequence, concatenation.
eslabonar tr. to link, interlink, concatenate. 2 ref. to be linked or concatenated.
eslavo, -va adj. Slav, Slavic. 2 m.-f. Slavish. 3 m. Slavic [language].
eslinga f. NAUT. sling.
eslingar tr. NAUT. to sling up.
eslizón m. ZOOL. seps.
eslogan m. slogan.
eslora f. NAUT. length [of ship]. 2 NAUT. carling.
eslovaco, -ca adj.-n. Slovak, Slovakian.
esloveno, -na adj.-n. Slovene, Slovenian.
esmaltado m. enamelling.
esmaltador m. enameller.
esmaltadura f. enamelling.
esmaltar tr. to enamel. 2 to variegate with bright colors. 2 to adorn, embellish.
esmalte m. enamel. 2 enamel work. 3 smalt. 4 HER. tincture.
esmaltín m. smalt.
esmeradamente adv. carefully, with great care, neatly. 2 elegantly.
esmerado, -da adj. careful, conscientious, painstaking. 2 conscientiously done.
esmeralda f. emerald. 2 ~ oriental, corundum.
esmeraldino, -na adj. emeraldlike.
esmerar tr. to polish, brighten. 2 ref. esmerarse en or por, to do one's best to, to take pains to.
esmerejón m. ORN. goshawk. 2 ancient small cannon.
esmeril m. emery. 2 ancient small cannon.
esmerilar tr. to emery, to grind with emery.
esmero m. great care, conscientiousness, neatness.
Esmirna pr. n. GEOG Smyrna.
esmirriado, -da adj. DESMIRRIADO.
esmoquin m. tuxedo, dinner jacket.
esnob m.-f. snob, foolish admirer of new things.
esnobismo m. snobism, fawning admiration of new things.
esnórquel m. snorkel.
eso pron. neut. that, that thing; that matter: ~ es, that is it; por ~, for that reason; a ~ de la una, about one o'clock.
esófago m. ANAT. esophagus.
Esopo m. pr. n. Aesop.
esos, esas adj. pl. of ese, esa.
ésos, ésas pr. pl. of ése, ésa.
esotérico, -ca adj. esoteric.
esotro, -tra adj.-pron. that other.
espabiladeras f. pl. snuffers.
espabilado, -da adj. wide-awake. 2 quick, smart, sharp.
espaciador m. spacer, space bar, spacing key.
espacial adj. spatial, space.
espaciar tr. to space, space out. 2 PRINT. to space, lead. 3 tr.-ref. to spread, diffuse. 4 ref. to expatiate. 5 to relax, amuse oneself.
espacio m. space. 2 room, capacity. 3 blank [empty space]. 4 delay, slowness.
espacioso, -sa adj. spacious, roomy. 2 slow, deliberate.
espada f. sword, rapier: entre la ~ y la pared, between the devil and the deep blue sea. 2 swordsman. 3 BULLF. matador. 4 ace of ESPADAS. 5 pl. CARDS suit equivalent to spades.
espadachín m. swordsman. 2 spadassin, bravo.
espadaña f. BOT. cattail, reed mace. 2 bell gable.
espadar tr. to scutch, swingle [flax or hemp].
espádice m. BOT. spadix.
espadilla f. scutch, swingle. 2 scull [oar]. 3 ace of ESPADAS. 4 hair bodkin.
espadillar tr. ESPADAR.
espadín m. narrow gala sword; rapier.
espadón m. aug. large sword. 2 high-up [person].
espaguetis m. pl. spaghetti.
espalda f. sing. & pl. back [of the human body, of a garment, etc.]; shoulders: cargado de espaldas, round-shouldered; a espaldas de, behind someone's back; de espaldas, backwards; echarse una cosa a las espaldas, not to bother oneself about a thing; echarse una cosa sobre las espaldas, to take on, assume something as a responsibility; guardar las espaldas a uno, to protect someone.
espaldar m. backpiece [of cuirass]. 2 carapace [of turtle]. 3 back [of a seat]. 4 HORT. spalier.
espaldarazo m. accolade; slap on the back.
espaldera f. HORT. spalier.
