
S, s f. S, s, twenty-second letter of the Spanish alphabet.

Sabá f.pr.n. HIST., GEOG. Sheba.

sábado m. Saturday: ~ santo, Holy Saturday. 2 Sabbath [among the Jews].

sábalo m. ICHTH. shad.

sábana f. sheet [for a bed]. 2 altarcloth.

sábana f. savanna, savannah [treeless plain].

sabandija f. nasty insect or small reptile. 2 fig. vile person, vermin.

sabanero, -ra adj. (Am.) [pertaining to the] savanna. 2 m.-f. savanna, dweller.

sabanilla f. dim. small sheet or piece of linen [towel, napkin, etc.]. 2 outer altar cloth.

sabañón m. chilblain

sabático, -ca adj. Sabbatical; sabbatical.

sabatina f. ECCL. Saturday office.

sabatino, -na f. [pertaining to] Saturday.

sabedor, -ra adj. knowing, informed.

sabeísmo m. Sabaism.

sabelotodo m.-f. SABIDILLO.

1)   saber m. knowledge, learning, information.

2) saber tr. to know [have cognizance of, be apprised or informed of], to be wise to: hacer ~, to inform, to let know: no sé cuantos, so-and-so, what’s his name; no sé qué, cierto no sé qué, un no sé quí, a certain something; ¡ y qué sé yo!, and what not, and so forth. 2 to know [posses in the memory]. 3 to know, be able, know how: Pedro sabe escribir, Peter can, or knows how to, write. 4 tr.-intr. ~ ira, ~ a, to know the way to. 5 intr. to know: a ~, namely, viz.; queyo sepa, as far as I know. 6 to be learned, informed. 7 ~ a, to taste of, taste like; tosmackof.¶ CONJUG.: INDIC. Pres.: sé, sabes, sabe; sabemos, sabéis. saben. | Im-perf.: sabia, sabias, etc. | Pret.: supe, supiste, supo; supimos, supisteis, supieron. | Fut.: sabré, sabrds, etc. | COND.: sabrla, sabrlas, etc. | SUBJ. Pres.: sepa, sepas, sepa; sepamos, sepáis, sepan. | Imperf.: supiera, supieras, supiera; supiéramos, supierais, supieran, or supiese, supiese, supieses, supiese; supiésemos, supieseis, supiesen. | Fut.: supiere, supieres, supiere; supiéremos, supiereis, supieren. | IMPER .: sabe, sepa; sepamos, sabed, sepan. | PAST, p .: sabido. | GER .: sabiendo.

sabiamente adv. wisely, prudently

sabidillo, -lla adj.-n. coll. pedant, know-it-all.

sabido, -da adj. known. 2 learned, well-informed.

sabiduría f. knowledge, learning. 2 wisdom, sapience, sageness.

sabiendas (a) adv. knowingly, consciously.

sabihondo, -da adj. know-it-all. 2 m.-f. know-it-all, wiseacre.

sabina f. BOT. savin.

sabino, -na adj. roan [horse]. 2 adj.-n. HIST. Sabine.

sabio, -bia adj. knowing, learned; sage, sapient, wise. 2 skilled, skilful. 3 trained [animal]. 4 m.-f. learned person, scholar, scientist; wise person.

sablazo m. stroke with a sabre; wound from a sabre. 2 coll. instance of borrowing or sponging.

sable m. sabre, saber. 2 adj.-n. HER. sable.

sablista m. coll. sponger, one who asks for petty loans of money.

sablón m. coarse sand.

saboga f. SÁBALO.

sabogal m. net for catching shad.

sabor m. taste, flavour, relish, savour, sapor.

saboreamiento m flavouring. 2 relishing.

saborear tr. to flavour, give a zest or relish to. 2 fig. to allure, entice. 3 tr.-ref. to relish, enjoy.

sabotaje m. sabotage.

saboteador, -ra m.-f. saboteur.

sabotear tr. to sabotage.

Saboya pr.n. GEOG. Savoy.

saboyano, -na adj. Savoyard.

sabroso, -sa adj. savoury, tasty, palatable. 2 pleasant, delightful.

sabucal m. grove of elders.

sabuco m. SAÚCO.

sabueso m. hound, bloodhound [dog]. 2 fig. tracer,sleuth.

sabugal m. SABUCAL.

sabuloso, -sa adj. sabulous.

saburra f. MED. saburra. 2 MED. coat on the tongue.

saburroso, -sa adj. MED. saburral. 2 coated [tongue].

saca f. extraction. 2 exportation. 3 sack, large bag.

sacabalas, pl. -las m. ARTILL. bullet screw

sacabocado(s m. hollow punch; ticket punch.

sacabotas, pl. -tas m bootjack.

sacacorchos, pl. -chos m. corkscrew.

sacadinero(s m. coll. catchpenny. 2 coll. bamboozler.

sacamiento m. taking out, drawing out.

sacamuelas, pl. -las m. coll. tooth puller, dentist. 2 coll. charlatán, quack.

sacanete m. lansquenet [card game].

sacaperras, pl. -rras adj. slot, gambling [machine].

sacar tr. to draw, draw out, bring out, take out, pull out, extract. 2 to except, exclude. 3 to get out, free: ~ de pobreza, to free from poverty. 4 to withdraw, retire. 5 to draw, get, obtain, derive, elicit. 6 to extort. 7 to draw, infer, deduce, make out, solve: ~ en claro, or en limpio, to deduce, conclude clearly. 8 to publish, bring out, invent, produce. 9 to introduce [a fashion, etc.]. 10 to show, produce, exhibit. 11 to put forth [strength, etc.]. 12 to put out, thrust out, stick out, protrude. 13 to take [a photo], to make [a copy]. 14 to imitate, copy. 15 to take, buy [a ticket]. 16 to draw [a sword, a pistol]. 17 PELOTA. to serve [the ball]. 18 to cite, quote. 19 ~ a bailor, to lead out for a dance. 20 ~ adelante, to bring up, rear; to pull through. 12 ~ a luz, to print, publish; to reveal. 22 ~ a relucir, to mention, drag in. 23 ~ de quicio, to strain [things]; to exasperate. 24 ~ la cara por uno, to stand or to answer, for someone. 25 ~ la cuenta, to figure out.

sacarímetro m. saccaharimeter.

sacarino, -na adj. saccharine. 2 f. CHEM. saccharine.

sacarosa f. CHEM. saccharose.

sacaslllas, pl. -sillas m. THEAT. stage hand.

sacatrapos, pl. -pos m. ARTIL.wormer, wad hook.

sacerdocio m. priesthood.

sacerdotal adj. sacerdotal.

sacerdote m. priest. 2 Roman Catholic priest.

sacerdotisa f. priestess.

sácere m. BOT. maple.

saciar tr. to satiate, so sate. 2 ref. to become satiated or sated.

saciedad f. satiety: hasta la ~, to satiety.

saco m. bag, sack: ~ de noche, handbag; no echar en ~ roto, coll. not to forget, not to overlook. 2 bagful, sackful. 3 ANAT., BOT., ZOOL. sac. 4 loose fitting coat. 5 (Am.) coat [of a man’s suit]. 6 sack, pillage, plunder; entrar a ~, to sack plunder, loot.

sacra f. ECCL. sacring tablet.

sacramentado, -da adj. transubstantiated: Jesus Sacramentado, the consecrated Host. 2 having received the last sacraments.

sacramental adj. sacramental.

sacramentar tr. THEOL. to transubstantiate. 2 to administer the last sacraments to.

Sacramento m. ECCL. sacrament: el Santísimo Sacramento, the Blessed or Holy Sacrament.

sacratislmo, -ma adj. most sacred or holy.

sacre m. ORN., ARTIL.saker.

sacriflcador, -ra adj. sacrificing. 2 tn.-f. sacrificer.

sacrificar tr. to sacrifice. 2 to slaughter [kill for the market]. 3 ref. to sacrifice oneself. 4 to devote oneself to God.

sacriflcio m. sacrifice: ~ del altar, Santo Sacrificio, Sacrifice of the Mass. 2 self-sacrifice.

sacrilegio m. sacrilege.

sacrilego, -ga adj. sacrilegious.

sacristán m. socristan, sexton, parish clerk.

sacristana f. sexton’s wife. 2 nun in charge of the sacristy.

sacristía f. sacristy, vestry.

sacro, -cra adj. sacred, holy. 2 ANAT. sacral. 3 m. ANAT., ZOOL. sacrum

sacrosanto, -ta adj. sacred, sacrosanct.

sacudida f. shake, shaking, jerk, jolt. 2 shock, mental shock.

sacudidor m. duster [stick, etc., for dusting]

sacudimiento m. shake, shaking, jerk; shaking off.

sacudir tr. to shake, jerk, jolt. 2 to beat, dust; to beat out [the dust]. 3 to deal [a blow]. 4 to beat,drub [someone]. 5 ref. to shake off.

sáculo m. ANAT. saccule.

sachar tr. AGR. to weed.

sacho m. weeder, weeding hoe.

sadico, -ca adj. sadist, sadistic. 2 m.-f. sadist.

sadismo m. sadism.

saduceo, -a adj. Sadducean. 2 m.-f. Sadducee.

saeta f. arrow [missile], 2 hand, pointer [of watch,clock, etc.]. 3 magnetic needle. 4 a popular Andalousian spiritual song.

saetada f. saetazo m. arrow shot. 2 arrow wound.

saetero, -ra adj. arrow, pertaining to arrows. 2 m. archer, bowman. 3 f.FORT, loophole

saetllla f. dim. small arrow. 2 SAETA 2 &3.

saetfn m. millrace, flume. 2 brad.

safena f. adj. ANAT. saphenous.

sáfico, -ca adj.-m. PROS Sapphic.

saga f. saga. 2 sorceress.

sagacldad f. sagacity, sagaciousness.

sagaz adj. sagacious, shrewd. 2 keen-scented [dog].

sagita f. GEOM. part of radius between the middle of an arc and its chord.

sagitado -da adj. BOT., ZOOL. sagittate, sagittated.

sagitaria f. BOT. arrowhead.

sagitario m. archer. 2 (cap.)ASTR.Sagittarius.

sagrado, -da adj. sacred. 2 hallowed, holy. 3 in.asylum, place of refuge, sanctuary.

sagrario m. sacrarium.

sagú m. BOT. sago, sago palm. 2 sago [starch].

saguntino, -na adj.-n. Saguntian.

Sahara m.pr.n. GEOG. Sahara.

sahomarse ref. [of the skin or a part of the body]to get sore or chafed.

sahorno m. chafe, chafing [of the skin]

sahumador m. perfuming pan. 2 clotheshorse.

sahumar tr. to perfume, fumigate [with odorous smoke].

sahumerio, sahúmo m. perfuming, fumigation. 2 odorous smoke. 3 aromatics burnt as perfumes.

sain m. grease, fat [of animals]. 2 greasiness [on clothes].

sainete m. THEAT. one-act comedy. 2 seasoning, sauce. 3 flavour, relish, spice, zest. 4 tidbit, delicacy.

salnetero, salnetista m. writer of one-act comedies.

saino m. ZOOL. wild boar of South America.

sajadura f. cut, incision [on the flesh].

sajar tr. to cut, make incisions on [the flesh].

sajón, -na adj.-n. Saxon.

Sajonia f.pr. n. GEOG.Saxony, Saxe.

sal f. salt [sodium chloride]: ~ gema, rock salt. 2 fig. wit, wittiness: ~ ática, Attic salt or wit. 3 fig. charm, grace, winning manners. 4 CHEM. salt: ~ de la Higuera, Epsom salts. 5 CHEM. ~ amoníaca or amoniaco, sal ammoniac.

sala f. drawing-room, living room, parlour. 2 hall, large room, room: ~ de clase, classroom; ~ de espectáculos, auditorium [of a theatre, cinema, etc.]; ~ de espera, waiting-room. 3 ward [in a hospital]. 4 LAW division of an Audiencia, court, law court.

salabardo m. scoop net, dip net.

salacidad f. salacity, lechery.

salacot m. topee, topi, pith hat, pith helmet, sun helmet.

saladar m. salt marsh. 2 saline ground.

saladero m. salting place, salting house or room.

salado, -da adj. salty,briny; brine-soaked, salt, salted: pesca salada, salt fish, salted fish. 2 coll. witty, amusing. 3 coll. charming, graceful, winsome. 4 (Am.) expensive.

salamandra f. ZOOL., MYTH. salamander: ~ acuática, newt. 2 a kind of heating stove.

salamandria f. SALAMANQUESA.

salamanquesa f. ZOOL. tarente.

salangana f. ORN. salangane.

salar tr. to salt [season or preserve with salt], to corn [meat]. 2 COOK, to put too much salt on.

salario m. wages, salary.

salaz adj. salacious, lecherous.

salazón f. salting [of meat or fish]. 2 salt meat or fish. 3 salt-meat, salt-meat business.

salceda f. salcedo m. willow grove, salicetum.

salcochar tr. COOK. to boil.

salchicha f. sausage.

salchichón m. aug. large sausage.

saldado, -da adj. paid [debt]; settled [account].

saldar tr. to settle, liquidate [an account]. 2 to sell [goods] at reduced prices.

saldista m.-f. liquidation broker; remnant dealer.

saldo m. COM. balance [of an account]. 2 settlement, liquidation. 3 remainder of goods sold at reduced prices.

saldré, saldria, etc. irr. V. SALIR.

saledlzo, -za adj. projecting. 2 m. SALIDIZO.

salegar m. place for giving salt to cattle.

salero m. salt cellar, saltshaker. 2 storage place for salt. 3 SALEGAR. 4 coll. nimble-wit, address, easy and graceful deportment.

saleroso, -sa adj. lively, charming, graceful, winsome.

salesa adj.-f. Salesian [of the Order of Visitation].

salesiano, -na adj. Salesian [of the order of men founded by Dom Bosco]. 2 m. Salesian father.

saleta f. dim. little drawing room.

salgar tr. to feed salt to [cattle].

salgo, salga, etc. irr. V. SALIR.

salicáceo, -a adj. BOT. salicaceous.

salicaria f. BOT. loosestrife, purple loosestrife.

salicilato m. CHEM. salicylate.

salicílico, -ca adj. CHEM. salicylic.

sálico, -ca adj. Salic.

salicor f. BOT. saltwort, prickly saltwort.

salida f. going out, coming out, outgoing, outcoming, egress, exit, issue emergence. 2 start, departure, leaving. 3 excursion, outing. 4 MIL. sally, sortie. 5 discharge [of a liquid, etc.]. 6 springing, sprouting, growing [of buds, leaves, hair, etc.]. 7 rise [of the sun, the moon, etc.]. 8 coming out, publication. 9 outlay, expenditure. 10 COM. sale, salableness: tener ~, to sell well; fig. [of a young lady] to be popular with the young men. 11 exit, outlet, issue, vent, way out.12 end [of a street; of the winter, summer, etc.]13 outlaying fields [near a town gate]. 14 issue termination. 15 sally, witty remark. 16 salient, jut, projection. 17 NAUT. headway. 18 lead [at games]. 19 SPORT , start. 20 ~ de baño, bathrobe. 21 ~ de teatro, opera cloak. 22 ~ de tono, rude or irrelevant remark.

salidizo m. ARCH. projection, ledge, corbel.

salido -da adj. salient, projecting.

saliente adj. salient, projecting. 2 GEOM. salient[angle], 3 outgoing. 4 m. salient, jut, prominence. 5 east, sunrise.

salificar tr. CHEM. to salify.

salina f. salt mine. 2 salt pit, salt pan, saltworks.

salinero adj. spotted red and white [bull]. 2 m. salt maker, salt dealer, Salter.

salir intr. to go out, come out, issue; to sally. 2 to depart, leave, start, set out. 3 to get out [of a vehicle]. 4 to project, protrude, start, stand out. 5 to appear. 6 THEAT. to enter. 7 [of a book, etc.] to come out. 8 to spring, come [of], issue [from], originate [in]. 9 to offer, present itself; to be offered to one. 10 [of a season] to end. 11 [of a stain] to come off. 12 [of the sun] to rise. 13 [of hair, plants, etc.] to spring, shoot, grow. 14 to come, result, turn out. 15 to come out [from a contest, etc.] to be: ~ vencedor, to win; to be the victor. 16 to be first to play [in certain games]. 17 to be drawn [in a lottery]. 18 to be elected [by ballot]. 19 to cost [a price]. 20 [of a stream] to debouch. 21 [of a street, road, etc.] to lead [to]. 22 to take after, resemble. 23 ~ adelante, to be successful. 24 ~ alencuentro, to come out to meet; to oppose. 25 ~ bien, to do well, come right. 26 ~ con, to come out with [an unexpected, or irrelevant remark, etc.]. 27 ~ [uno] de sus casillas, to lose one’s temper. 28 ~ mal, to do badly; to fail. 29 saiga lo que saliese, whatever may happen. 30 ref. [of a vessel] to leak. 31 to run over, overflow. 32 to come out [of its socket, etc.]. 33 salirse con la suya, to have one’s way. ¶IRREG. CONJUG.: INDIC Pres.: salgo, sales, sale; salimos, salis, salen. | Fut.: saldré, saldrás, saldrá; saldremos, saldrdis, saldrdn. | COND.:saldría, saldrías, saldría; saldríamos, saldriais, saldrian. | SUBJ.Pres.: salga, salgas, salga; salgamos, salgáis, salgan. | IMPER.: sal, salga; salgamos, salid, salgan.

salitral adj.SALITROSO.2 m saltpetre bed.

salitre m. saltpetre, saltpeter, nitre, niter.

salitroso, -sa adj. saltpetrous, nitrous.

saliva f. saliva, spittle: tragar ~, coll. to suffer an offence, vexation, etc. in silence.

salivacóon f. salivation

salival adj. salivary

salivazo m. spit [spitted saliva].

salmantino, -na adj.-n. [of] Salamanca.

salmear tr. to sing psalms.

salmista m. psalmist. 2 ECCL. chanter of psalms.

salmo m. psalm.

salmodia f. psalmody. 2 fig. singsong.

salmodiar intr. to sing psalms, salmodize. 2 tr. to singsong, sing monotonously.

salmón m. ICHTH. salmon.

salmonado, -da adj. salmon-like. 2 salmon [in colour].

salmonete m. ICHTH. red mullet, surmullet.

salmuera f. brine, pickle.

salobral adj. saline [ground]. 2 m. saline ground.

salobre adj. brackish, briny, saltish.

salobreño, -na adj. saline [ground].

salobridad f. saltiness, brackishness.

saloma f. NAUT.chantey.

Salomé f.pr. n. Salome.

