I f. I, i, tenth letter of the Spanish alphabet.

iba, etc., imperf. of IR.

Iberia f. pr. n. GEOG. Iberia.

ibérico, -ca; iberio, -ria adj. Iberian.

ibero, -ra adj.-n. Iberian.

iberoamericano, -na adj.-n. Latin-American.

Ibice m. ZOOL. ibex, wild goat.

ibis, pl. ibis f. ORN. ibis.

Ibiza f. pr. n. GEOG. Iviza [Balearic Island].

icáreo, -a; Icario, -ria adj. Icarian.

iceberg m. iceberg.

icneumón m. ZOOL., ENT. ichneumon.

icnografía f. ARCH. ichnography.

icono m. icon.

iconoclasta adj. iconoclastic. 2 m.-f. iconoclast.

iconografía f. iconography.

Iconología f. iconology.

iconostasio m. ECCL. iconostasis.

icor m. MED. ichor.

icosaedro m. GEOM. icosahedron.

ictericia f. MED. jaundice.

ictérico, -ca adj. icteric(al. 2 jaundiced.

ictíneo m. submarine vessel.

ictiófago, -ga adj. ichthyophagous.

ictiología f. ichthyology.

ictiosauro m. PALEONT. ichthyosaurus.

Ida f. going [to a place], departure: viaje de ~ y vuelta, round trip; idas y venidas, comings and goings. 2 FENC. attack. 3 HUNT. track, trail [of game].

idea f. idea; notion. 2 intent, purpose: llevar ~ de, to intend to; mudar de ~, to change one’s mind. 3 opinion, estimate. 4 ingenuity, inventiveness.

Ideación f. ideation.

ideal adj.-m. ideal. 2 adj. perfectly suitable or proper.

idealismo m. idealism.

idealista adj. idealist, idealistic. 2 m.-f. idealist.

idealizar tr to idealize.

idear tr. to form an idea of. 2 to devise, contrive, plan, invent, *think up.

idem pron. idem, ditto.

idéntico, -ca adj. identic(al.

identidad f. identity. 2 identicalness.

identificación f. identification.

identificar tr. to identify. 2 ref. to be identified. 3 identificarse con, to identify oneself with.

ideografía f. ideography.

ideograma m. ideogram.

ideología f. ideology.

ideólogo m. ideologist.

idílico, -ca adj. idyllic.

idilio m. idyll. 2 amorous talk. 3 love relations.

idioma m. idiom, language, tongue.

idiomático, -ca adj. idiomatic [pertaining to an idiom or language].

idiosincrasia f. idiosyncrasy.

Idiota adj. idiotic. 2 m.-f. idiot.

idiotez f. idiocy.

idiotismo m. ignorance. 2 idiom [peculiar expression].

idólatra adj. idolatrous. 2 m. idolater. 3 f. idolatress.

idolatrar tr.-intr. to idolize.

idolatría f. idolatry.

idolátrico, -ca adj. idolatrous.

ídolo m. idol.

idoneidad f. fitness, suitability; competence.

idóneo, -a adj. fit, suitable; able, competent.

idus m. ides.

iglesia f. church [in every sense]: ~ anglicana, Anglican Church, Church of England; ~ católica, Roman Catholic Church.

Ignacio m. pr. n. Ignatius.

ignaro, -ra adj. ignorant.

ígneo, -a adj. igneous.

ignición f. ignition [burning state].

ignífugo, -ga adj. ignifuge, protecting from fire.

ignipotente adj. poet. ignipotent.

ignivomo, -ma adj. poet. ignivomous.

ignominia f. ignominy.

ignominioso, -sa adj. ignominious.

Ignorado, -da adj. unknown. 2 fameless, obscure.

ignorancia f. ignorance.

ignorante adj. ignorant. 2 m.-f. ignoramus.

ignorantón, -na adj. ignorant. 2 m.-f. ignoramus.

ignorar tr. not to know, be ignorant of.

ignoto, -ta adj. unknown; undiscovered.

igual adj. equal [the same in value, size, etc.]: ~ a, equal to, the same as. 2 the same, indifferent: es ~, me es~, it is all the same [to me]. 3 level, even, uniform. 4 equal, commensurate. 5 equable. 6 constant, unchanging. 7 m. MATH. equality sign (=). 8 equal. sin ~, matchless, unrivalled. 9 adv. al ~, equally; ~ que, as well as; por ~, por un ~, equally, evenly.

iguala f. equalizing, equalization. 2 monthly or annual fee.

igualación f. equalization. 2 leveling, making even.

igualado, -da adj. equal, level, even.

igualar tr. to equalize; to equate. 2 to even, level, smooth, face. 3 to deem equal, match. 4 intr.-ref. ~ a, igualarse con, to equal [be equal to]; to compare with. 5 ref. to become equal. 6 SPORT. to tie [in scoring].

igualdad f. equality, sameness. 2 MATH. equality. 3 evenness, smoothness, uniformity. 4 ~ de ánimo, equability, equanimity.

igualitario, -ria adj. equalizing. 2 equalitarian.

igualmente adv. equally. 2 evenly, uniformly. 3 likewise, also. 4 coll. the same to you.

iguana f. ZOOL. iguana.

iguanodonte m. PALEONT. iguanodont.

ijada f. flank [of an animal]. 2 side [of a pers.]; pain in the side, stitch.

ijar m. IJADA I .

ilación f. illation. 2 connectedness.

ilativo, -va illative.

Ildefonso m. pr. n. Alphonso.

ilegal adj. illegal, unlawful.

ilegalidad s. illegality, unlawfulness.

ilegible adj. illegible.

ilegitimar tr. to illegitimate.

ilegitimidad f. illegitimacy.

ilegítimo, -ma adj. illegitimate. 2 false, spurious.

íleo m. MED. ileus.

iléon m. ANAT. ileum. 2 ANAT. ilium.

ileso, -sa adj. unharmed, sound, unhurt, unscathed.

iletrado, -da adj. illiterate, uneducated.

ilíaco, -ca adj. ANAT. iliac. 2 Iliac, Trojan.

Ilíada f.Iliad.

iliberal adj. illiberal, stingy.

ilícito, -ta adj. illicit, unlawful.

ilíquido, -da adj. COM. unliquidated.

iliterato adj. illiterate, unlearned.

ilógico, -ca adj. illogical.

ilota m. helot.

iluminación f. illumination, lighting. 2 illumination, enlightenment. 3 F. ARTS illumination.

iluminado, -da adj. illuminated, lighted. 2 illuminated [mentally or spiritually]. 3 illuminated [manuscript, book, etc.]. 4 m.-f. one of the illuminati. 5 pl. illuminati.

iluminador, -ra adj. illuminating. 2 m.-f. illuminator.

iluminar tr. to illuminate, illumine, light, light up. 2 to illuminate, illumine, enlighten. 3 F. ARTS to illuminate. 4 ref. to illuminate; to light up, brighten.

iluminarias f.pl. LUMINARIAS.

iluminismo m. illuminism.

ilusión f. illusion. 2 false or groundless hope: hacerse ilusiones, to deceive oneself with false hopes. 3 hopeful anticipation.

ilusionarse ref. to indulge in groundless hopes or in hopeful anticipations.

ilusionista m.-f. illusionist, prestidigitator.

ilusionismo m. illusionism, prestidigitation.

ilusivo, -va adj. illusive, deceiving.

iluso, -sa adj. deluded, deceived, beguiled. 2 dreamer, visionary.

ilusorio, -ria adj. illusive, illusory. 2 vain, ineffectual.

ilustración f. illustration, illustrating. 2 enlightenment. 3 learning, erudition. 4 making illustrious. 5 illustration picture. 6 illustrated or pictorial magazine.

ilustrado, -da adj. illustrated. 2 enlightened. 3 learned, informed, cultivated.

ilustrar tr. to illustrate. 2 to enlighten. 3 to educate, civilize. 4 THEOL. to illuminate. 5 to make illustrious. 6 ref. to learn, become educated. 7 to distinguish oneself.

ilustrativo, -va adj. illustrative.

ilustre adj. illustrious, distinguished.

ilustrisimo, -ma adj. most illustrious: su ilustrí-sima, form of address when talking to a bishop.

imagen f. image: ~ de bulto, image in sculpture; ~ real, ~ virtual, PHYS. real image, virtual image; a su ~, in his own image.

imaginación f. imagination, imagining. 2 imagination, fancy [mental faculty]. 3 fancy, unfounded belief, arbitrary supposition.

imaginar tr. to imagine, conceive. 2 tr.-ref. to imagine [represent to oneself], fancy, suppose, conjecture: ¡imagínese!, just imagine!

imaginaria f. MIL. reserve guard.

imaginario, -ria adj. imaginary, fancied. 2 MATH. imaginary. 3 of account [money].

Imaginativa f. imagination, fancy [faculty].

imaginativo, -va adj. imaginative.

imaginería f. religious imagery or statuary. 2 fancy embroidery in colours.

imaginero m. painter or sculptor of religious images.

imago m. ENT. imago.

imán m. magnet. 2 loadstone, lodestone. 3 fig. attraction, charm. 4 imam [Mohammedan priest].

imanación f. magnetization [of a needle, etc.].

imanar tr. to magnetize [a needle, etc.]. 2 ref. to become magnetized.

imantaciÓn f.IMANACIóN.

imantar tr.-ref. IMANAR.

Imbatido, -da adj. SPORT. unbeaten.

imbécil adj.-n. imbecile.

imbecilidad f. imbecility; stupidity.

imberbe m. beardless.

imbornal m. scupper [of roof]. 2 NAUT. scupper.

imborrable adj. indelible, ineffaceable.

imbricación f. imbrication.

imbricado, -da adj. imbricate, imbricated.

imbuir tr. to imbue, infuse. ¶ CONJUG. like huir.

imbuyo, imbuyó, imbuya, etc. irr. V. IMBUIR.

imitable adj. imitable.

imitación f. imitation: a ~ de, in imitation of; de ~, imitation [as adj.].

imitado, -da adj. imitated; imitation, mock, sham

imitador, -ra adj. imitating. 2 m.-f. imitator.

imitar tr. to imitate. 2 to ape, mimic. 3 to counterfeit.

imitativo, -va adj. imitative.

impaciencia f. impatience. 2 anxiousness, eagerness.

impacientar tr. to make [one] lose patience; to vex, irritate. 2 ref. to lose patience, become impatient, -chafe.

impaciente adj. impatient; anxious, eager.

impacto m. impact.

impalpable adj. impalpable.

impar adj. unmatched. 2 MATH. odd, uneven [number].

imparcial adj. impartial, fair, unbiassed.

imparcialidad f. impartiality.

imparisílabo, -ba adj. GRAM, imparisyllabic.

impartir tr. to impart.

impasable adj. impassable.

impasible adj. impassible. 2 impassive, unmoved.

impavidez f. fearlessness, intrepidity.

impávido, -da adj. dauntless, fearless, undaunted.

impecabilidad f. impeccability. 2 faultlessness.

impecable adj. impeccable. 2 faultless.

Impedancia f. ELECT. impedance.

impedido. -da adj. disabled, crippled, paralytic. 2 m.-f. cripple; paralytic person.

impediente adj. impeding.

Impedimenta f. MIL. impedimenta.

impedimento m. impediment, hindrance, obstacle.

Impedir tr. to impede, hinder, obstruct, prevent; ~ el paso, to block the way. ¶ CONJUG. like servir.

impelente adj. impellent. 2 force [pump].

impeler tr. to impel, drive forward, propel. 2 to impel, drive [to action, to do something].

impenetrabilidad f. impenetrability.

impenetrable adj. impenetrable.

Impenitente adj. impenitent, obdurate.

Impensado, -da adj. unexpected, unforeseen.

imperante adj. ruling, commanding. 2 prevailing.

Imperar intr. to rule, command, hold sway. 2 to prevail, be prevailing, reign.

Imperativo, -va adj. imperative, commanding. 2 adj.-n. GRAM. imperative. 3 m. PHIL. ~ categórico, categorical imperative.

imperceptible adj. imperceptible.

imperdible adj. unlosable. 2 m. safety pin.

Imperdonable adj. unpardonable, unforgivable.

Imperecedero, -ra adj. imperishable, undying.

Imperfección f. imperfection; fault, blemish.

Imperfecto, -ta adj. imperfect, defective, faulty. 2 adj.-n. GRAM. imperfect.

imperial adj. imperial. 2 f. imperial, upper-deck [of a coach, diligence, etc.].

imperialismo m. imperialism.

Impericia f. inexpertness, unskilfulness.

Imperto m. empire. 2 command, sway. 3 haughtiness, imperiousness.

imperiosidad f. imperiousness.

