Q, q f. Q, q, twentieth letter of the Spanish alphabet.

que rel. pron. that, which, who, whom: a ~, to which, to whom; a lo ~, to what; de ~, of which; about which, whereof; from which, wherefrom; en ~, in which, wherein; upon which, whereupon. 2 Preceded by the definite article: el ~, la ~, he who or that, she who or that, who, whom, the one who or that; los ~, las ~, those who or that; lo ~, what, which, that which. 3 when: el día ~ llegaste, the day when you arrived. 4 conj. that [introducing clauses of statement, hypothesis, wish, result, reason or cause, and frequently omitted in the translation]. 5 to [in the construction called accusative-infinitive]: dígale ~ venga, tell him to come. 6 than [in comparative sentences]. 7 because, for, since. 8 so that. 9 and [used as an expletive]. 10 In elliptical sentences expressing command or desire, it is not translated or is rendered by let, may, I wish, etc.: ~ entre, let him come in. // When placed between the participle and the auxiliary in an inverted form of compound tense, it is rendered by when, after, as soon as: escrito que hubo la carta, when he had written the letter. 12 a menos ~, unless. 13 con tal ~, provided, that. 14 ~ no, without, but. 15 por … ~, however, no mater how. 16 ~ … ~, whether… or.

qué interrog. & exclamatory adj. & pron. which, what, how, what a. 2 how much. 3 ¿a ~ ?, ¿para ~ ?, what for? 4 no hay de ~, don’t mention it, you are welcome [in answer to thanks]. 5 ¿por ~ ?, why? 6 ¡~.!, what! 7 ¿~?, how goes it? 8 /~ va!, nonsense!, go on! [expressing disbelief]- 9 sin ~ ni para ~, without cause or motive. 10 un no sé ~, a certain something. // ¡y ~.!, what then!

quebrada f. gorge, ravine, *gulch.

quebradero m. ~ de cabeza, worry, concern,

quebradizo, -za adj. brittle, fragile. 2 fig. frail, delicate.

quebrado, -da adj. broken [thing]. 2 bankrupt. 3 MED. ruptured. 4 broken, rough [ground]. 5 ~ de color, sickly, pale. 6 m. bankrupt. 7 MED. ruptured person. 8 MATH, fraction.

quebradura f. break, crack. 2 MED. hernia, rupture.

quebraja f. crack [in wood, iron, etc.].

quebrantador, -ra adj. breaking. 2 crushing. 3 m.-f. breaker. 4 crusher.

quebrantahuesos, pl. -sos m. ORN. osprey. 2 ORN.lammergeier. 3 coli, bore [tiresome person].

quebrantamiento m. breaking. 2 crushing. J fatigue, exhaustion; breaking down [of health].

quebrantante adj. breaking, crushing.

quebrantar tr. to break [separate into parts]; to break, crush, bruise. 2 to break, weaken, diminish. 3 to break [resistance, one’s will; prison, a promise, etc.]: to infringe, violate. 4 to exhaust, fatigue; to impair [the health]. 5 ~ el corazón, to move to pity. 6 ref. to break [be broken, weakened, etc.].

quebranto m. breaking, crushing. 2 loss. 3 lassitude. 4 grief, pain. 5 pity, compassion.

quebrar tr. to break [separate into parts; to interrupt]. 2 to break, violate. 3 to bend [the body or something slender]. 4 to impair or dull [the colour or complexion] of a person. 5 to temper, moderate. 6 intr. to weaken, give way. 7 сом. to fail; go bankrupt. 8 ref. to break, be broken. 9 [of the body or a slender thing] to bend. 10 [of colour or complexion] to become dull or pale. 11 MED. to be ruptured. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.

queche f. NAUT. ketch; smack.

quechua adj.-n. QUICHUA.

queda f. curfew. 2 curfew bell.

quedada f. stay, remaining [in a place].

quedamente adv. softly, gently, in a low voice.