Salomón m.pr.n. Solomon.

salomónico, -ca adj. Solomonic. 2 ARCH, twisted [column].

salón m. drawing room, reception room. 2 hall, large room, assembly hall: ~ de baile, ballroom. 3 saloon. 4 ~ de belleza, beauty parlour.

salplcadero m. dashboard [in cars].

salpicadura f. splash, splashing, spattering. 2 pl. fig. indirect results.

salpicar tr. to splash, bespatter, sprinkle. 2 to intersperse. 3 fig. to read or touch on without order.

salpicón m. salmagundi. 2 SALPICADURA.

salpimentar tr. to season with pepper and salt. 2 fig. to spice, intersperse. ¶ CONJUG . like acertar.

salpresar tr. to preserve with salt

salpullido m. rash, fine eruption. 2 flea bites

salpullir tr. to cause a rash. 2 ref. to break out [have a rash].¶ CONJUG. like mullir.

salsa f. COOK ,gravy, dressing, sauce. 2 fig.sauce [something that adds piquancy].

salsedumbre f. saltiness.

salsera f. sauceboat; gravy boat, gravy dish.

salserilla f.dim. small saucer [to mix paints]

salsifi m. BOT. salsify.

sa!tabanco(s m. mountebank. 2 juggler, tumbler.

saltación f. saltation, leaping, dancing.

saltadlzo, -za adj. jumping, leaping. 2 hopping [insect]. 3 m.-f. jumper, leaper. 4 m. skipping rope.

saltamontes m. ENT. grasshopper.

saltante adj. jumping, leaping. 2 salient.

saltar intr. to spring, jump, leap, bounce, hop, skip. 2 [of water, etc.] to spurt, jet, shoot up. 3 [of sparks, etc.] to fly. 4 to snap, burst, break off: ~ en pedazos, to fly into pieces. 5 [of a button, etc.] to come off. 6 to project, stand out. 7 to start, show emotion or resentment. 8 to come out with [an irrelevant or unexpected remark].9 NAUT. [of the wind] to shift. 10 ~ a la vista, to be self-evident. 11.tr. to jump over, leap [a wall, ditch, etc.]. 12 to skip, to do [something] desultorily. 13 tr.-ref. to skip, omit.

saltarin, -na adj. jumping, dancing. 2 m.-f. jumper, dancer. 3 m. feather-brained youth.

salteador m. footpad, highwayman.

salteamiento m. highway robbery, assault, holdup.

saltear tr. to hold up, rob on the high way. 2 to assault, attack. 3 to skip, to do [something] desultorily. 4 COOK, to saute.

salterio m. Psalter. 2 Rosary. 3 MUS. psaltery.

saltimbanco, saltimbanqui m. SALTABANCO.

salto m. spring, jump, leap, bound, hop, skip: ~ de altura,SPORT, high jump; ~ de agua, waterfall, falls; ~ de camero, bucking [of a horse]; ~ en el vaclo, leap in the dark; ~ mortal, somersault; dar un ~, to jump, leap; a~ de mata, flying and hiding; en un ~, in a flash, quickly.2 SWIM.dive. 3 skip, omission. 4 palpitation [of heart].5 leapfrog.

saltón,-na adj. jumping. 2 prominent, protruding. 3 m. ENT. small grasshopper.

salubre adj. salubrious, healthful.

salubridad f. salubrity, healthfulness.

salud f. health: ¡a su ~!, to your health!; gastar ~, to enjoy good health; vender or verier ~, to radiate health. 2 welfare. 3 salvation. 4 interj. coll. greetings!, hello!.

saludable adj. salutary, healthful, wholesome.

saludador,-ra m.-f. greeter, saluter. 3 m. a kind of quack doctor.

saludar tr. to greet, salute, hail, to give greetings or regards to. 2 MIL. to salute. 3 MIL .to fire a salute to. 4 NAUT.to dip the flag to.

saludo m. greeting, salutation, salute, bow. 2 MIL. salute. 3 pl. compliments, regards.

salumbre f. flower of salt.

salutaón f. salutation, greeting

salutifero, -ra adj. salutiferous, healthful, wholesome.

salva f. salvo: ~ de aplausos, salvo or round of applause. 2 salutation, welcome. 3 obs. tasting of viands before are served. 4 SALVILLA.

salvabarros, pl. -rros m. mudguard.

salvaón f. salvation, saving. 2 escape, deliverance.

salvadera f. sandbox [for sprinkling and on ink].

salvado m. bran.

Salvador,-ra adj. saving, rescuing, delivering. 2 m.-f. saviour, rescuer, deliverer: el Salvador, the Saviour; El Salvador [American country].

salvaguarda f. SALVAGUARDIA.

salvaguardia f. safeguard, protection, security. 2 safeguard, safe-conduct. 3 m. guard watch.

salvajada f. savagery, brutal action. 2 stupid action.

salvaje adj. savage. 2 wild [country, land, beast,plant]. 3 brutish, rude, stupid. 4 m.-f. savage.

salvajería f. SALVAJADA.

salvajlno, -na adj. wild [beast, plant]; of wild beast. 3 f. wild beasts. 4 game [flesh of wild beasts]

salvajlsmo m. savagery.

salvamanteles m. table mat.

salvamento, salvamlento m. saving, rescuing. 2 salvage. 3 lifesaving. 4 place of safety.

salvante adj. saving. 2 adv. saving, excepting.

salvar tr. to save, rescue, deliver. 2 to save [in a spiritual sense]. 3 to salve, salvage. 4 to overcome [a difficulty]. 5 to go over, negotiate, bridge; to clear, surmount [an obstacle]; to cover [a distance].6 to make an exception of. 7 ref. to be saved. 8 to escape danger: sálvese el que pueda, everyone for himself.

salvavidas, pl. -das m. NAUT. life preserver, life belt: bote~, lifeboat 2 guard [in front of electric cars].

¡salve! interj. hail! 2 f. salve, Salve regina. salvedad f. reservation, exception, qualification.

salvia f. BOT. sage, salvia.

salvilla f. tray for glasses or cups.

1)  salvo adv. save, saving, excepting, barring.

2)  salvo, -va adj. saved, safe: a ~, safe, out of danger. 2 excepted, omitted: dejara ~, to set aside, make an exception of.

salvoconducto m. safe-conduct.

sallar tr. AGR. to weed.

sámago m. sapwood.

sámara f. BOT. samara.

samarltano, -na adj.-n. Samaritan.

samario m. CHEM. samarium.

sambenito m. fig. dishonour, disgrace.2 note of infamy; disgrace.

samblaje m. ENSAMBLADURA.

sambuca f. MUS. sambuke. 2 MIL. an ancient war engine

samio, mia adj.-n. Samian.

samnita, samnite adj.-n. Samnite.

samoano, -na adj.-n. Samoan. Samotracia f.pr. n. GEOG.Samothrace

samoyedo, -da adj.-n. Samoyed Samoyede.

sampán m. NAUT.sampan.

san adj. apocopated form of SANTO , used only before masculine names of saints, except Tomas, Tome, Toribio and Domingo.

sanable adj. curable, healable.

sanador, -ra adj. healing. 2 m.-f. curer, healer.

sanar tr. to heal, cure. 2 intr. to heal; to recover sickness.

sanativo, -va adj. sanative, curative.

sanatorio m. sanatorium, sanitarium.

sanción f. sanction. 2 ratification of an act of Parliament by the king or the President.

sancionable adj. sanctionable.

sancionar tr. to sanction. 2 to ratify [an act of Parliament].

sancochar tr.COOK, to parboil [boil partially].

sancocho m. parboiled meat.

sancta m. fore part of tabernacle

sanctasanctórum, pl. -rum m. sanctum sanctorum..

sanctus m. ECCL. Sanctus.

sandalla f. sandal.

sándalo m. BOT. sandalwood. 2 BOT. bergamot mint.

sandaraca f. sandarac.

sandez f. stupidity, silliness. 2 inanity, foolish or stupid act or remark, piece of nonsense.

sandia f. BOT. watermelon.

sandlo, -dla adj. stupid, foolish, silly.

sandunga f. charm, easy and graceful deportment.

sandunguero, -ra adj. charming, graceful, winsome.

sandwich m. Angl. sandwich.

saneado, -da adj. free from charges or deductions [property, income, etc.]

saneamlento m. sanitation. 2 drainage [of land]. 3 reparation.

sanear tr. to improve the sanitary conditions of. 2 to drain [lands] 3 to repair, improve.

sanedrín m. Sanhedrin.

sangrador m. bloodletter. 2 drain, outlet.

sangradura f. SANGRIA 1 & 6.2 drain, outlet.

sangrar tr. SURG to bleed. 2 to drain, open an outlet in. 3 RESINAR. 4 PRINT , to indent. 5 intr. to bleed [emit blood]. 6 ref. to have oneself bled.

sangre f. blood [liquid; temperament; race, family]; gore: ~ fria, fig. cold blood; sangfroid, serenity; mala ~, wicked or revengeful disposition; sublrsele a uno la ~ a la cabeia, to lose one’s self-control; tener ~ de horchata, to be phlegmatic; a ~ caliente, impulsively; a ~ fria, in cold blood; a ~ y fuego, by fire and sword.

sangría f. SURG. bleeding, bloodletting. 2 fig. bleeding [draining of money, etc.]. 3 tap, tapping [in a pine, a furnace, etc.]. 4PRINT , indentation. 5 inner pit of the arm opposite to the elbow. 6 sangaree.

sangriento, -ta adj. bleeding, bloody, gory. 2 sanguinary. 3 cruel, savage. 4-poet, blood-red.

sangüesa f. FRAMBUESA.

sangulflcación f. PHYSIOL.sanguification.

sanguijuela f. ZOOL .leech. 2 fig. leech [person].

sanguina f. sanguine [crayon; drawing].

sangulnaria f. MINER , bloodstone. 2 BOT. ~ mayor, knotgrass; ~ menor, witlowwort.

sanguinario, -ria adj. sanguinary bloodthirsty.

sanguíneo, -a adj. sanguineous. 2 sanguine [temperament],

sanguinolencia f. sanguinolency.

sangulnolento, -ta adj. sanguinolent, bloody, bloodstained.

sanguiñuelo m. CORNEJO.

sanguis m. blood of Christ, consecrated wine.

sanguisorba f. BOT. burnet.

sanícula f. BOT. sanicle.

sanidad f. soundness, health, healthfulness; ~ militar, Army Medicine Corps; ~ publica, public health, health department.

sanie, sanies f. MED sanies.

sanitario, -ria adj. sanitary. 2 m. MIL.officer or soldier of the Medicine Corps.

sanjuaneno, -na, sanjuanero, -ra adj. ripe by St. John’s Day [fruit].

sanjuanista m. knight of St. John of Jerusalem.

sanmlguelada f. Michaelmastide.

sano, -na adj. healthy, in good health, hale, fit. 2 healthful; salutary, wholesome. 3 sound [body, mind, fruit, doctrine, policy, etc.]; harmless: ~ y salvo, safe and sound. 4 whole [not broken]. 5 wise, discreet. 6 fig. cortarporlo ~, to take drastic measures.

sánscrito, -ta adj.-m. Sanskrit.

sanseacabó inlerj. coll. finished!

sansirolée m.-f. simpleton.

Sansón m.pr.n. BIBL. & fig. Samson.

santa f. female saint. 2 Saint, St. [before feminine names]. 3 saintly, virtuous woman.

santabárbara f. NAUT.magazine, powder room.

santaláceo, -a adj. BOT. santalaceous.

santamente adv. in a saintly manner, like a saint, virtuously. 2 coll. well, discreetly, wisely.

santanderino, -na adj.-n. of Santander.

Santelmom. fuego de ~, St. Elmo’s fire.

santero, -ra m.-f. caretaker of a sanctuary. 3 collector of alms who carries a saint’s image.

Santiago in. pr. n. James. 2 Saint James.

santlagués, -sa adj.-n. of Santiago de Compostela.

santlaguino, -na adj. pertaining to Santiago de Chile. 2 m.-f. native or inhabitant of Santiago de Chile.

santiaguista m. knight of Santiago.

santiamén (en un) adv. in an instant, in a jiffy, in the twinkling of an eye.

santidad f. sanctity, saintliness, holiness, godliness. 2 Su Santidad, His Holiness [the Pope].

santiflcación f. sanctification.

santificador, -ra adj. santifying. 2 m.-f. sanctifier.

santificar tr. to sanctify. 2 to hallow. 3 ~ las fiestas, to keep holy days. 4 ref. to become sanctified.

santiguada f. act of blessing or crossing oneself.

santiguador, -ra m.-f. person pretending to effect cures by crossing the patients.

santiguar tr. to bless, cross, make the sign of the cross upon. 2 to treat sickness superstitiously by signs of the cross. 3 ref. to bless oneself, to cross oneself.

santimonia f. sanctity, saintliness, holiness.

santísimo, -ma adj. superl. of SANTO. 2 most holy. 3 m. el Santísimo, the blessed Sacrament.

santito, -ta m.-f. dim. little saint. 2 fig. good child.

santo, -ta adj. canonized by the Church. 2 saint, holy, sacred, blessed: el Santo Patrón, the Holy Father. 3 saintly, godly, virtuous. 4 ~ varón, simple, artless man. 5 coll. en el ~ suelo, on the naked ground; su santa voluntad, his own sweet will; todo el ~ dia, the whole day long. 6 adv. santo y bueno, good and well. 7 m. saint: Todos los Santos, All Saints’ Day. 8 fete, fete day. 9 image of a saint. 10 coll. picture [in a book].11irsele a uno el ~ al cielo, to forget what one was up to. 13 m.-f. saintly, godly, virtuous person.

Santo Domingo f.pr.n. GEOG. Hispaniola [island].

santón m. Mohammedan ascetic. 2 coll. hypocrite. J coll. big man, boss.

santónico m. BOT. wormwood.

santoral m. calendar of saints’ days. 2 the lives of the saints.

santuario m. sanctuary [church, shrine]. 2 sanctum sanctorum.

santurrón, -na adj. sanctimonious. 2 m.-f. sanctimonious person.

saña f. rage, fury. 2 cruelty.

sañoso, -sa; sañudo, -da adj. furious, cruel.

sapidez f. sapidity.

sápido, -da adj. sapid [possessing flavour].

sapiencia f. sapience, wisdom. 2 BIBL.Wisdom of Solomon

sapiente adj. sage, learned

sapillo m. dim. little toad. 2 RÁNULA.

sapindáceo, -a adj. BOT. sapindaceous.

sapo m. ZOOL. toad: echar sapos y culebras, fig. to utter angry words

saponáceo, -a adj. saponaceous, soapy

saponária f. BOT. soap wort

saponificar tr. to saponify

sapotáceo, -a adj. BOT. sapotaceous

sapote m. ZAPOTE.

saque m. a drawing out: tener buen ~, coll. to be a heavy eater or drinker.2 PELOTA serving of the ball.

saqueador, -ra m.-f. sacker, pillager, plunderer

saqueamiento m. saqueo

saquear tr. to sack, pillage, plunder, loot

saqueo m. sack, sacking, pillage, plunder

saquera adj. packing [needle]

saqueria f. manufacture of sacks. 2 sacks [collect.].

saquerio m. sacks [collect.].

saquito m. dim. little sack or bag.

Sara f.pr. n. Sarah.

sarampión!6n m. MED. measles.

sarao m. soirée, evening party.

sarcasmo m. sarcasm.

sarcástico, -ca adj. sarcastic.

sarcocarpio m. BOT. sarcocarp.

sarcófago m. sarcophagus.

sarcoma f. MED. sarcoma.

sardana f. a Catalonian dance and its music.

Sardanápalo m.pr.n. HIST Sardanapalus.

sardina f. ICHTH. sardine: como sardinasen banastaor en band, coll. packed like sardines,sardlnal m. sardine net.

sardinel m. MAS .rowlock.

sardinero, -ra adj. [pertaining to] sardine. 2 m.-f.sardine dealer

sardineta f.dim. small sardine. 2 MIL. a kind of chevron.

sardo, -da adj.-n. Sardinian.

sardónice f. MINER , sardonyx.

sardónico, -ca adj. sardonic.

sarga f. serge. 2 painted wall fabric. 3 BOT. a variety of willow.

sargado, -da adj.ASARGADO. sargatlllom. BOT. a variety of willow, sargazo m. BOT. sargasso, gulfweed.

sargentía f. sergeancy, sergeantship.

sargento m. MIL. sergeant.

sargentona f. coll. big rude virago

sargo m. ICHTH. sargo.

sarmentar intr. to gather pruned vine shoots

sarmentoso, -sa adj. sarmentous, vinelike. 2 thin and knotty

sarmiento m. vine shoot

sarna f. MED. itch, mange, scabies

sarnoso, -sa adj. itchy, mangy scabious

sarpullido m. SALPULLIDO.

sarraceno, -na adj.-n. Saracen.

sarracina f. row, fight, scuffle.

sarria f. coarse net for carrying straw.

sarrillo m. death rattle. 2 BOT. arum.

sarro m. crust, incrustation [in vessels]. 2 tartar [on teeth]. 3 SABURRA.4 BOT. rust, mildew.

sarroso, -sa adj. crusty, incrusted [vessel]. 2 full of tartar [teeth].

sarta f. string [of beads, pearls, etc.]. 2 fig. string series: una ~ de mentiras, a string of lies.

sartén f. frying pan: tener la ~ por el mango, to have the upper hand.

sartenada f. contents of a frying pan.

sartorio adj. ANAT. sartorius [muscle].

sasafrás m. BOT. sassafras.

sastra f. tailor’s wife. 2 tailoress.

sastre m. tailor.

sastrería f. tailor’s trade. 2 tailor’s shop

sastresa f. SASTRA.

Satán, Satanás m. pr. Satan, Satanas, the Devil.

satánico, -ca adj. satanic, satanical.

satélite m. ASTR.satellite. 2 fig. satellite, follower.

satén m. sateen.

satin m. satinwood.

satinar tr. to satin, calender, glaze [paper or fabrics]. 2 PHOT , to burnish

sátira f. satire.

satérico, -ca adj. satiric, satirical. 2 satyric. 3 m. satirist.

satirizar tr. to satirize; to lampoon

sátiro m. satyr [silvan god]. 2 fig. satyr [lustful man].

satisfacción f. satisfaction: a ~, fully, according to one wishes. 2 confidence, conceit: ~ de sf mismo, conceit.

satisfacer tr. to satisfy. 2 to comply with, to answer, meet. 3 to settle, pay. 4 ref. to satisfy oneself; to be satisfied. K CONJUG like hacer.

satisfactorio, -ria adj. satisfactory.

satisfago, satisfaga,etc. irr V.SATISFACER.

satlsfecho, -cha p. p. of SATISFACER. 2 satisfied, content. 3 vain, conceited.

satisfice, satisficiera, etc. irr. V.SATISFACER.

sativo, -va adj. cultivated [plant].

sátrapa m. satrap.

saturar tr. to saturate. 2 to satiate.

saturnal adj. Saturnian. 2 f. pl. Saturnalia.

saturnino -na adj. saturnine, gloomy, morose. 2 CHEM., MED. saturnine.