Imperioso, -sa adj. imperious, imperative.

Imperito, -ta adj. inexpert, unskilful.

impermeabilidad f. impermeability.

Impermeabilizar tr. to waterproof; to make impermeable.

impermeable adj. impermeable; impervious. 2 waterproof. 3 m. raincoat, mackintosh, waterproof.

impersonal adj. impersonal.

impertérrito, -ta adj. dauntless, intrepid; unmoved.

impertinencia f. impertinence. 2 annoyance, importunity.

Impertinente adj. impertinent. 2 annoying, peevish. 3 m.-f. impertinent [person]. 4 m. pl. lorgnette.

imperturbable adj. imperturbable, unperturbed.

impétigo m m. MED. impetigo.

impetración f. impetration; beseeching.

impetrante adj. impetrating; beseeching.

impetrar tr. to impetrate. 2 to beseech.

ímpetu m. impetus, impulse, momentum. 2 impetuousness, violence.

impetuosidad f. impetuosity, impetuousness.

impetuoso, -sa adj. impetuous.

impido, impida, etc. irr. V. IMPEDIR.

impiedad f. impiety,ungodliness.

Implo, -pía adj. impious, irreligious,godless. 2 cruel, pitiless. 3 m.-f. impious person.

Implacabilidad f. implacability.

implacable adj. implacable, inexorable.

implantación f. implantation.

implantar tr. to implant, introduce [doctrines, customs, etc.]. 2 SURG. to implant.

implicación f. contradiction. 2 implication, involving.

implicar tr. to implicate, involve, entangle. 2 to imply. 3 intr. to contradict, be an obstacle.

implícito, -ta adj. implicit.

imploración f. imploration, supplication.

implorar tr. to implore.

implume adj. featherless, unfeathered; unfledged.

impluvio m. impluvium.

impolítica f. impoliteness, incivility, discourtesy.

Impolítico, -ca adj. impolite. 2 impolitic.

impoluto, -ta adj. unpollute, untarnished.

imponderable adj. imponderable. 2 great, extraordinary, beyond all exaggeration or praise.

impondré, impondría, impongo, Imponga, etc. irr. V. IMPONER.

Imponente adj. imposing. 2 m.-f. depositor [one who deposits money in a bank].

imponer tr. to impose [taxes, penalties, silence, etc.]. 2 ECCL. to impose [the hands]. 3 to impute falsely. 4 to acquaint, instruct. 5 to command, inspire [respect, awe]. 6 to deposit [money in a bank]. 7 PRINT. to impose. 8 ref. to assert oneself. 9 to be imperative or necessary. 10 imponerse a, to impose one’s authority on. 11 imponerse de, to learn, find out. ¶ CONJUG. like poner.

imponible adj. taxable, dutiable.

impopular adj. unpopular.

impopularidad f. unpopularity.

Importación f. COM. importation, imports.

importador, -ra adj. COM. importing. 2 m.-f. importer.

importancia f. importance, consequence.

importante adj. important, material, momentous.

importar intr. to import, be important, be of consequence; to matter, concern: no me importa, I don’t care; ¿qué importa?, what does it matter? 2 tr. to amount to, to be worth. 3 to carry, involve, imply. 4 COM. to import.

importe m. COM. amount, value, cost.

importunación f. importuning, pestering.

importunar tr. to importune, pester.

importunidad f. importunity, importunateness.

importuno, -na adj. importunate. 2 inopportune.

imposibilidad f. impossibility.

imposibilitado, -da adj. unable. 2 disabled, crippled, paralytic.

imposibilitar tr. to make unable. 2 to make impossible; to prevent. 3 to disable, cripple.

imposible adj. impossible. 2 m. impossible thing, impossibility: hacer los imposibles, to do one’s utmost.

imposición f. imposition. 2 false imputation. 3 sum which a person, deposits in a bank.

imposta f. ARCH. impost.

Impostor, -ra m. impostor. 2 f. impostress. 3 m.-f. slanderer.

impostura f. imposture. 2 false imputation, slander.

impotable adj. undrinkable.

impotencia f. impotence, inability. 2 MED. impotence.

impotente adj. impotent, powerless, unable. 2 MED. impotent.

impracticable adj. impracticable, infeasible. 2 impracticable, impassable [road, etc.].

imprecación f. imprecation.

imprecar tr. to imprecate.

imprecisión f. imprecision, vagueness.

impreciso adj. imprecise, vague, indefinite.

impregnar tr. to impregnate, interpenetrate. 2 ref. to become impregnate or interpenetrated.

impremeditación f. unpremeditation.

impremeditado, -da adj. unpremeditated.

imprenta f. printing [art of printing books, etc.]. 2 printing office or house, press. 3 press, printed matter: libertad de ~, freedom of the press.

imprescindible adj. essential, indispensable.

imprescriptible adj. imprescriptible.

impresentable adj. unpresentable.

impresión f. impression, impressing, stamping [of a mark]. 2 impression, impress, imprint, print [mark impressed]. 3 PRINT. print, printing, presswork. 4 PHOT. print. 5 impression [physical or moral effect]. 6 impression [vague notion, belief, etc.].

impresionable adj. emotional, impressionable.

impresionante adj. impressive.

impresionar tr. to impress [affect, influence]. 2 to touch, move deeply. 3 PHOT. to produce images on [a plate]. 4 to record sounds on [a gramophone disk, etc.]. 5 CINEMA. to film, to shoot [a film]. 6 ref. to be impressed or moved.

impresionismo m. F. ARTS impressionism.

impresionista adj. impressionistic. 2 m.-f. impressionist.

impreso, -sa adj. impressed, printed, stamped. 2 m. print, printed paper or book. 3 pl. printed matter, publications.

impresor, -ra m.-f. PRINT. printer [workman or owner]. 2 f. printer’s wife.

imprevisible adj. unforeseeable.

imprevisión f. lack of foresight, improvidence.

imprevisor, -ra adj. unforeseeing, improvident.

imprevisto, -ta adj. unforeseen, unexpected. 2 m. pl. incidental or unforeseen expenses.

imprimación f. priming [of a surface].

imprimar tr. to prime [a surface].

imprimir tr. to impress, imprint, stamp. 2 PRINT. to print [a book, etc.]. 3 to impart, communicate [a motion, etc.].

improbabilidad f. improbability, unlikelihood.

improbable adj. improbable, unlikely.

improbar tr. to disapprove, reprobate.

improbidad f. improbity,dishonesty.

improbo, -ba adj. dishonest. 2 arduous, laborious.

improcedencia f. inappropriateness, unsuitability, inexpedience. 2 non-conformableness to law.

improcedente adj. inappropriate, unsuitable, inexpedient. 2 not conformable to law.

improductivo, -va adj. unproductive, unprofitable. 2 unemployed [money].

impronta f. cast, impression.

impronunciable adj. unpronounceable.

improperio m. insult, affront, taunt.

impropiedad f. impropriety [in the use of language].

impropio, -pia adj. improper, unsuited. 2 unfitting, unbecoming. 3 MATH. improper [fraction].

improrrogable adj. unextendible [term, time].

impróvido, -da adj. improvident, thoughtless.

improvisación f. improvisation, extemporization, impromptu.

improvisado, -da adj. improvised, extempore, offhand. 2 extemporaneous.

improvisador, -ra m.-f. improviser, extemporizer.

improvisar tr. to improvise, to extemporize.

improviso, -sa; improvisto, -ta adj. unforeseen, unexpected: al ~, de~, a la improvista, suddenly.

imprudencia f. imprudence, indiscretion.

imprudente adj. imprudent, indiscret, unwise.

impúber; impúbero, -ra adj. impuberate, immature.

impublicable adj. unpublishable.

impudencia f. impudence, shamelessness.

impudente adj. impudent, shameless.

impudicia, impudicicia f. impudicity, immodesty.

impúdico, -ca adj. immodest; shameless.

impudor m. immodesty. 2 barefacedness.

impuesto, -ta p. p. of IMPONER. 2 adj. imposed. 3 informed, cognizant. 4 m. tax, duty, impost.

impugnación f. impugnation, challenge, refutation.

impugnar tr. to impugn, challenge, refute.

impulsar tr. to impel. 2 to actuate, move, prompt. 3 MECH. to drive, force.

impulsión adj. impulsion, impulse, drive.

impulsivo, -va adj. impulsive.

impulso m. impulse [in every sense]. 2 prompting. 3 impetus, momentum.

impulsor, -ra adj. impelling. 2 m.-f. impeller.

impune adj. unpunished.

impunidad f. impunity.

impureza f. impurity. 2 unchasteness.

impurificar tr. to make impure, defile; to adulterate.

impuro, -ra adj. impure. 2 defiled, adulterated. 3 unchaste, lewd.

impuse, impusiera, etc. irr. V. IMPONER.

imputable adj. imputable.

imputación f. imputation.

imputar tr. to impute, ascribe, lay at the door of.

inabordable adj. unapproachable.

inacabable adj. interminable, endless, everlasting.

inaccesible adj. inaccessible.

inacción f. inaction, inactivity, idleness.

inaceptable adj. unacceptable.

inactividad f. inactivity.

inactivo, -va adj. inactive. 2 idle, doing nothing.

inadaptación f.inadaptation.

inadecuado, -da adj. unsuited, unsuitable.

inadmisible adj. inadmissible.

inadvertencia f. inadvertence, oversight.

inadvertido, -da adj. unseen, unnoticed, unobserved.

inagotable adj. inexhaustible, exhaustless.

inaguantable adj. intolerable, unbearable.

inalámbrico, -ca adj. wireless.

inalcanzable adj. unattainable, unreachable.

inalienable adj. inalienable.

inalterable adj. unalterable, unchangeable.

inalterado, -da adj. unaltered, unchanged.

inamovible adj. irremovable, unremovable.

inane adj. inane, empty, void.

Inanición f. MED. inanition.

inanidad f. inanity.

inanimado, -da adj. inanimate, lifeless.

inapelable adj. unappealable. 2 inevitable.

inapetencia f. inappetence, lack of appetite.

inapetente adj. inappetent, having no appetite.

inaplazable adj. undeferable.

inaplicable adj. inapplicable.

inapreciable adj. invaluable. 2 inappreciable.

inarticulado, -da adj. inarticulate.

inartístico, -ca adj. inartistic.

inasequible adj. unattainable, inaccessible.

inastillable adj. nonshatterable.

inatacable adj. unattackable.

inaudible adj. inaudible.

inaudito, -ta adj. unheard-of, extraordinary. 2 outrageous, monstrou

inauguración f. inauguing [of a statue].

inaugural adj. inaugural

inaugurar tr. to inaugurate [enter upon; initiate public use of]; to open [an exhibition, etc.]; to unveil [a statue].

inca m. Inca. 2 a gold Peruvian coin.

incaico, -ca adj. Inca.

incalculable adj. incalculable.

incalificable adj. very bad, most reprehensible.

incandescencia f. incandescence.

incandescente adj. incandescent.

incansable adj. indefatigable, untiring.

incapacidad f. incapacity. 2 incompetence, disability. 3 incapability, stupidity.

incapacitar tr. to incapacitate. 2 to disqualify, disable. 3 LAW to declare incapable.

incapaz, pl. -ces adj. incapable. 2 unable.

incasable adj. unmanageable.

incasto, -ta adj. unchaste.

incautarse ref. ~ de [of a court, the government, etc.], to seize [money or property].

incauto, -ta adj. incautious, unwary, innocent.

incendiar tr. to set on fire, set fire to. 2 ref. to catch fire, be burnt.

incendiario, -ria adj.-n. incendiary.

incendio m. fire, conflagration [destructive burning]. 2 fig. fire, passion.

incensada f. swing of the thurible. 2 flattery.

incensar tr. to incense [burn incense to]. 2 fig. to flatter, overpraise. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.

incensario m . censer, incensory, thurible.

incentivo, -va adj. incentive. 2 m. incentive, inducement.

incertldumbre f. uncertainty, doubt.

Incesante adj. incessant, unceasing, continual.

incesto m . incest.

incestuoso, -sa adj. incestuous.

Incidencia f. incident. 2 GEOM. PHYS. incidence.

incidental adj. INCIDENTE I .

incidente adj. incidental, happening as a subordinate event. 2 GEOM., PHVS. incident. 3 in. incident.

incidir intr. PHYS. [of a ray] to fall [upon]. 2 to fall [into error, etc.].

incienso m. incense [gum, spice], frankincense. 2 fig. incense, flattery.

Incienso, Inciense,etc. irr. V. INCENSAR.

incierto, -ta adj. not certain, untrue. 2 uncertain, doubtful, problematical.

incineración f. incineration, cremation.