quedar intr.-ref. to remain, stay behind, stay, stop, keep, be left [in or at a place]. 2 to remain, be left [in a condition or state]. 3 to be, become: ~ atónito, to be atonished. 4 intr. to remain [continue to exist; to be left over]; to have left: nos quedan diez pesetas, we have ten pesetas left. 5 to agree: ~ en, to agree on or to. 6 ~ a deber, to remain owing. 7 ~ bien or mal, to acquit oneself well or badly; to keep or break an appointment, promise, etc.; to look well or poorly in a portrait. 8 ~ por or sin [hacer, etc.], to remain to be [done, etc.]. 9 por mi no quedará, I’ll do my best. 10 ref. to take, choose [when buying]. // quedarse con, to take, keep, retain.

quedito adv. very gently, very softly.

1) quedo adv. softly, gently. 2 in a low voice.

1) quedo, -da adj. quiet, still. 2 easy, gentle. 3 soft, low [voice]: con voz queda, in a low voice.

quehacerm. work, task, occupation, *chore.

quejaf. lament, moan. 2 complaint, grievance.

quejarseref. to lament, moan. 2 to complain.

quejicoso, -sa adj. querulous, complaining.

quejidom. lament, moan.

quejigo m. BOM. gall oak. 2 BOM. young oak.

quejoso, -saadj. complaining, having a grievance.

quejumbref. frequent complaining.

quejumbroso, -sa adj. querulous, habitually complaining. 2 querulous, whining.

quelicero m. ZOOL. chelicera.

quelonlo, -nla adj.-m. ZOOL. chelonian.

quema f.burning. 2 fire, conflagration.

quemada f. burnt patch in a forest or thicket.

quemadero, -raadj. for burning, to be burned. 2 m. place where convicts were burned, 3 place for burning dead animals or damaged food.

quemado m. burning or burned thing: oler a ~, to smell of fire. 2 QUEMADA.

quemador, -rа adj. burning. 2 m.-f. burner [person]. 3 incendiary. 4 m. burner [in appatus].

quemadura f.burn, scald [sore or injury]. 2 scorch or nip [in plants]. 3 smut [plant disease].

quemante adj. burning [very hot].

quemar tr. to burn [by fire or acid]. 2 to burn, scald, scorch. 3 to scorch, nip [plants]. 4 to burn [the mouth with pepper, etc.]. 5 fig. to anger, irritate. 6 intr. to burn, be burning [be too hot]. 7 ref. to burn [be consumed by fire]; to get burned. 8 to be very hot [have the sensation of heat]. 9 [of plants] to be scorched, nipped. 10 fig. to become angry. // fig. to be warm [near the object sought for].

quemazónf. burning. 2 excessive heat. 3 itching.

quepis,pl. -pis m. MIL. kepi.

quepo, quepa,etc. irr. V. CABER.

queratinaf. BIOCHEM. keratin.

querellaf. complaint, lament. 2 quarrel, dispute.3 LAW complaint.

querellantem.-f. LAW complainant.

querellarseref. to lament, bewail. 2 LAW to complain, bring suit.

querelloso, -sa adj. complaining. 2 plaintive.

querencia f. affection, liking. 2 inclination of man or animals to return to a haunt or place of frequent resort; this place. 3 natural tendency.

1) querer m. love, affection.

2) querer tr. to love [hold dear; be in love with]. 2 to will, want, wish, desire, like. 3 ~ bien, to love.4 ~ decir, to mean. 5 no ~ [hacer, dar, etc.], to refuse to [do, give, etc.]. 6 no ~ nada con, not to wish to have anything to do with. 7 como quiera que, inasmuch, since, whereas. 8 como quiera que sea, anyhow, anyway, in any case. 9 cuando quiera, at any time, whenever. 10 donde quiera, anywhere, wherever. // sin ~, unintentionally, unwillingly. 12 impers, parece que quiere llover, it looks like rain.¶ CONJUG. INDIC. Pres.: quiero, quieres, quiere; queremos, queréis, quieren. | Pret.: quise, quisiste, quiso, etc. | Fut.: querré, querrás, querrá, etc. | SUBJ. Pres.: quiera, quieras, quiera, queramos, queráis, quieran. | Imperf.: quisiera, quisieras, etc., or quisiese, quisieses, etc. | Fut.: quisiere, quisieres, etc. | IMPER.:quiere, quiera; queramos, quered, quieran.

