Z, z f. Z, z, twenty-eighth letter of the Spanish alphabet,

zabida, zabila f. BOT. aloe,

zabordar intr. NAUT. to run aground,

zabullida f. ZAMBULLIDA.

zabullir tr.-ref. ZAMBULLIR.

zacapela, zacapella f. shindy, row, noisy quarrel.

Zacarías m. pr. n. Zachary, Zechariah.

zacatín m. clothes market,

zafada f. NAUT. freeing, disentangling,

zafado, -da adj. forward, impudent,

zafar tr. NAUT. to free, clear, disengage. 2 to adorn, bedeck. 3 MACH. [of a belt] to slip off. 5 zafarse de, to avoid, elude, get out of.

zafarrancho m. NAUT. clearing of a part of a ship: ~ de combate, clearing for action; ~ de limpieza, general cleaning. 2 coll. breaking, destruction.3 coll. shindy, row.

zafiedadf, clumsiness, rusticity, uncouthness,

zafio, -fia adj. clumsy, rustic, ignorant, uncouth,

zafir m., zafira f. ZAFIRO.

zafíreo, -a adj. sapphire, sapphirine.

zafiro m. MINER, sapphire,

zafo, -fa adj. NAUT. free, clear. 2 safe, unharmed,

zafra f. olive-oil can. 2 drip pan [for olive-oil measures]. 5 sugar-making season. 6 MIN. rubbish,

zaga f. rear, back part: a la —, en ~, behind; no irle en ~ a uno, not to be inferior to one. 2 load in the rear of a carriage,

zagal m. lad, youth. 2 strapping young felow, swain. 3 shepherd's helper. 4 asistant of the driver in a stagecoach. 5 underskirt,

zagala f. lass, girl, maiden. 2 young shepherdess,

zagaleja f. dim. young lass,

zagalejo m. dim. young lad, boy. 2 underskirt,

zagalón, -na rn.-f. overgrown boy or girl,

zagual m. paddle [oar],

zaguán m. entry, entrance-hall, vestibule,

zaguero, -ra adj. rear, hind; lagging behind. 2 m.backstop [at the game of PELOTA],

zahareño, -ña adj. disdainful, unsociable. 2 wild, intractable, refractory. 3 haggard [falcon],

zaheridor, -ra adj. taunting, blaming, upbraiding.2 m.-f. taunter, blamer, upbraider.

zaherimiento m. taunt, upbraiding,

zaherir tr. to taunt, blame, upbraid. || CONJUG. like hervir.

zahina f. BOT. sorghum.

zahones m. pi. chaps, chaparajos.

zahori m. person credited by the popular belief with the power to see hidden things. 2 rhabdo- mancer. 3 fig. perspicacious person,

zahorra f. NAUT. ballast,

zahúrda f. POCILGA.

zaino, -na adj. false, treacherous. 2 dar-chestnut [horse]. 3 black [cattle]. 4 vicious [horse, mule],

zalagarda f. ambush. 2 trap, snare. 3 deceitful ob-sequiousness. 4 skirmish. 5 coll. row, shindy, zalama,

zalamería f. blandishment, cajolery, flattery.

zalamero, -ra adj. honeyed, caressing, flattering, cajoling. 2 m.-f. caresser, flatterer, cajoler. zalea f. unsheared skeepskin.

zalear tr. to drag and shake around. 2 to chase away [dogs],

zalema f salaam. 2 coll. bow, courtsy.

zallar tr. NAUT. to rig out, run out.

zamacuco m. dolt, blockhead. 2 sly fellow. 3 coll.drunk, drunken fit.

zamarra f. shepherd’s jacket of unsheared sheepskin. 2 unsheared sheepskin,

zamarrear tr. [of dogs, etc.] to worry, shake and tear with the teeth. 2 coll. to treat roughly, to knock around,

zamarro f. worrying and tearing with the teeth. 2 rough treatment; knocking around,

zamarrico m. dim. wallet of unsheared sheepskin,

zamarilia f. BOT. poly.

zamarro m. ZAMARRA 1. 2 sheepskin. 3 coll. boor, rustic, dolt. 4 coll. sly fellow. 5 pi. (Am.) chaps, chaparajos.

zambo, -ba adj. knock-kneed. 2 (Am.) born of an Indian and a Negro,

zambomba f. a rustic instrument. 2 interj. whew!