Incinerar tr. to incinerate, cremate.

incipiente adj. incipient.

incircunciso adj. uncircumcised.

incisión f. incision, cut.

incisivo, -va adj. incisive, cutting: diente ~, incisor. 2 incisive, sarcastic. 3 in. ANAT. incisor.

inciso, -sa adj. cut, incised. 2 in. GRAM. parenthetic sentence.

incitación f. incitation, incitement.

incitador, -ra adj. inciting. 2 m.-f. inciter.

Incitante adj. inciting, exciting.

incitar tr. to incite.

Incivil adj. uncivil.

Incivilidad f. incivillity.

Inclasificable adj. unclassifiable.

inclemencia f. inclemency, unmercifulness. 2 inclemency [of weather or climate].

inclemente adj. inclement.

inclinación f. inclination [inclining; slant, slope; leaning; propension, liking]. 2 bow, nod, obeisance.

inclinado, -da adj. inclined, slanting, sloping. 2 inclined, disposed. Inclinar tr. to incline, tilt, slant, bow. 2 to incline,

dispose, move. 3 ref. to incline, tilt, lean, slope, bow [as intr.]. 4 to incline, lean, tend, be disposed. 5 to yield, defer.

ínclito, -ta adj. illustrious, renowned.

incluir tr. to include. 2 to enclose [in an envelope]. ¶ CONJUG. like huir.

inclusa f. foundling hospital.

inclusero, -ra adj. m.-f. foundling.

inclusion f. inclusion.

inclusivamente, inclusive adv. inclusively, inclusive.

incluso, -sa adj. included. 2 enclosed [in an envelope]. 3 adv. including, even.

incoar tr. LAW to inchoate, initiate.

incoativo, -va adj. inchoative, inceptive.

incobrable adj. COM. irrecoverable, uncollectable.

incoercible adj. incoercible.

incógnita f. unknown quantity.

incógnito adj. unknown. 2 adj.-m. incognito. 3 adv. de ~, incognito.

incognoscible adj. unknowable.

incoherencia f. incoherence, disconnectedness.

incoherente adj. incoherent, disconnected.

incoloro, -ra adj. colourless.

incólume adj. unharmed, sound, safe, whole.

incolumidad f. soundness, safety, wholeness.

incombustibilidad f. incombustibility.

incombustible adj. incombustible, fireproof.

incomible adj. uneatable, inedible.

incomodar tr. to inconvenience, put to inconvenience, incommode, bother. 2 to annoy, anger. 3 ref. to get annoyed or angered.

incomodidad f. inconvenience, uncomfortableness, discomfort. 2 annoyance.

incómodo, -da adj. [of things] incommodious, inconvenient, uncomfortable, unhandy, cumbersome. 2 [of persons] uncomfortable, ill at ease.

incomparable adj. incomparable, matchless.

incompatibilidad f. incompatibility, inconsistency; uncongeniality.

incompatible adj. incompatible, inconsistent; uncongenial.

incompetencia f. incompetence, incompetency. Incompetente adj. incompetent, incompleto, -ta adj. incomplete, incomportable adj. intolerable, unbearable, incomprensibilidadf. incomprehensibility, incomprensible adj. incomprehensible, inconceivable.

incompresible adj. incompressible.

incomunicable adj. incommunicable.

incomunicación f. isolation, lack of comunication. 2 solitary confinement.

incomunicado, -da adj. isolated, without communication. 2 in solitary confinement.

incomunicar tr. to isolate; to deprive of communication. 2 to put in solitary confinement.

inconcebible adj. inconceivable.

inconciliable adj. unconciliable. 2 irreconciliable.

inconcluso, -sa adj. unfinished.

inconcuso, -sa adj. incontrovertible, indisputable.

incondicional adj. unconditional.

inconexión f. lack of connection, disconnection.

inconexo, -xa adj. inconnected, disconnected.

inconfesable adj. unavowable, dishonourable.

inconfeso, -sa adj. unconfessing [that has not admitted his guilt].

inconfidente adj. unreliable.

inconfundible adj. unmistakable.

incongruencia f. incongruity, incongruousness.

incongruente; incongruo, -grua adj. incongruous, incongruent.

inconmensurable adj. incommensurable, incommensurate.

inconmovible adj. immovable, unmovable, firm. 2 unyielding, inexorable.

inconquistable adj. unconquerable, inconsciencia f. unconciousness. 2 thoughtlessness.

inconsciente adj. unconcious. 2 unaware, unwitting. 3 thoughtless, unthinking.

inconsecuencia f. inconsistency [lack of harmony between conduct and principles].

inconsecuente adj. not consequent. 2 inconsistent [acting at variance with one’s own principles]. 3 m.-f. inconsistent person

inconsideración f. inconsiderateness. 2 thoughtlessness, rashness

inconsiderado, -da adj. inconsiderate, thougthless, rash.

inconsistencia f. inconsistency, flimsiness, unsubstantially.

inconsistente adj. inconsistent; flimsy. unsubstantial.

inconsolable adj. inconsolable.

inconstancia f. inconstancy.

inconstante adj. inconstant.

inconstitucional adj. unconstitutional.

inconsútil adj. seamless.

incontable adj. uncountable, countless.

incontaminado, -da adj. uncontaminated, undefiled.

incontestable adj. incontestable, indisputable.

incontinencia f. incontinence.

incontinente adj. incontinent. 2 adv. INCONTINENTI.

incontinenti adv. at once, immediately, instantly.

incontrastable adj. invincible, irresistible, unaswerable.

incontrovertible adj. incontrovertible.

inconveniencia f. inconvenience, uncomfortableness. 2 unsuitableness. 3 impoliteness. 4 impolite act or remark.

inconveniente adj. inconvenient. 2 impolite. 3 m. drawback, obstacle, disadvantage, objection: no tengo ~, I have no objection.

incordiom. MED. bubo. 2 vulg. nuisance.

incorporación f. incorporation [union, combination]. 2 sitting up. 3 joining a body, regiment, etc.

incorporar tr. to incorporate [unite, combine]. 2 to raise to a sitting position. 3 ref. to incorporate [become incorporated with]. 4 to join a body, regiment, etc. 5 to sit up [from a reclining position].

incorpóreo, rea adj. incorporeal.

incorrección f. incorrectness. 2 incorrect act.

incorrecto, -ta adj. incorrect.

incorregible adj. incorrigible.

incorruptible adj. incorruptible.

Incorrupto, -ta adj. incorrupt.

increado, -da adj. uncreated.

incredibilidad f. incredibility.

incredulidad f. incredulity; unbelief.

incrédulo, -la adj. incredulous; unbelieving. 2 m. -f. unbeliever, disbeliever.

increíble adj. incredible, unbelievable.

incrementom. increment, increase.

increpaciónf. upbraiding.

increpar tr. to upraid.

incriminación f. incrimination.

incriminar tr. to incriminate.

incruento, -ta adj. bloodless [offering].

incrustación f. incrustation, encrusting. 2 scale [in a boiler]. 3 F. ARTS inlaying, inlay.

incrustar tr. to incrust. 2 F. ARTS to inlay.

incubación f. incubation.

incubadora f. incubator [apparatus].

incubar tr. to incubate, hatch.

íncubom. incubus.

incuestionable adj. unquestionable.

inculcar tr. to inculcate.

inculpabilidadf. inculpability, guiltlessness: veredicto de ~, verdict of not guilty.

inculpación f. inculpation.

inculpar tr. to inculpate. 2 to blame.

inculto, -ta adj. incult, uncultivated, untilled. 2 incult, uncultured, uneducated, uncivilized.

incultura f. lack of culture.

incumbencia f. incumbency, duty, concern.

incumbir intr. to be incumbent [on], be the duty [of].

incumplido, -da adj. unfulfilled, nonexecuted.

incumplimiento m. unfulfilment, nonexecution, breach.

incumplirá,not to fulfil, fail to fulfil.

incunable adj. incunabular. 2 m. incunabulum.

incurable adj. incurable, hopeless.

incuria f. negligence, carelessness.

incurrimiento m. incurring.

incurrir en intr. to incur, become liable to. 2 to commit [a fault, etc.], to fall into [error].

incursión f. MIL. incursion. 2 INCURRIMIENTO.

incurso, -sa adj. having incurred.

incuso, -sa adj. incuse.

indagación f. investigation, search, inquiry, inquest.

indagarir. to investigate, search, inquire.

indebido, -da adj. undue, improper, illegal, illicit.

indecencia f. indecency.

indecente adj. indecent. 2 low, dirty [act, conduct].

indecible adj. unspeakable, unutterable.

indecisión f. indecision, irresolution.

indeciso, -sa adj. undecided [not yet determined]. 2 undecided, hesitant, irresolute.

indeclinable adj. undeclinable. 2 GRAM. indeclinable, undeclinable.

indecoro m. indecorum, indecorousness.

indecoroso, -sa adj. indecorous, improper. 2 indecent.

indefectible adj. indefectible, unfailing, certain.

indefendible, indefensible adj. indefensible.

indefensión f. defencelessness.

indefenso, -sa adj. defenceless.

indeficiente adj. unfailing, certain.

indefinible adj. undefinable.

indefinido, -da adj. indefinite, undefined, vague. 2 GRAM. indefinite.

indéhiscente adj. вот. indehiscent.

indeleble adj. indelible, ineffaceable.

indeliberado, -da adj. indeliberate, unpremeditated.

indelicadeza f. indelicacy; unscrupulousness. indelicado, -da adj. indelicate; unscrupulous.

indemne adj. unharmed, unhurt, undamaged.

Indemnidad f.indemnity, freedom from damage.

indemnización f.indemnification, indemnity.

indemnizar tr. to indemnify, compensate.

indemostrable adj. indemonstrable, undemonstrable.

independenciaf. independence.

independiente adj. independent.

independizar tr.-ref. EMANCIPAR.

indescifrable adj. undecipherable.

indescriptible adj. indescribable.

indeseable adj. undesirable [pers.].

indestructible adj. indestructible.

indeterminación f. indétermination. 2 irresolution.

indeterminado, -da adj. indeterminate, undetermined. 2 undetermined, irresolute, hesitating. 3 GRAM. indefinite [article].

indevoción f.! indevotion, lack of devotion.

indevoto, -ta adj. undevout. 2 undevoted.

India f. pr. n. GEOG. India. 2 pl. Indies: Indias Occidentales, Spanish America; West Indies; Indias Orientales, India.

indiada f. (Am.) multitude of Indians.

indiana f. printed calico.

indiano, -na adj. of the Spanish America. 2 Indian [of India]. 3 adj.-n. Spanish American. 4 m.-f. one who returns rich from America.

indicación f. indication, sign. 2 hint, suggestion. 3 direction, instruction. 4 MED. indication.

indicado, -da adj. indicated. 2 proper, appropriate, suitable.

indicador, -ra adj. indicating, indicatory. 2 m. indicator, pointer, index, gauge. 3 ELECT. annunciator disc.

indicar tr. to indicate, point out, show. 2 to indicate, betoken, be sign of. 3 to indicate [state briefly]. 4 to hint, suggest.

Indicativo, -va adj. indicative. 2 adj.-m. GRAM. indicative.

indice m. ANAT. index, forefinger. 2 sign, indication. 3 index [table of contents, list; pointer, hand; ratio]: ~ cefálico, cephalic index. 4 MATH. index. 5 ECCL. Index.

indicio m. sign, indication, clue, evidence. 2 pl. CHEM. traces. 3 LAW indicios vehementes, circumstantial evidence.

indico, -ca adj. Indian, East-Indian: Océano índico, Indian Ocean.

indiferencia f. indifference.

indiferente adj. indifferent: me es ~, it is all the same to me.

indiferentismo m. indifferentism.

indígena adj. indigenous, native. 2 m.-f. native [person].

indigencia f. indigence, destitution, need.

Indigente adj. indigent, destitute, needy.

indigestarse ref. to cause indigestion. 2 [of persons] to be disagreeable, cause aversion or dislike.

indigestión f. indigestion.

indigesto, -ta adj. indigestible. 2 indigested, undigested. 3 disagreeable [person].

indignación f. indignation.

indignado, -da adj. indignant, angry.

indignamente adv. unworthily. 2 with indignity.

indignante adj. irritating, causing indignation.