espaldilla f. shoulder blade. 2 shoulder [of mutton, pork, etc.].
espaldón m. CARP. shoulder. 2 FORT. entrenchment.
espalmar tr. DESPALMAR.
espalto m. PAINT dark glaze.
espantada f. sudden flight [of an animal]. 2 sudden scare, sudden giving up from fear.
espantadizo, -za adj. scary, shy.
espantajo m. scarecrow; fright.
espantamoscas m. flyflap.
espantapájaros m. scarecrow.
espantar tr. to frighten, scare. 2 to chase, drive away, scare away. 3 ref. to take fright. 4 to marvel, be astonished.
espanto m. fright, terror. 2 astonishment.
espantoso, -sa adj. fearful, frightful, dreadful, awful. 2 astonishing, astounding.
España f. pr. n. GEOG. Spain.
español, -la adj. Spanish. 2 m.-f. Spaniard. 3 m. Spanish [language].
españolismo m. love of Spain, Spanish patriotism. 2 Spanishness. 3 Hispanicism.
españolizar tr. to make Spanish or Spanishlike.
esparadrapo m. court plaster, sticking plaster.
esparaván m. GAVILÁN I. 2 VET. spavin.
esparcido, -da adj. scattered. 2 merry, gay, frank.
esparcimiento m. scattering, spreading, dissemination. 2 relaxation, recreation, amusement.
esparcir tr. to scatter, spread, disseminate. 2 to recreate, entertain. 3 ref. to scatter, spread [be spread]. 4 to amuse oneself.
espárrago m. BOT. asparagus. 2 awning pole. 3 peg ladder.
esparraguera f. BOT. asparagus [plant]. 2 asparagus bed. 3 asparagus dish.
esparrancado, -da adj. with one's legs wide apart. 2 spread apart.
esparrancarse ref. to spread the legs apart.
Esparta f. pr. n. HIST. Sparta.
espartano, -na adj.-n. Spartan.
espartería f. esparto goods. 2 esparto goods' shop.
espartero, -ra m.-f. maker or seller of esparto goods.
esparto m. esparto, esparto grass,
espasmo m. MED. spasm.
espasmódico, -ca adj. MED. spasmodic.
espata f. BOT. spathe.
espatarrarse ref. to open one's legs wide, to do the splits.
espático, -ca adj. spathic.
espato m. MINER. spar: ~ flúor, fluor spar.
espátula f. spatula; palette knife. 2 ORN. spoonbill.
especería f. ESPECIERÍA.
especia f. spice [condiment],
especial adj. especial. 2 special: en ~, specially.
especialidad f. speciality; specialty.
especialista adj.-n. specialist.
especialización f. specialization.
especializar intr.-ref.-tr. to specialize: especializarse en, to specialize in.
especiar tr. to spice.
especie f.NAT. HIST., PHIL. species. 2 species, kind, sort. 3 matter, notion, piece of news. 4 pretext, show. 5 THEOL. especies sacramentales, species. 6 en ~, in kind, not in money.
especiería f. epicery, spices. 2 spice shop.
especiero m. spice dealer. 2 spice box.
especificación f. specification [stating precisely, in detail].
específicamente adv. specifically.
especificar tr. to specify [state precisely, in detail]; to itemize.
específico, -ca adj. specific. 2 in. MED. specific. 3 patent medicine.
espécimen m. specimen.
especioso, -sa adj. specious. 2 neat, beautiful.
espectacular adj. spectacular.
espectáculo m. spectacle; show, pageant: dar un ~, to make a scene.
espectador, -ra m.-f. spectator. 2 pl. audience.
espectral adj. spectral, ghostly. 2 PHYS. spectral.
espectro m. spectre, ghost. 2 PHYS. spectrum.
espectrograma m. PHYS. spectrogram.
espectroscopia f. spectroscopy.
especulación f. speculation, consideration, reflection. 2 COM. speculation, venture.
especulador, -ra adj. speculating. 2 m.-f. speculator.
especular tr. to speculate about, consider attentively. 2 intr. COM. to speculate.
especulativo, -va adj. speculative.
espéculo m. SURG., MED. speculum.
espejear intr. to shine like a mirror.
espejería f. mirror factory or shop.