Saturno m. ASTR. Saturn. 2 CHEM lead.

sauce m. BOT. willow, white willow.

sauceda f, saucedal m.,sauceraf. willow plantation.

saúco f. BOT. elder [Sambucus nigra].

sauquillo m. BOT. snowball.

saurio, -ria adj.-m.ZOOL saurian.

sauzgatillo m. BOT. agnus castus, chaste tree.

savia f. BOT. sap. 2 fig. sap.

saxífraga f. BOT. saxifrage. 2 BOT. sassafras.

saxifragáceo, -a adj. BOT. saxifragaceous.

saxofón, saxofono m. MUS.saxophone.

saya f. skirt [garment]; petticoat.

sayal, pl. sayales m. a coarse woollen cloth.

sayo m. a kind of cassock or loose coat: cortar an ~ a, to talk behind the back of; decirpara su ~, to say to oneself. 2 coll. any garment.

sayón m. medieval executioner.

sazón f. ripeness, maturity. 2 season, time, opportunity. 3 taste, flavour. 4 a la ~, then, at that time; en ~, ripe; in season, opportunely.

sazonado, -da adj. seasoned, ripe. 2 seasoned, spiced.

sazonador, -ra adj. ripening. 2 seasoning.

sazonar tr. to ripen, mature. 2 to season [food]. 3 to season, flavour, give zest to. 4 ref. to ripen, mature [grow ripe, become mature].

se 3rd person form of ref. pron. for every gender and number. Its uses are: 1 As a ref. acc. or dat. case, equivalent to «himself», «oneself», «yourself», «themselves», «yourselves»; «to himself», «to herself etc. 2 As a reciprocal pron., equivalent to: «each other», «one another», «to one another*. 3 As a dat. case before the acc. lo, la, los, las: yo ~ lo di, I gave it to him [or her, it, you, them]. 4 to give a possessive value to the def. or indef. article: 61 ~ lava las manos, he washes his hands. 5 As an expletive forming verbs reflexive in form but transitive or intransitive in meaning: el hombre ~ fue, the man went away. 6 to form expressions of passive or impersonal character: ~ dice, it is said, they say, people say; no ~ puede negar, it cannot be denied.

irr. V.SABER.

sé sea, etc. irr. V.SER.

sebáceo, -a adj. sebaceous.

sebo m. tallow, suet; candle grease. 2 fat, grease.

seborrea f. MED. seborrhoea, seborrhea.

seboso, -sa adj. tallowy, fat, unctous; greasy.

seca f. drought, dry season. 2 NAUT.dry sand bank. 3 adv. a secas, V. SECO.

secadal m. SEQUEDAL. 2 AGR. unwatered land.

secadero, -ra adj. fit for drying [fruit, tobacco]. 2 m. drying place, drying shed or room.

secador, -ra adj. drying. 2 m.-f. dryer. 3 m. drying contrivance; drying room.

secamente adj. dryly, curtly, shortly, brusquely.

secamlento m. drying; desiccation.

secano m. AGR. unwatered land, dry land: cultivo de ~, dry farming. 2 NAUT.dry and bank.

secante adj. drying. 2 blotting [paper]. 3 adj.-f. GEOM., TRIG secant. 4 m. drying oil. 5 blotting paper.

secar tr. to dry, dry up. 2 to dessicate. 3 to wipe dry. 4 to parch. 5 coll. to bore, annoy. 6 ref. to dry oneself. 7 to dry, get dry. 8 [of plants] to wither. 9 [of moisture, a well, etc.] to dry up, run dry. 10 to become lean, meagre. 11 to be thirsty.

secatón, -na adj. coll. dull, vapid, insipid.

seccón f. section [in practically every sense]. 2 division [of a bureau or department]. 3 department [of a store]. 4 column [in newspapers].

seccionado, -da adj. sectional, in sections.

seccionar tr. to section. 2 to cut, cut off.

seceslón f. secession.

seco, -ca adj. dry [in practically every sense]. 2 dried up. 3 juiceless. 4 arid. 5 withered dead [plants, leaves, etc.]. 6 lean, thin, meagre [person or animal]. 7 unadorned, bare, undiluted, strict. 8 curt, short, brusque. 9 hard, unfeeling. 10 dejar ~, coll. to kill. 11 a secas, merely; and nothing more. 12 en ~, high and dry; dry; by the dry process; without cause or reason: dead, short, suddenly.

secoya f. BOT. sequoia.

secreción f. PHYSIOL.secretion.

secreta f. ECCL.secret [in the Mass]. 2 coll. plainclothes men, detective service.

secretar tr. PHYSIOL.to secrete.

secretaria f. woman secretary. 2 wife of a secretary.

secretaria f. secretary’s office. 2 secretaryship.

secretariado m. secretariat, secretariate.

secretarlo m. secretary.

secretear intr. coll. to whisper [converse privately].

secreteo m. coll. whispering [private talk].

secreter m. secretary [writing desk].

secreto, -ta adj. secret. 2 m. secret; secrecy: ~ a voces, open secret; de ~, secretly; en ~, secretly, in secret, confidentially. 3 secret drawer. 4 key, secret combination [for opening a lock]. 5 MUS. soundboard [of organ, etc.].

secretor, -ra; secretorio, -ria adj. PHYSIOL.secretory.

secta f. sect.

sectador, -ra; sectario, -ria adj. sectarian. 2 m.-f. sectarian, sectary.

sectarismo m. sectarianism.

sector m. sector.

secuaz m. follower, henchman.

secuela f. sequel, result, consequence.

secuencia f. CINE., LITURG. sequence.

secuestrar tr. LAW to sequester, sequestrate. 2 to kidnap, abduct.

secuestro m. LAW sequestration. 2 kidnapping, abduction. 3 SURG. sequestrum.

secular adj. secular.

secularizar tr. to secularize. 2 to impropriate.

secundar tr. to second, aid, support.

secundario, -ria adj. secondary. 2 GEOL.Secondary.

secura f. dryness, condition of drought.

1) sed f. thirst: tener ~, to be thirsty. 2 need for water, dryness [of land or plants].

2) sed imper. of SER.

seda f. silk [fibre, yarn and fabric]: como una ~, smooth as silk; pliable; easily, without hitch or hindrance. 2 wild boar’s bristle.

sedal m. fishline. 2 SURG. seton. 3 VET.rowel.

sedalina f. silkaline, schappe.

sedán m. AUTO, sedan.

sedante adj.-m. sedative.

sedar tr. to soothe, quit, allay.

sedativo, -va adj.-m. sedative.

sede f. ECCL. see: Santa Sede, Holy See. 2 seat, quarters, headquarters.

sedentario, -ria adj. sedentary.

sedeno, -na adj. silky, silken. 2 silklike. 3 bristly.

sedera f. bristle brush.

sederia f. silks, silk stuff. 2 silk business or shop.

sedero, -ra adj. [pertaining to] silk. 2 m.-f. silk weaver. 3 silk dealer.

sedición f. sedition.

sedicioso, -sa adj. seditious.

sediento, -ta adj. thirsty, thirsting.

sedimentación f. sedimentation.

sedimentar tr. to deposit [as a sediment]. 2 ref. to settle, form a sediment.

sedimento m. sediment, settlings, lees, dregs.

sedoso, -sa adj. silky.

seduccion f. seduction, seducement. 2 charm.

seducir tr. to seduce. 2 to allure, tempt. 3 to charm, captivate. | CONJUG. like conducir.

seductor, -ra adj. seducing. 2 seductive, tempting. 3 charming, captivating. 4 m.-f. seducer.

seduje, sedujera,etc. irr. V.SEDUCIR.

seduzco, seduzca, etc. irr. V.SEDUCIR.

sefardi, sefardita adj.-n. Sephardi. 2 m. pl. Sephardim.

segadera f. sickle, reaping hook.

segador, -ra m.-f. harvester, harvestman, reaper, mower. 2 m. ENT. harvestman, daddy-longlegs. 3 f. harvester, mowing machine.

segar tr. AGR. to harvest, reap, mow.2 fig. to mow, cut down, mow down. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.

seglar adj. secular, lay.2 m.-f. layman, laywoman.

segmento m. segment.

segoviano, -na adj.-n. of Segovia.

segregación f. segregation. 2 PHYSIOL., BIOL. secretion [act or process].

segregar tr. to segregate.2 PHYSIOL., BIOL.to secrete.

segueta f. buhl saw, fret saw.

seguida f. following.2 succession, continuation: de ~, in succession, uninterruptedly; de ~, en ~,immediately.

seguldamente adv. consecutively, in succession.2 forthwith, immediately after, right after that.

seguldilla f. a Spanish stanza of four or seven short verses partly assonant.2 pl. a popular Spanish dance and its music.

1) seguido adv. consecutively, continuously.

2) seguido, -da adj. consecutive, running, succe-sive, continued: ocho dias seguidos, eight days running. 3 straight, direct.

seguidor, -ra m.-f. follower.

seguimlento m. following.2 pursuit, chase. 3 continuation.

seguir tr. to follow [in practically every sense]: como sigue, as follows.2 to pursue, chase, hunt. 3 to prosecute, continue [action], to go on, keep on [doing something]. 4 intr. to continue, keep [in a place, state, direction, etc.].5 to be, do: icdmo sigue el enfenno?, how is the patient? 6 ref. to ensue, result, follow. % CONJUG. like servir.

según prep, according to, according as, as.2 depending on. 3 so. 4 ~que, according as. 5 adv that dependes. 6 ~y como, ~ y conforme, just as; that depends.

segundar tr. to do again.2 intr. to be second, follow next to the first.

segundero m. second hand [of timepiece].

segundo, -da adj. second: segunda intencidn, duplicity of meanings or purposes [in acts or words]; de segunda mano, second-hand.2 segunda ensenanza, secondary education. 3 m. second [part of the minute]. 4 second in authority, assistant, mate. 5 sin ~, unequalled. 6 f. SEGUNDA INTENCIÓN. 7 MUS., AUTO , second.

segundogenito, -ta adj.-n. second born.

segundón m. any son born after the first.

segur f. ax, axe.2 AGR. sickle.

seguramente adv. securely, safely.2 surely. 3 probably, very probably.

seguridad f. security, safety: de ~, safety [as adj.].2 police service. 3 surety, bond. 4 custody, safe keeping.5 certainty. 6 assurance: tenerla ~ de, or de que, to be sure of or that.

seguro, -ra adj. secure, safe.2 sure, firm, fast, steady. 3 sure, dependable, reliable; constant. 4 sure, certain.5 sure [assured in mind], convinced. 6 m. certainty: a buen ~, al ~, de ~, certainly, very probably.7 place of safety. 8 COM. insurance.9 safe conduct. 10 safety lock [of a firearm]. 11 MECH. click, pawl, stop.

seis adj. six.2 m. six. 3 sixth [of the month]. 4 f. pl. las ~, six o’clock.

seisavado, -da adj. hexagonal.

selsavar tr. to make hexagonal.

seisavo, -va adj. sixth.2 m. sixth [sixth part].

seiscientos, -tas adj.-m. six hundred.

seiseno, -na adj. sixth, seisillo m. MUS.sextolet. seismo m. seism, selacio, -da adj. ICHTH. selachian. seleccl6n f. selection.

seleccionador,-ra adj. selecting.2 m.-f. selector.

seleccionar tr. to select, choose, pick out.

selecto, -ta adj. select, choice; distinguished.

selenio m. CHEM. selenium.

selenografia f. selenography.

self f. (Angl.)ELECT , self-induction coil.

seltz (agua de) f. Seltzer water; soda water.

selva f. forest, woods; jungle: Selva Negra, Black Forest [in Germany].

selvatlco,-ca adj. silvan, sylvan.2 rustic, wild.

selvoso, -sa adj. silvan, sylvan.2 wooded, woody.

sellar tr. to seal [with a seal].2 to seal, close.

sello m. seal [piece of wax, lead, etc.; impression, mark].2 signet. 3 seal, stamp [instrument; characteristic mark]. 4 PHARM.cachet.5 ~ de correos, postage, stamp.

semaforo m. semaphore.2 traffic lights.

semana f. week: ~ Santa, Holy Week; entre ~, during the week [but not on the first or last days].2 septenary [of years, etc.]. 3 week’s pay.

semanal adj. weekly.

semanalmente adv. weekly.

semanario,-ria adj. weekly.2 m. weekly [publication],

semántica f. semantics, semasiology.

semblante m. face, countenance, mien, look, expression [of a person]; look, aspect [of things]: componer el ~, to put on a calm appearance: mudarde ~, to change colour.

semblanza f. biographical sketch.

sembradio,-a adj. AGR. fit for sowing [land].

sembrado, -da adj. sown. 2 in. AGR. sown ground; field, grain field.

sembrador, -ra adj. seeding, sowing.2 m.-f. seeder, sower. 3 f. seeder, seeding machine, sowing machine.

sembradura f. seeding, sowing: tierra de ~, grain field.

sembrar tr.-intr. to sow, seed.2 tr. to sow, scatter, disseminate, sprinkle, strew. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.

semejante adj. resembling, similar, like, alike. 2 such, of that kind. 3 ALG.like. 4 GEOM. similar. 5 m.resemblance, imitation. 6 fellow, fellow creature.

semejanza f. resemblance, similarity, similitude:a ~ de, like, as.

semejar intr.-ref. to resemble, to be alike.

semen m. semen, sperm.2 BOT. seed.

semental adj. AGR. [pertaining to] seeding or sowing.2 breeding [horse, bull, etc.]. 3 m. breeding horse, bull, etc.

sementera f. AGR. seeding, sowing.2 sown land. 3 seedtime, sowing season. 4 fig. hotbed.

semestral adj. six-month, six-monthly.

semestre adj. semestral.2 m. semester, six months.

semi- pref. semi-, half-, partly-.

semibreve f. MUS.semibreve, whole note.

semicadencla f. MUS.semicadence.

semicircular adj. semicircular.

semicirculo m. GEOM.semicircle.

semicircunferencia f. GEOM. semicircumference. semlconsonante adj. PHONET. semiconsonant.

semicorchea f. MUS. semiquaver, sixteenth note.

semidiámetro m. semidiameter.

semidlós m. MYTH ,demigod.

semidlosa f. MYTH , demigoddess.

semieje m. GEOM. semiaxis.

semifluido, -da adj. semifluid.

semifusa f. MUS. double demisemiquaver.

semilunar adj. semilunar.

semilla f. seed.

semillero m. AGR. seed bed, seed plot, nursery. 2 fig. hotbed, cause, seminary,

seminal adj. seminal.

semlnario m. EDUC.seminary: ~ conciliar, ECCL. theological seminary. 2 SEMILLERO.

seminarista m. seminarist, theological student.

semlnifero adj. seminiferous.

seminima f. MUS. crotchet.

Semiramls f.pr. n. HIST. Semiramis.

semirrigido, -da adj. AER. semirigid.

semisalvaje adj. half savage.

semiseda f. half silk.

semisuma f. ARITH.half the sum [of].

semlta m.-f. Semite. 2 adj. Semitic.

semitico, -ca adj. Semitic.

semitono m. MUS. semitone.

semivocal adj. PHONET. semivowel.

sémola f. semolina, groats.

semovlente adj. bienes semovientes. livestock.

sempitemo, -na adj. sempiternal. 2 f. durance [fabric]. 3 BOT. globe amaranth.

sen m. BOT. senna.

sena f. six [on a die]. 2 BOT.senna.

Sena m.pr.n. GEOG. Seine [river].

senado m. Senate. 2 Senate house. 3 THEAT.audience.

senadoconsulto m. senatus consultum.

senador m. senator.

senaduria f. senatorship.

senatorial; senatorio, -ria adj. senatorial.

sencillez f. simplicity. 2 easiness. 3 plainness, un-pretentiousness. 4 naturalness.

sencillo, -lla adj. simple [not complicated or elaborated]. 2 light, of light body [fabric, etc.]. 3 simple, single. 4 easy [to do]. 5 simple, plain, unadorned; natural, unaffected. 6 simple, artless. 7 m. coll. small change.

senda f. sendero m. path, footpath, byway. 2 fig. path, way.

sendos, -das adj. one each, one to each or for each.

Séneca m.pr.n. Seneca. 2 fig. man of wisdom,

senectud f. old age, senility.

senegalés, -sa adj.-n. Senegalese.

senescal m. seneschal.

senil adj. senile.

seno m. breast [milk-secreting organ]. 2 bosom [space between breast and dress]. 3 womb [of woman]. 4 fig. bosom, lap, the midst: el ~ de Abraham, Abraham’s bosom. 5 concave, cavity, hollow, sinus. 6 ANAT., ZOOL., SURG. sinus. 7 GEOG. gulf, bay. 8 belly [of sail]; bight [of rope]. 9 TRIG. sine: ~ verso, versed sine.

sensaciãn f. sensation, feeling. 2 sensation [vivid emotion]: hacer ~, to cause a sensation.

sensacional f. sensational.

sensatez f.sense, good sense, wisdom.

sensato, -ta adj. sensible, judicious, wise.

sensibilidad f. sensibility. 2 sensitiveness.

sensibilizar tr. to sensitize.

sensible adj. sentient, sensible. 2 sensible, perceptible, appreciable. 3 sensitive [person, instrument, plate, etc.]. 4 GEOG. sensible [horizon]. 5 deplorable, regrettable. 6 f. MUS.sensible note.

sensibíero f oversentimentality, mawkishness.

sensiblero, -ra adj. oversentimental, mawkish.

sensitiva f. BOT. sensitive plant.

sensitivo, -va adj. sense, sensitive [of the senses; that conveys sense impressions]. 2 sentient,

sensorio, -ria adj. sensorial. 2 m. sensorium.

sensual adj. sensual,

sensualidad f. sensuality, sensualismo m. sensualism, sentada f. sitting: de una ~, at one sitting,

sentadillas (a) adv. sidesaddle,

sentado, -da adj. seated, sitting down. 3 settled, established: dar por ~, to take for granted, to consider as settled. 4 sedate, judicious. 5 BOT. sessile.

sentar tr. to seat [cause to sit down]. 2 to set, establish. 3 intr. sentar, or ~ bien, a, to fit, become, suit; to please, be agreeable to; [of food, climate, etc.] to agree with. 4 ref. to sit down. 5 ASENTARSE. 6 [of a seam, etc.] to hurt. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.

sentencia f. LAW judgement, sentence, decision. 2 award, decision [of an arbitrator]. 3 judgment, opinion. 4 pithy saying, maxim.

sentenciar tr. to sentence, pass judgement on. 2 to determine, decide.

sentencioso, -sa adj. sententious.

sentidamente adv. feelingly.

sentido, -da adj. felt, experienced. 2 heartfelt; feeling. 3 sensitive, touchy. 4 offended: darsepor~, to take offence. 5 m. sense [any one of the five senses]: costar un ~, coll. to cost a fortune; con todos los cinco sentidos, with the utmost care and attention. 6 sense [judgment, understanding, etc.]: ~ común, common sense; buen ~, good sense. 7 sense, meaning, import, effect: do-ble ~, double meanning; en cierto ~, in a sense; en el ~ que, to the effect that; sin ~, meaningless. 8 sense [of the humour, the ridicule, etc.]. 9 consciousness. 10 sense, direction. 11 GEOM. sense.

sentimental adj. sentimental.

sentimentalismo m. sentimentalism.

sentimlento m. sentiment, feeling. 2 sense [of duty, honour, etc.]. 3 grief, sorrow, regret,

sentina f. NAUT. bilge. 2 fig. foul, filthy place.

1) sentir m. sentiment, feeling. 2 view, opinion.