zambombazo m. hard blow, bump or knock,

zambombo m. boor, dolt.

zamborondón, -na; zamborotudo, -da adj. thick, clumsy, ill-shaped. 2 clumsy [person],

zambra f. a Morisco festival or merrymaking. 2 fig. merrymaking; noise, hullabaloo,

zambucar tr. coll. to hide [a thing] by mixing it quickly among others,

zambullida f, zambullimiento m. dive, plunge, ducking.

zambullir tr. to dive, plunge, duck [a person or thing] into water. 2 ref. [of a person or animal] to dive, plunge, duck. 3 [of a submarine] to dive.4 to duck, hide,

zamorano, -na adj.-n. of Zamora, zampa m. eng. pile, bearing pile,

zampar tr. to thrust or put hurriedly [in order to conceal]. 2 to eat hurriedly and gluttonously. 3 ref. to enter, go in suddenly,

zampatortas,pi. -tas m.-f. glutton. 2 boor, rustic,

zampeado m. eng., arch, grillage,

zampear tr. eng., arch, to strengthen [ground] with a grillage,

zampona f. mus. rustic flute, reed pipe; panpipe,

zampuzar intr., zambullir. 2 zampar.

zanahoria f. bot. carrot,

zanahoriate m. preserved carrot,

zanca f. shank [of bird]. 2 coll. long leg or shank.3 arch, string, stringboard [of a stair],

zancada f. long stride.

zancadilla f. trip [tripping someone]: echarla ~ a uno, to stick out one’s foot and trip someone. 2 trick, snare [to harm someone],

zancajear intr. to hurry about, rush around,

zancajiento, -ta adj. zancajoso.

zancajo in. heel bone; heel or torn heel [of a shoe or stocking], 2 coll. short, illshaped person,

zancajoso, -sa adj. duck-toed. 2 big-heeled [person]. 3 wearing stockings with holes at the heels.

zancarrón m. coll. leg bone without flesh. 2 coll.skinny, dirty old fellow. 3 coll. ignoramus,

zanco m. stilt: en zancos, fig. in a high position,

zancudo, -da adj. long-legged, long-shanked. 2 orn. wading. 3 f. orn. wader, wading bird. 4 m.■ (Am.) mosquito,

zanfonía f. mus. hurdy-gurdy,

zangala f. buckram,

zangamanga f. coll. trick, ruse, wile,

zanganear intr. to drone, idle, loaf,

zanganería f. idlennes, laziness,

zángano m. ent. drone. 2 fig. drone, idler, loafer,

zangarilleja f. slatternly, gadabout girl,

zangarrear intr. coll. to scrape a guitar,

zangolotear tr. to jiggle. 2 intr. to fidget or fuss about. 3 to shake, rattle, move loosely in its socket, on its hinges, etc.

zangoloteo in. jiggle, jiggling. 2 fussing about. 3 loose motion, shaking, rattling,

zangolotino, -na adj. fond of acting like a child; being made to pass as a child [grown boy or girl].

zangotear tr.-intr. zangolotear.

zangoteo in. zangoloteo.

zanguanga f. malingering. 2 coll. lagotería.

zanguango, -ga adj. slothful. 2 in.-f. slothful per-son.

zanja f. ditch, trench: ~ de desagüe, drain,

zanjar tr. to dig ditches or trenches in. 2 to settle [a matter or dispute]; to conclude, finish. 3 to obviate, surmount,

zanjón in. augtn. large deep ditch,

zanquear intr. to waddle in walking. 2 to run about, to walk much and fast,

zanquilargo, -ga adj. long-shanked, long-legged,

zanquituerto, -ta adj. bandy-legged,

zanquivano, -na adj. coll. spindle-legged.

Zanzibar f. pr. n. geog.

Zanzibar, zapa f. spade [used by sappers]. 2 fort, sap, trenching: trabajo de ~, fig. secret work, intrigue. 3 shagreen, sharkskin. 4 shagreen [leather]. 5 sharkskin finish [on metals],

zapador m. mil. sapper.

zapapico m. mattock, pickax, pickaxe,

zapar intr. MIL. to sap, mine, excavate,

zaparrastrar intr. coll. to trail one’s clothes,

zaparrastroso, -sa adj.-n. ZARRAPASTROSO.

zapata f. buskin, half-boot. 2 BUILD, bolster. 3 NAUT. shoe [of an anchor]. 4 NAUT. false keel. 5 MECH. shoe [of a brake, etc.].