Indignar tr. to irritate, make indignant, cause indignation. 2 ref. to become indignant.

indignidad f. unworthiness. 2 indignity.

indigno, -na adj. unworthy. 2 low, contemptible.

indigo m. indigo.

indino, -na adj. mischievous, saucy.

indio, dia adj.-n. Indian [of Asia or America]. 2 m. CHEM. indium. 3 adj. blue, azure.

indirecta f. hint, insinuation, innuendo.

indirectamente adv. indirectly.

indirecto, -ta adj. indirect.

indisciplina f. indiscipline, lack of discipline.

indisciplinado, -da adj. undisciplined, unruly.

indisciplinarse ref. to become undisciplined.

indiscreción f. indiscretion [want of discretion].

indiscreto, -ta adj. indiscreet [wanting in discretion].

indiscutible adj. unquestionable, indisputable.

indisolubilidad f. indissolubility.

indisoluble adj. indissoluble.

indispensable adj. indispensable, necessary, essential.

indisponer tr. to indispose [make sick or ill]. 2 ~ a una persona con otra, to set a person against another. 3 ref. to be indisposed, out of health. 4 [of two persons] to fall out. 5 indisponerse con, to quarrel with.

indisposición f. lack of fitness, unpreparation. 2 indisposition, passing ailment.

indispuesto, -ta adj. indisposed, slightly ill. 3 on bad terms, at variance.

indisputable adj. indisputable.

indistinguible adj. undistinguishable.

indistintamente adv. indistinctly, indiscriminately.

indistinto, -ta adj. indistinct.

individual adj. individual.

individualidad f. individuality.

individualismo m. individualism.

individualista adj. individualistic. 2 m.-f. individualist.

individualizar tr. to individualize.

individuo, -dua adj. individual. 2 indivisible. 3 m. individual [single member of a class]. 4 member, fellow [of a board, society, etc.]. 5 individual, fellow, person. 6 f. despicable woman.

indivisibilidad f. indivisibility.

indivisible adj. indivisible.

indiviso, -sa adj. LAW undivided.

Indo m. pr. n. GEOG. Indus.

indo, -da adj.-n. Indian, East-Indian.

indócil adj. indocile.

indocilidad f. indocility.

indocto, -ta adj. unlearned, uneducated.

indocumentado, -da adj. lacking the documents for identification. 2 m.-f. nobody [person of no account].

Indochina f. pr. n. GEOG. Indo-China.

indochino, -na adj.-n. Indo-Chinese.

indoeuropeo, -a adj.-n. Indo-European.

indole f. disposition, nature. 2 class, kind.

indolencia f. indolence. 2 painlessness.

indolente adj. indolent.

indoloro adj. MED. indolent.

indomable adj. untamable, indomitable.

indomado, -da adj. untamed.

indómito, -ta adj. untamed. 2 indomitable. 3 unruly.

Indostán m. pr. n. GEOG. Hindustan.

indostanés, -sa adj.-n. Hindustani, Hidoostani.

indostánico, -ca adj. Hindustani [of Hindustan].

indostano, -na adj. INDOSTANÉS.

indubitable adj. indubitable, doubtless.

inducción f. inducing, instigation. 2 ELECT., LOG, induction.

inducidom. ELECT, armature [of motor or dynamo].

inducir tr. to induce, persuade, instigate. 2 ELECT., LOG. to induce. ¶ CONJUG. like conducir.

inductancia f. ELECT. inductance.

inductivo, -va adj. LOG., ELECT, inductive.

inductor, -ra adj. inducing. 2 m.-f. inducer, instigator. 3 m. ELECT. inductor, field.

indudable adj. indubitable, doubtless, certain.

indujo, indujera, etc. irr. V. INDUCIR.

indulgencia f. indulgence, leniency, forbearance. 2 ECCL. indulgence.

indulgente adj. indulgent, lenient, forbearing.

indultar tr. to pardon [free from penalty]. 2 to exempt [from an obligation].

indulto m. LAW pardon, commutation. 2 induit.

indumentaria f. clothing, dress, garb.

indumento m. VESTIDURA.

induración f. MED. induration.

industria f. industry. 2 ingenuity. 3 de ~, designedly, on purpose.

industrial adj. industrial. 2 m. industrialist, manufacturer.

industrialismo m. industrialism.

industrializar tr. to industrialize.

industriar tr. to train, teach. 2 ref. to manage; to get along.

industrioso, -sa adj. industrious. 2 ingenious.

induzco, induzca, etc. irr. V. INDUCIR.

inedia f. inanition.

inédito, -ta adj. unpublished.

inefabilidad f. ineffability.

inefable adj. ineffable, unutterable.

ineficacia f. inefficacy, inefficiency, ineffectualness.

ineficaz adj. inefficacious, inefficient, ineffectual.

inelegante adj. inelegant.

ineluctable adj. ineluctable, inevitable.

ineludible adj. ineludible, unavoidable.

inenarrable adj. ineffable, inexpressible.

inencogible adj. unshrinkable.

inepcia f. silliness, ineptitude.

ineptitud f. incompetence. 2 ineptitude.

inepto, -ta adj. incompetent, incapable. 2 inept. 3 m.-f. incapable [person].

inequívoco, -ca adj. unequivocal, unmistakable.

inercia f. inertia.

inerme adj. unarmed. 2 BOT., ZOOL. inerm, inermous.

inerte adj. inert.

inervación f. innervation.

inés f. pr. n. Agnes.

inescrutabilidad f. inscrutability.

inescrutable, inescudriñable adj. inscrutable.

inesperado, -da adj. unexpected, unforeseen.

inestabilidad f. instability.

inestable adj. unstable, instable.

inestimable adj. inestimable, invaluable, priceless.

inevitable adj. inevitable, unavoidable.

inexactitud f. inexactness; inaccuracy.

inexacto, -ta adj. inexact; inaccurate. 2 untrue.

inexcusable adj. inexcusable. 2 unavoidable.

inexhausto, -ta adj. unexhausted; unexhaustible.

inexistencia f. inexistence.

inexistente adj. inexistent, nonexistent.

inexorable adj. inexorable, relentless.

inexperiencia f. inexperience.

inexperto, -ta adj. inexpert, inexperienced.

inexplicable adj. inexplicable, unaccountable.

inexplorado, -da adj. unexplored.

inexpresable adj. inexpressible.

inexpresivo, -va adj. inexpressive.

inexpugnable adj. inexpugnable, impregnable. 2 firm, stubborn.

inextenso, -sa adj. unextended [having no extension].

inextinguible adj. inextinguishable, unquenchable.

inextricable adj. inextricable.

infalibilidad, f. infallibility.

infalible adj. infallible.

infamación f. defamation.

infamador, -ra adj. defaming. 2 m.-f. defamer.

infamante adj. causing infamy, opprobious.

infamar tr. to defame, infamize, dishonour.

infamatorio, -ria adj. defamatory, libellous.

infame adj. infamous. 2 fig. very bad. 3 m.-f. infamous, wicked person.

infamia f. infamy. 2 infamous act. infancia f. infancy, babyhood.

infando, -da adj. frightful, unspeakable.

infanta f. female child. 2 infanta.

infantado m. territory assigned to an INFANTE or infanta.

infante m. male infant. 2 infante. 3 infantry soldier.

infantería f. MIL. infantry: ~ de marina, marines.

infanticida m. infanticide [murderer of an infant].

infanticidio m. infanticide [act].

infantil adj. infantile, infant. 2 infantile, childish, innocent. 3 children’s.

infantilismo m. infantility. 2 MED. infantilism.

infanzón m. ancient nobleman.

infanzona f. ancient noblewoman.

infarto m. MED. infarct, infarction.

infatigable adj. indefatigable, untiring.

infatuación f. conceit, presumption.

infatuar tr. to make conceited or vain. 2 ref. to become conceited or vain.

infausto, -ta adj. unlucky, unhappy, fatal.

infección f. infection.

infeccioso, -sa adj. MED. infectious.

infectar tr. to infect. 2 ref. to become infected.

infectivo, -va adj. infective.

infecto, -ta adj. infected, foul, corrupt.

infecundo, -da adj. infecund, barren, sterile.

infelice adj. poet, unhappy, wretched.

infelicidad f. infelicity, unhappiness.

infeliz adj. unhappy, unfortunate, wretched. 2 m. -f. unhappy person, wretch. 3 adj.-n. coll. simple, good-natured [person].

inferencia f. inference.

inferior adj.-n. inferior. 2 adj. lower. under [part].

inferioridad f. inferiority.

inferir tr. to infer, conclude. 2 to cause, inflict [a wound]; to offer [an insult]; to do [an injury]. ¶ CONJUG. like hervir.

infernáculo m. hopscotch [game].

infernal adj. infernal, hellish. 2 coll. infernal, confounded, detestable.

infernalmente adv. infernally, hellishly.

infestación f. infestation.

infestar tr. to infest, overrun. 2 to infect.

infesto, -ta adj. poet, harmful. prejudicial.

infeudaciÓn f. ENFEUDACIóN.

infeudar tr. ENFEUDAR.

inficionar tr. to infect, corrupt, taint. 2 ref. to be infected.

infidelidad f. infidelity, unfaithfulness. 2 the infidels as a whole.

infidencia f. breach of trust, unfaithfulness.

infidente adj. unfaithful, dishonest.

infiel adj. unfaithful, disloyal. 2 inaccurate, inexact. 3 adj.-n. infidel, pagan.

infiernillo m. small alcohol stove.

infierno m. [often in the pl.] hell, inferno: en los quintos infiernos, fig. very far; far away.

infiltración f. infiltration.

infiero, infiera, etc. irr. V. INFERIR.

infiltrar tr. infiltrate. 2 to infuse, instill [ideas, etc.]. 3 ref. to infiltrate [be infiltrated]. 4 to insinuate itself.

ínfimo, -ma adj. lowest, least. 2 vilest, most abject. 3 most inferior [in quality].

infinidad f. infinity, infinitude; infinite number, no end.

infinitesimal adj. infinitesimal.

infinitivo adj.-n. GRAM. infinitive.

infinito, -ta adj. infinite. 2 m. infinite, infinite space. 3 MATH. infinity. 4 adv. infinitely.

infinitud f. infinitude, infiniteness.

inflación f. inflation. 2 conceit, vanity.

inflacionista adj. inflationary.

inflamable adj. inflammable.

inflamación f. inflammation.

inflamar tr. to inflame. 2 ref. to inflame [become inflamed].

inflamatorio, -ria adj. inflammatory.

inflar tr. to inflate. 2 to exaggerate [news, etc.]. 3 ref. to inflate. 4 to be puffed up with pride.

inflexlbilidad f. inflexibility.

inflexible adj. inflexible.

inflexión f. inflection, bend. 2 GEOM., GRAM. inflection. 3 inflection, modulation [of the voice].

infligir tr. to inflict.

inflorescencia f. BOT. inflorescence.

influencia f. influence.

influenciar tr. (Am.) to influence.

influenza f. MED. influenza.

influir tr. to influence. 2 intr. ~ en or sobre, to influence. have influence on; to affect. ¶ CONJUG. like huir.

influjo m. influence. 2 NAUT. rising tide.

influyente adj. influential.

infolio m. folio book, book in folio form.

información f. information [informing, telling, being told, intelligence, news]: oficina de informaciones, information bureau. 2 reportage. 3 inquiry, investigation. 4 PHILOS. information.

informador, -ra m.-f. newspaper reporter.

informal adj. informal [not according to due form]. 2 [of a pers.] not serious, unreliable.

informalidad f. informality [want of regular or prescribed form]. 2 lack of seriousness, unreliability. 3 nonfulfilment of a promise, engagement, etc.

informante adj. informing, reporting. 2 m.-f. one who reports on something.

informar tr. to inform [tell, notify, make acquainted]. 2 PHIL. to inform. 3 intr. to report [on something]. 4 LAW [of a lawyer] to plead before a court. 5 ref. to inquire, find out: informarse de, to inquire into, find out about.

informativo, -va adj. informative, giving news. 2 PHIL. informative.

informe adj. shapeless, formless. 2 m. information, report, account. 3 report [of an expert, a commitee]. 4 LAW plea. 5 pl. references, character.

infortunado, -da adj. unfortunate, unlucky. 2 m.-f. unfortunate [person].

infortunio m. misfortune, misery. 2 mishap, mischance.

infracción f. infraction, infringement, breach.

infractor, -ra m.-f. infractor, breaker, transgressor.

infraestructura f. AER. nonfliying structures.

in freganti adv. in the very act.

infrangible adj. infrangible, inviolable.

infranqueable adj. insurmountable.

infrarrojo, -ja adj. infrared.

infrascripto, -ta; infrascrito, -ta adj.-n. undersigned.

infrecuente adj. infrequent.

infringir tr. to infringe, break, transgress.

infructífero, -ra adj. unfruitful, unprofitable.

infructuoso, -sa adj. fruitless, unfruitful, unsuccessful.

