Lauren woke to sun pouring through her window.
The bed was comfortable, the large colorful quilt was soft and cozy, and she didn’t want to get up. She immediately thought about Reese and the kiss last night and her response to it.
She also felt guilty and disloyal. It had been less than two years since Dane died. How could she feel so drawn to another man? How could she possibly stay here when every meeting between Reese and herself erupted into internal fireworks? There was no way they could keep their attraction private.
The drive today might give her some perspective. She had none at the moment. She just wanted to feel his arms around her again. The word family kept creeping into her thoughts. The ranch had felt like a family last night: one big boisterous family. It was something she’d always wanted.
She got up, wrapped a towel around herself and looked out the window. Even after the late night, the ranch was bustling. She went into the bathroom and looked at her clothes with distaste. They smelled like horse. She’d thought about washing them last night but she knew they wouldn’t dry in time.
This was Tuesday. She’d first driven up to Eagles’ Roost a week ago Sunday. The world—at least her world—had changed within that time. She hadn’t thought she could love again, especially this soon. She feared she was reaching that point.
It was much too early to think—or feel—in those terms. She’d never believed in love at first sight, or first day or even first week.
She picked over every word he’d said, trying to find a clue to his past romance, or romances. Had he married? If so, there was no evidence of it. She could ask Sally but no, she couldn’t. No one had said anything. Asking would invite questions she couldn’t answer. She could look him up on the internet, but that seemed an invasion.
She took a cold shower, then a hot shower and washed her hair with the care package Sally had given her last night. She was wrapped in a towel when a knock came at the door. She opened it and peeked out.
Her daughter stood there with a pile of clothes in her hands. “Hi, Mom,” she said.
It was the cheeriest “hi, Mom” she’d heard in the past sixteen months, and Lauren’s heart soared.
“From Sally,” Julie continued. “She got your clothes last night and washed them. She said hers were too large. They were. You looked kind of funny. They were also rather messy after stomping around in the stable.”
Relief flooded Lauren as she accepted the clothes. “Well, thank you. How she finds time to do everything is beyond my comprehension, but I’m grateful. I’m going back to Covenant Falls this morning. My luggage is there. I’d planned on being here one afternoon, not two and a half days.”
“But you are coming back?” Julie pleaded. “That was so much fun last night.”
Lauren raised her eyebrows. “Cleaning stalls? Fun?”
“Yeah. We made a game out of it.”
“I think you did a fantastic job,” Lauren said honestly as she clutched her towel. “All of you. You certainly surprised the ranch hands.”
“I kinda like Nathan,” Julie blurted out as if she couldn’t hold it in any longer.
Warning bells went off in Lauren’s head. “Does he kinda like you?”
“I don’t know for sure, but maybe.”
“He’s older than you.”
“Just eighteen months. I’m fifteen and he just turned seventeen.”
“That’s a lot of difference at your age and you’re only here for two and a half more weeks,” Lauren said. Listen to yourself and heed.
Julie looked cautious. “I know.”
“I want to ask you something,” Lauren said.
“What?” Julie asked cautiously.
Lauren took a deep breath, then said, “Mr. Howard and Sally have asked me to stay this week and help with some computer problems. Is that okay with you?”
Julie hesitated just long enough to ring more warning bells in her head. The last thing she wanted to do was alienate her daughter. She couldn’t forget Dane’s sadness that came from losing his family.
But then, Julie grinned. “It’s okay. Jenny and the boys really like you. They’re jealous I have a mom they can have fun with.”
It wasn’t exactly the roaring approval she’d hoped for, but then Julie was a teenager. She took the okay as consent.
“Then I’ll try it,” Lauren said. “I’ll be back in the morning. I want to be here for the recognition ceremony. I’m sorry the other parents can’t. You guys have worked so hard.”
“There’s whispers there will be a surprise,” Julie said. “Because of last night.”
“Then I’ll definitely make it back.” She tested another idea. “It’s not a bad drive. It’s scenic, and I can’t wait for you to visit Covenant Falls. You’ll love it. I’ve been thinking that maybe we can look at property around here. You could have a horse here. Unless you want to stay in San Antonio.”
Julie looked uncertain. “I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it. Dad loved...Texas.”
He loved it because he flew there. But Lauren didn’t want to say that. She changed the subject back to the present. “Whatever we do it will be a joint decision. Think about it.”
“How long will you be staying at the ranch?” Julie asked.
“Depends on when their business manager returns. They expect her back within a week.”
“You know I’m seeing a whole new mom here,” her daughter said. “Especially Monday. I never thought I would see you sweeping out a stall.”
“I’m the same one, sweetie,” Lauren replied.
“I always...felt you liked flying better than anything.”
“Oh, Julie, I’m sorry. That’s never been true. You’ve always been first with me.”
