To James Aitchison


I AVAIL MYSELF with great pleasure of the opportunity that is offered to me, of again manifesting the esteem which I entertain for you. I repeat the assurances of my regard the more readily, because there are those who are anxious to interpret some of the incidents in this fiction, to the disadvantage of the British character. To you, who know my private sentiments on all subjects, it will be unnecessary to say, that national illiberality is not among my foibles; or that I am in the smallest degree insensible to the many valuable qualities which form the groundwork of an Englishman’s virtues. I think the book itself is my justification on this point. If there be any individual criminality portrayed, that is not to be traced to the faults of our common nature, under the operation of peculiar circumstances, I am not conscious of it; and I am aware that all Englishmen, who, like yourself, are educated, liberal, and intelligent, will readily admit, that less offensive matter could not easily be introduced in a tale, professedly written with a view to draw the imaginations of our readers of fiction, from the contemplation of English scenes, to the homebred virtues of their own fire-sides. That there are Col. Wellmeres in every army, any man in the least acquainted with life, will readily admit;—that I represented him as your countryman, was owing to the fact, that it was against your country that my own was, at the time of my tale, contending.

Our intimacy has existed many years, and I sincerely hope that it will so continue, until one of us may cease to live.

Assuredly your friend,

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