espejismo m. mirage. 2 fig. illusion.
espejo m. mirror, looking glass: ~ de cuerpo entero, pier glass. 2 mirror, model. 3 NAUT. ~ de popa, escutcheon.
espejuelo m. small looking glass. 2 MINER. selenite. 3 leaf of talc. 4 a lure for larks. 5 pl. spectacles.
espeleología f. speleology.
espelta f. BOT. spelt.
espeluznante adj. hair-raising, dreadful, horrifying.
espeluznar tr.-ref. DESPELUZAR.
espeluzno m. shuddering.
espeque m. handspike, lever. 2 prop.
espera f. wait, waiting; expectation: sala de ~, waiting room. 2 delay, respite: esto no tiene ~, this admits of no delay. 3 LAW stay. 4 patience, restraint.
esperantismo m. Esperantism.
esperanto m. Esperanto.
esperanza f. hope, hopes, hopefulness.
esperanzado, -da adj. hopeful [having hopes].
esperanzar tr. to give hopes.
esperar tr. to hope, hope for; to expect: ~ que, to hope that. 2 to look forward to. 3 tr.-intr. to await, wait [for]: ~ a que, to wait until. 4 intr. to hope, to trust: ~ en Dios, to trust in God. 5 to wait, stay.
esperma f. sperm. 2 ~ de ballena, spermaceti.
espermatozoo m. BIOL. spermatozoid.
espernada f. open end link [of chain].
esperpento m. fright, sight [ugly, slovenly person or thing]. 2 absurdity.
1) espesar m. thickness, deep [of a wooded land].
2) espesar tr. to thicken [inspissate; make closer]. 2 ref. to thicken [become thick or thicker].
espeso, -sa adj. thick, dense, close, heavy, thickset. 2 close-woven. 3 thick [wall, etc.]. 4 dirty, untidy.
espesor m. thickness.
espesura f. thickness. 2 thicket, dense wood. 3 dirtiness, untidiness.
espetar tr. to spit, skewer. 2 to run [a knife, etc.] through. 3 coll. to spring [something] on [one]. 4 ref. to stiffen, assume a solemn air. 5 to thrust oneself [into a place].
espetón m. spit; pocker; rapier. 2 large pin.
espía m.-f. spy [person]. 2 f NAUT. warp.
espiar tr. to spy, spy on. 2 intr. NAUT. to warp.
espicanardo m. BOT. spikenard.
espicula f. ZOOL. spicule.
espichar tr. to prick. 2 intr. coll. to die.
espiche m. pointed instrument. 2 peg, spigot.
espiga f. BOT. spike, ear. 2 shank, tang [of knife, etc.]. 3 CARP. tenon. 4 brad, peg, treenail. 5 clapper [of bell]. 6 fuse [of bomb]. 7 NAUT. masthead.
espigado, -da adj. spikelike. 2 AGR. seeded. 3 tall, grown [young person or tree].
espigador, -ra m.-f. gleaner.
espigar tr.-intr. to glean. 2 tr.CARP. to tenon. 3 intr. [of grain] to ear. 4. ref. AGR. to run to seed. 5 [of a person] to grow tall.
espigón m. point of sharp tool or nail. 2 peaky hill. 3 breakwater, jetty.
espigueo m. gleaning. 2 gleaning season.
espiguilla f. spikelet. 2 BOT. meadow grass.
espin m. ZOOL. porcupine.
espina f. thorn: fig. sacarse la ~, to get even. 2 splinter. 3 fishbone. 4 spine, backbone: ~ dorsal, spinal column. 5 scruple, suspicion: dar mala ~, to make one suspicious. 6 worry, pain.
espinaca f. BOT. spinach.
espinal adj. spinal.
espinapez m. herringbone [in parquetry floors].
1) espinar m. place full of thornbushes.