2) sentir tr. to feel [perceive by sensation]. 2 to hear. 3 to feel [pleasure, pity, etc.]. 4 to have, experience, suffer; ~ frio, to be cold; ~ miedo, to be afraid. 5 to feel [be aware of]; to have a presentiment of. 6 to regret; be or feel sorry [for]: lo siento, I am sorry. 7 to think, judge. 8 sin ~, without noticing, without being aware. 9 ref. to feel [well, bad, sad, sick, etc.]. 10 to begin to decay or rot. 11 sentirse de, to resent; to feel [an insult, etc.]; to have a pain in. ¶ CONJUG. like hervir.

señaf. sign, indication, token:pormás señas, more by token. 2 sign [motion, action, gesture], 3 mark, signal. 4 MIL. password. 5 pl. address [description of a place of residence or business]. 6 señas personates, personal description.

señal f. sign, mark, token, symptom: dar senales, to show signs of; en ~ de, as a sign of, in token of. 2 landmark. 4 reminder. 5 distinctive mark. 6 trace, vestige. 7 sign, signal: hacer senales, to signal, make signals. 8 image, representation. 9 sign, prodigy. 10 scar, cicatrice. 11 pledge [token]. 12 earnest, money. 13 |de la cruz, sign of the cross.

señaladamente adv. especially, remarkably signally.

señalado, -da adj. signal. 3 noted, distinguished.

señalamlento m. appointment, date. 2LAW assignation [for a trial].

señalar tr. to mark [with a sign]. 2 to show, indicate, point at, point out. 3 to set, fix, determine, assign. 4 to appoint [place, time]. 5 to scar. 6 to signal. 7 ref. to distinguish oneself, to excel.

señero, -ra adj. solitary, alone. 2 unique, unequalled.

señor, -ra adj. noble, distinguished, not vulgar, gentlemanlike, ladylike. 2 coll. great, fine, strong, etc. 3 m. mister, Mr., sir: el ~ López, Mr. L6pez; muy ~ mio, Dear Sir [in letters]; sf ~, yes, sir. 4 man, gentleman. 5 master [of the house], 6 feudal lord, lord, master. 7 (cap.) el Senor, the Lord, God; Nuestro Senor, Our Lord.

señora f. mistress, Mrs., madam; la ~ López, Mrs. L6pez; muy ~ mla, Dear Madam [in letters]; sf ~, yes, madam. 2 woman, lady, gentlewoman: ~ de compania, companion, chaperon. 3 lady [wife]. 4 mistress, lady [owner, etc.]; lady [of the house]. 5 (cap.) Nuestra Senora, Our Lady.

señorear tr. to dominate, rule over. 2 to lord it over. 3 to dominate, tower over. 4 to control [one’s passions]. 5 tr.-ref. to take, take hold of, bring under one’s rule or control. 6 ref. to take on airs.

señorfa f. dominion, lordship, control. 2 lordship, ladyship, title of distinction inferior to EXCELEN-CIA. 3 HIST, signory.

señorlal adj. seignorial, manorial. 2 feudal [fees]. 3 lordly, noble, stately.

señoril adj. lordly, genteel, dignified, distinguished.

señorfo m. dominion, lordship, control. 2 seigniory. 3 gravity or stateliness of deportment. 4 self-command. 5 nobility, gentry, gentlefolk.

señorita f. dim. young lady, miss, Miss. 2 title given by servants to a lady or to the mistress of the house.

senoritingo m. coll. young gentleman of no account.

señorito m. dim. young gentleman. 2 Master [youth or boy]. 3 title given by servants to a gentleman or to the master of the house. 4 coll. idle young gentleman.

serioron, -na m.-f. swell, bigwig.

señuelo m. decoy, lure. 2 fig. lure, bait, enticement.

seo f. cathedral church, sepalo m. BOT. sepal.

separable adj. separable. 2 detachable, removable.

separac!6n f. separation. 2 dissmissal, discharge. 3POL.secession.

separado, -da adj. separate; apart: por ~, separately.

separar tr. to separate. 2 to dismiss, discharge. 3 ref. to separate [intr.]. 4 COM.to put an end to partnership.

separata f. reprint.

separatlsmo m. separatism, secessionism.

sepeddn m. ESLIZ 6 N.

sepello m. burial, interment.

sepia f. ZOOL. sepia, cuttlefish. 2 sepia [colour].

septena f. septenary, group of seven.

septenario, -ria adj. septenary. 2 m. period of

seven days, septenio m. septenary, septenium.

septeno, -na adj. SEPTIMO.

septentrión m. north. 2 north wind. 3 ASTR. septentrion.

septentrional adj. septentrional, northern.

septeto m. MUS.septet, septuor.

septicemia f. MED. septicaemia.

septicida adj. BOT. septicidal.

séptico, -ca adj. septic.

septlembre m. September.

septillo m. MUS.septimole, septuplet.

séptlmo, -ma adj.-m. seventh. 2 f. MUS.seventh. 3 FENC.septime.

septingentésimo, -ma adj.-m. seven hundredth, septo m. ANAT., BOT. septum

septuagenario, -ria adj.-n. septuagenarian.

septuagésima f. ECCL. Septuagesima.

septuagéslmo, -ma adj. seventieth. 2 septuagesi- mal.

septuplicar tr. to septuple.

septuplo, -pla adj. septuple, sevenfold. 2 m. septuple.

sepulcral adj. sepulchral.

sepulcro m. sepulcher. 2 grave, tomb.

sepultar tr. to bury, entomb. 2 fig. to bury [hide, cover up, submerge, immerse].

sepulto, -ta adj. buried.

sepultura f. sepulture: dar ~ a, to bury.

sepulturero m. gravedigger, sexton.

sequedad f. dryness. 2 aridity. 3 gruffness, surliness.

sequedal, sequeral m. dry soil.

sequia f. drought, dry season,

sequillo m sweet biscuit.

sequío m. SECANO.

sequíto m train, suite, cortege. 2 popularity,

sequizo, -za adj. easily dried.

1) ser m. being: el Ser Supremo, the Supreme Being, God. 2 life, existence.

2) ser subst. v. to be [exist, live]. 2 aux. to be [forming passives]: él es amado, he is loved. 3 intr. & copulative to be, be a: el hombre es mortal, man is mortal: Juan es abogado, John is a lawyer. 4 to cost: ia cdmo son estas peras?, what is the price of these pears? 5 to be, happen: c¿cómo fue ello?, how did it happen? 6 to be [belong to]: este libro es mlo, this book is mine. 7 It is used in impersonal sentences as: es la una, it is one o’clock; es necesario que, it is necessary that. 8 ~ de, a) to belong to; b) to be from, come from, be native of [a place]; c) to be in [a specified material]; d) es de creer, es de ver, it is to be believed; it is worth seeing; e) ¿qué será de mí?, what will become of me? 9 ~ para poco, to be feeble, timid. 10 a no ~ que, unless. 11 jcdmo ha de ser!, it cannot be helped! [to express resignation]. 12 irasequeseera, once upon a time. 13 esto es, that is to say. 14 no sea que, lest. 15 sea lo que sea, or fuere, be that as it may; anyhow. 16 un es, no es, or un si es, no es, a little bit. ¶ CONJUG.: INDIC Pres.: soy, eres, es; somos, sois, son. | Imperf.: era, eras, era; iramos, erais, eran. | Pret.: fui, fuiste, fue; fuiinos, fuisteis, fueron. Fut.: serf, serds, etc. ¶ COND.: seria, serias, etc. SUBJ.Pres.: sea, seas, sea; seamos, sedis, sean. Imperf.: fuera, fueras, fuera; fue’ramos, fuerais fuerari, or fuese, fueses, etc. | Fut.: fuere, fueres, fuere; fuiremos, fuereis, fueren. | IMPER.: si, sea; seamos, sed, sean. | PAST. P. sido. | GER.:siendo.

sera f. large esparto basket.

seráfico, -ca adj. seraphic(al.

serafin m. seraph.

serafina f. a flowered woollen fabric.

serapino m. SAGAPENO.

serba f. BOT. fruit of the service tree.

serbal, serbo m. BOT. service tree.

serena f. SERENO 5: a la ~, AL SERENO.

serenar tr. to serene, calm, pacify. 2 to clear up [make unclouded]. 3 to cool [water] in the night air. 4 intr.-ref. to become calm. 5 [of weather] to clear up. 6 to regain one’s selfpossession.

serenata f. serenade. 2 MUS.serenata.

serenidad f. serenity, calm. 2 calmness, coolness, self-possession. 3 Serenity [title].

serenisimo, -ma adj. superl. extremely serene or calm. 2 Most Serene [title of princes].

sereno, -na adj. serene. 2 clear, cloudless. 3 calm, cool, self-possessed. 4 m. night watchman. 5 serein, night dew: al˜, in the night air.

seriamente adv. seriously. 2 gravely. 3 in earnest.

seri(ci)cultor m. seri(ci)culturist.

serl(ci)cultura f. seri(ci)culture, silk culture.

sérico, -ca adj. silken.

serle f. series. 2 de˜, stock. 3 en ~, standardized, mass [production]; ELECT, series, in series.

serledad f. seriousness, gravity. 2 earnestness. 3 reliability. 4 sternness.

serio, -ria adj. serious. 2 grave, dignified. 3 stern. 4 solvent, reliable. 5 grave, sober [not light or gay, not showy].

sermón m. sermon.

sermonar intr. to preach, to preach sermons, sermonario m. collection of sermons.

seimonear intr.-tr. to sermonize, sermoneo m. coll. sermonizing.

seroja f. serojo m. dry leaves. 2 brushwood.

senón m esparto basket or pannier.

serosldad f. MED. serosity.

seroso, -sa adj. serous.

serpear intr. SERPENTEAR.

serpentario m. ORN. secretary bird. 2 (cap.) ASTR. Serpent Bearer.

serpentear intr. to wind, meander, serpentine, wriggle.

serpenteo m winding, meandering, wriggling.

serpentin m. worm [of a still], cooling coll. 2 cock [of firelock].

serpentina f. MIN.serpentine. 2 a rolled strip of coloured paper which is cast so as to unroll [in carnival, etc.].

serpentino, -na adj. serpentine. 2 slanderous, poisoned [tongue].

serpenton m. aug. large serpent. 2 MUS. serpent.

serpezuela f. dim. of SIERPE.

serpiente f. ZOOL .serpent, snake: ~ de cascabel, rattlesnake. 2 ASTR. Serpent.

serpigo m MED. serpigo, ringworm.

serpol m BOT. wild thyme.

serpollar intr. [of a tree] to shoot, sprout.

serpollo m shoot, sprout [of a tree].

serrado, -da adj. serrate, serrador, -ra m.-f. ASERRADOR. serrallo m. seraglio, harem. 2 fig. brothel.

serrania f. mountainous country or region.

serrano, -na adj. mountain, highlander. 2 m.-f. mountaineer highlander.

serrar tr. to saw. ¶ CONJUG. like acertar.

serrátil adj. MED. irregular [pulse].

seneta f. dim. small saw. 2 cavesson [iron].

serrijón m. short mountain chain.

serrin m sawdust.

serrucho m. handsaw.

servato BOT. hog’s-fennel.

serventeslo m. quatrain with rhyme abab. 2 sir-viente [Provencal moral lay].

servible adj. serviceable, in good condition for use.

servicial adj. serviceable, helpful, obliging, kind.

servicio m. service, serving. 2 duty [assigned service]: estar de ~, to be on duty. 3 service [occupation of a servant; branch of public employ, etc.]: ~ público, public service. 4 servants, staff of servants. 5 service, good turn: flaco ~, ill turn. 6 use, benefit. 7 military or naval service. 8 service [set of dishes, cups, etc.]. 9 course [in a meal]. 10 chamber pot. 11 TENNIS service, serve.

servldo, -da p. p. of SERVIR. 2 adj. ser ~, to please, deign, have the kindness [to].

servldor, -ra m.-f. servant, server, servitor: ~ de usted, your servant, at your service; queda de usted atento ~, yours respectfully.

servldumbre f. servitude, bondage, subjection. 2 inevitable obligation. 3 servants, staff of servants. 4 LAW servitude, easement.

servil adj. servile.

servillismo m servility.

servilleta f. table napkin, serviette.

servilletero m. napkin-ring.

servio, -via adj.-n. Serbian.

servlola f. NAUT.cathead, anchor beam.

servir intr.-tr. to serve [be a servant to, do service to, be useful to], to wait [on or upon]. 2 to do [for], to serve, answer [a purpose or end]. 3 [in ball games] to serve. 4 intr. to serve, wait [at table]. 5 intr. to serve [in the army or navy], to be employed [in a public service, etc.]. 6 CARDS to follow suit. 7 ~ de, to act as, be used as, serve as or for. 8 ~ para, to be for, be good for, good for, be used for: no ~ para nada, to be of no use, to be good for nothing. 9 tr. to help, serve [food or drink]. 10 to serve [a gun; an office], 11 to tend [a machine]. 12 to do a favour to. 13 to serve, attend, court [a lady]. 14 COM.to wait upon [a customer]. 15 ref. to serve oneself. 16 to help oneself [to food or drink]. 17 to please, be pleased to, deign to: sirase infonnanne, please inform me. 18 servirse de, to employ, make use of. ¶ CONJUG.: INDIC Pres.: sirvo, sirves, sirve; ser-vimos, servis, sirven. | Pret.: servi, serviste, sir-vid; servimos, servisteis, sirvieron. | SUBJ.Pres.: sirva, sirvas, etc. | Imperf: sin’iera, sirvieras, etc., or sirviese, sirvieses, etc. | Fut.: sirviere, sirvieres, etc. | IMPER.: sirve, sirva; simamos, servid, sirvan. | GER.: sirviendo.

servitud f. servitude.

servocroata adj.-n. Serbo-Croatian.

servomotor m MACH. servomotor.

sésamo m. BOT. sesame. 2 sesame [magic word].

sesear intr. to pronounce z, and c before e & i like s [as in Am. and some parts of Spain].

sesenta adj.-m. sixty. 2 sixtieth.

sesentavo, -va adj.-n. sixtieth.

sesentón, -na adj.-n. sexagenarian.

seseo m. pronouncing z, and c before e & i, like s.

sesera f. brainpan. 2 the entire brain.

sesgado, -da p. p. of SESGAR. 2 adj. SESGO 1 & 2.

sesgar tr. to slant, give an oblique direction to. 2 to cut on the bias.

sesgo, -ga adj. slanting, oblique, biased. 2 cut on the bias. 3 fig. stern-faced. 4 m. obliquity, slant, bias: al ~, obliquely, on the bias. 5 mean course. 6 turn [of an affair].

sesgue pret., subj. & imper. of SESGAR.

sesil adj. BOT. sessile.

sesón f. session, sitting, seance, meeting, conference. 2 show [in a picture theatre]: ~ continua, continuous showing.

seso m. ANAT. brain, brains. 2 fig. brains, intelligence; prudence, judgment: no tener ~, to have no sense; perderel ~, to go crazy.

sesquióxido m. CHEM. sesquioxide.

sesteadero m. shady place where cattle rest.

sestear intr. to take a siesta. 2 [of cattle] to rest in the shade.

sesterclo m. sesterce.

sesudez f. wisdom, prudence, sageness.

sesudo, -da adj. wise, prudent, judicious, sage.

seta f. BOT. mushroom. 2 bristle [of hog].

setecientos, -tas adj.-m. seven hundred. 2 seven hundredth [in order].

setena f. group of seven.

setenta adj.-n. seventy. 2 seventieth [in order].

setentavo, -va adj.-n. seventieth.

setentón, -na adj.-n. septuagenarian.

setlembre m. SEPTIEMBRE.

seto m. hedge, inclosure: ~ vivo, hedge, quickset.

seudo adj. pseudo, false.

seuddnimo, -ma adj. pseudonymous. 2 m. pseudonym, pen name.

seveiidad f. severity, rigour, strictness, sterness. 2 austerity, severity.

severo, -ra adj. severe, rigorous, rigid, strict, stern. 2 severe, grim, austere.

sevicla f. cruelty, cruel treatment.

Sevilla f.pr. n. Seville.

sevillanas f. pi a Sevillian dance and tune.

sexagenario, -ria adj.-n. sexagenarian.

sexag£sima f. ECCL. Sexagesima.

sexageslmo, -ma adj. sexagesimal, sixtieth.

sexenlo m. period of six years.

sexo m. sex: el bello ~, the fair sex.

sexta f. ECCL. sext, sexte. 2MUS.sixth. 3 FENC sixte.

sextante m. sextant. 2 sextans [Roman coin].

sexteto m. MUS.sextet.

sextil adj. ASTROL.sextile.

sextilla f. sextain [stanza of six short lines].

sexto, -ta adj.-n. sixth.

s£xtupio, -pla adj. sextuple, sixfold. 2 m sextuple.

sexual adj. sexual, sexualidad f. sexuality.

1) si m. MUS.si, B [seventh note of the scale].

2) si conj. if, whether: como ~, as if, as though; por ~ acaso, just in case; ~ acaso, if by chance; ~ bien, although; ~ no, otherwise, else; unless. 2 how, to what extent. 3 when. 4 if only. 5 It may be used for emphasis or to denote doubt: /~ no lo quierol, indeed, I don’t want it; c~ serd 61? I wonder if it is he.

1) si 3rd person form of ref. pron. for every gender and number (used as object of prepositions) himself, herself, itself, oneself, themselves: de por ~, apart, separately; by oneself, itself, etc.; de ~, of himself, herself, etc.; spontaneously; by nature; entre ~, each other, of each other, to each other; por ~ y ante ~, of his own accord, ignoring others; haughty.

2) si adv. yes, yea; indeed, certainly: por ~ o por no, in any case; un dla ~ y otro no, every other day; c’sl?, indeed? 2 m. yes, assent, permission: darel ~, to say yes.

slamls, -sa adj.-n. Siamese, slbarita adj.-n. Sybarite. 2 sybarite.

sibaritismo m. sybaritism.

siberiano, -na adj.-n. Siberian, sibllaf. sibyl.

sibilante adj. sibilant, hissing.

sibilino, -na; sibilitico, -ca adj. sibyline.

sic Lat. adv. sic.

sicalipsis f. pornography.

sicario m. sicarian, paid assassin.

sicigia f. ASTR. syzygy.

Sicilia f.pr. n. GEOG. Sicily.

sicillano, -na adj.-n. Sicilian.

sicoanallsis tn. PSICOANALISIS.

sicofanta, sicofante m sycophant.

sicofisica, sicología, slcometría, etc. = PSICOFÍSICA, PSICOLOGÍA, PSICOMETRÍA, etc.

sicómoro m. BOT. sycamore. 2 BOT. sycamore ma-, ple.

sicón m. ZOOL. sycon.

siculo, -la adj.-n. Sicilian. 2 HIST. Siculian.

sidecar m sidecar.

sideral; sidereo, -a adj. sidereal.

siderosa f. MINER, siderite.

siderurgia f. siderurgy.

siderurgico, -ca adj. siderurgical.

sidra, f. cider.

siega f. reaping, mowing, harvest, siembra f. sowing, seeding. 2 sowing time. 3 sown ground.

siempre adv. always, ever: de ~, usual; para ~, forever, for good; por ~, forever, evermore; ~ jamds, forever and ever; ~ que, whenever; provided.

sien f. ANAT. temple.

Siena f.pr. n. GEOG. Sienna.

siena f. sienna.

sienes, -sa adj.-n. Sienese, Siennese.

sierpe f. serpent, snake. 2 fig. ugly-looking person; fierce or angry person. 3 fig. anything that winds or wrigles.

sierpecilla f. dim. small serpent.

sierra f. saw: ~ de bastidor, bucksaw; ~ de mano, handsaw; ~ sin fin, band-saw. 2 GEOG .jagged mountain-chain. 3 ICHTH. sawfish.