zapatazo m. large shoe. 2 blow with a shoe. 3 heavy fall or blow. 4 thud, thump, whack. 5 NAUT. flap [of a sail],

zapatear tr. to strike with the shoe. 2 to tap with the feet. 3 FENC. to touch repeatedly with the button of the foil. 4 coll. to ill-treat. 5 intr. NAUT. [of sails] to flap,

zapatera f. woman who makes or sells shoes. 2 shoemaker’s wife,

zapatería f. shoemaker’s shop. 2 shoe shop. 3 shoemaker’s trade,

zapateril adj. [pertaining to a] shoemaker,

zapatero, -ra adj. hard, poorly cooked [beans]. 2 stale [olive]. 3 m. shoemaker: ~ de viejo, ~ remendón, cobbler mender of shoes. 4 ENT. water skipper, water strider. 5 CARDS, quedarse ~, to take no tricks,

zapateta f. slap on the foot or shoe while jumping.2 caper, leap, jump,

zapatilla f. slipper, light shoe. 2 leather washer [for keys of a wind instrument], 3 FENC. leather button [of a foil],

zapato m. shoe, low shoe: saber uno donde le aprieta el ~, to know on which side one’s bread is buttered.

zapatón, pi. -tones m. augm. large, clumsy shoe, ¡zape! interj. used to frighten cats away, zapote m. BOT. sapote [tree and fruit]. 2 chico ~, CHICOZAPOTE. zapotero m. BOT. sapote [tree], zapotillo m. BOT. sapodilla. zaque m. wineskin. 2 coll. drunk person.

Zaqueo m. pr. n. Zaccheus.

zaquizamí m. garret, cockloft. 2 fig. hovel, hole, mean room, zar m. czar, tzar.

zarabanda f. saraband. 2 fig. noise, bustle,

zaragata f. row, noise, tumult; noisy merrimak- ing.

zaragatero, -ra adj. fond of engaging in rows and tumults; noisy, merry, fond of tun.

zaragatona f. BOT. fleawort.

Zaragoza f. pr. n. GEOG. Saragossa,

zaragozano, -na adj.-n. of Saragossa,

zaragüelles m. pi. a kind of short, wide and plaited breeches,

zaragutear tr. coll. to bungle,

zaranda f. sieve, screen. 2 colander,

zarandajas f. pi. coll. trifles, unimportant things,

zarandar tr. to sift, winnow [grain, etc.]. 2 to strain [jelly], 3 fig. to stir, move [things] about, or to and fro, easily and swiftly. 5 ref. to move briskly about or to and fro.

zarandear tr.-ref. ZARANDAR. 2 tr. to harass, overwork. 3 ref. to walk swinging affectedly hips and shoulders.

zarandeo m. sifting, screening. 2 swift or brisk moving about,

zarandillo in. dim. small sieve or screen. 2 fig. live wire, active person. 3 fig. restless, mischievous boy. 4 traerle a uno como un ~, coll. to keep someone on the go.

zarapito m. ORN. curlew,

zaraza f. chintz.

zarazo, -za adj. half-ripe [fruit],

zarceño, -ña adj. [pertaining to] bramble,

zarcero, -ra adj. hunting in brambles [dog],

zarceta f. CERCETA 1.

zarcillltos m. pi. BOT. quaking grass.

zarcillo m. eardrop. 2 bot. tendril. 3 weeding hoe.

zarco, -ca adj. light-blue [eyes or waters],

zarevitz m. czarevitch, tzarevitch.

zarigüeya f. zool. opossum.

zarina f. czarina, tzarina.

zarpa f. paw [of a lion, tiger, etc.]. 2 cazcarria. 3 naut. weighing anchor. 4 arch, footing,

zarpada f. blow with a paw.

zarpar intr. naut. to weigh anchor, set sail,

zarpazo m. zarpada. 2 batacazo.

zarracatín m. coll. greedy merchant,

zarramplín m. bungler. 2 good-for-nothing,

zarramplinada f. bungle, stupidity,

zarrapastrón, -na adj. tattered, shabby, slovenly, dirty. 2 m. ragamuffin. 3 f. slut,

zarrapastroso, -sa adj. zarrapastrón.

zarza f. bot. bramble, blackberry, blackberry bush.

zarzal m. blackberry patch, brambles,

zarzamora f. bot. brambleberry. 2 bramble, blackberry [fruit]. 2 bramble, blackberry bush,

zarzaparrilla f. bot. sarsaparrilla.

zarzaperruna f. escaramujo 1 & 2.

zarzarrosa f. bot. dog rose [flower], zarzo m. hurdle, wattle.

zarzuela f. zarzuela [Spanish musical comedy],

zarzuelero, -ra adj. [pertaining to the] zarzuela,

¡zas! interj. bang!

zascandil in. coll. busybody, good-for-nothing,

zascandilear intr. to meddle,

zazo, -za; zazoso, -sa adj. tartajoso.