ínfula f. infula. 2 pl. conceit, airs: darse infulas, to put on airs.

infumable adj. unsmokable, bad [tobacco].

infundado, -da adj. groundless, baseless, unfounded.

infundio m. lie, canard, false report.

infundir tr. to infuse, instil [life, spirit, etc.], to imbue with. 2 to infuse [steep in liquid].

infusible adj. infusible.

infusión f. infusion.

infuso, -sa adj. infused [by God].

infusorio, -ria adj.-n. ZOOL. infusory.

ingeniar tr. to think up, contrive, devise. 2 ref. to manage, to find a way.

ingeniería f. engineering [art, science, profession].

ingeniero m. engineer [one who follows as profession any branch of engineering]. 2 MIL. engineer [soldier].

ingenio m. inventive faculty, mind, talent. 2 talented person, talent [esp. author]. 3 ingenuity, cleverness, wit: aguzar el ˜, to sharpen one’s wits. 4 engine, machine, mechanical device. 5 BOOKBIND, plough. 6 ˜ de azúcar, sugar mill; sugar plantation.

ingeniosidad f. ingeniousness, ingenuity.

ingenioso, -sa adj. ingenious.

ingènito, -ta adj. unbegotten. 2 innate, inborn.

ingente adj. huge, prodigious, very large.

ingenuidad f. ingenuousness, candour.

ingenuo, -nua adj. ingenuous, candid, guileless.

ingerencia f. INJERENCIA.

ingerir tr. to ingest. ¶ CONJUG. like hervir.

ingiero, ingiera, etc. irr. V. INGERIR.

ingestión f. ingestion, ingesting of food.

inglaterra f. pr. n. GEOG. England. 2 la Nueva ~, New England.

ingle f. ANAT. groin.

inglés, -sa adj. English. 2 m. Englishman. 3 English [language]. 4 f. Englishwoman. 5 m. pl. los ingleses, the English [people].

inglesismo m. Anglicism.

inglete m. mitre, miter [angle of 45°].

ingobernable adj. ungovernable, uncontrollable, unruly.

ingratitud f. ingratitude, ungratefulness.

ingrato, -ta adj. ungrateful, thankless. 2 ungrateful, harsh, unpleasant. 3 m.-f. ungrateful person.

ingravidez f. weightlessness. 2 lightness, tenuousness.

ingrávido, -da adj. weightless. 2 light, tenuous.

ingresar intr. to enter: ~ en, to enter [a school, etc.]; to become a member of; to join [a political party, etc.]. 2 [of money] to come in. 3 tr. to deposit [money], to pay in.

ingreso m. entrance, ingress. 2 entrance [into a school, etc.]; joining, admision to [a political party, society, etc.]. 3 COM. coming in [of money]. 4 pl. income, revenue. 5 сом. receipts, incomings.

inguinal; inguinario, -ria adj. ANAT. inguinal.

ingurgitar tr. MED. to ingurgitate.

inhábil adj. unable, unskilful. 2 tactless. 3 unfit, unqualified, incompetent: día ~, dies non.

inhabilidad f. unskilfulness. 2 inability, disability.

inhabilitación f. disqualification, incapacitation, inhabilitar tr. to disable, disqualify, incapacitate. 2 to render unfit.

inhabitable adj. uninhabitable.

inhabitado, -da adj. uninhabited.

inhalación f. inhalation.

inhalar tr. to inhale.

inherencia f. inherence.

inherente adj. inherent.

inhibición f. LAW, PHYSIOL., PSYCHOL. inhibition. 2 act of keeping out of [an affair].

inhibir tr. LAW, PHYSIOL., PSYCHOL. to inhibit. 2 ref. to keep out of [an affair].

inhospitalario, -ria adj. inhospitable.

inhospitalidad f. inhospitableness.

inhóspito, -ta adj. inhospitable [affording no shelter].

inhumación f. inhumation, burial, interment.

inhumanidad f. inhumanity.

inhumano, -na adj. inhuman, barbarous, cruel.

inhumar tr. to inhume, bury, inter.

iniciación f. initiation.

iniciado, -da adj. initiate, initiated. 2 m.-f. initiate.

iniciador, -ra adj. initiating. 2 starting. 3 m.-f. initiator, initiatrix. 3 starter, originator.

inicial adj. initial. 2 f. initial, initial letter.

iniciar tr. to initiate, begin. 2 to initiate [a person]. ref. [of a thing] to initiate, begin, commence. [of a person] to be initiated.

iniciativo, -va adj. initiative. 2f. initiative: tomar la ~, to take the initiative.

inicuo, -cua adj. iniquitous.

inigualado, -da adj. unequaled, unrivaled.

inimaginable adj. unimaginable, inconceivable.

inimitable adj. inimitable.

inimitablemente adv. inimitably.

ininteligible adj. unintelligible.

iniquidad f. iniquity.

injerencia f. interference, intermeddling.

injerir tr. to insert, introduce. 2 ref. to interfere, intermeddle. % CONJUG. like hervir.

injertador m. HORT., SURG. grafter.

injertar tr. HORT., SURG. to graft, engraft.

injerto adj. HORT, grafted. 2 m. HORT., SURG. grafting. 3 HORT. graft, scion. 4 HORT. stock [grafted plant]. 5 SURG. graft.

injiero, injiera, etc. irr. V. INJERIR.

injuria f. offence, affront, insult, abuse. 2 wrong, injustice. 3 injury, damage.

injuriante adj. injuring, offending, insulting.

injuriar tr. to offend, insult, abuse. 2 to injure, damage.

injurioso, -sa adj. injurious, insulting, abusive. Injusticia f. injustice.

injustificable adj. unjustifiable, unwarrantable.

injustificado, -da adj. unjustified, injusto, -ta adj. unjust.

inmaculado, -da adj. immaculate: Inmaculada Concepción, Immaculate Conception.

inmanejable adj. unmanageable.

inmanencia f. immanence, immanency.

inmanente adj. immanent, inherent.

inmarcesible adj. unfading, unwithering.

inmaterial adj. immaterial, incorporeal.

inmaturo, -ra adj. immature.

inmediación f. immediacy. 2 contiguity. 3 pl. environs, neighbourhood.

inmediato, -ta adj. immediate. 2 contiguous, adjoining, close, next: ~ a, close to, next to.

inmejorable adj. that cannot be better, unsurpassable; most excellent.

inmemorial adj. Immemorial.

inmensidad f. immensity, immenseness. 2 vastness. 3 great multitude or number.

inmenso, -sa adj. immense. 2 unbounded, infinite.

inmensurable adj. immensurable, unmeasurable.

inmerecido, -da adj. undeserved, unmerited.

inmersión f. immersion.

inmerso adj. immersed.

inmigración f. immigration.

inmigrante adj. immigrating, immigrant. 2 m.-f. immigrant.

inmigrar intr. to immigrate.

inmigratorio, -ria adj. [of] immigration.

inminencia f. imminence, nearness.

inminente adj. imminent, impending, near.

inmiscuir tr. to mix. 2 ref. to interfere, meddle, intermeddle. ¶ CONJUG. regular or like huir.

inmobiliario, -ria adj. real-estate.

inmoble adj. unmovable. 2 motionless. 3 firm, constant.

inmoderado, -da adj. immoderated.

inmodestia f. immodesty.

inmodesto, -ta adj. immodest.

inmolación f. immolation, sacrifice.

inmolar tr. to immolate. 2 to sacrifice. 3 ref. to sacrifice oneself.

inmoral adj. immoral.

inmoralidad f. immorality.

inmortal adj. immortal.

inmortalidad f. immortality.

inmortalizar tr. to immortalize. 2 ref. to become immortal.

inmotivado, -da adj. unmotivated.

inmoto, -ta adj. unmoved, motionless.

inmóvil adj. immobile, motionless, stationary, still, fixed, set. 2 constant, unchanging.

inmovilidad f. immobility.

inmovilizar tr. to immobilize.

inmueble adj. immovable, real [property] 2 m. building [as a property]. 3 pl. immovables, real property.

inmundicia f. dirt, filth, lewdness. 2 impurity.

inmundo, -da adj. dirty, filthy. 2 unclean, impure.

inmune adj. immune, exempt. 2 MED. immune.

inmunidad f. immunity, exemption. 2 MED. immunity.

inmunización f. immunization.

inmunizar tr. to immunize.

inmunología f. immunology, inmutabilidad/, immutability.

inmutable adj. immutable.

inmutar tr. to change, alter. 2 ref. to change countenance, become disturbed.

innato, -ta adj. innate, inborn.

innavegable adj. unnavigable. 2 unseaworthy.

innecesario, -ria adj. unnecessary.

innegable adj. undeniable.

innoble adj. ignoble.

innocuo, -cua adj. INOCUO.

innominado, -da adj. nameless, innominate.

innovación f. innovation.

innovador, -ra adj. innovating. 2 m.-f. innovator. innovar tr. to innovate.

innumerable adj. innumerable, numberless.

innúmero, -ra adj. INNUMERABLE.

inobediente adj. inobedient, disobedient.

inobservancia f. inobservance, nonobservance.

inocencia f. innocence, innocency. Inocencio m. pr. n. Innocent.

inocentada f. simple, silly act or words. 2 practical, joke, esp. when played on Holy Innocents’ Day.

inocente adj.-n. innocent: día de los Inocentes, Holy Innocents’ Day.

inocentón, -na, adj.-n. innocent, simple, credulous. 2 m.-f. simple and credulous person.

inocuidad f.innocuity.

inoculación f.inoculation.

inocular tr. to inoculate; to inoculate with. 2 ref. to become inoculated with.

inocuo, -cua adj. innocuous, harmless.

inodoro, -ra adj. inodorous, odourless. 2 m. water closet, toilet.

inofensivo, -va adj. inoffensive, harmless.

inolvidable adj. unforgettable.

inoperable adj. MED. inoperable.

inoperante adj. inoperative, producing no effect.

inopia f. poverty, indigence, penury.

inopinado, -da adj. unexpected, unforeseen.

inoportunidad f.inopportuneness, inopportunity.

inoportuno, -na adj. inopportune, unseasonable.

inorgánico, -ca adj. inorganic.

inoxidable adj. inoxidable; stainless [steel].

in promptu (Lat.) adv. impromptu, offhand.

inquebrantable adj. unbreakable. 2 unyielding. 3 firm, irrevocable.

inquiero, Inquiera,etc. irr. V. INQUIRIR.

inquietante adj. disquieting, disturbing.

inquietar tr. to disquiet, disturb, worry, make uneasy. 2 to vex, harass, trouble. 3 ref. to worry, be anxious, be uneasy.

inquieto, -ta adj. restless, never still. 2 restless, agitated. 3 worried, anxious, uneasy.

Inquietud f. inquietude, disquietude, restlessness, anxiety, concern, worry. 2 disturbance, riot.

inquilinatom. tenancy [of house or apartment].

inquilino, -na m.-f. tenant [of house or apartment].

inquina f. aversion, dislike, ill will, grudge.

inquinar tr: to infect, contaminate.

inquirir tr. to inquire into, search, investigate. ¶ CONJUG. like adquirir.

inquisición f. inquisition, investigation. 2 pr. n. Inquisition, Holy Office.

inquisidor, -ra f. inquiring, inquisitive. 2m.-f. inquirer, examiner. 3 m. Inquisitor.

inquisitivo, -va adj. inquisitive.

inquisitorial adj. inquisitional, inquisitorial.

inri m. I.N.R.I. [inscription on the cross]: poner el ~ a, to deride, to insult.

insaciable adj. insatiable.

insalivación f. insalivation.

insalivar tr. to insalivate.

insalubre adj. insalubrious, unhealthy.

insalubridad f. insalubrity, unhealthiness.

insania f. insanity, madness.

insatisfecho, -cha adj. unsatisfied.

insano, -na adj. insane, mad, crazy.

inscribir tr. to inscribe [words, etc., on metal, stone, etc.]. 2 GEOM. to inscribe. 3 ref. to inscribe oneself; to register.

inscripción f. inscription. 2 registration.

inscripto, -ta; inscrito, -ta irreg. p. p. of INSCRIBIR.

insecticida adj. insecticidal. 2 m. insecticide.

insectívoro, -ra adj. insectivorous.

insecto m. ZOOL. insect. 2 pl. ZOOL. Insecta.

inseguridad f.insecurity, unsafety. 2 uncertainty.

inseguro, -ra adj. insecure, unsafe. 2 uncertain. 3 not firm.

inseminaciónf.insemination, impregnation.

inseminar tr. to inseminate, impregnate.

insensatez f. insensateness, stupidity, folly.

insensato, -ta adj. insensate, stupid, foolish.

insensibilidad f. insensibility, insensitiveness. 2 hard-heartedness, callousness.