Sierra Leona f.pr. n. GEOG. Sierra Leone.

sierrecilla f. dim. small saw.

siervo, -va m.-f. serf, slave. 2 humble servant, servant: ~ de Dios, servant of God.

sieso m. ANAT. rectum.

siesta f. hottest part of the day. 2 siesta, afternoon nap.

slete adj.-m. seven. 2 seventh [of the month]. 3 V-shaped tear in garment. 4 CARP, dog, clamp. 5 f. pl. las ~, seven o’clock.

sieteenrama f. BOT. tormentil. sietemesino, -na adj. born in seven months [baby]. 2 coll. puny coxcomb, sifllis f. MED. syphilis, sifllitico, -ca adj.-n. syphilitic, sifdn m. siphon. 2 siphon bottle. 3 siphon water. 4 trap [in a pipe], sifosis /. kyphosis.

sigilacidn f. sealing, stamping. 2 concealment, keeping secret, sigilar tr. to seal [stamp with a seal]. 2 to conceal, keep secret, not to disclose or reveal, sigilo m. seal, stamp. 2 concealment, secrecy, slgllografi’a f. sigilography. sigilosamente adv. silently, secretly, sigiloso, -sa adj. silent, reserved, sigla f. sigla.

siglo m century [hundred years]: hasta la consu-macidn de los siglos, until the end of time; por los siglos de los siglos, world without end. 2 age, epoch, period. 3 fig. ages [long time]. 4 world [worldly intercourse or matters], slgmoldeo, -a adj. sigmoid, slgnaculo m. seal, signet.

signar tr. to sign [with a sign; with one’s name]. 2 to cross [make the sign of the cross upon or over]. 3 ref. to cross oneself.

signatarlo, -ria adj.-n. signatory.

signature f. sign, mark. 2 PRINT, signature. 3 pressmark, library number [on a book].

signiflcacidn f. signification, signifying. 2 signification, meaning, import. 3 significance.

signiflcado, -da adj. well-known, prominent. 2 m signification, meaning, sense.

slgnlflcante adj. signifying, significant.

slgniflcar tr. to signify [be a sign of; make know]. 2 to signify, mean. 3 intr. to signify, matter.

significative -va adj. significative, significant.

signo m. sign, indication [of something]. 2 sign, mark, symbol, character. 3 scroll or flourish [in a notary’s signature]. 4 MATH.sign. 5GRAM. mark: ~ de admiracidn, exclamation mark. 6 ASTR. ~ del Zodiaco, sign of the Zodiac.

siguiente adj. following, next.

silaba f. syllable.

silabario m. reader [book to teach reading].

silábear intr. to syllabicate, syllabify, syllabize.

sílabico, -ca adj. syllabic.

silabo m syllabus, list, index.

silba f. hiss, hissing [of disapproval].

silbar intr. to whistle. 2 [of a steam whistle] to hoot. 3 to hiss. 4 [of a bullet] to whiz. 5 tr. to whistle [a tune]. 6 to hiss, catcall [an actor, play, etc.].

silbato m. whistle [instrument],

silbido m. SILBO. 2 ~ de oidos, ringing in the ears, silbo m. whistle [sound]. 2 hissing [of a snake, etc.]. 3 hoot, hooting [of a steam whistle]. 4 whiz [of a bullet].

silbón m ORN.a hissing widgeon.

sllenciador m. silencer [device for firearms, etc.].

silenciar tr. to omit, keep silent about.

silencio m. silence: guardar ~, to keep silence; pasar en ~, to omit, not to mention. 2 stillness, quiet. 3 taciturnity. 4 MUS.rest.

sllencioso, -sa adj. silent. 2 taciturn. 3 noiseless, still, quiet.

silente adj. silent, still, quiet.

silepsis f. RHET. syllepsis.

silero m. silo.

silesiano, -na; silesio, -sia adj.-n. Silesian.

sílex m MINER, silex.

sílfide f. MYTH. & fig. sylph.

sfllce f. CHEM. silica.

siliceo, -a adj. siliceous.

silicio m CHEM. silicon.

silícua f. BOT. siliqua, silique.

silicula f. BOT. silicle, silicula.

silo m AGR. silo. 2 fig. cavern, dark place.

silogismo m LOG. syllogism.

sllogizar intr. to syllogize, argue.

silueta f. silhouette.

silurico, -ca adj. GEOL. Silurian.

siluro m ICHTH. catfish, sheatfish.

sila f. miscellany. 2 a form of poem.

Silvestre in. pr. n. Silvester, Sylvester.

sllvestre adj. wild [plant, animal]. 2 uncultivated, rustic.

silvicultor, -ra m.-f. forester, silviculturist.

silvicultura f. forestry, silviculture.

silla f. chair [seat for one]: ~ de cubierta, deck chair; ~ de manos, sedan chair; ~ giratoria, swivel chair; ~ poltrona, easy chair. 2 ECCL. see. 3 silla or ~ de montar, saddle. 4 ˜de posla, post chair.

sillar m. ashlar [stone]. 2 place for the saddle on the back of a horse, silleria f. set of chairs. 2 stalls [in a choir]. 3 chair making, chair business or shop. 4 ARCH , ashlar, ashlar masonry, slllero, -ra m.-f. maker or seller of chairs, silleta f. dim. small chair. 2 bedpan.

silletazo m blow with a chair.

silletero m. carrier of a sedan chair.

sillico m chamber pot; basin of a close-stool.

sillin m light riding saddle. 2 harness saddle. 3 saddle [of a bicycle, motorcycle, etc.].

sillión m. aug. armchair, easy chair: ~ de ruedas, wheel chair.

sima f. cave, abyss, chasm.

simbiosis f. BIOL. symbiosis.

simbólico, -ca adj. symbolical.

simbollsmo m symbolism.

simbollzar tr. to symbolize, symbol, tipify, stand for.

símbolo m. symbol. 2 ~ de la fe or de los Apóstoles, Apostles’ Creed.

slmetria f. symmetry.

simetrico, -ca adj. symmetric, symmetrical.

simiente f. seed. 2 semen, sperm.

simiesco, -ca adj. simian, apelike, apish.

simil adj. similar. 2 m. simile, comparison.

similar adj. similar, like.

similitud f. similitude, similarity.

similor m. similor: de˜, fig. sham, tinsel.

simio m ZOOL. simian, ape.

simon m. hack, cab; hackrnan [in Madrid].

simonia f. simony.

simoniaco, -ca adj. simoniacfal. 2 m.-f. simoniac.

simpatia f. sympathy, congeniality, liking, favour. 2 winsomeness. 3 PHYSIOL. sympathy.

simpatico, -ca adj. pleasant, nice, likable, winsome; agreeable, congenial. 2 ANAT., PHYSJOL., PHYS., MUS. sympathetic. 3 m. ANAT. gran #8212;, sympathetic nervous system.

simpatizante adj. favouring, supporting. 2 m.-f. sympathizer, supporter.

simpatizar intr. to be congenial, to feel a mutual liking. 2 ~ con, to like; to sympathize with, to favour [a party, idea, etc.].

simple adj. simple [not compund, not complicated]. 2MAT., GRAM., BIOL.simple. 3 simple, mere.

4 single [not double or multiple]. 5 simple, ingenuous. 6 simple, foolish. 7 m.-f. simpleton.

simpleza f. silliness, foolishness. 2 silly thing, simplicidad f. simplicity.

simplicisimo, -ma adj. superl. extremely simple.

simpliflcación f. simplification.

simplificar tr. to simplify.

simplón, -na m.-f. simpleton.

simulación f. simulation, feigning.

simulacra m simulacrum. 2MIL.sham battle.

simulado, -da adj. simulated, imitated, feigned, pretended, sham.

simulador, -ra m.-f. simulator.

simular tr. to simulate, imitate, feign, sham.

simultanear tr. to accomplish or carry out simultaneously.

simultaneidad f. simultaneity.

simultáneo, -a adj. simultaneous.

simiin m. simoom [wind].

sin prep, without: ~ dificultad, without difficulty; ~ que yo le viese, without my seeing him. 2 besides, without counting. 3 ~ embargo, nevertheless, however.

sinagoga f. synagogue.

sinalefa f. GRAM , synalepha.

sinapismo m. sinapism.

sinceramente adv. sincerely.

sincerar tr.-ref. to exculpate, excuse, justify.

sinceridad f. sincerity.

slncero, -ra adj. sincere.

slnclinal adj. GEOL.synclinal.

síncopa f. GRAM., MUS.syncope, syncopation.

sincopado, -da adj. syncopated.

sincopar tr. GRAM., MUS.to syncopate. 2 to abridge.

síncope f. MED. syncope. 2SINCOPA.

sincretlsmo m. syncretism.

sincronlco, -ca adj. synchronous.

sincronlsmo m. synchronism.

slncronlzar tr. to synchronize. 2 intr. RADIO. ~ con, to tune in.

sinderesls f. discretion, good judgment.

sindicado m. syndicate [body of syndics].

sindical adj. syndical. 2 syndicalistic.

sindicalismo m. syndicalism; unionism.

sindicar tr. to accuse, denounce. 2 to syndicate. 3 ref. to syndicate [unite to form a syndicate].

sindicato m. syndicate [association]. 2 trade union, labor union.

sindico m. syndic. 2LAW.liquidator or receiver [in a bankruptcy].

sindrome m MED. syndrome.

sinecdoque f. RHET.synecdoche.

sinecura f. sinecure.

sineresis f. GRAM. syneresis.

sinergi’a f. PHVSIOL.synergy.

sinfin m no end, endless number, endless amount.

sinfisls f. ANAT., ZOOL. symphysis.

sinfonía f. symphony.

sinfónico, -ca adj. symphonic.

singar intr. NAUT.to scull over the stern.

singladura f. NAUT.a day’s run. 2NAUT.day [from noon to noon].

singular adj. singular [unique; extraordinary]. 3 en ~, in particular.

singularidad f. singularity. 2 peculiarity. 3 oddity.

singularizar tr. to singularize, distinguish, single out. 2GRAM , to use in the singular. 3 ref. to distinguish oneself, to make oneself conspicuous.

singulto m. sob. 2 hiccough, singultus.

sinhueso f. coll. la ~, the tongue.

siníco, -ca adj. Sinic, Sinitic.

sinlestra f. left hand.

sinlestrado, -da adj. that has undergone damage or loss [from wreck, fire, etc.].

siniestro, -tra adj. left, left-hand. 2 sinister. 3 m. disaster, casualty, wreck. 4 COM.damage or loss [from wreck, fire, etc.].

sinnúmero m no end, great number.

slno conj. but, except. 2 solely, only. 3 no solo … ~(tambtin), not only … but (also).

sinodo m. ECCL., ASTR. synod.

sinologia f. sinology.

slnonimia f. synonymity, synonymy.

sinónlmo, -ma adj. synonymous. 2 m. synonym.

sinopsis, pl. -sis f. synopsis.

sinovia f. ANAT. synovia.

sinrazon f. wrong, injustice. 2 unreason, unreasonable act.

sinsabor m. displeasure, worry, trouble, sorrow,

sinsbnte m ORN.mockingbird.

sinsubstancia f. coll. frivolous person.

slntáctico, -ca adj. syntactic.

sintaxis f. GRAM, syntax.

síntesis,pl. -sis f. synthesis.

sintetico, -ca adj. synthetic, synthetical.

slntetizar tr. to synthesize, synthetize.

sintoísmo m Shinto, Shintoism.

sintoma m symptom.

sintomatico, -ca adj. symptomatic.

slntonia f. ELECT., RADIO, syntony, tune, tuning.

sintdnlco, -ca adj. ELECT , syntonic, syntonical.

sintonlzacidn f. ELECT., RADIO , syntonization, tuning.

sintonlzar tr.-intr. ELECT., RADIO , to syntonize,

tune: ~ con, to tune in.

sinuoso, -sa adj. sinuous.

sinusoide adj. sinusoidal. 2 f. GEOM. sinusoid.

sinusitis f. MED. sinusitis.

sinverguenceria f. brazenness^hamelessness.

sinvergtienza adj. brazen, barefaced. 2 m.-f. shameless person, rascal, scoundrel.

sionismo m Zionism.

siqulatrfa f. PSIQUIATRIA.

sfquico, -ca adj. psfouico.

siquier, slquiera conj.-adv. although, though, even if. 2 even, so much as. 3 un poquito ~, ever so little. 4 whether… or: ~ venga, ~ no venga, whether he comes or not.

Siracusa f.pr. n. GEOG. Syracuse.

sirena f. MYTH, siren. 2MYTH, mermaid. 3 siren [instrument]; foghorn.

sirenio, -nla adj.-n. ZOOL .sirenian.

sirga f. towrope, towline [for tracking a boat from the bank]. 2 line for hauling nets.

sirgar tr. to track [a boat from the bank].

Siria f.pr. n. GEOG. Syria.

siriaco, -ca adj.-n. Syrian.

siringa f. MUS. syrinx. 2 BOT. seringa, rubber tree.

siringe f. syrinx [vocal organ of birds].

Sirio MI. pr. n. ASTR.Sirius.

sirio, -ria adj.-n. SIR/ACO.

sirle f. sheep’s dung.

siroco m sirocco [wind].

sitie f. NAUT.shoal, submerged sand bank.

sirvienta f. female servant, servant girl, maid.

sirviente adj. serving. 2 LAW servient. 3 m. domestic, manservant.

sirvo, slrva, sirviera, sirviere,etc. irr. V.SERVIR.

sisa f. SEW dart; armscye. 2 petty theft. 3 size [for gilding].

sisar tr. to pilfer, filch. 2 to curt darts or armscyes in a garment. 3 to size [for gilding].

sisear intr.-tr. to hiss [to express disapproval].

sisimbrio mi. jaramago.

sismlco, -ca adj. seismic.


sismdgrafo MI.seismograph.

sison, -na adj. pilfering, filchering. 2 m.-f. pilferer, filcher. 3 MI. ORN.little bustard.

sistema MI . system. 2 coll. method, way.

sistematico, -ca adj. systematic; methodical.

sistematizar tr. to systematize.

sistilo MI. ARCH , systyle.

sistole f. PROS., PHYSIOL.systole.

sistro MI. MUS . sistrum.

sitiador, -ra adj. besieging. 2 m.-f. besieger.

sitial MI . chair [seat of honour, authority, etc.].

sitiar tr. to besiege, lay siege to. 2 to surround, hem in.

sitio MI . place, spot: dejar en el ~, fig. to kill one outright. 2 place, seat, room [space]: hacer ~, to make room. 3 location, site. 4 stand, station. 5 country seat, villa. 6 MIL. siege: poner ~ a, to lay siege to. sito,-ta adj. situated, lying, located, situacidn f. placing. 2 situation, location, position. 3 situation [set of circumstances, position in which one finds oneself]. 4 position [to do, state, etc.].

sltuar tr. to situate, locate, place, put. 2 COM. to place [funds]. 3 ref. to take one’s stand; to place or station oneself.

sixtlno, -na adj. Sistine.

smoking m. dinner jacket, *tuxedo.

so prep, under: ~ capa de, under pretence of. 2 m. emphatic word used with depreciatory adjectives: ~ marrano, you, dirty fellow.

;so! interj. whoa! [to horses].

soasar tr. COOK , to half roast, roast lightly.

soba f. kneading. 2 pawing [a person]. 3 drubbing.

sobaco m. armpit, axilla. 2 BOT. axil.

sobajar tr. to paw, crumple, rumple.

sobaquera f. shield [for the armpit in a garment].

sobaquina f. sweat from the armpit.

sobar tr. to knead, rub, soften. 2 to paw [a person]. 3 to beat, drub. 4 to vex, annoy.

sobarba f. noseband. 2 double chin.

sobarbada f. SOFRENADA. 2 scolding.

sobarcar tr. to take or carry under the arm.

soberanear intr. to lord it, domineer.

soberania f. sovereignty. 2 rule, sway. 3 haughtiness.

soberano, -na adj. sovereign. 2 coll. very good, great. 3 m.-f. sovereign [ruler]. 4 m. sovereign [coin].

soberbia f. arrogance, pride, haughtiness. 2 magnificence.

soberbio, -bia adj. arrogant, proud, haughty. 2 superb. 3 grand, magnificent. 4 fiery [horse], sobina f. wooden pin, peg.

sobon, -na adj. given to excessive fondling and caressing.

sobomar tr. to suborn, bribe.

sobomo m. subornation, bribery. 2 bribe. 3 (Arg., Bol., Chi.)SOBORNAL.

sobra f. excess surplus: de ~, more than enough, in excess; superfluous; too well: estarde ~, to be one too many; to be superfluous or unnecessary. 2 pl leavings, leftovers.

sobradamente adv. more than enough, in excess, too, too well.

sobradillo m. ARCH , penthouse [sloping roof over a door or window].

1) sobrado m. attic, garret. 2 adv. SOBRADAMENTE.