Zebedeo in. pr. n. BIBL. Zebedee.

zebra f. CEBRA. zeda f. zed [letter Z],

zedilla f. CEDILLA.

Zelanda, Zelandia f. pr. n. GEOG. Zealand.

Zendavesta m. Zend-Avesta, zenit in. cenit.

zepelin m. Zeppelin [dirigible],

zeta f. zed [letra Z]. 2 zeta [Greek letter],

zeugma, zeuma f. gram, zeugma,

zigomorfo, -fa adj. biol. zygomorphic, zygomor- phous. .

zlgospora f. bot. zygospore,

zigzag m. zigzag,

zigzaguear intr. to zigzag, zinc m. cinc.

zipizape in. coll. row, shindy, scuffle.

¡zis, zas! interj. bing, bang!

zoantropia f. med. zoanthropy.

zócalo m. arch, socle. 2 arch, dadc [of a wall],

zocato, -ta adj. overripe [fruit]. 2 left-handed. 3 m.- f. left-handed person,

zoclo m. zoco 2.

zoco, -ca adj.-n. zocato 1 & 2. 2 in. clog, wooden shoe. 4 Moroccan market or market place. 5 arch, socle,

zodiacal adj. zodiacal,

zodíaco tn. astr. zodiac, zoilo m. fig. malevolent critic, detractor,

zollipar intr. coll. to sob.

zollipo m. coll. sob.

zona f. zone. 2 belt, area, region. 3 med.

zoster, shingles.

zonzo, -za adj. dull, insipid, silly. 2 m.-f. dull person. 4 simpleton.

zonzorrión, -na adj. very dull or silly.

zoófago, -ga adj. zoophagus.

zoófito m. ZOOL. zoophyte.

zoografia f. zoography.

zooide adj. zooidal. 2 BIOL., ZOOL. zooid.

zoolatría f. zoolatry.

zoología f. zoology.

zoológico, -ca adj. zoologic, zoological,

zoólogo m. zoologist, zoospora m. BOT. zoospora,

zootecnia f. zootechny. zoo tropo in. zoetrope.

zopenco, -ca adj. doltish, block-headed. 2 m.-f.dolt, blockhead,

zopilote m. ORN. (Am.) turkey buzzard,

zopo, -pa adj. crooked, deformed [foot or hand]. 2 m.-f. person having crooked or deformed feet or hands.

zoquete tn. block, chunk [of wood]. 2 chunk [of bread], 3 coll. short, fat, ugly fellow. 4 coll. blockhead,

zoquetudo, -da adj. clumsy, ill-shaped, zorcico m. Basque song and dance,

zoroástrico, -ca adj. Zoroastrian.

Zoroastro m. pr. n. Zoroaster, zorongo tn. kerchief folded around the head, worn by Aragonese men. 2 flat chignon. 3 Andalusian dance and tune,

zorra f. ZOOL. fox. 2 ZOOL. female fox. 3 fig. fox [crafty person], 4 coll. harlot. 5 coll. drunk, drunkeness. 6 truck, dray. 7 ICHTH. ~ de mar, fox shark.

zorrastrón, -na m.-f. crafty, sly person; fox.

zorrera f. fox hole,

zorrería f. foxiness; cunning, wile,

zorrero, -ra adj. fox-hunting [dog]. 2 crafty, cunning. 3 NAUT. heavy-sailing. 4 fig. lagging behind.

zorrillo m. ZOOL. (Am.) skunk,

zorro, -rra adj. crafty, cunning. 2 m. ZOOL. fox, male fox. 3 fox [fur], 4 fig. fox [crafty person], 5 coll. hacerse el ~, to feign ignorance or absentmindedness. 6 pi. duster,

zorzal tn. ORN. fieldfare. 2 fig. sly fellow. 3 (Am.)simpleton,

zoster f. MED. zoster, shingles, zote adj. dull, ignorant. 2 m. dolt, blockhead,

zozobra f. uneasiness, anxiety. 2 NAUT. [danger of] sinking or capsizing,

zozobrar intr. NAUT. to be in danger of sinking or capsizing. 2 NAUT. to founder, sink, capsize. 3 to be wrecked or ruined. 4 to be anxious, uneasy, zuavo tn. MIL.