Insensibilizar tr. to insensibilize. 2 ref. to become insensible.

insensible adj. insensible [incapable of sensation; unconscious; imperceptible]. 2 insentient. 3 insensible, unfeeling, callous.

inseparable adj.-n. inseparable. 2 adj. undetachable.

insepulto, -ta adj. unburied, uninterred.

inserción f.insertion.

inserir tr. to insert, introduce. 2 HORT. to graft. ¶ CONJUG. like hervir.

insertar tr. to insert, introduce [esp. in written or printed matter]. 2 ref. BOT., ZOOL. to be inserted.

inservible adj. unserviceable, useless.

insidia f. snare, insidious act.

insidiar tr. to insidiate, put snares for.

insidioso, -sa adj. insidious.

insigne adj. illustrious, eminent. 2 egregious.

insignia f. badge, emblem. 2 standard of a Roman legion. 3 NAUT. pennant. 4 pl. insignia.

insignificancia f. insignificance, insignificancy.

insignificante adj. insignificant.

insinceridad f. insincerity.

insinuación f. insinuation, hint, innuendo, intimation. 2 insinuation [insinuating oneself]

insinuante adj. insinuating, ingratiating, engaging

insinuar tr. to insinuate, hint, suggest. 2 ref. to insinuate oneself. 3 [of feelings, virtues, etc.] to be instilled into [a person].

insipidez f. insipidity, insipidness.

insípido, -da adj. insipid, tasteless, flat, vapid.

insistencia f. insistence, insistency.

insistente adj. insistent.

insistir intr. to insist: ~ en, to insist on; ~ en que, to insist that.

ínsito, -ta adj. connatural, inborn, inherent.

insociable, insocial adj. unsociable.

insolación f. insolation. 2 MED. sunstroke.

insolar tr. to insolate. 2 ref. to be sunstruck.

insolencia f. insolence.

insolentar tr. to make insolent. 2 ref. to become insolent.

insolente adj. insolent. 2 m.-f. insolent person.

insólito, -ta adj. unusual, unaccustomed.

insoluble adj. insoluble. 2 unsolvable.

insolvente adj. insolvent.

insomne adj. insomnious, sleepless.

insomnio m. insomnia, sleeplessness.

insondable adj. fathomless. 2 inscrutable.

insonorizado, -da adj. soundproof.

insoportable adj. insupportable, unbearable.

insostenible adj. untenable, indefensible.

inspección f. inspection, overseeing, survey. 2 inspectorship. 3 inspector’s office.

inspeccionar tr. to inspect, oversee, survey.

inspector, -ra adj. inspecting. 2 m.-f. inspector, overseer, surveyor, supervisor.

inspiración f. inspiration.

inspirado, -da adj. inspired: ~ poeta, inspired poet.

inspirador, -ra adj. inspiring. 2 m.-f. inspirer.

inspirar tr. PHYSIOL. to inspire. 2 to inspire [infuse thought, create feeling, animate, suggest, etc.], to awaken, excite. 3 ref. to become inspired. 4 inspirarse en, to take as a model or subject [in literary or artistic work].

instable adj. INESTABLE.

instalación f. installation, instalment. 2 installation, plant; fittings, appointments.

instalar tr. to install, induct. 2 to install, lay, set up, put in place. 3 ref. to install or establish oneself.

instancia f. instance, request: a ~ de, at the request of. 2 earnestness, urgency [in asking]. 3 petition, memorial. 4 LAW instance.

instantáneo, -a adj. instantaneous. 2 f. PHOT. snapshot.

instante adj. pressing, soliciting. 2 m. instant, moment: al ~, immediately; por instantes, incessantly, every moment.

instar tr. to request, beg, press, urge. 2 intr. to be pressing, urgent.

instauración f. restoration, renewal. 2 establishment, foundation [of a monarchy, etc.].

instaurar tr. to restore, re-establish, renew. 2 to establish, found [a monarchy, etc.].

instigación f. instigation.

instigador, -ra adj. instigating. 2 m.-f. instigator.

instigar tr. to instigate, incite, urge.

instilación f. instillation.

instilar tr. to instil, instill.

instintivo, -va adj. instinctive.

instinto m. instinct: por ~, instinctively.

institución f. institution [instituting; established thing; establishment, foundation]. 2 pl. institutes. 3 constitutional organs of the soverain power.

institucional adj. institutional.

instituir tr. to institute, establish, found. 2 LAW to institute, appoint [heir]. ¶ CONJUG. like huir.

instituto m. constitution, rule [esp. of a religious order]. 2 institute [society, organization]. 3 ~ de enseñanza media, high school, secondary school.

institutriz f. governess [of a young person].

instituyente adj. instituting.

instrucción f. instruction, teaching, education. 2 instruction, knowledge, learning. 2 MIL. drill. 4 LAW institution or carrying out of proceedings. 5 pl. instructions, directions, orders.

instructivo, -va adj. instructive.

instructor m. instructor. 2 LAW juez ~, examining magistrate.

instruido, -da adj. learned, informed, educated.

instruir tr. to instruct, teach, educate. 2 MIL. to drill. 3 to instruct, inform, advise. 4 LAW to institute or carry out proceedings. 5 ref. to learn, to educate oneself. ¶ CONJUG. like huir.

instrumentación f. MUS. instrumentation, orchestration.

instrumental adj. MUS. instrumental. 2 m. MUS. instruments of an orchestra, etc. 3 SURG. kit of instruments.

instrumentar tr. MUS. to instrument, instrumentate.

instrumentista m. instrument maker. 2 MUS. instrumentalist.

instrumento m. instrument, implement, tool, appliance, contrivance, apparatus. 2 instrument, medium, means. 3 MUS. instrument: ~ de cuerda, stringed instrument. 4 LAW instrument.

insuave adj. rough, unpleasant.

insubordinación f. insubordination.

insubordinar tr. to incite to insubordination. 2 ref. to become insubordinate, to rebel.

insubstancial adj. unsubstantial, insubstantial. 2 inane, vapid, pointless, trivial.

insubstancialidad f. insubstantiality. 2 inanity, vapidness, triviality.

insubstituible adj. irreplaceable.

insuficiencia f. insufficiency, inadequacy.

insuficiente adj. insufficient, inadequate.

insuflar tr. MED. to insufflate.

insufrible adj. unbearable, intolerable, insufferable.

insula f. obs. isle, island. 2 fig. small village.

insular adj. insular. 2 m.-f. islander.

insulina f. MED. insulin.

insulsez f. insipidity, vapidity, flatness, dullness.

insulso, -sa adj. insipid, vapid, flat, dull.

insultante adj. insulting.

insultar tr. to insult; to call names.

insulto m. insult, affront.

insumergible adj. insubmergible, unsinkable.

insumiso, -sa adj. disobedient, rebellious.

insuperable adj. insuperable, insurmontable, invincible. 2 unsurpassable.

insurgente adj.-n. insurgent.

insurrección f. insurrection, rebellion.

insurreccionar tr. to incite to insurrection. 2 ref. to rise up, rebel.

insurrecto, -ta adj. insurgent, rebellious. 2 m.-f. insurgent, insurrectionist, rebel.

insustancial adj. INSUBSTANCIAL.

insustancialidad f. INSUBSTANCIALIDAD.

insustituible adj. INSUBSTITUIBLE.

intacto, -ta adj. intact, unimpaired, whole, pure.

intachable adj. blameless, faultless, irreprochable.

intangibilidad f. intangibility.

intangible adj. intangible. 2 not to be touched.

integèrrimo, -ma adj. superi, of ÍNTEGRO: most honest or upright, irreproachable.

integración adj. integration.

integrado, -da adj. ~ por, consisting of.

integral adj. integral, constituent. 2 adj.-f. MATH. integral.

íntegramente adv. entirely, wholly.

integrante adj. integral, integrant.

integrar tr. to integrate, compose, form, make up. 2 MATH, to integrate.

integridad f. integrity, wholeness. 2 integrity, honesty, uprightness.

íntegro, gra adj. integral, whole, complete. 2 honest, upright.

integumento m. integument.

intelección f. intellection.

intelecto m. intellect.

intelectual adj.-n. intellectual.

intelectualidad f. intellectuality. 2 the intellectuals.

inteligencia f. intelligence, intellect, mind, understanding. 2 intelligence, sagacity, ability. 3 understanding, comprehension, interpretation. 4 sense, meaning. 5 understanding [between persons]. 6 en la ~ de que, on the understanding that.

inteligente adj. intelligent.

inteligible adj. intelligible.

intemperancia f. intemperance.

intemperante adj. intemperate [person].

intemperie f. inclemency [of weather]: a la ~, in the open air, outdoors, unsheltered.

intempestivo, -va adj. untimely, ill-timed, unseasonable.

intención f. intention, purpose, mind, meaning: segunda ~, duplicity of meaning or purpose; mudar de, to change one’s mind; tener ~ de, to intend, have in mind; con ~, con toda ~, deliberately, on purpose; de primera ~, on the first impulse. 2 pointed way of saying something. 3 THEOL., SURG. intention.

intencionadamente adv. deliberately, on purpose.

intencionado, -da adj. deliberate, made on purpose. 2 inclined, disposed: mal ~, evil-minded.

intencional adj. intentional.

intendencia f. intendance, intendancy. 2 MIL. administrative corps of the army.

intendente m. intendant. 2 administrator.

intensidad f. intensity, intenseness, vehemence. 2 PHYS., MUS. PHONET. intensity.

intensificar tr. to intensify. 2 ref. to intensify [become more intense].

intensión f. intension, intensity.

intensivo, -va adj. intensive.

intenso, -sa adj. intense, intensive, vehement.

intentar tr. to try, attempt, endeavour. 2 to intend, mean, purpose. 3 LAW to enter [an action].

intento m . intent, purpose: de ~, purposely, on purpose. 2 attempt, try, trial, effort.

intentona f. rash attempt.

intercalación f. intercalation, interpolation.

1) intercalar tr. to intercalate, interpolate.

2) intercalar adj. intercalary. 2 leap [day or year].

intercambiable adj. interchangeable.

intercambio m. interchange, reciprocation [of services, etc.].

interceder intr. to intercede.

intercelular adj. intercellular.

interceptación f. interception.

interceptar tr. to intercept.

intercesión f. intercession.

intercesor, -ra m.-f. intercessor.

intercolumnio m . ARCH. intercolumniation.

intercontinental adj. intercontinental.

intercostal adj. ANAT. intercostal.

interdecir tr. to interdict, forbid.

interdicción f.interdiction.

interdicto m. interdict.

interdigital adj. interdigital.

interés m. interest [advantage, profit, concern]. 2 interest [value of thing in itself]. 3 interest [on capital]: ~ legal, legal rate of interest. 4 interest [attention, curiosity, inclination towards pers. or thing; quality exciting them]. 5 pl. worldly possessions. 6 interests; intereses creados, vested interests.

interesado, -da p. p. of INTERESAR. 2 adj. interested, concerned. 3 mercenary, selfish. 4 m.-f. person or party concerned.

interesante adj. interesting.

interesar tr. to interest. 2 to concern. 3 MED. to affect [an organ, etc.]. 4 ~ en, to interest [invest with a share; cause to share]. 5 intr. to be interesting. 6 to be advantageous, or necessary. 7 to have a pecuniary share [in]. 8 ref. interesarse en or por, to be interested.

interfecto, -ta m.-f. LAW murdered person, victim.

interferencia f. PHYS. interference.

interferir intr.-ref. PHYS. interfere.