2) sobrado, -da adj. excessive, more than enough. 2 rich, having in abundance.

sobrancero, -ra adj. disengaged, unemployed, sobrante adj. remaining, leftover. 2 m leftover, surplus.

sobrar intr. to be in excess, be more than is necessary, be over and above: sobrarle a uno [una cosa), to have in excess, have to spare. 2 to be superfluous; to be in the way. 3 to remain, be left over.

sobrasada f. a Majorcan sausage.

sobre prep, on, upon. 2 over, above: ~ todo, above all. 3 about, concerning. 4 about [approximately]. 5 to, toward. 6 in addition to. 7 on, near [a river, etc.]. 8 COM.on: girar ~, to draw on. 9COM.above: ~ la par, above par. 10 ~ manera, beyond measure. / / ~ si, attentive, on guard;

haughty. 12 m. envelope [for letters]. 13 SOBRES-CRITO.

sobreabundancia f. superabundance.

sobreabundar intr. to superabound.

sobrealimentar tr. to overfeed.

sobrealzar tr. to raise, to raise excessively.

sobreanadir tr. to superadd, superinduce.

sobreasada f. SOBRASADA.

sobreasar tr. COOK , to roast again.

sobrebarrer tr. to sweep lightly.

sobrecalza f. legging.

sobrecama f. coverlet, bedspread.

sobrecarga f. overload, extra load, overburden. 2 additional trouble. 3 PHILAT.surcharge.

sobrecargar tr. to overload, overburden, overcharge. 2 to surcharge [a postage stamp]. 3 SEW. to fell.

sobrecargo m. NAUT.purser, supercargo, sobrecarta f. envelope [for a letter], sobreceja f. part of the forehead over the eyebrows.

sobrecejo, sobreceiio m. frown.

sobrecerco m. reinforcing hoop, ring or frame.

sobrecielo m. canopy.

sobrecincha f, sobrecincho m surcingle.

sobrecoger tr. to surprise, take unawares. 2 ref. to be surprised, to be struck with awe, dread, etc.

sobrecogimiento m surprise, awe, fear.

sobrecoser tr. SEW.to whip, to fell.

sobrecrecer intr. to grow too much.

sobrecubierta f. double cover or wrapping. 2 jacket [of a book].

sobrecuello m top collar. 2 stock [kind of cravat].

sobredlcho, -cha adj. above-mentioned, aforesaid.

sobrediente m snaggletooth.

sobredorar tr. to gold-plate [a metal]. 2 fig. to gloss over.

sobreentender tr. SOBRENTENDER.

sobreesdrujulo, -la adj. SOBRESDRUJULO.

sobreexcitar tr. SOBREXCITAR.

sobrefalda f. overskirt.

sobrefaz,p/. -faces f. surface, outside.

sobrehaz f. surface, outside. 2 cover. 3 superficial appearance.

sobrehilado m SEW.overcast, overcasting.

sobrehilar tr. SEW.to overcast.

sobrehumano, -na adj. superhuman.

sobrejuanete m. NAUT.royal [sail].

sobrelecho m. MAS.under bed [of a stone].

sobrellenar tr. to fill up, fill full.

sobrellevar tr. to ease [another’s burden], to aid another to bear [his burden]. 2 to bear, suffer with patience. 3 to overlook, be lenient about.

sobremanera adv. exceedingly, beyond measure.

sobre mesa f. table cover. 2 sitting at table after eating: de ~, at table after eating. 3 de ~, desk, table: reloj de ~, desk clock.

sobremesana f. NAUT.mizzen topsail.

sobrenadar intr. to float [on a liquid].

sobrenatural adj. supernatural.

sobrenombre m surname. 2 nickname; agnomen.

sobrentender tr. to understand [something implied, not expressed]. 2 ref. to be understood, go without saying. ¶ CONJUG. like entender.

sobrepaga f. extra pay.

sobreparto m after chilbirth, confinement after childbirth

sobrepeine adv. coll. slightly, superficially, sobrepelliz, pl. -Ilices f. ECCL. surplice.

sobreponer tr. to put over or upon; to superpose. 2 ref. sobreponerse a, to be superposed; to master. overcome, be or make oneself superior to. ¶ CONJUG .like poner.

sobreposlclon f. superposition.

sobreproduccion f. superproduction, overproduction.

sobrepuerta f. overdoor; lambrequin.2 cornice over a door.

sobrepuesto, -ta p. p. ofSOBREPONER. 2 adj. superposed, superimposed. 3 in. applique.

sobrepujanza f. great power, strength or vigor.

sobrepujar tr. to surpass, excel.

sobrequilla f. NAUT.keelson.

sobrero adj. BULLF.extra, spare [bull].

sobresaliente adj. projecting.2 surpassing, excellent. 3 outstanding, remarkable. 4 in. the highest examination mark.5 THEAT.understudy.6 BULLF.substitute.

sobresalir intr. to project, jut out.2 to excel, distinguish oneself. 3 to stand out.

sobresaltar tr. to alarm, startle.2 to assail suddenly. 3 intr. [of figures in a painting] to be striking. 4 ref. to be startled, to start.

sobresalto m startle, shock, sudden alarm. 2 de ~, suddenly, unexpectedly.

.sobresanar intr. [of a wound] to heal superficially.

sobresaturar tr. CHEM.to supersaturate.

sobrescribir tr. to superscribe. U PAST, P.: sobres-crito, sobrescripto.

sobrescrito m superscription, address.

sobresdnijulo, -la adj. accented on any syllable preceding the antepenult.

sobreseer intr. LAW to stay a judgement.2 to desist, yield.

sobreseimiento m LAW stay of proceedings, sobrestadias f. pi. NAUT.extra lay days, sobrestante m foreman, overseer, sobresueldo m extra pay, extra wages, sobretarde f. late afternoon, sobretodo m overcoat.

sobrevenir intr. to come, happen.2 to come unexpectedly. 3 to follow, supervene. ¶ CONJUG. like venir.

sobrevesta, sobreveste f. surcoat [over the armour].

sobrevestir tr. to put [a garment] over other clothes.

sobrevidriera f. window guard.2 storm window, sobreviento m gust of wind, sobreviviente adj. surviving.2 m.-f. survivor, sobrevivir intr. to survive.2 ~ a, to outlive, sobrexcitacion f. overexcitement, overexcitation, sobrexcitar tr. to overexcite.2 ref. to become

overexcited, sobriedad f. sobriety, frugality, moderation, sobrlna f. niece, sobrino m. nephew.

sobrio, -bria adj. sober, temperate, moderate, frugal.

socalre m NAUT.lee: al ~ de, under the lee of. socalina f. trick [to get something from someone], socalinar tr. to trick one out of [something], socalzar tr. MASON , to underpin, underset, socapa f. pretext, pretence: a ~, on the sly. socarra f. singe, scorching.2 slyness, socarrar tr. to singe, scorch, socainen m ARCH , eaves, socarron, -na adj. sly, cunning, socarroneria f. slyness, cunning, artfulness, socava f. digging under, undermining.2 hollow

for water around a tree, socavar tr. to undermine.

socavon m cave, cavern.2 MIN.adit, socaz HI . tailrace.

sociabilldad f. sociableness, sociability.

sociable adj. sociable, companionable.

social adj. social: ciencias sociales, social sciences;

trato˜, social intercourse; razon ~, COM.firm,

firm name, sociallsmo m socialism.

socialista adj. socialist, socialistic.2 m.-f. socialist.

socializar tr. to socialize.

sociedad f. society [social mode of life, community; companionship, company].2 sociedad or buena ~, society [fashionable people].3 society, association, union, club. 4 COM.partnership: ha-ce.r ~ con, to be in partnership with.5 COM.society, company, corporation: ~ limitada, limited company.

societario, -ria adj. pertaining to the associations or to the trade unions.

socio, -cia m.-f. COM.partner: ~ capitalisla, financial partner; ~ comanditario, silent partner, sleeping partner; ~ industrial, working partner. 2 member, fellow [of a society, club, etc.]. 3 coll. fellow, guy.

soclologia f. sociology, sociologo, -ga m.-f sociologist, socolor m pretext, pretence.2 adv. under colour, socollada f. NAUT.flapping [of a sail].2 NAUT.pitching.

socorredor, -ra adj. helper, aider, succourer. socorrer tr. to assist, help, aid, succour, socorrido, -da adj. ready to help.2 handy, useful.

3 trite, hackneyed.

socorro m assistance, help, aid, succour, relief, sochantre m ECCL. subchanter, succentor. soda f. sos A.

sodico, -ca adj. CHEM. sodic; sodium, sodio m. CHEM. sodium, sodomia f. sodomy.

sodomita adj.-n. Sodomite.2 sodomite, soez adj. coarse, base, vile, sofa m sofa.

Sofia f.pr. n. Sophia. 2 GEOG. Sofia, sofion m. snort [of anger]; harsh refusal, sofisma m. sophism, fallacy, sofista m. Sophist.2 sophist, sofisteria m sophistry, soflsticacion/. sophistication, adulteration, sofisticar tr. to sophisticate, adulterate, sofistlco, -ca adj. sophistic, sophistical, sofito m ARCH , soffit.

soflama f. faint glow or flame.2 blush. 3 fig. flimflam, deceitful talk. 4 coll. harangue.

soflamar tr. to deceive, humbug.2 to make [a per. son] blush. 3 ref. COOK , to burn, scorch.

sofocacion f. choking, suffocation, smothering, stifling.

sofocar tr. to choke, suffocate, smother, stifle [stop the breath of]-2 to stifle, smother, quench. 3 to harass, importune. 4 to put to blush. 5 ref. to blush.

sofoco m. suffocation.2 blush, embarrassment. 3 annoyance, vexation, mortification.

sofocon m., sofoquina f. coll. great vexation or mortification, sofreir tr. COOK , to fry slightly. ¶ CONJUG . like reir. f PAST, P.: sofreido & sofrito. sofrenada f. sudden checking of a horse.2 harsh reprimand.

sofrenar tr. to check [a horse] suddenly. 2 to reprimand severely. 3 to check [a passion].

sofrlto, -tairreg. p. p. ofSOFREI #8217;R. 2 m. anything sightly fried.

soga f. rope, esparto rope, halter. 2MAS.face [of a brick or stone]. 3 hacer˜, to lag behind.

soguero m ropemaker; ropedealer. 2 street porter.

sols irr. V. SER.

soja f. BOT. soy, soy bean.

sojuzgar tr. to conquer, subject, subjugate, subdue.

sol m. sun [heavenly body; warmth from the sun, sunlight; day]: rayode˜, sunbeam; hace~, it is sunny; no dejar a ˜ni a sombra, to importune, not to leave in pace; tomar el˜, to bask or walk in the sun; a ■˜puesto, at nightfall; de ˜a˜, from sunrise to sunset. 2MUS.sol, G. 3 sol [Peruvian coin].

solada f. sediment, lees.

solado m. paving, flooring [act]. 3 pavement, tile floor.

solador m. paver, tiler.

solamente adv. only, solely. 2 ˜que, provided that, if only.

solana f. sunny place. 2 sun gallery.

solanaceo, -a adj. BOT. solanaceous.

solano m. easterly wind. 2 hot wind.

solapa f. lapel. 2 pretence, dissembling: de˜, underhand, sneakingly.

solapado, -da adj. underhand, sneaky. 2 sly, hypocritical.

solapar tr. to put lapels on [o coat]. 2 to overlap. 3 to cloak, conceal. 4 intr. [of a part of a garment] to overlap.

solapo m SOLAPA. 2 overlapped part or piece. 3 coll. chuck under the chin.

1) solar adj. solar. 2 m site, groundplot [for a building]. 3 ancestral mansion. 4 noble house or lineage.

2) solar tr. to floor, pave. 2 to sole [shoes]. ¶ CONJUG . like contar.

solariego, -ga adj. pertaining to a noble house or lineage: casa solariega, ancestral mansion, solaz m solace, comfort, relief, recreation, solazar tr. to solace, comfort. 2 to solace, amuse, divert. J ref. to solace oneself, amuse oneself.

solazoso, -sa adj. recreating, amusing, delectable, soldada f. wages, pay, salary, soldadesca f. soldiery. 2 undisciplinated troops, soldadesco, -ca adj. soldierly, soldierlike, soldado m. soldier: ~ de caballeria, trooper, cavalryman; ~ de infanteria, infantryman;˜ raso, private, soldador m. solderer, welder. 2 soldering iron. 3 blowtorch.

soldadura f. soldering, welding: ~ autdgena, welding. 2 solder. 3 soldered joint, welded joint.

soldar tr. to solder, weld. 2 to solder, unite. 3 fig. to mend [a blunder]. ¶ CONJUG . like contar.

solear tr. to sun [expose to the sun]. 2 ref. to sun oneself or itself.

soleclsmo m. GRAM , solecism.

soledad f. solitude, loneliness. 2 sorrow, bereavement. 3 solitude [lonely place]. 4pi. Andalusian tune, song and dance.

soledoso, -sa adj. solitary. 2 lonely, lonesome.

solemne adj. solemn. 2 coll. great, downright.

solemnidad f. solemnity. 2 festivity. 3 pi. formalities.

solemnizar tr. to solemnize, solenoide m ELECT, solenoid.

soler intr. to be accustomed to, be wont to, use to; to generally: yo solia tomar el autobus, I used to take the bus; suele nevar en este tiempo, it generally snows at this time of the year. ^ It is used only in the INDIC .Pres.: suelo, sueles, suele; sole-mos, soltis, suelen; in the imperf.: solia, solias, etc., and in the compound preterit: he solido, has solido, etc.

solera f. ARCH , girder. 2 stone base [for uprights]. 3 nether millstone. 4 bottom [of a furnace]. 5 mother [of vine].

soleta f. patch for the sole of a stocking. 2 picarde˜, tomar #8212;, to hasten, run; to flee.

solevacl6n f, solevamlento m. raising up, pushing up, upheaval [lifting up from beneath]. 2 uprising, insurrection.

solevantar tr. to raise up, upheave. 2 ref. to rise up, upheave. 3 tr.-ref. SOLIVIANTAR.

solevar tr. to incite to revolt. 2 ref. to rebel. 3 tr.-ref. SOLEVANTAR 1 & 2.

solfa f. solmization. 2 musical annotation, notes. 3 fig. music. 4 coll. beating, drubbing. 5 poner en˜, to put in a ridiculous light.

solfatara f. GEOL.solfatara.

solfeador, -ra m.-f. sol-faer.

solfear intr.-tr. MUS.to sol-fa, solmizate. 2 tr. coll. to bear, drub, solfeo m MUS.sol-fa; sol-faing, solmization. coll. beating, drubbing, solflsta m.-f. sol-faer. solicitacion f. solicitation.

sollcitado, -da adj. in good demand. 2 sought, popular.

soli’citamente adv. solicitously. 2 diligently.

solicitante in.-f. petitioner, applicant.

solicltar tr. to solicit, ask for, beg, petition. 2 to

solicit, invite, attract. 3 to woo. soliclto, -ta adj. solicitous, diligent, careful, solicltud f. solicitude, diligence, care. 2 petition, demand, request, application, solidar tr. to consolidate, harden, strengthen. 2 to render firm or stable, solidaridad f. solidarity. 2 common cause, solldario, -ria adj. solidary. 2 jointly liable; jointly binding. 3 making common cause, solidarizar tr. to make solidary. 2 ref. to become solidary, to make common cause, solideo m. ECCL.calotte.

solidez f. solidity. 2 firmness, strength. 3 fastness [of colour].

solidiflcar tr. to solidify. 2 ref. to solidify [become solid].

solido, -da adj. solid. 2COM.substantial [firm]. 3 fast [colour]. 4 m. GEOM.solid, soliloquio m soliloquy, soliman m coll. corrosive sublimate, sollo m throne [royal seat], solipedo, -da adj.-in. ZOOL. soliped. solista m.-f. MUS.soloist, solitaria f. coll. tapeworm.

solitario, -ria adj. solitary, lone, lonely. 2 secluded [spot, life]. 3 BOT. solitary [flower]. 4 m. solitary, hermit. 5 solitaire [diamond game].

soliviantar tr. to revolt, make hostile or rebellious. 2 ref. to revolt, become hostile or rebellious.

soliviar tr. to lift up [from beneath]. 2 ref. to rise partly, get up partly.

solo, -la adj. alone; by himself, itself, etc. 2 lone, lonely. 3 only, sole. 4 in. MUS.solo. 5 a card game. 6 a solas, alone [unaccompanied, in private. s6lo adv. SOLAMENTE.

solomillo, solomo m. sirloin. 2 loin [of pork], solstlclo m. ASTR.solstice.

soltar tr. to untie, unfasten, loosen. 2 to turn loose. 3 to let out, set free, release, discharge. 4 to let go, drop. 5 to cast, shed [the skin, etc.]. 6 coll. to give, pay [money]. 7 coll. to give [a blow, etc.]; to fire [a shot]. 8 to utter, let out [a curse, a remark, etc.], 9 to burst into [laughter, tears, etc.]. 10 ref. to come off, come untied, get loose, //to get free. 12 to acquire ease. 13 to begin to [walk, talk, etc.]. ¶ CONJUG . like contar.

solteria f. celibacy, singleness; bachelorhood.

soltero, -ra adj. single, unmarried. 2 m. bachelor, single man. 3 f. single woman.

solteron m. old bachelor.

solterona f. old maid, spinster.

soltura f. release, setting at liberty. 2 ease, facility, agility. 3 fluency. 4 licentiousness.

solubilidad f. solubility.

soluble adj. soluble. 2 solvable.

solucl6n f. solution: ~ de continuidad, solution of continuity, break.

soluclonar tr. to solve. 2 to bring to a favorable issue.

solutivo, -va adj. MED. solutive.

solvencla f. COM.solvency. 2 ability, reliability.

solventar tr. SOLUCIONAR. 2 to settle, pay up.

solvente adj. COM.solvent. 2 able, reliable.

sollado m. NAUT.orlop.

sollamar tr. to scorch, singe.

sollo m. ESTURI6N.

sollozar intr. to sob.

sollozo m. sob.

somanta f. coll. beating, drubbing.

somaten m. [in Catalonia] body of armed citizens gathering at the call of the alarm bell. 2 alarm bell.

somatlco, -ca adj. somatic.

sombra f. shade, shadow: dar #8212;, to cast a shadow; hacer ~ a, to stand in the light of; to protect; to outshine; a la ~, in the shade; coll. in jail; nipor˜, by no means. 2 shadow, phantom, ghost. 3 ASTR.umbra. 4 F. ARTS shade, shading. 5 tener buena ~, to be pleasant; to be witty or funny; to bring good luck. 6 tener mala˜, to be disagreeable; to bring bad luck. 7 pl. shades, shadows, darkness. 8 sombras chinescas, shadow play.

sombraje m. screen or roof made with branches, mats, etc., to afford shade.

sombrajo m. SOMBRAJE. 2 coll. shadow cast by getting in someone’s light.

sombreado m. F. ARTS shading.

sombrear tr. to shade, shadow [throw a shadow upon]. 2F. ARTS to shade.

sombrerazo m. aug. large hat. 2 blow with a hat. 3 coll. doffing of the hat [as a greeting].

sombrerera f. hatbox, bandbox. 2 hatter’s wife.

sombrereria f. hattery, hat factory. 2 hat shop.

sombre re ro m. hatter.

sombrerete m. dim. little hat. 2 BOT. cap [of mushroom]. 3 hood, bonnet [of chimney]. 4 spark catcher [of locomotive].

sombrerlllo m. dim. little hat or bonnet.

sombrero m. hat [for men or women], bonnet [for women]: ~ calorie’s, Andalusian hat with tur-ned-up brim and low cone-shaped crown; ~ cordobis, beaver hat with a flat brim and a cylindrical low crown; ~ de teja, shovel hat; ~ de candil, or de tres picos, cocked hat; three-cornered hat; ~ de copa, high hat, silk hat; ~ de jipijapa, Panama hat; ~ flexible, soft hat; ~ hongo, derby hat. 2 canopy [of pulpit]. 3 BOT. cap [of mushroom]. 4 drumhead [of capstan].

sombria f. UMBR(A.

sotnbrilla f. parasol, sunshade.

sombrio, -bria adj. sombre, gloomy, dark, dismal, shady, overcast. 2F. ARTS shaded, dark.

sombroso, -sa adj. shady [causing shade]. 2 shady, shadowy [abounding in shade].

someramente adv. slightly, superficially.

somero, -ra adj. slight, superficial. 2 shallow; in the surface, about the surface.

someter tr. to subject, subjugate, subdue. 2 to subject [to the action of something], to put [to a test, etc.]. 3 to submit [for consideration or decision]. 4 ref. to submit, surrender, yield. 5 to go [through an operation, examination, etc.].

sometimlento m. subjection. 2 submission.

somler m. bedspring, spring mattres.

somnambulismo m. somnambulism, sleepwalking.

somnambulo, -la adj. somnambulistic. 2 m.-f.

somnambulist, sleepwalker, somnifero, -ra adj. somniferous, somnific, somnolencla f. somnolence, drowsiness, somorgujar tr. to plunge, submerge. 2 intr. BUCEAR.