2) espinar tr. to prick with thorns. 2 fig. to prick, wound. 3 ref. to get pricked [with a thorn].
espinazo m. spine, backbone. 2 ARCH. keystone.
espinel m. FISH. trawl line.
espinela f. MINER. spinel ruby. 2 ten-line stanza.
espineta f. MUS. spinet.
espingarda f. long Moorish gun. 2 a small cannon.
espinilla f. shin bone. 2 MED. blackhead.
espinillera f. ARMOUR. greave, jambe. 2 shin guard.
espino m. BOT. thornbush, hawthorn: ~ albar or bianco, hawthorn; ~ cerval, buckthorn; ~ negro, blackthorn. 2 ~ artificial, barbed wire.
espinosismo m. Spinozism.
espinoso, -sa adj. spiny, thorny. 2 arduous, delicate.
espionaje m. spying, espionage.
espira f. GEOG. spiral; spire. 2 turn [of a winding]. 3 ZOOL. spire [of a shell].
espiración f. PHYSIOL . expiration. 2 THEOL. spiration.
espiral adj.-f. GEOG. spiral. 2 f. HOROL. hairspring.
espirar tr.-intr.PHYSIOL . to expire. 2 tr. to exhale [an odour]. 3 to infuse a divine spirit in.
espirilo m. BACT. spirillum.
espiritado, -da adj. coll. ghostlike [extremely thin].
espiritismo m. spiritualism, spiritism.
espiritista adj. spiritualistic, spiritistic. 2 m.-f. spiritualist, spiritist.
espiritoso, -sa adj. spirited, lively. 2 spirituous.
espíritu m. spirit [in practically every sense]: ~ de cuerpo, esprit de corps; el ~ y la letra, the letter and the spirit; pobre de ~, poor in spirit, pusillanimous. 2 ghost: Espíritu Santo, Holy Ghost.
espiritual adj. spiritual, ghostly.
espiritualidad f. spirituality.
espiritualismo m. PHIL. spiritualism; idealism.
espiritualista adj. PHIL. spiritualistic. 2 m.-f. PHIL. spiritualist.
espiritualizar tr. to spiritualize.
espiritualmente adv. spiritually. 2 wittily.
espirituoso, -sa adj. ESPIRITOSO.
espirómetro m. spirometer.
espiroqueta f. ZOOL. spirochaete, spirochete.
espita f. cock, tap, faucet [for a cask, etc.].
espitar tr. to tap, to put a cock on [a cask, etc.].
espito m. PRINT, peel, hanger.
esplendente adj. resplendent, shining.
esplender intr. poet. to shine.
esplendidez f. splendour, magnificence. 2 abundance, liberality, generosity.
espléndido, -da adj. splendid, magnificent, grand. 2 liberal, generous. 3 resplendent.
esplendor m. splendour. 2 fulgency, radiance.
esplendoroso, -sa adj. splendid, resplendent, radiant.
espíenlo m. ANAT. splenius.
espliego m. BOT. lavender.
esplín m. melancholy, spleen, the blues.
espolada f., espolazo m. prick with a spur.
espolear tr. to spur; to incite, to stimulate.
espoleta f. fuse [of bomb]. 2 wishbone [of bird].
espolín m. spur fixed to the heel of boot.
espolio m. ECCL. spolium.
espolique m. groom who walks in front of his master's horse.
espolón m. spur [of bird; of flower; of a range of mountains]. 2 beak, ram [of warship]. 3 cutwater [of bridge]. 4 ARCH. buttress. 5 breakwater, jetty.
espolvorear tr. DESPOLVOREAR. 2 to sprinkle with a powdered substance.
espondalco, -ca adj. spondaic. espondeo m. spondee.
espongiarios m. pl. ZOOL. spongiae. esponja f. sponge.
esponjado, -da adj. spongy, fluffy [wool, hair]. 2 m. sugar bar.
esponjar tr. to make spongious or fluffy. 2 ref. to become elated, proud. 3 to glow with health.
esponjera f. sponge tray.
esponjosidad f. sponginess, spongiousness.
esponjoso, -sa adj. spongy, spongious, porous.
esponsales m. pl. betrothal, spousals.
espontanearse ref. to speak frankly.
espontaneidad f. spontaneity, spontaneousness.
espontáneo, -a adj. spontaneous.
espora f. BIOL. spore.
esporádico, -ca adj. sporadic.
esporangio m. BOT. sporangium.
esporidio m. BOT. sporidium.
esportilla f. ESPUERTA.
esportillo m. esparto basket.