ínterin adv.-m. interim, meanwhile.

interinidad f. provisionality, temporariness. 2 duration of temporary job or office.

interino, -na adj. provisional, temporary. 2 acting, holding a temporary job or office. 3 m.-f. holder of a temporary job or office.

interior adj. interior, internal, inner, inside, inward; home, domestic [not foreign]: comercio ~, domestic trade. 2 m. interior, inside, inner part; inland. 3 mind, soul.

interioridad f. inferiority, inwardness.

interioridades f. pl. private matters.

interjección f. GRAM. interjection.

interlínea f. PRINT, lead, space line.

lnterlineación f. interlineation.

interlinear tr. to interline, interlineate.

interlocution f. interlocution, dialogue.

interlocutor, -ra m.-f. interlocutor.

interludio m. MUS. interlude.

intermediar intr. to be in the middle. 2 to intermediate, mediate.

intermediario, -ria adj. intermediary. 2 m.-f. intermediary, mediator. 3 сом. middleman.

intermedio, -dia adj. intermediate, intervening. 2 m. interval, interim. 3 THEAT. interlude.

interminable adj. interminable, endless.

intermisión f. intermission.

intermitencia f. intermittence.

intermitente adj. intermittent.

intermitir tr. to intermit, discontinue.

internación f. internment.

internacional adj. international.

internacionalismo m. internationalism.

internacionalizar tr. to internationalize.

internado m. boarding school; boarding school system. 2 state of being a boarding student.

internar tr. to lead or send inland. 2 to intern. 3 ref. to go into the interior of. 4 to go deeply [into a subject].

internista m.-f. MED. internist.

interno, -na adj. internal, interior, inside. 2 boarding [student]. 3 m.-f. boarding student. 4 m. intern [in a hospital].

internuncio m. interlocutor. 2 internuncio.

interparlamentario, -ria adj. interparliamentary.

interpelación f. act of addressing oneself to another [asking for aid or explanations, etc.]. 2 interpellation [in parliamentary practice].

interpelar tr. to address oneself to [another] asking for aid or explanations. 2 to interpellate.

interplanetario, -ria adj. interplanetary.

interpolación f. interpolation.

interpolar tr. to interpolate.

interponer tr. to interpose, place between. 2 to set as a mediator. 3 LAW to present [an appeal]. 4 ref. to interpose [be or come between]. 5 to interpose, intervene, mediate. ¶ CONJUG. like poner.

interposición f. interposition, interposal.

interpretación f. interpretation.

interpretar tr. to interpret.

intérprete m.-f. intetpreter.

interpuesto, -ta adj. interposed, intervening.

interregno m. interregnum.

interrogación f. interrogation, question. 2 GRAM. interrogation mark, question mark.

interrogante adj. interrogating, questioning. 2 m. GRAM. interrogante or punto ~, interrogation mark; question mark.

interrogar tr. to interrogate, question.

interrogativo, -va adj. interrogative.

interrogatorio m. interroga ton,’, questioning.

interrumpido, -da adj. interrupted, broken, discontinued.

interrumpir tr. to interrupt. 2 to obstruct, hinder. 3 ref. to be interrupted, pause, break off.

interrupción f. interruption.

interruptor, -ra adj. interrupting. 2 m.-f. interrupter. 3 m. ELECT. switch, circuitbreaker.

intersecarse ref. GEOM. [of two lines, planes, etc.] to intersect.

intersección intersection.

intersticio m. interstice. 2 interval.

intervalo m. interval [intervening time or space]; break, gap. 2 MUS. interval.

intervención f. intervention, taking part; interference. 2 mediation. 3 supervision, control. 4 auditing [of accounts]. 5 SURG., INTERN., LAW intervention.

intervencionismo m. interventionism.

intervenir intr. to take part. 2 to intervene. 3 to intercede, plead [for another]. 4 to mediate [between parties]. 5 tr. to audit [accounts]. 6 SURG. to operate upon [someone].

interventor, -ra m.-f. supervisor. 2 auditor [of accounts]. 3 election supervisor.

interviev m. Angl. journalistic interview.

intervievar tr. to interview [for journalistic purposes].

intestado, -da adj. intestate. 2 m. intestate.

intestinal adj. intestinal.

intestino, -na adj. internal. 2 intestine, domestic, civil. 3 m. ANAT. intestine. 4pl. ANAT. intestines.

intimación f. notification; order, calling upon.

intimar tr. to intimate, notify authoritatively. 2 to order, call upon. 3 intr.-ref. to become intimate, intimidación f. intimidation, intimidad f. intimacy, closeness. 2 inwardness.

intimidar tr. to intimidate, daunt. 2 ref. to become intimidated, daunted.

íntimo, -ma adj. intimate. 2 internal, innermost. 3 private, personal. 4 close [contact, relation].

intitular tr. to entitle [give the title of]. 2 ref to be called; to call oneself.

intolerable adj. intolerable, unbearable.

intolerancia adj. intolerance.

intolerante adj. intolerant.

intonso, -sa adj. poet. unshorn. 2 fig. ignorant. 3 [of a book] with untrimmed leaves.

intoxicación f. MED. intoxication, poisoning.

intoxicar tr. to poison. 2 ref. MED. to suffer intoxication.

intradós m. ARCH. intrados.

intraducibie adj. untranslatable.

intramuros adv. within the walls [of a town].

intranquilidad f. unrest, restlessness, uneasiness.

intranquilizar tr. to worry, disquiet, make uneasy. 2 ref. to worry, to become uneasy.

intranquilo, -la adj. restless, worried, uneasy.

intransferible adj. untransferable.

intransigencia f. intransigence, intransigency, uncompromisingness.

intransigente adj. intransigent, uncompromising.

intransitable adj. impassable [road, etc.].

intransitivo, -va adj.-n. GRAM. intransitive.

intratable adj. intractable. 2 cantankerous, crossgrained, unsociable.

intravenoso, -sa adj. intravenous.

intrepidez f. intrepidity, courage, bravery.

intrépido, -da adj. intrepid.

intriga f. intrigue. 2 plot [of a play]; imbroglio.

intrigante adj. intriguing. 2 m.-f. intriguer.

intrigar intr. to intrigue, plot, scheme. 2 tr. to intrigue [arouse the interest or curiosity of].

intrincación f. intricacy, intricateness.

intrincado, -da adj. intricate.

intrincar tr. to complicate, entangle, confuse.

intríngulis, pl. -lis m. hidden reason or motive, enigma, mystery.

intrínseco, -ca adj. intrinsic, intrinsical.

introducción f. introduction [in every sense except introduction of a bill; of a person]. 2 preliminary step, preparation. 3 exordium.

introducir tr. to introduce [in every sense except introducing a person to another or a bill, etc., before Parliament]. 2 to insert. 3 to usher in. 4 ref. to introduce oneself or itself; to enter, gain access [to]; worm oneself [into]. ¶ CONJUG. like conducir.

introductor, -ra adj. introducing. 2 m.-f. introducer, introductor. 3 usherer.

introito m. introduction, beginning. 2 ECCL. introito.

intromisión f. interference, meddling.

introspección f. introspection.

introspectivo, -va adj. introspective.

introversión f. introversion.

introverso, -sa adj.-n. introverted.

intrusarse ref. to usurp [an office, authority, etc.].

intrusión f. intrusion [in office, profession, etc.].

intrusismo m. practice of a profession without authority.

intruso, -sa adj. intruding, usurping. 2 m.-f. intruder, usurper. 3 unauthorized practitioner.

intuición f. intuition.

intuir tr. to intuit. ¶ CONJUG. like huir.

intuitivo, -va adj. intuitive.

intumescencia f. intumescence, swelling.

inulto, -ta adj. poet, unavenged.

inundación f. inundation, flood, deluge.

inundar tr. to inundate, flood, overflow, deluge. 2 ref. to be flooded.

inurbano,-na adj. inurbane, uncivil, discourteous.

inusitado, -da adj. unusual.

inútil adj. useless. 2 adj.-n. good for nothing.

inutilidad f. uselessness, inutility. 2 useless person.

inutilizar tr. to render useless; to disable; to spoil. 2 ref. to become useless; to be disabled.

inútilmente adv. uselessly, to no purpose, in vain.

invadeable adj. unfordable.

invadir tr. to invade. 2 to encroach upon.

invaginación f. invagination.

invaginar tr. to invaginate.

invalidación f. invalidation.

invalidar tr. to invalidate, void, nullify.

invalidez f invalidity.

inválido, -da adj. invalid, void, null. 2 invalid, disabled. 3 m. invalid [pers. disabled for active service].

invariable adj. invariable, constant.

invasión f. invasion.

invasor, -ra adj. invading. 2 m.-f. invader.

invectiva f invective.

invencible adj. invincible, unconquerable.

invención f. invention. 2 Invención de la Santa Cruz, Invention of the Cross.

invendible adj. unsalable.

inventar tr. to invent.

inventariar tr. to inventory.

inventario m. inventory: hacer ~, to take inventory.

inventiva f. faculty of invention, inventiveness.

invento m. invention.

inventor, -ra adj. inventing, inventive. 2 m.-f. inventor.

inverecundia f. shamelessness, impudence.

inverecundo, -da adj. shameless, impudent.

invernáculo m. greenhouse, hothouse, conservatory.

invernada f. winter season.

invernadero m. winter quarters. 2 winter pastureland. 3 INVERNÁCULO.

invernal adj. hibernal, hiemal, wintry, winter.

invernar intr. to hibernate, winter. 2 to be winter. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.

invernizo, -za adj. wintry, hiemal.

inverosímil adj. not verisimilar, unlikely.

inverosimilitud f. inverisimilitude, unlikeliness.

inversión f. inversion. 2 COM. investment.

Inverso, -sa adj. inverse, inverted, opposite. 2 a, or por, la inversa, on the contrary.

inversor, -ra adj. inversing; reversing. 2 COM. investing. 3 m. reversing mecanism. 4 ELECT, reverser. 5 COM. investor.

invertebrado, -da adj.-n. invertebrate.

invertido, -da adj. inverted, reversed. 2 COM. invested [money or capital]. 3 adj.-m. invert.

invertir tr. to invert. 2 to reverse. 3 to spend [time]. 4 COM. to invest [money or capital]. ¶ CONJUG. like hervir.

investidura f. investiture.

investigación f. investigation, research, enquiry.

investigador, -ra adj. investigating. 2 m.-f. investigator, researcher.

investigar tr. to investigate, inquire into.

investir tr. to invest [endow, establish legally]: ~ de, or con, to invest with. ¶ CONJUG. like servir.

Inveterado, -da adj. inveterate; confirmed.

inveterarse ref. to become inveterate.

invicto, -ta adj. unconquered, unvanquished.

invierno m. winter.

inviolabilidad f. inviolability.

inviolable adj. inviolable.

invisibilidade f. invisibility.

invisible adj. invisible.

invitación f. invitation.

invitado, -da m.-f. person invited, guest.

invitar tr. to invite.

invocación f. invocation, invoking.

invocar tr. to invoke.

involución f. BIOL. involution.

involucrar tr. to introduce irrelevantly.

involucro m. BOT. involucre.

involuntario, -ria adj. involuntary.

involuto, -ta adj. involute. 2 f. GEOM. involute.

invulnerable adj. invulnerable.

inyección f. injection.

inyectable adj. injectable. 2 m. MED. ampoule.

inyectado, -da adj. injected. 2 ojos inyectados en sangre, bloodshot eyes.

inyectar tr. to inject.

inyector m. MECH. injector. ion m. CHEM., PHYS. ion.

ionización f. ionization.

iota f. iota [Greek letter].

ipsilon f. upsilon [Greek letter].

ipso facto adv. at once, right away.

ir intr. to go, proceed, make one’s way, move, walk, ride, travel: ~ a casa, to go home; ~- de prisa, to go, move or walk fast; ~ a pie, to go on foot; ~ a caballo, to ride, go on horseback; ~ en tren, to travel by train. 2 to go, go about, be: ~ descalzo, to be barefooted; ~ sin afeitar, to go unshaved. 3 to go, happen, be, be doing, fare: ¡as cosas van despacio, things go slowly; ~ bien, to be all right, to be doing well; ~ de malen peor, to grow worse and worse; ¿cómo le va?, ¿cómo vamos?, how are you? 4 to fit, suit, become: esto no me va, that doesn’t suit me. 5 to go, lead: esta carretera va a Madrid, this road goes or leads to Madrid. 6 to go, extend [from point to point]. 7 to be at stake, to depend on; to affect, concern: le va la vida en ello, his life depends on that; nada te va en ello, it doesn’t concern you in the least. 8 to be, elapse: de mayo a julio van dos meses, it is two months from May to July. 9 ARITH. to leave: de 2 a 5 van 3, 2 from 5 leaves 3.10 to bet, lay, wager: ¿cuánto va…?, what do you bet…? 11 to act: ~ a una, to act in unison; ~ de buena fe, to act sincerely. 12 to go, frequent, attend: ~ a la escuela, to go to school. 13 followed by a gerund, it constitutes the progressive form: va oscureciendo, it is getting dark. 14 ~ a [followed by an inf.], to go to; to be going to, to intend to; to go and: ir a esperar a uno, to go to meet someone; iba a decir, I was going to say; vaya a verlo, go and see it. 15 ~ de, to be clad in; to perform the action implied by the following noun: ~ de uniforme, to be in uniform; ~ de caza, to go hunting. 16 ~ para largo, to take time. 17 ~ por, to go for, to go to fetch. 18 ¿quién va?, who is there?, who goes there? 19 ¡vamos!, let’s go, come on!; come!, why!, well! 20 vamos a ver, let’s see. 21 ¡vaya una idea!, what an idea! 22 vaya usted con Dios, farewell, God be with you. 23 vaya or vete a paseo, go away, go and chop chips.

            24 ref. to be going, go away, depart. 25 to wear out. 26 [followed by a gerund] to be, to be gradually: se va acercando, it is getting near. 27 irse abajo, to fall down, topple down. 28 NAUT. irse a pique, to sink, founder. 29 írsele a uno la cabeza, to become dizzy. 30 írsele a uno la mano, to overdo oneself; to put too much [salt, etc.]: írsele a uno los pies, to slip. 31 irse todo en humo, to go up in smoke.