3 ref. to dive, duck, plunge.

somorgujo, somorgujdn m. ORN.dabchick, grebe, somos irr. V.SER. sompesar tr. SOPESAR.

son m. sound [of an instrument]: a ~, or al ~, de, at or to the sound of. 2 news, report, rumour. 3 pretext, motive: c-a ~ de qui?, why?, for what reason?; sin ton ni ~, without rhyme or reason. 4 manner, guise: en ~ de guerra, in a hostile manner.

son irr. V.SER.

sonadero m. handkerchief.

sonado, -da adj. noted, famous. 3 coll. much tal-ked-about: hacer una que sea sonada, to do something that causes a lot of talk.

sonaja f. jingle [each pair of disks of the tambourine]. 2 pl. jingle hoop.

sonajero m. baby’s rattle.

sonambullsmo m. SOMNAMBULISMO.

sonambulo, -la adj.-n. SOMNAMBULO.

sonante adj. sonant, sounding, sonorous, jingling.

sonar tr. to sound, play, ring [an instrument]. 2 to blow [someone’s nose]. 3 intr. to sound, ring. 4 [of a clock] to strike. 5PHON.[of a letter] to be sounded. 6 to be mentioned. 7 to sound familiar, be vaguely remembered. 8 ~ a, to seem, have the appearance of being. 9 ~ bien or mal [of a word, expression, etc.], to be pleasing or offensive. 10 ref. to blow one’s nose. 11 impers. por ahi suena or se suena, que, it is rumoured that. ¶ CONJUG. like contar.

sonata f. MUS.sonata.

sonatina f. MUS.sonatina.

sonda f. sounding. 2NAUT.sound, lead. 3 drill [for boring soils]. 4 SURG. sound, probe; catheter.

sondaleza f. NAUT.lead line, sounding line.

sondar, sondear tr. NAUT.to sound, fathom. 2 to sound [the soil]. 3 to. sound, probe [a wound, a person; a person’s intentions].

sondeo m. sounding, fathoming, probing.

sonecillo m. dim. slight sound. 2 merry tune.

sonetista m.-f. sonneteer, sonnet writer.

soneto m. sonnet.

sonldo m sound fsensation produced through

the ear; vibrations causing this sensation]. 2 PHONET . sound.

sonochada f. evening [early part of the night]

sonorldad f. sonority.

sonoro, -ra; sonoroso, -sa adj. sonorous. 2 harmonious. 3 clear, loud.

sonreír intr. to smile. CONJUG . like reir.

sonriente adj. smiling, sonrisaf. smile. 6

sonrojar, sonrojear tr. to make [one] blush. 2 ref. to blush.

sonrojo m. blush, blushing. 2 word or remark that causes a blush.

sonrosar, sonrosear tr. to rose-colour, to flush. 2 ref. to become rose-coloured.

sonsacaf, sonsacamlento m. the act ofSONSACAR.

sonsacar tr. to stealthily take [something] out of its place. 2 to draw out [a person or a secret]. 3 to coax [a servant or employee] away from another’s service.

sonsonete m. rhythmical tapping. 2 fig. dull monotonous noise; singsong. 3 ironic or scornful tone.

sońaciÓn f. ni por ~, by no means, soriador, -raadj. dreaming. 2 m.-f. dreamer

sońar tr. to dream: ni sonarlo, not even in dreams.2 intr. to dream; to daydream: ~ con or en, to dream of. ¶ CONJUG . like contar.

sońarrera f. sleepiness. 2 deep sleep

sońera f. sleepiness

sońolencia f.SOMNOLENCIA.

sońoliento, -ta adj. somnolent, sleepy, drowsy, heavy. 2 lazy. 3 soporiferous.

sopa f. sop [bread dipped in a liquid]: hecho una ~, coll. drenched, soaked to the skin. 2COOK. soup: comer la ~ boba, coll. to live at other people’s expense.

sopalancar tr. to lift with a lever.

sopapear tr. coll. to beat, slap.

sopapina f. beating, drubbing.

sopapo in. blow under the chin. 2 slap in the face.

sopeńa f. space or cavity under a rock.

sopera f. tureen, soup tureen.

sopero adj. soup [plate]

sopesar tr. to heft, test the weight of by lifting.

sopetear tr. to sop [bread]. 2 to maltreat.

sopetón m. toast soaked in olive oil. 2 box, slap. 3 de ~, suddenly.

soplcaldo in. very thin soup.

sopita f. dim. light soup.

;sopla! inter], gracious!, what a thing!

sopladero in. vent, blowhole.

soplado, -da adj. coll. overnice,spruce. 3 coll. conceited, stuck up.

soplador, -ra adj. blowing. 2 m.-f. blower. 3 m. blowing fan. 4SOPLADERO.

sopladura f. blowing. 2FOUND , air hole.

soplamocos m. box or slap on the nose.

soplar intr. to blow [send forth air from mouth, from a pair of bellows, etc.]. 2 [of the wind] to blow. 3 tr. to blow, blow upon, blow out. 4 to blow [glass]. 5 to fan [coals, a fire]. 6 to blow up; inflate. 7 to steal. 8 to huff [a man] in draughts. 9 to prompt, whisper [tell one what to say]. 10 to report, tattle. // ref. to be puffed up. 12 to stuff oneself.

soplete m. blowpipe, blowtorch, torch.

soplido m.SOPLO I.

soplillo m. blowing fan. 2 a kind of silk gauze, soplom. blow, blowing [forcing the air from the mouth, etc.]. 2 breath, puff, gust [of wind]. 3instant, moment. 4 secret warning. 5 report,piece of talebearing

soplón, -na m.-f. informer, talebearer

soplonear tr.-inlr. to inform, tell tales.

soponcio m. coll. fainting fit, swoon.

sopor m. MED . sopor, lethargy. 2 somnolence

soporifero, -ra adj. soporiferous, soporific.

soportable adj. supportable, bearable, tolerable.

soportal m.ARCH , porch, portico, arcade.

soportar tr. to support [bear the weight or stress of]- 2 to support, endure, suffer, tolerate

soporte m. support, bearing, rest, base.

soprano m.-f.MUS . soprano.

sopuntar tr. to underscore with dots.

sorf. sister [before the name of a nun].

sorber tr. to suck [drink by sucking]. 2 to sip. 3 to absorb, imbibe. 4 to swallow

sorbete m. sherbet, water ice. sorbeteraf. ice-cream freezer, sorbitom. dim. little sip.

sorbo m. absortion, imbibing. 2 sip, gulp, swallow [of a liquid]: bebera sorbos, to sip.

sordedad, sordera, sordez f. deafness.

sordidez f. dirtiness, squalidity. 2 sordidness.

sordido, -da adj. dirty, squalid. 2 sordid.

sordina f.MUS . mute, sordine, damper.

sordo, -da adj. deaf: ~ como una tapia, stonedeaf. 2 silent, still: a la sorda, noiselessly, imperceptibly. 3 muffled, dull, low [sound]. 4 dull [pain]. 5MATH., PHONET . surd. 6 m.-f. deaf person: ha-cerse el ~, to pretend to be deaf, to turn a deaf ear.

sordomudo, -da adj.-n. deaf and dumb, deafmute.

sorgo m. BOT . sorghum.

soriano, -na adj.-n. of Soria.

soma f. sluggishness. 2 sly slowness in doing or saying something, sorom. BOT . sorus.

sorocharse ref. (S. Am.) to become mountain sick, sorochem. (Am.) mountain sickness. 2 (Am.) blush flush. 3 (Bol., Chi.)GALENA. sorprendenteadj. surprising, sorprendertr. to surprise.

sorpresa f. surprise: coger de ~, to surprise [astonish; take unawares],

sorraf. side of tunny fish.

sorrostrada f. insolence, taunt, blunt remark

sorteamiento m.SORTEO.

sortear tr. to draw lots for; to raffle. 2 to evade, get around [a difficulty, etc.]. 3BULLF . to fight [the bull].

sorteo m. drawing [of numbers in a lottery]; drawing of lots; raffle. 2 evading or getting around [a difficulty, etc.]. 2BULLF . fighting the bull.

sortija f. small ring; finger ring. 2 curl [of hair], sortilegiom. sortilege.

sortilego, -gaadj. sortilegic, sortilegious. 2 m.-f. sortileger.

sosa f. CHEM . soda. 2 BOT . glasswort. 3 soda ash.

sosaina m.-f. dull, colourless person.

sosegadamente adv. calmly, quietly, peacefully. 2 unhurriedly.

sosegado, -da adj. calm, quiet, peaceful; pacified.

sosegador, -ra adj. calming, quieting. 2 m.-f. quieter, appeaser, soother, pacifier.

sosegar tr. to calm, quiet, appease, soothe, pacify. 2 intr. to rest, repose. 3 intr.-ref. to become calm, to quiet down. 4 to be pacified. ¶ CONJUG . like acerlar.

sosera, soseria f. dullness, insipidity, vapidness.

sosiego m. calm, quiet, peace, tranquility.

soslego, soslegue,etc. irr. V.SOSEGAR.

soslayar tr. to place obliquely. 2 to elude, evade, pass over [a question, a difficulty],

soslayo, -ya adj. oblique. 2 al ~, de ~, obliquely, askance; sideways; in passing.

soso, -sa adj. insipid, tasteless. 2 insipid, dull, uninteresting.

sospecha f. suspicion.

sospechar tr. to suspect [have an impression of the existence or presence of; to be inclined to think that]. 2 intr. to suspect, be suspicious about: ~ de una persona, to suspect a person.

sospechoso, -sa adj. suspicious [arousing suspicion], suspect. 2 suspicious [feeling suspicion]. 3 m.-f. suspect [person].

sospesar tr.SOPESAR.

sostln m. support. 2 sustenance. 3 brassiere.

sostenedor, -ra m.-f. supporter. 2 defender, upholder.

sostener tr. to support, sustain, hold up, prop. 2 to support, aid, give strength to, encourage. 3 to support, endure, tolerate. 4 to support, maintain [a family]. 5 to hold [a conference]. 6 to maintain, affirm, contend. 7 to defend, maintain [by argument]. 8 to maintain, sustain, keep up. 9 ref. to support oneself. ¶ CONJUG. like tener.

sostenldo, -da adj. supported. 2 sustained. 3 adj.-m.MUS . sharp.

sostenlmiento m. support. 2 maintenance, sustenance. 3 muro de —, retaining wall.

sota f.CARDS jack, knave.

sotabanco m. attic, garret.

sotabarba f. beard under the chin.

sotacola f.ATAHARRE.

sotana f. cassock, soutane. 2 coll. beating, drubbing.

s6tano m. cellar, basement, sotaventarse, sotaventearse ref.NAUT . to fall to leeward.

sotavento m.NAUT . lee, leeward.

sotechado m. shed.

soterrar tr. to bury underground. 2 fig. to bury, hide away, ¶ CONJUG . like acertar.

sotileza f. leader [of a fishline].

sotillo m. dim. little grove.

soto m. grove. 2 thicket.

soviet m. soviet.

sovi…ico, -ca adj. soviet, sovietic.

sovoz (a) adv. in a low tone, in an undertone.

soy irr. V. SER.

spinnaker m.NAUT . spinnaker.

su, pl. sus poss. adj. [for the 3rd person in every gender and number]: his, your, her, its, their.

suabo, -ba adj.-n. Swabian.

suasorio, -rla adj. suasive, persuasive.

suave adj. soft, smooth, delicate, mellow. 2 sweet [odour]. 3 soft, gentle, mild. 4 suave, tractable

suavidad f. softness, smoothness. 2 delicateness, mellowness, sweetness. 3 gentleness, mildness, suavity.

suavizador, -ra adj. softening, smoothing, mol-lifylling. 2 m. razor strop.

suavizar tr. to soften, smoothe. 2 to mollify, mitigate, ease, temper. 3 to strop [a razor].

subacuatico, -ca adj. subaqueous.

subalpino, -na adj. subalpine.

subaltemo, -na adj. subaltern, subordinate. 2 m.-f. subaltern.

subarrendador, -ra m.-f. subletter, subleaser.

subarrendar tr. to sublet, sublease. ¶ CONJUG . like acertar.

subarrendatarto, -rla m.-f. sublessee, subtenant.

subarriendo m. sublease

subasta f. auction, auction sale.

subastador m. auctioneer.

subastar tr. to auction, auction off, sell at auction.

subclase f.BIOL . subclass.

subclavio, -via adj. ANAT. subclavian.

subcomlsion f. subcommission, subcommitee.

subconsclente adj. subconscious.

subcostal adj. ANAT. subcostal.

subcutaneo, -a adj. subcutaneous.

subdelegado, -da m.-f. subdelegate.

subdlacono m. subdeacon.

subdireccion f. office of an assistant director.

subdlrector, -ra m.-f. assistant director.

subdito, -ta m.-f. subject [of a state, etc.].

subdlvidlr tr. to subdivide.

subdlvlsi6n f. subdivision.

subdominante f.MUS . subdominant.

suberoso, -sa adj. suberous, suberose.

subestlmar tr. to underrate, undervalue.

subfamllia f.BIOL . subfamily.

subgenera m.BIOL . subgenus.

sublda f. ascent, ascension, going up, climbing. 2 accession [to the throne, etc.]. 3 elevation, hoisting. 4 rise [of prices, tide,etc.]. 5 acclivity, rise.

subido, -da adj. raised, mounted [on]. 2 high, strong. 3 high [price]. 4 bright, deep [colour]. 5 ~ de color, fig. off-colour, risqu6.

subinspector m. subinspector.

sublntendente m. assistant intendant.

sublr intr. to go up, come up, ascend, rise, climb, mount, soar. 2 accede [to the throne, etc.]. 3 [of a river, prices, temperature, etc.] to rise. 4 to rise [become higher; increase in amount; come to the surface, slope upward; be promoted, prosper]. 5MUS . to rise. 6 ~ de tono, fig. to become more arrogant; to raise one’s voice. 7 tr. to raise, bring up, take up, hoist. 8 to ascend, climb, go up [the stairs, etc.]. 9 to raise [the voice, price, etc.], 10 ref. to climb, get [on]. 11subirse a la cabeza, to go to one’s head.

subltaneo, -a adj. sudden, unexpected.

sublto, -ta adj. sudden. 2 hasty, precipitate, impulsive. 3 adv. subito or de ~, suddenly.

subjefe m. assistant chief; second in command.

subjetividad f. subjectivity.

subjetivo, -va adj. subjective.

subjuntlvo adj.-m.GRAM , subjunctive.

sublevaci6n, sublevamiento f. insurrection, revolt.

sublevar tr. to raise in rebellion. 2 to stir up the indignation of. 3 intr. to revolt, rise in insurrection.

sublimacion f. sublimation.

subllmado, -da adj. sublimated. 2 m. enEM . sublimate.

sublimar tr. to sublime, sublimate. 2 CHEM. to sublimate.

sublime adj. sublime: lo ~, the sublime.

sublimidad f. sublimity.

subliminar adj. PSYCHOL . subliminal.

sublingual adj. ANAT. sublingual.

sublunar adj. sublunar, sublunary.

submarine -na adj. submarine, underwater. 2 m. NAUT . submarine.

submaxilar adj. ANAT. submaxillary.

submultiplo, -pla adj.-n.MATH , submultiple.

subhang adj. subnormal.

suboficial m. MIL. noncommissioned officer next above a sergeant.

suborden m. BIOL, suborder.

subordinación f. subordination.

subordinado, -da adj. subordinate; subservient. 2 CRAM, subordinate. 3 m.-f. subordinate.

subordinar tr. to subordinate.

subproducto m. by-product.

subrayar tr. to underline. 2 to emphasize.

subrepticio, -cia adj. surreptitious.

subrogar tr. LAW. to subrogate, surrogate, substitute.

subsanar tr. to mend, correct, remedy, repair, obviate. 2 to excuse, exculpate.

subscribir tr. to sign, subscribe. 2 to subscribe [to another’s opinion]. 3 to enter someone for a subscription to or for. 4 ref. to subscribe to or for. ¶ CONJUG. Past, p.: subscripto & subscrito.

suscripción f. subscription.

subscriptor, -ra m.-f. subscriber.

subsecretaría f. undersecretaryship.

subsecretario, -ria m.-f. undersecretary.

subsecuente adj. SUBSIGUIENTE.

subseguir intr., subseguirse ref. to follow next. ¶ CONJUG. like servir.

subsidiario, -ria adj. subsidiary [furnishing aid]. 2 LAW subsidiary.

subsidio m. subsidy. 2 ~ familiar, family allowance.

subsiguiente adj. subsequent.

subsistencia f. subsistence. 2 pl. provisions.

subsistente adj. subsistent.

subsistir intr. to subsist. 2 to last. 3 to live, find sustenance.

substancia f. METAPH. substance. 2 substance, matter. 3 substance [essence, most important part]: en ~, in substance, in brief. 4 nutritious part of food. 5 extract, juice. 6 value, importance. 7 coll. sense: hombre sin ~, senseless man.

substancial adj. substantial [pertaining to the substance]. 2 substancial, essential. 3 nourishing.

substantividad f. substantivity.

substanciar tr. to abstract, abridge. 2 LAW to conduct the proceedings of [a case].

substancioso, -sa adj. juicy, nourishing. 2 substantial, pithy. 3 important.

substantivar tr. GRAM, to substantivize.

substantivo, -va adj. substantive. 2 substantival. 3 m. GRAM, substantive noun.

substitución f.substitution.

substituible adj. replaceable.

substituir tr. to substitute, replace; to be a substitute for. ¶ CONJUG. like huir.

substitutivo adj. substitutive. 2 m. substitute [thing].

substituto m.-f. substitute [person].

substracción f. subtraction, deduction. 2 MATH. subtraction. 3 abstraction, purloining, stealing.

substraendo m. MATH, subtrahend.

substraer tr. to subtract, deduct. 2 MATH, to subtract. 3 to purloin, steal. 4 ~ a, to put away from. 5 ref. to elude, evade [observation, duty, etc.]. ¶ CONJUG. like traer.

substrato m. PHILOS, substratum.

subsuelo m. subsoil.

subtender tr. GEOM. to subtend.

subteniente m. MIL. second lieutenant.

subtensa f. GEOM. subtense, chord.

subterfugio m. subterfuge.

subterráneo, -a adj. subterranean, underground. 2 m. subterranean. 3 (Am.) subway.

subtítulo m. subtitle, subhead.

suburbano, -na adj. suburban. 2 m.-f. suburbanite.

suburbicario, -ria adj. suburbicarian.

suburbio m. suburb.

subvención f. subvention, subsidy.

subvencionar tr. to subsidize.

subvenir tr. to provide for [the needs of a person, community, etc.]; to meet, defray [expenses]. ¶ CONJUG. like venir.

subversivo, -va adj. subversive.

subvertir tr. to subvert. ¶ CONJUG. like hervir.

subvierto, subvierta, subvirtió,etc. irr. V. SUBVERTIR.

subyacente adj. subjacent, underlying.

subyugación f. subjugation.

subyugar tr. to subjugate, subdue.

succino m. succin, amber.

succión f. suction.

sucedáneo, -a adj. succedaneous. 2 m. succeda-neum, substitute [thing].

suceder intr. ~ a, to succeed [follow in order, ensue, be the successor of]. 2 ref. to follow one another, follow one after the other. 3 impers, to happen, occur.

sucedido m. event, happening.

sucesión f. succession [following in order; succeeding to the throne, etc.]. 2 LAW succession. 3 issue, offspring.

sucesivamente adv. successively: y así ~, and so on.

sucesivo, -va adj. successive, consecutive. 2 en lo ~, in the future, thereafter.

suceso m. event, happening. 2 issue, outcome. 3 course [of time].

sucesor, -ra m.-f. successor.

suciedad f. dirt, filth. 2 dirtiness, filthiness.

sucinto, -ta adj. succint, concise, brief.

sucio, -cia adj. dirty, filthy, foul, unclean. 2 soiled, stained. 3 untidy, slovenly. 4 tainted with guilt or sin. 5 obscene. 6 easily soiled. 7 blurred [colour]. 8 foul [play]. 9 adv. foully.

sucre m. sucre [Ecuadorean silver coin].

suculento, -ta adj. succulent, juicy, nourishing.

sucumbir intr. to succumb. 2 LAW to lose a suit.

sucursal adj. сом. branch. 2 f. branch [of a commercial house], branch office.

sud m. south. 2 south wind.

sudadero m. saddlecloth. 2 sweating place, sudatorium.

sudado, -da adj. sweating, sweaty, wet with sweat.

sudafricano, -na adj.-n. South African.

sudamericano, -na adj.-n. South American.