esposa f. spouse, wife. 2 pl. handcuffs, manacles.
esposar tr. to handcuff.
esposo m. spouse, husband. 2 pl. husband and wife.
esprint m. sprint.
espuela f. spur [pricking instrument; incitement]. 2 BOT. ~ de caballero, larkspur.
espuerta f. two-handed esparto basket.
espulgar tr. to delouse, to clean of lice or fleas. 2 to examine closely.
espulgo m. delousing. 2 close examination, scrutiny.
espuma f. foam, froth, lather, spume. 2 scum. 3 ~ de mar, meerschaum.
espumadera f.COOK. skimmer [utensil].
espumajear intr. to foam [at the mouth].
espumajo m. ESPUMARAJO.
espumante adj. ESPUMOSO.
espumar tr. to skim, scum. 2 intr. to foam, froth. 3 [of wine] to sparkle.
espumarajo m. froth from the mouth: echar espumarajos. to be furious.
espumoso, -sa adj. foamy, frothy, lathery. 2 sparkling [wine].
espurio, -ria adj. spurious.
espurrear, espurriar tr. to sprinkle with water, etc. squirted from the mouth.
esputar tr. EXPECTORAR.
esputo m. spittle, sputum.
esqueje m. HORT. cutting, slip.
esquela f. note, short letter. 2 ~ mortuoria, death note, death notice.
esquelético, -ca adj. skeletal, thin, wasted.
esqueleto m. ANAT., ZOOL. skeleton. 2 skeleton [thin person]. 3 framework.
esquema m. schema, scheme.
esquemático, -ca adj. schematic.
esquematizar tr. to sketch, outline.
esquenanto m. BOT. camel grass.
esquí m. ski. 2 skiing.
esquiador, -ra m.-f. skier.
esquiar intr. to ski.
esqulciar tr. PAINT to sketch.
esquicio m. PAINT sketch, outline.
esquife m. skiff, small boat.
esquila f. sheepshearing. 2 cattle bell. 3 call bell. 4.ZOOL. marine prawn. 5 BOT. squill.
esquilador, -ra m.-f. shearer [of sheep, etc.]; clipper [of horses]; trimmer [of dogs].
esquilar tr. to shear, clip [animals].
esquileo m. shearing, clipping [of animals], sheepshearing. 2 shearing pen. 3 shearing time.
esquilmar tr. to harvest. 2 to impoverish [the soil]. 3 to squeeze dry [a source of wealth].
esquilón m. large call bell or cattle bell.
esquimal adj.-n. Eskimo.
esquina f. corner, outside angle: las cuatro esquinas, puss in the corner.
esquinado, -da adj. cornered, angular. 2 difficult [person].
esquinar tr.-intr. to form a corner with, to be on the corner of. 2 tr. to square [timber]. 3 to set [one] against [another]. 4 ref. to quarrel, fall out.
esquinazo m. corner: dar ~ a, to avoid [someone], to give the slip [to].
esquirla f. splinter [of bone, stone, glass, etc.].
esquirol m. coll. blackleg, scab, strike breaker.
esquisto m. GEOL. schist, slate.
esquivar tr. to avoid, elude, evade, shun, dodge. 2 ref. to withdraw, shy off.
esquivez f. disdain, coldness; gruffness.
esquivo, -va adj. disdainful, cold, shy. 2 elusive.
esquizofrenia f. MED. schizophrenia.
esquizofrénico, -ca adj.-n. MED. schizophrenic.
esquizoide adj.-n.MED. schizoid.
estabilidad f. stability.
estabilización f. stabilization.
estabilizador, -ra adj. stabilizing. 2 m. stabilizer.
estabilizar tr. to stabilize. 2 ref. to become stabilized.
estable adj. stable, steady, firm, permanent.
establecer tr. to establish. 2 to decree, order. 3 ref. to settle, establish oneself, to take up residence, to set up in business. ¶ CONJUG. like agradecer.
establecimiento m. establishment, establishing. 2 establishment [institution, house], shop, store. 3 statute, ordinance.
establezco, establezca, etc. irr. V. ESTABLECER.
establo m. stable; cattle barn.
estabular tr. to stable, to raise in a stable.