Zouave, zuda f. AZUD. ’

zueco in. sabot, clog, wooden shoe,

zulngliano, -na adj.-n. Zwinglian.

zulaque tn. a kind of mastic for packing pipe joints, etc.

zulú, pi. -lús or -lúes adj.-n. Zulu.

Zululandia f. pr. n. GEOG. Zululand.

zulla f. BOT. French honeysuckle. 2 coll. excrements.

zullarse ref coll. to go to stool. 2 coll. to break wind.

zullón, -na adj. coll. breaking wind often. 2 m.wind [from the bowels],

zumaque tn. sumac(h [plant and material], 2 coll.wine, grape, wine, zumba f. bell worn by a leading mule or ox. 2 bull- roarer [toy], 3 banter, chaff, mockery.

zumbador, -ra adj. humming, buzzing. 2 m. ELECT. buzzer.

zumbar intr. to hum, buzz, drone, whizz. 2 [of the ears] to ring. 3 tr. coll. to deal, deliver [a blow].4 ref. zumbarse de, to make fun of. zumbel m. string for spinning a top.

zumbido m. hum, buzz, drone, whizz. 2 ringing [in the ears]. 3 ping [of a bullet]. 4 coll. blow, box, smack.

zumbón, -na adj. bantering, rallying, mocking. 2 waggish. 3 m.-f. mocker, jester, wag.

zumiento, -ta adj. exuding jui0ce,

zumlllo m. dim. little juice. 2 DRAGONTEA. 3 TAPSIA.

zumo m. juice [of plants, flowers, fruit, etc.], expressed juice. 2 fig. profit, advantage, zumoso, -sa adj. juicy [full of juice], zuncho m. strengthening hoop or band; ferrule,

zupia f. dregs [of wine]. 2 wine full of dregs. 2 collslops. 4 coll. scum, thrash,

zurano, -na adj. zurito.

zurcido, -da m. darn, darning, fine-drawing,

zurcidor, -ra m.-f. sew. darner,

zurcir tr. sew. to am, mend; to fine-draw. 2 fig. to join, unite. 3 coll. to make a tissue of [lies],

zurdo, -da adj. left-handed [person]: no ser~, fig. to be clever. 2 left [hand]. 3 m.-f. lefthanded person. 4 f. left hand,

zurear intr. [of doves] to coo.

zurito, -ta adj. wild, stock [pigeon, dove],

zuro, -ra adj. zurito. 2 m. corncob.

zurra f. tan. currying, dressing. 2 beating, drubbing.

zurrador m. leather currier or dresser,

zurrapa f. sing. & pi. lees, dregs, grounds, settlings. 2 f. sing. coll. thrash, rubbish. 3 coll. ugly skinny boy.

zurrapelo m. coll. dressing down, sharp reprimand.

zurrapiento adj. dreggy, turbid, roily,

zurrar tr. tan. to curry, dress [leather]. 2 to spank, flog, drub, thrash, wallop: ~ la badana a uno, to tan someone,

zurriagar tr. to lash, whip. 2 to whip [a top],

zurriagazo m. lash, whip [stroke], 2 fig. lash, blow, unexpected mishap or ill-treatment,

zurriago m. lash, whip. 2 whip [for spinning a top].

zurribanda f sound drubbing. 2 noisy row or scuffle.

zurriburri m. coll. despicable fellow. 2 coll. rabble. 3 confusion, uproar, zurrido m. buzz, whirr. 2 coll. blow with a stick,

zurrir intr. to buzz, whirr.

zurrón m. shepher’s pouch. 2 game bag. 3 leather bag. 4 bot. husk,

zurullo m. soft roll [of anything], 2 coll. turd,

zurumbático, -ca adj. stunned, dumb-founded.

zurupeto m. unregistered stockbroker,

zutano, -na m.-f. So-and-so. | It is used after «fulano»; fulano, ~ y mengano, Tom, Dick and Harry, zuzón m. bot. groundsel.