Sudán m. pr. n. GEOG. Sudan.

sudanés, -sa adj.-n. Sudanese.

sudar intr. to sweat, perspire. 2 fig. to sweat, toil.intr.-tr. to sweat, exude. 4 tr. to sweat [wet with perspiration].

sudario m. shroud, winding sheet.

sudatorio, -ria adj. sudorific.

sudeste m. southeast. 2 southeast wind.

sudoeste m. southwest. 2 southwest wind.

sudor m. sweat, perspiration, exudation. 2 fig.sweat, toil

sudoriento, -ta adj. wet with sweat.

sudorífero, -ra; sudorífico, -ca adj.-n. sudorific

sudoríparo, -ra adj. ANAT. sudoriferous [gland].

sudoroso, -sa adj. sweating.perspiring freely

sudoso, -sa adj. sweaty.

sudueste m. SUDOESTE.

Suecia f. pr. n. GEOG. Sweden.

sueco, -ca adj. Swedish. 2 m.-f. Swede: hacerse el ~, coll. to pretend not to hear.

suegra f. mother-in-law.

suegro m. father-in-law.

suela f. sole [of a shoe]: de siete suelas, fig. arrant, confirmed. 2 sole leather. 3 leather tip [of billiard cue]. 4 ICHTH, sole.

sueldo m. salary, pay: a ~ de, in the pay of. 2 sol [ancient coin].

sueldo, suelde, etc. irr. V. SOLDAR.

suelo m. ground, earth [surface of the earth] floor, pavement: arrastrarse porei ~, to crawl, creep; to cringe, humble oneself; venir or venirse al ~, to fall to the ground; to fail; por el ~, por los suelos, in state of great depreciation. 2 soil, land: ~ tiatal, native soil. 3 earth, world. 4 bottom, underside. 5 dregs, lees, sediment.

suelta f. release, setting free or loose.

suelto adj. loose [free; slack; hanging partly free; composed of free particles]. 2 light, swift, easy, agile, nimble. 3 flowing, fluent. 4 odd, loose, separate, detached. 5 single [copy]. 6 blank [verse]. 7 ~ de lengua, outspoken. 8 m. suelto or dinero ~, small change. 9 m. newspaper paragraph.

suelto, suelte, etc. irr V. SOLTAR.

sueno, suene, etc. irr. V. SONAR.

sueño m. sleep: ~ pesado, deep sleep; tener ~, to be sleepy; entre sueños, while half asleep. 2 sleepiness, drowsiness. 3 dream: en sueños, dreaming; ni por sueños, by no means.

sueño, sueñe, etc. irr. V. SOñAR.

suero m. BIOL., MED. serum. 2 whey.

sueroterapia f. serotherapy, serum therapy.

suerte f. chance, hazard; fortune, lot, fate, destiny.2 luck: buena or mala ~, good or bad luck. 3 good luck: tener~, to be lucky; por ~, luckily. 4 lot [in deciding or selecting by lot]: le cayó or le tocó la ~, the lot fell on him. 5 state, condition: mejorar de ~, to better oneself. 6 sort, kind, class. 7 manner, way: de ~ que, so that; and so. 8 BULLF. any of the parts in which a bullfight is divided.

sueste m. southeast. 2 NAUT. southwester [hat].

suéter m. (Angl.) sweater [thick woollen jersey].

suevo, -va adj.-n. Swabian.

suficiencia f. ability, efficiency: aire de ~, sufficiency, conceit.

suficiente adj. sufficient, sufficing, enough: ser ~, to suffice. 2 able, capable.

sufijo, -ja adj. suffixed. 2 m. suffix.

sufocar tr.-ref. SOFOCAR.

sufragáneo, -a adj.-m. suffragan.

sufragar tr. to defray, pay [the expenses]. 2 to aid, assist. 3 intr. (Am.) to vote.

sufragio m. suffrage. 2 help, assistance. 3 ECCL. prayer, etc., for the dead.

sufragista adj.-n. suffragist. 2 f. suffragette.

sufrible adj. sufferable, bearable.

sufrido, -da adj. enduring, patient, long-suffering.3 that does not show dirt [colour]. 4 complacent [husband].

sufridor, -ra adj. suffering. 2 m.-f. sufferer.

sufrimiento m. suffering. 2 bearing, endurance, tolerance.

sufrir ir. suffer [pain, loss, grief, punishment, etc.]. 2 to suffer, endure, bear up, permit, tolerate. 3 to undergo [a change, operation, etc.]. 4 to take [an examination]. 6 intr. to suffer. 7 to worry.

sufusión m. MED. suffusion.

sugerencia f. (Am.) suggestion, hint.

sugerir tr. to suggest, hint. ¶ CONJUG. like hervir.

sugestión f. suggestion [suggesting; idea, etc., suggested]. 2 [hypnotic] suggestion.

sugestionable adj. suggestible, easily influenced.

sugestionar tr. to hypnotize. 2 to influence [a person].

suicida adj. suicidal. 2 m.-f. suicide [person].

suicidarse réf. to commit suicide, destroy oneself.

suicidio m. suicide, self-murder.

Suiza pr. n. GEOG. Switzerland.

suizo, -za adj.-n. Swiss.

sujeción f. subjection. 2 subduing. 3 submission, obedience. 4 fastening. 5 accordance [with law, etc.].

sujetador m. holder, fastener, clamp, clip, etc.

sujetapapeles, pl. -les m. paperclip.

sujetar tr. to subject, subdue. 2 to check, hold, restrain. 3 to hold fast, catch, grasp; fasten, attach, tie. 4 ref. to submit, be subjected. 5 to conform to.

sujeto, -ta irr. p. p. of SUJETAR. 2 adj. held, grasped, attached. 3 subject [in subjection; liable, prone]. 4 m. GRAM., LOG., PHILOS, subject. 5 subject, matter. 6 coll. individual, fellow.

sulfatar tr. to sulphate.

sulfato m. CHEM. sulphate.

sulfhídrico, -ca adj. CHEM. sulphydric.

sulfito m. CHEM. sulphite.

sulfurar tr. CHEM. to sulphurate. 2 fig. to anger, incense. 3 ref. to get angry, get furious.

sulfùreo, -a adj. sulphureous, sulphury.

sulfúrico, -ca adj. CHEM. sulphuric.

sulfuro m. CHEM. sulphide.

sulfuroso, -sa adj. sulphurous.

sultán m. sultan.

sultana f. sultana, sultaness.

sultanato m., sultanía f. sultanate.

suma f. sum [aggregate; addition; total]; ~ y sigue, carried forward. 2 sum [of money]. 3 summa. 4 sum, substance: en ~, in sum.

sumador, -ra adj. adding. 2 m.-f. adder.

sumamente adv. exceedingly, extremely, highly.

sumando m. MATH, addend.

sumar tr. MATH, to add: máquina de ~, adding machine. 2 to amount to. 3 to add, join. 4 to sum up. 5 ref. sumarse a, to be added to; to adhere to [an opinion]; to join [a group].

sumaria f. LAW written proceedings. 2 MIL. indictment.

sumario, -ria adj. summary. 2 m. summary, abstract. 3 LAW indictment.

sumarisimo, -ma adj. LAW swift, expeditious.

sumergible adj. submersible. 2 m. submersible boat.

sumergir tr. to submerge, sink. 2 ref. to submerge,plunge, dive; be submerged.

sumersión f. submersion, immersion.

sumidad f. apex, top, tip.

sumidero m. sewer, drain, sink, sump.

suministrador, -ra adj. furnishing, providing,supplying. 2 m.-f. furnisher, provider, supplier.

suministrar tr. to furnish, provide, supply.

suministro m. providing, supplying. 2 provision,supply.

sumir Ir. to sink, plunge, engulf. 2 to take [the Eucharist] in the mass. 3 ref. to sink, plunge, be engulfed. 4 [of cheeks, etc.] to be sunken.

sumisión f. submission; submissiveness.

sumiso, -sa adj. submissive, humble, obedient.

summum m. the limit, the highest degree.

sumo, -ma adj. very great or much, greatest, highest, extreme, utmost: en ~ grado, highly; a lo ~, at most. 2 high, supreme: Sumo Pontífice, Pontifex Maximus; Sovereign Pontiff.

sunclón f. taking [of the Eucharist] in the mass.

Sund m. pr. n. GEOG. Sound.

suntuario, -ria adj. sumptuary.

suntuosidad f. sumptuousness.

suntuoso, -sa adj. sumptuous, gorgeous, magnificent.

supeditación f. subjection, subordination, supeditar tr. to reduce to subjection. 2 to subordinate.

superable adj. superable, surmountable.

superabundancia f. superabundance.

superabundar intr. to superabound.

superar tr. surpass, exceed, excel. 2 to overcome, surmount.

superávit m. surplus [excess of revenue over expenditure].

supercarburante m. high-test fuel.

superchería f. fraud, deceit, humbug, trick.

superdominante f. MUS. superdominant.

supereminente adj. supereminent.

superentender tr. to superintend, inspect, supervise.

supererogatorio, -ria adj. supererogatory.

superficial adj. superficial; shallow.

superficie f. surface, superficies. 2 area [superficial extent].

superfino, -na adj. superfine, extra fine.

superfluidad f. superfluity, superfluousness.

superfluo, -flua adj. superfluous.

superfosfato m. CHEM. superphosphate.

superhombre m. superman.

superintendencia f. superintendence, superinten-dency, supervision.

superintendente m.-f. superintendent, supervisor.

superior adj. superior. 2 upper. 3 better, finer. 4 higher [algebra, mathematics, education, etc.]. 6 m. superior.

superiora f. mother superior.

superioridad f. superiority, superiorness.

superiormente adj. superiorly, extremely well.

superlativo, -va adj. superlative, surpassing; highest. 2 adj.-m. GRAM, superlative.

superno, -na adj. supreme, highest.

supernumerario, -ria adj. supernumerary.

sùpero adj. воm. superior [ovary].

superponer tr. to superpose, superimpose, ¶ CONJUG. like poner.

superposición f. superposition, superimposition.

superpuesto, -ta p. p. of SUPERPONER.

supersensible adj. supersensitive.

supersónico, -ca adj. supersonic. 2 f. supersonics.

superstición f. superstition.

supersticioso, -sa adj. superstitious.

supersubstancial (pan) m. THEOL. the Host.

supervenir intr. SOBREVENIR, ¶ CONJUG. like venir.

supervivencia f. survival. 2 LAW survivorship.

superviviente adj. surviving. 2 m.-f. survivor.

supinación f. supineness. 2 supination.

supinador adj.-m. ANAT. supinator.

supino, -na adj. supine [opposed to prone]. 2 stupid, crass. 3 GRAM, supine.

súpito, -ta adj. SúBITO.

suplantación f. supplanting. 2 fraudulent alteration [in a writing].

suplantar tr. to supplant. 2 to alter [a writing] fraudulently.

suplementario, -ria adj. supplemental, supplementary.

suplemento m. supplement.

suplente adj. substituting. 2 m.-f. substitute.

supletorio, -ria adj. supple tory, supplemental.

súplica f. supplication, entreaty .petition, request.

suplicación f. supplication. 2 rolled waffle.

suplicante adj. suppliant. 2 m.-f. suppliant, supplicant.

suplicar tr. to supplicate, entreat, pray, beg.

suplicatorio, -ria adj. supplicatory.

suplicio m. torture. 2 LAW corporal punishment;execution; place of execution. 3 fig. anguish,suffering.

suplir tr. to supply [mдке up for deficiency, loss, need, etc.]. 2 to replace, serve as a substitute for.

supondré, supondría, etc. irr. V. SUPONER. suponedor, -ra m.-f. supposer.

1) suponer m. supposition.

2) suponer tr. to suppose, assume. 2 to imply, presuppose. 3 to entail [expense, etc.]. 4 intr. [of a person] to have weight or authority. ¶ ONJUG. like poner.

supongo, suponga, etc. irr. V. SUPONER.

suportar tr. SOPORTAR.

suposición f. supposition, assumption. 2 imposition, falsehood. 3 consequence, distinction.

supositicio, -cia adj. suppositious.

supositivo, -va adj. suppositive.

supositorio m. MED. suppository.

supradlcho, -cha adj. aforesaid, above-mentioned.

suprarrenal adj. ANAT. suprarenal.

suprasensible adj. supersensible.

supremacía f. supremacy.

supremo, -ma adj. supreme.

supresión f. suppression, abolition, elimination, omission.

supresivo, -va adj. abolishing, eliminating, omitting.

suprimir tr. to suppress, abolish, eliminate, strike out, do away with. 2 to omit.

supuestamente adv. pretendedly, assumedly.

supuesto, -ta irreg. p. p. of SUPONER. 2 adj. supposed, assumed, pretended: nombre ~, assumed name. 3 dar por ~, to take for granted; esto ~, this being understood; por ~, of course, naturally; ~ que, since, granting that. 4 m. supposition, assumption, hypothesis.

supuración f. suppuration.

supurar intr. MED. to suppurate.

supuse, supusiera, etc. irr. V. SUPONER.

suputar tr. computate, calculate, reckon.

sur m. south. 2 south wind.

sura f. surah.

surcado, -da adj. furrowed, sulcate, sulcated.

surcar tr. AGR. to furrow, plough. 2 to furrow, groove. 3 to cut through [the water, the air].

surco m. furrow, groove, rut. 2 groove [of a phonographic record]. 3 wrinkle, line [in the face].

sureste m. SUDESTE.

surgidero m. NAUT. anchorage, anchoring place.

surgir intr. [of water] to spirt, spurt, spring. 2 to come forth, issue, appear, arise. 3 NAUT. to anchor, f P. p.: surgido & surto.

suripanta f. formerly, a chorus girl.

suroeste m. SUDOESTE.

surrealismo m. surrealism.

surtida f. MIL. sally, sortie. 2 FORT, sally port. 3 NAUT. slipway.

surtidero m. outlet [of a pond]. 2 SURTIDOR 3.

surtido adj. сом. assorted. 2 m. сом. assortment, stock. 3 сом. supply.

surtidor, -ra adj. supplying. 2 m.-f. supplier. 3 m. jet, spout, springing up fountain. 4 ~ de gasolina, gasoline pump.

surtimiento m. supplying, furnishing.

surtir tr. to supply, furnish, provide, slock. 2 ~ efecto, to work, to have the desired effect. 3 intr. [of water] to spout, spirt, spurt, spring.

surto, -ta adj. NAUT. anchored.

sus posses, adj. pi. of su.

¡sus! interj. up!, forward!, get going!

Susana f. pr. п. Susan.

susceptibilidad f. susceptibility. 2 touchiness.

susceptible adj. susceptible [admitting of]- 2 touchy, ready to take offence.

suscitar tr. to raise, stir up, provoke, originate. 2 ref. to rise, start, originate.

suscribir tr.-ref. SUBSCRIBIR.

suscripción f. SUBSCRIPCIóN.

suscritor, -ra m.-f. SUBSCRIPTOR.

susodicho, -cha adj. above-mentioned, above-named.

suspender tr. to suspend, hang up. 2 to suspend [stop, delay, interrupt]. 3 to adjourn [a meeting]. 4 to suspend [from office]. 5 to astonish, ravish. 6 to fail [in an examination]. 7 ref. to be suspended, stopped or adjourned.

suspensión f. suspension: en ~, in suspension. 2 adjournment [of a meeting]. 3 astonishment, ravishment.

suspensivo, -va adj. suspending. 2 suspension [points].

suspenso, -sa adj. suspended: en ~, suspended, not decided; in suspense. 2 astonished, perplexed; 3 m. EDUC. failing mark [in an examination].

suspensorio* -ria adj.-m. suspensory.

suspicacia f. suspicion, distrust. 2 suspiciousness.

suspicaz adj. suspicious, distrustful.

suspirado, -da adj. sighed for, longed for.

suspirar intr. to sigh. 2 fig. ~ por, to sigh for; to love madly.

suspiro m. sigh: exhalar el último ~, to breathe one’s last. 2 kind of cake. 3 glass whistle. 4 MUS. short rest.

sustancia, sustancial, sustanciar, sustancioso,etc. = substancia. substancial, substanciar, substancioso, etc.

sustantivar tr. SUBSTANTIVAR.

sustantivo adj.-m. SUBSTANTIVO.

sustentable adj. defensible [by argument].

sustentación f. support, sustentation. 2 AER. lift.

sustentáculo m. support, prop, rest, stay.

sustentamiento m. sustentation, sustenance.

sustentar tr. to sustain, maintain, support, feed. 2 to sustain, support, hold up. 3 to sustain, defend.

sustento m. sustenance, maintenance. 2 support.

sustitución, sustituible, sustituir,etc. = SUBSTITUCIóN, SUBSTITUIBLE, SUBSTITUIR, etc.

susto m. fright, scare, shock: damn ~, to frighten, scare, startle. 2 fear, aprehensión.

sustracción, sustraendo, sustraer SUBSTRACCIóN, SUBSTRAENDO, SUBSTRAER.

susurrante adj. whispering; murmuring, murmurous, purling, rustling.

susurrar intr.-tr. to whisper: se susurra que, it is whispered or rumoured that. 2 intr. [of wind, etc.] to murmur; [of a book] to purl; [of leaves, etc.] to rustle.

susurro »I.whisper. 2 murmur, purling, rustle.

sutás m. soutache.

sutil adj. subtle, subtile. 2 thin, slender.

sutileza f. subtlety, subtility. 2 thinness, slender- ness. 3 dexterity, sutilidad f. subtlety.

sutilizartr. to subtilize. 2 to render thin or slender. 3 to refine, polish. 4 intr. to subtilize, split hairs.

sutura f. seam. 2 ANAT., BOT., ZOOL., SURG. suture.

suyo, suya, suyos, suyas poss. adj. (never used before the noun) his, her, its, their, of him, of her, of it, of them; of his, of hers, of its, of theirs. 2 de ~, by nature; on his (her, their) own accord. 3 esto es muy ~, this is like him. 4 poss. pron. his, hers, its, theirs. 5 hacer de las suyas, to be up to one’s old tricks. 6 salirse con la suya, to have one’s way. 7 m. pi. los suyos, his (her, their) family, people, etc.; yours [when using usted].

suzón m. воm. groundsel.

svástica f. swástica.