estaca f. stake, pale, picket. 2 HORT. cutting. 3 stick, cudgel. 4 clamp nail.
estacada f. stockade, palisade, paling. 2 lists; battlefield: dejar en la ~, to leave in the lurch.
estacar tr. to tie [an animal] to a stake. 2 to stake off.
estacazo m. blow with a stick or cudgel.
estación f. state, position. 2 season [of the year]; season, time. 3 halt, stop. 4 RLY.,RADIO., TEL., SURG., BIOL., ASTR. station. 5 ~ balnearia, bathing resort.
estacional adj. seasonal. 2 ASTR. stationary.
estacionamiento m. stationing. 2 AUTO. parking. 3 remainting stationary. estacionar tr. to station. 2 to park [a car, etc.]. 3 ref. to station, be stationed, stop; [of a car, etc.] to park. 4 to remain stationary.
estacionario, -ria adj. stationary.
estacha f. harpoon rope. 2 NAUT. line, hawser.
estada f. stay, sojourn.
estadal m. linear measure of about 10 ft. 9 in.
estadía f. stop, stay. 2 COM. demurrage.
estadio m. stadium.
estadista m. statesman. 2 statistician.
estadística f. statistics.
estado m. state, condition: ~ de guerra, martial law; ~ liquido, liquid state; ~ civil, status [celibacy, married state, etc.]; tomar ~, to marry, take orders, become a nun; en ~, en ~ interesante, with child; en mal ~, in bad condition. 2 estate, order, class: ~ llano, the commons. 3 POL. state, government, State, Nation. 4 lineal measure. 5 statement [of accounts, etc.]. 6 MIL. ~ mayor, staff. 7 pl.HIST. Estados Generales, States General.
Estados Unidos de America m. pr. n. GEOG. United States of America.
estadounidense adj.-n. [citizen] of the U.S.
estafa f. cheat, swindle.
estafador, -ra m.-f. cheat, swindler.
estafar tr. to cheat, swindle.
estafermo m. quintain. 2 fig. person who stands like a dummy.
estafeta f. courier, post. 2 post-office branch. 3 diplomatic mail.
estafilococo m. BACT. staphylococcus.
estafisagria f. BOT. stavesacre.
estalactita f. stalactite.
estalagmita f. Stalagmite.
estallar intr. to burst, to explode. 2 [of a fire, a war, etc.] to break out. 3 to burst [with anger, joy, etc.]. 4 RESTALLAR.
estallido m. explosion, outburst; snap, crack, crash: dar un ~, to explode, to crash.
estambre m. worsted, woolen yarn. 2 WEAV. varp. 3 BOT. stamen.
Estambul m. pr. n. GEOG. Istanbul.
estamento m. state. 2 each of the four estates of Aragon. 3 each of the two legislative bodies in Spain in the nineteenth century. 4 stratum, class.
estaminífero, -ra adj. BOT. staminate.
estampa f. stamped picture, print, engraving. 2 fig. appearance, figure. 3 likeness, image; la mismísima ~ de, the very image of. 4 printing; dar a la ~, to publish. 5 footstep, imprint.
estampación f. print(ing), stamp(ing).
estampado m. impression, stamping. 2 cotton print. 3 stamped object.
estampador m. stamper. 2 printer [of fabrics].
estampar tr. to print. 2 to stamp [metals]. 3 to stamp, impress, imprint, mark. 4 coll. to dash against.
estampero m. picture or print maker or seller.
estampía (de) adv. suddenly.
estampida f. ESTAMPIDO. 2 (Am.) rush, stampede.
estampido m. explosion, report, crack, crash.
estampilla f. rubber stamp [for signature]. 2 (Am.) postage or revenue stamp.
estampillar tr. to stamp [with a rubber stamp].
estancamiento m. stagnation, stagnancy.
estancado, -da adj. stagnant [water]. 2 bogged down, at a standstill, deadlocked, blocked.
estancar tr. to make stagnant, to hold up or back, to stop. 2 [of the government] to monopolize the sale of certain goods. 3 ref. to stagnate.
estancia f. stay, sojourn. 2 room, living room. 3 day in hospital. 4 stanza. 5 (Am.) ranch.