querido, -da adj. dear, beloved. 2 m.-f. paramour. 3 f. mistress, paramour.

quermes m. kermes.

querocha f. CRESA.

querub, querube, querubín m. cherub.

querré, querrás,etc. in. V. QUERER.

quesadillaf. cheesecake. 2 a sweet pastry.

quesearintr. to make cheese.

queseraf. cheese maker or seller [woman]. 2 dairy [where cheese is made]. 3 cheese board. 4 cheese dish.

queseríaf. dairy, cheese factory or shop.

quesero, -raadj. caseous, cheesy. 2 m.-f. cheese maker; cheesemonger.

quesom. cheese.

quetzalm. ORN. quetzal.

quevedosm. pl. pince-nez having circular glasses.

¡quiá!inter], come now!, oh, no!

quicialm. hinge-pole. 2 QUICIO.

quicialeraf. hinge-pole.

quiciom. door jamb. 2 pivot hole [for a hinge pole]: sacar de ~, to strain [things]; to exasperate [a person]; fuera de ~, out of order.

quidm. gist, reason, essence [of a thing].

quídamm. coll. fellow, person. 2 coll. nobody.

quiebraf. break, crack, fissure. 2 ravine. 3 loss, damage. 4 сом. failure, bankruptcy.

quiebrom. bending of the body at the waist [as in dodging or dancing]. 2 MUS. trill.

quiebro, quiebre,etc. irr. V. QUEBRAR.

quien(interrog. & exclam. quién),pl. quienesproti. who, whom, he who, whoever, whomever.

quienquierapl. quienesquierapron. whoever, whomever, whosoever, whomsoever.

quiero, quiera,etc. in. V. QUERER.

quietaciónf. quieting, appeasing.

quietamenteadv. quietly, calmly.

quietismom. quietism.

quieto, -taadj. quiet, still, motionless. 2 quiet, undisturbed, calm, peaceful. 3 orderly, virtuous.

quietudf. quietness, quietude, stillness; quiet, rest, repose, tranquillity.

quijadaf. jaw, jawbone. 2 MACH. jaw.

quijeraf. cheekpiece [of a bridle]. 2 cheek [of a crossbow].

quijones,pl. -nesm. BOT. an aromatic herb.

quijotadaf. quixotism, quixotry [quixotic action].

quijotem. ARM. cuisse. 2 upper part of the haunch [of horses]. 3 Quixote, quixotic person.

quijoteríaf. quixotism, quixotry.

quijotesco, -caadj. quixotic.

quilatartr. AQUILATAR.

quilatem. carat, karat.

quilífero, -raadj. ANAT. chyliferous.

quilificaciónf. PHYSIOL. chylification.

quilom. KILO.2 PHYSIOL. chyle: sudarei ~, coll. to work hard.

quilogramo, qullolitro,etc. = KILOGRAMO, KILOLITRO,etc.

quillaf. NAUT., BOM., ORN. keel: darde ~, [of a ship] to keel.

quimeraf. chimera, chimaera [monster: fanciful conception, impracticable idea]. 2 quarrel, row.

quimérico, -caadj. chimerical.

quimeristaadj.-n. visionary. 2 adj. quarrelsome. 3 m.-f. quarrelsome person.

químicaf. chemistry.

químico, -caadj. chemical. 2 m.-f. chemist [person skilled in chemistry]

quimiflcaciónf. PHYSIOL. chymification.

quimom. PHYSIOL. chyme,

quimonom. kimono

quinaf. cinchona, Peruvian bark,

quinado, -daadj. prepared with QUINA[wine],

quincallaf. small metal wares,

quincallería f. small metal ware factory or shop.

quincallero, -ra m.-f. maker or seller of small metal wares.

quince adj.-n. fifteen. 2 fifteenth.

quincena f. fortnight. 2 semi-monthly pay.