             IRREG. CONJUG.: INDIC Pres.: voy, vas, va; vamos, vais, van. | Imperf.: iba, ibas, iba; íbamos, ibais, iban. | Pret, fui, fuiste, fue; fuimos, fuisteis, fueron. | Fut.: iré, irás, etc. | COND.: iría, irías, etc. I SUBJ. Pres.: vaya, vayas, vaya; vayamos, vayáis, vayan. | Imperi.: fuera, fueras, etc., or fuese, fueses, etc. | Fut.: fuere, fueres, etc. | IMPER.: ve, vaya; vayamos, id, vayan. | PAST. P.: ido. | GER.: yendo.

ira f. ire, anger, wrath.

iracundia f. irascibility. 2 anger, wrath.

iracundo, -da adj. irascible. 2 angry, wrathful.

irak (el) m. pr. n. GEOG. Irak, Iraq.

irán (el) m. pr. n. GEOG. Iran.

iranio, nia adj.-n. Iranian.

irascible adj. irascible, irritable.

irene f. pr. n. Irene.

irgo, irga, irguió, irgulera,etc. irr. V. ERGUIR.

iridáceo, -a adj. BOT. iridaceous. iridio m. CHEM. iridium.

iridiscencia f. iridescence.

iridiscente adj. iridescent.

iris m. iris, rainbow: ~ de paz, fig- peacemaker. 2 ANAT., OPT. iris. 3 MINER. noble opal.

irisación f. iridiscence.

irisado, -da adj. irised, rainbow-hued.

irlanda f. pr. n. GEOG. Ireland.

irlandés, -sa adj. Irish. 2 m. Irishman. 3 Irish [language]. 4 f. Irishwoman. 5 m. pl. los irlandeses, the Irish.

ironía f. irony.

irónico, -ca adj. ironic, ironical.

irracional adj. irrational [not endowed with reason]. 2 irrational, absurd. 3 MATH. irrational. 4 m. irrational being.

irracionalidad f. irrationality.

Irradiación f. irradiation, radiation.

irradiar tr. to irradiate, radiate [light, heat, etc.].

irrazonable adj. unreasonable.

Irreal adj. unreal.

irrealidad f. unreality.

irrealizable adj. unrealizable, impracticable.

irrebatible adj. irrefutable.

irreconciliable adj. irreconcilable.

irrecuperable adj. irrecoverable, irretrievable.

irrecusable adj. irrecusable.

irredentismo m. irredentism.

irredento, -ta adj. unredeemed [region].

irreductible adj. irreducible. 2 stubborn, unyielding.

irreemplazable adj. irreplaceable.

irreflexión f. rashness, thoughtlessness.

irreflexivo, -va adj. unreflecting, inconsiderate, rash, thoughtless.

irrefragable adj. irrefragable.

irrefrenable adj. irrepressible, uncontrollable.

irrefutable adj. irrefutable.

irregular adj. irregular.

irregularidad f. irregularity.

irreligión f. irreligion.

irreligioso, -sa adj. irreligious.

irremediable adj. irremediable, hopeless.

irremisible adj. irrémissible.

irrenunciable adj. unrenounceable.

irreparable adj. irreparable, irretrievable.

irreprensible adj. irreprehensible, blameless.

irreprimible adj. irrepressible.

irreprochable adj. irreproachable.

irresistible adj. irresistible.

irresoluble adj. unsolvable.

irresolución f. irresolution, indecision.

irresoluto, -ta adj. irresolute, wavering.

irrespetuoso, -sa adj. disrespectful.

irrespirable adj. unbreathable, suffocating.

irresponsable adj. irresponsible.

irreverencia f. irreverence.

irreverente adj. irreverent.

irreversible adj. LAW, MACH., BIOL. irreversible.

irrevocable adj. irrevocable.

irrigación f. MED. irrigation.

irrigar tr. MED. to irrigate.

irrisible adj. laughable, ridicule.

irrisión f. derision, ridicule. 2 laughing stock.

irrisorio, -ria adj. derisory, ridiculous. 2 insignificant, ridiculously small.

irritabilidadf. irritability.

irritable adj. irritable.

irritación f. irritation.

irritante adj. irritating, irritant. 2 LAW irritant. 3 m. MED., PHYSIOL. irritant.

irritar tr. to irritate, anger, annoy. 2 MED., PHYSIOL., LAW to irritate. 4 ref. to become irritated.

irrogar tr. to cause, occasion [harm, damage].

irromplble adj. unbreakable.

irrumpir intr. to make an irruption.

irrupción f. irruption, bursting in, invasion.

irubú m. ORN. (Am.) turkey buzzard.

isaac m. pr. n. Isaac.

Isabel f. pr. n. Isabela, Elizabeth.

isabelino, -na adj. Isabelline; Elizabethan. 2 adj. -n. HIST. defender of Isabella II against the Carlists.

Isaías m. pr. n. BIBL. Isaiah.

Isidoro m. pr. n. Isidore.

Isidro m. pr. n. Isidore.

isla f. GEOG. isle, island: islas Baleares, Balearic Islands; islas Británicas, British Isles; islas Canarias, Canary Islands; islas Filipinas, Philipine Islands. 2 block [of houses]. 3 isolated grove or woodland.

islam m. Islam.

islâmico, -ca adj. Islamic.

islamismom. Islamism.

islandés, -sa adj. Icelandic. 2 m.-f. Icelander. 3 m. Icelandic [language].

Islândia f. pr. n. GEOG. Iceland.

isleño, -ña adj. insular. 2 m.-f. islander.

isleta f. dim. small island, islet.

islotem. small barren island.

ismael m. pr. n. Ishmael.

ismaelita adj. Ishmaelitic. 2 m.-f. Ishmaelite.

isobara f. METEOR. isobar.

isobárico, -ca adj. METEOR, isobaric: línea isobárica, isobar.

isocllno, -na adj. isoclinal, isoclinic.

isocromático, -ca adj. OPT. isochromatic.

isócrono adj. isochronal, isochrone, isochronic.

isodáctilo, -la adj. ZOOL. isodactylous.

isógono, -na adj. CRIST. isogonic.

isómero, -ra adj. CHEM., BIOL. isomeric, isomerous.

isométrico, -ca adj. isometric.

isomorfo, -fa adj. MINER. isomorphic, isomorph-ous.

isópodo, -da adj.-n. ZOOL. isopod, isopodan.

isósceles adj. GEOM. isosceles.

isoterme, -ma adj. PHYS., METEOR, isothermic. 2 f. METEOR, isotherm [line].

isótopo m. PHYS., CHEM. isotope.

isótropo, -pa adj. isotropic.

isqulático, -ca adj. ANAT. ischiatic.

isqulónm. ANAT. ischium.

Israel m. pr. n. Israel.

israeli adj.-n. Israeli.

israelita adj. Israelitish. 2 m.-f. Israelite.

israelítico, -ca adj. Israelitish.

Istmeño, -ña adj. isthmian [of an isthmus].

ístmico, -ca adj. isthmian, isthmic.

istmo m. GEOG., ANAT. isthmus.

Itaca f. pr. n. HIST., GEOG. Ithaca.

Italia f. pr. n. GEOG. Italy.

italianismo m. Italianism.

italiano, -na adj.-n. Italian.

itálico, -ca adj. Italic. 2 PRINT, italic.

italo, -la adj.-n. poet. Italian.

item m. clause, article [of a deed, etc.]. 2 adv. item or item más, also, likewise [in deeds, etc.].

iteración f. iteration.

iterar tr. to iterate.

iterativo, -va adj. iterative.

iterbiom. CHEM. ytterbium.

itinerario, -ria adj.-m. itinerary.

itrio m. chem. yttrium.

izar tr. NAUT. to hoist, haul up.

izquierda f. left hand. 2 left, left-hand side; a la ~, to the left, on the left. 3 POL. Left, Left wing.

izquierdista adj.-n. POL. leftist.

Izquierdo, -da adj. left, left-hand. 2 left-handed [person]. 3 crooked.


J, j f. J, j, eleventh letter of the Spanish alphabet.

jabalcón m. strut, brace.

jabalí m. ZOOL. wild boar.

jabalina f. javelin, boarspear. 2 SPORT, javelin. 3 ZOOL. wild sow.

jabardillo m. noisy swarm.

jabato m. young wild boar.

jábega f. sweep net [for fishing]. 2 fishing smack.

jabeque m. NAUT. xebec. 2 coll. knife wound in the face.

jablllo m. BOT. sandbox tree.

jabladera f. croze, crozer [cooper’s tool].

Jable m. croze [groove in staves].

jabón m. soap: ~ de afeitar, shaving soap; ~ de olor or de tocador, toilet soap; ~ de sastre, soapstone, French chalk. 2 fig. flattery: dar ~, to softsoap. 3 fig. severe reprimand: dar un ~ a, to haul over the coals.

jabonado, -da adj. soaped. 2 m. soaping.

jabonadura f. soaping. 2 fig. severe reprimand. 3 pl soapsuds, lather.

jabonar tr. to soap; to lather. 2 fig. to reprimand severely.

jaboncillo m. cake of toilet soap. 2 BOT. soapberry tree. 3 ~ de sastre, JABóN DE SASTRE.

jabonera f. soap dish. 2 BOT. soapwort.

jabonería f. soap factory. 2 soap shop.

Jabonero, -ra adj. [pertaining to] soap. 2 yellowish, dirty white [bull]. 2 m. soapmaker. 4 soap dealer.

jaboneta f. jabonete m. cake of toilet soap.

jabonoso, -sa adj. soapy.

Jaca f. nag, cob, bidet, jennet.

jácara f. merry ballad. 2 a kind of dance. 3 group of merry singers walking the streets at night. 4 annoyance. 5 story, tale; fable, lie.

Jacarandá f. BOT. jacaranda.

Jacarandoso, -sa adj. jaunty, lively, gay.

jacarero adj. gay, merry, sportful [person].

jácena f. ARCH. girder.

Jacerina f. coat of mail.

Jacinto m., BOT., MINER, hyacinth: ~ occidental, topaz; ~ oriental, ruby.

Jacinto, -ta m.-f. pr. n. Hyacinth.

jaco m. jade, sorry nag. 2 short coat of mail.

Jacob m. pr. n. BIBL. Jacob.

Jacobino, -na adj. Jacobin. Jacobinic. 2 in. HIST., POL. Jacobin.

jacobita adj. Jacobite, Jacobitic. 2 m.-f. Jacobite.

Jacobo m. pr. n. James.

jactancia f. boasting, bragging, vaunt.

jactancioso, -sa adj. boastful, bragging, vaunting. 2 m.-f. boaster, braggard, vaunter.

jactarse ref. to boast, brag, vaunt: ~ de, to boast of.

jaculatoria f. ejaculation [short prayer].

jade m. MINER, jade.

jadeante adj. panting, out of breath.

jadear intr. to pant, heave.

jadeom. panting.

jaénes, -sa adj.-n. of Jaén.

jaez, pl. jaeces m. ornament for horses. 2 kind, nature [of things]. 3 pl. trappings [for horses].

Jafet m. pr. n. BIBL. Japheth.

jaguar m. ZOOL. jaguar.

jaguarzo m. BOT. rockrose.

jaharrar tr. MASON, to plaster.

Jaime m. pr. n. James, Jim.

jaiquem. moorish hooded cloak.

¡ja, ja, ja! interj. ha, ha!; ho, ho!

jalapa f. BOT. jalap, jalapa.

jalar tr. to haul, to pull. 2 to attract.

jalbegar tr. ENJALBEGAR.

jalbeguem. whitewash. 2 Whitewashing.

jaldado, -da; jalde; jaldo, -da adj. bright yellow, jalea f. jelly [of fruit juices].

jalear tr. to encourrage [hounds] with shouts. 2 to animate [dancers, singers, etc.] by clapping hands or cheering.

jaleom. clapping hands, cheering, etc., to encourage dancers, singers, etc. 2 Andalusian dance and its tune. 3 merry noise. 4 row, disturbance.

jaletina f. gelatine. 2 fine jelly.

Jalifa m. Moroccan prince governing Spanish Morocco.

jalifato m. dignity of the Jalifa. 2 territory under the Jalifa.

jalón m. flagpole, range pole, stake.

jalonar tr. to mark or stake out.

jaloque m. southeast wind.

Jamaica f. pr. n. G EOG. Jamaica.

jamar tr. coll. to eat.

jamás adv. never: nunca ~, never, nevermore. 2 ever: el mejor libro que ~ se haya escrito, the best book ever writen.

Jamba f. ARCH. jamb.