estanciero m. (Am.) rancher.
estanco, -ca adj. stanch, watertight. 2 m. shop for selling government monopolized goods, tobacconist's.
estándar m. standard.
estandarte m. standard, banner.
estannífero, -ra adj. stanniferous.
estanque m. reservoir, basin, pond.
estanquero, -ra m. pond-keeper. 2 m.-f. tobacconist.
estantal m. MAS. abutment, buttress.
estantalar tr. MAS. to buttress.
estante adj. veing [in a place], fixed, permanent. 2 m. shelving, bookcase.
estantería f. shelving.
estantigua f. phantom, vision; scarecrow.
estañadura f. tinning, tinwork.
estañar tr. to tin. 2 to solder with tin.
estaño m. CHEM. tin.
estaquilla f. brad [nail]. 2 CARP. clamp nail.
estaquillar tr. to fasten with pegs.
estar tr.-ref. to be, to keep, stay, remain [in or at some place; in some condition or state]: ~ en casa, to be at home; ~ enfermo, to be ill; ~ or estarse quieto, to be or keep still; están verdes, fig. sour grapes. 2 intr. followed by gerund it constitutes the progressive form; ~ comiendo, to be dining. 3 [of garments] to be too [wide, large, long, etc.] for one. 4 ~ a, to abide by; to be the; to be selling for: ~ a lo que resulte, to abide by the result; estamos a 4 de abril, it is the fourth of April; las peras están a diez pesetas, pears are selling at ten pesetas. 5 ~ al caer, to be about to happen. 6 ~ a matar, to be at daggers drawn. 7 ~ bien, to be good, all right, to suit, fit, become [one]; [of a person] to be in a good way; to be well off; to be in good health; ¡está bien!, all right! 8 ~ bien con, to be on good terms with.9 ~ de paseo, to be taking a walk; ~ de vacaciones, to be on holiday. 10 ~ de más, to be unnecessary; to be in the way. 11 estar en, to lie; to understand: en eso está, that is where it lies; ¿está usted?, do you understand? 12 ~ en mí, en ti, en si, to know what one is saying or doing. 13 no está en mi hacerlo, it is not in my power to do it. 14 ~ en que, to believe, be of opinion that. 15 ~ mal, to be wrong, improper, incorrect, unbecoming; not to suit, fit or become one; [of a person] to be in a bad way, badly off. 16 ~ mal con, to be on bad terms with. 17 ~ sobre mí, sobre ti, sobre sí, to be on one's guard, be wary. 18 ~ para, to be about to, on the point of; to be in a humour for. 19 ~ por, to be for, to advocate; to have half a mind to; to be still to be [seen, done, etc.]. 20 le está bien empleado, serve him right. 21 ¿estamos?, do you understand?
¶ CONJUG.: IND. Pres.: estoy, estás, está; estamos, estáis, están | Pret.: estuve, estuviste, estuvo; estuvimos, estuvisteis, estuvieron.| SUBJ. Pres.: esté, estés, esté; estemos, estéis, estén. | Imperf.: estuviera, estuvieras, estuviera; estuviéramos, estuvierais, estuvieran, or estuviese, estuvieses, estuviese; estuviésemos, estuvieseis, estuviesen. | Fut.: estuviere, estuvieres, estuviere; estuviéremos; estuviereis, estuvieren.| IMPER.: está, esté; estemos, estad, estén.| PAST. P.: estado. | GER.: estando.
estarcido m. pounce drawing, stencil.
estarcir tr. to stencil.
estarna f. ORN. gray partridge.
estatal adj. [pertaining to] the state.
estático, -ca adj. static(al. 2 dumfounded, speechless. 3 f. statics.
estatismo m. statism. 2 static state.
estator m. MACH., ELECT. stator.
estatorreactor m. AER. ramjet.
estatua f. statue.
estatuaria f. statuary [art].
estatuario, -ria adj. n. statuary.
estatúder m. stadholder.
estatuilla f. dim. statuette.
estatuir tr. to establish, order, decree.
CONJUG. like huir.
estatura f. stature.
estatuto m. statutes, regulations [of a corporation, society, etc.]. 2 statute [in international and Roman law].