quinceno, -na adj. fifteenth.

quincuagenario, -ria adj. having fifty units. 2 adj.-n. quinquagenarian.

quincuagésimo, -ma adj.-m. fiftieth. 3 f. ECCL.Quincuagésima.

quindécimo, -ma adj.-m. fifteenth.

quingentésimo, -ma adj.-m. five-hundredth.

quingombó m. BOM. okra.

quinientos, -tas adj.-m. five hundred.

quinina f. CHEM.quinine.

quino m. BOT. cinchona [tree].

quínolas f. four of a kind [at cards]. 2 pl. a card game.

quinona f. CHEM. quinone.

quinqué m. student lamp, Argand lamp.

quinquefolio m. CINCOENRAMA.

quinquenal adj. quinquennial.

quinquenio m. quinquennium.

quinta f. country place, villa. 2 MIL. draft. 3 quint

[at cards]. 4 MUS. fifth, quint. 5 FENC. quinte.

quintaesencia f. quintessence.

quintal m. quintal. 2 ~ métrico, metric quintal.

quintana f. countryplace, villa.

quintantem. quintant [instrument similar to a sextant].

quintañón, -na adj.-n. centenarian.

quintar tr. to draw one out of five. 2 MIL. to draft [soldiers]

quintería f. farm, grange.

quintero m. farmer. 2 farm hand

quinteto in. MUS. quintet.

quintilla f. stanza of five octosyllables with two rhymes. 2 any five-lina stanza with two rhymes.

Quintín m. pr. ¶. Quentin.

quinto, -ta adj. fifth: quinta columna, fifth column.2 m. one fifth. 3 constript, recruit

quíntuplo, -pia adj. quintuple, fivefold.

quinzavo, -va adj.-m. fifteenth.

quiñón m. share of profit. 2 lot of land.

quiosco m.kiosk, pavilion.2 newstand. 3 bandstand.

quiquiriquí m. cock-a-doodle-do.

quiragra f. MED. chiragra.

quirle m. KIRIE.

quiromancia f. chiromancy, palmistry.

quiromántico, -ca adj. Chiromantie, chiromanti-cal.2 m.-f. chiromancer, chiromancist, palmist.

quiróptero, -ra adj. ZOOL. cheiropterous.

quirúrgico, -ca adj. surgical.

quise, quisiera, etc. irr. V. QUERER.

quisicosa f. coll. enigma, riddle.

quisque (cada) coll. everyone.

quisquilla f. trifle.2 ZOOL. marine shrimp.

quisquilloso, -sa adj. overnice, squeamish.2 touchy.

quiste m. MED., ZOOL. cyst.

quisto, -ta adj. liked:bien ~, well-liked; mal ~, disliked.

quita f. LAW remission of debt

quitalpón m. QUITAPóN.

quitamanchas m. clothes cleaner,spot remover.

quitamotas m.-f. flatterer, obsequious person.

quitanieves f. snowplough, snowplow.

quitanza f. quittance, discharge [of debt].

quitapón in. headstall ornamentfor horses.

quitar tr. to remove, take off, take out, rub off, pick off: de quita y pon, detachable, removable.2 to eliminate. 3 to take, take off, deduct, subtract. 4 to steal,to rob of, depriveof. 5 to clear [the table]. 6 to hinder, be an obstacle to.7 to prevent, forbid;to make a person give up [a habit]. 8 to intercept [the light].9 to abolish, repeal. 10 to free from [pain, worry, an obligation, etc,]. // ref. to move away; ¡quítate de aquí!, getout of here! 12 to take off [one’s hat, clothes, etc.]. 13 quitarse de encima, to get ridof [something]. 14 quitarse de, to give up [a habit].

quitasol m. parasol, sunshade.

quite m. FENC. parry, dodge.2 BULLF. attracting the bull from a man in danger.

quitina f. BiocHEM. chitin.

quitinoso, -sa adj. chitinous.

quito, -ta adj. free, exempt.

quizá, quizás adv. perhaps, maybe.

quorum m. quorum.