Julie ducked her head. “I knew that when you resigned your commission.” She smiled. “But I’m really glad you’re staying, and you looked super good on that horse.”
“Thank you, daughter.” She reached over and hugged Julie.
“Are you leaving now?”
“Right after breakfast,” Lauren said.
“I’m glad you stayed here the last two nights,” Julie said. “Thanks for insisting that I come here.”
“Did I insist?”
“Pretty much,” Julie replied with a smile.
“Want to have breakfast with me before I leave?”
“I already ate, and it’s time to feed Snowflake.” She gave Lauren another quick hug and moved faster than Lauren had noticed before. Lauren followed her out the door and watched as Julie started down the stairs. She wasn’t using the crutches and she was walking better with a brace. She’d worked just as hard as anyone last night.
Lauren looked at the mound of clothes, then got dressed.
She grabbed her purse and keys and went down to the kitchen. Pancakes were on the menu, along with fried eggs, bacon, thick slices of ham and fried potatoes.
Betty greeted her. “Good morning,” she said. “Thanks for all your help last night.”
“Believe it or not, it was fun,” Lauren said. “It feels good to be useful again. Where’s Sally? I wanted to thank her for the clean clothes.”
“She’s grabbing a few hours of sleep.”
“What about you?”
“I’ll get mine this afternoon. And I did get some sleep last night.”
“Everyone else gone?”
“Some of the ranch hands left at dawn,” Betty said. “They’re still looking for strays and putting fences together at the new pasture. Others are sleeping. The riding instructor arrived and will take care of the riding sessions today. Reese will be back in time for the mustang visits.”
“Reese went with them this morning?”
“He did. That man never stops.”
“Doesn’t seem like anyone on the ranch ever stops,” Lauren observed. She helped herself to several pancakes. She figured she worked it off in advance last night. She added bacon, a slice of ham and some fried potatoes.
“I like a good appetite,” Betty said.
“Good, because I’m driving to Covenant Falls today to pick up my luggage. I’ll be back tomorrow to start working on the computer.”
“Thank the Good Lord,” Betty exclaimed. “Reese is a temperate man until it comes to that machine and it doesn’t work, which is most of the time he uses it. To tell you the truth, he resents anything he can’t do well. And since he does most things well, he takes his ire out on the few he doesn’t.”
Lauren had difficulty believing that. Reese seemed to be the most even-tempered man she’d ever met. “What about Nathan?”
“Nathan’s better than Reese, but he’s no computer genius, either. His life is horses and music. I’m not sure yet which will win out.”
Lauren smiled. “It would be downright unfair if they were good at everything. There would be nothing left for us mortals to do.”
Betty laughed.
Lauren finished her breakfast. “Thanks, Betty. I’m off.”
Reese pulled a calf out of muddy water and balanced him on the front of the saddle. He’d brought three of the ranch hands to find any of the animals they’d missed last night in the dark.
He hadn’t waited this morning to talk to Lauren. He wanted to get out and pick up stragglers from last night. And he didn’t want to give her an opportunity to change her mind about staying.
He should have told her about his wife, but the pain was still deep and he hadn’t wanted to scare her off, although he doubted she scared easily. Anyone who piloted jets full of ammunition wouldn’t be easily scared. When his cousin Patti first mentioned Julie as a possible prospect for the program he was dubious about her being a good fit. Certainly, an air force major and widow of a colonel had resources that most of the kids in the program didn’t.
Lauren had been a surprise in many ways. He hadn’t wanted to like her when he first saw her with her indignant “why weren’t you here?” look. But her interest in mustangs started to temper his feelings, and when she leaned down to greet Leo by scratching him in all his favorite places, he started wondering what other surprises awaited him.
More than he’d bargained for.
And now he’d lowered himself to using the computer to keep her here. He wasn’t quite as bad as he portrayed himself, but if he couldn’t do something well, he damn well didn’t want to do it at all. It was one of his admitted failings, and everyone on the ranch had heard him swearing at the damn thing.
Maybe it was finally proving its worth.
He reached the other cowhands and signaled, “Let’s go home.”
As soon as she reached Covenant Falls, Lauren wanted to turn around and return to Eagles’ Roost, even as she wondered how she could become attached to a place so quickly. Or to a man so deeply.
After retrieving her suitcase, the only commitment she had here was the riding lesson. She could do that and get back before dark.
She thought she needed time to consider everything that had happened over the past few days, that maybe she could do so more logically away from Eagles’ Roost. But she quickly decided she could do that on the ride back. Besides, this was the day her daughter was meeting her mustang.
She checked her watch. Her riding appointment was at twelve, an hour from now.
Jimmy, the same desk clerk who had greeted her when she arrived a week ago, was on duty.
“Happy to see you again, Mrs. MacInnes. When we heard about the trouble at Eagles’ Roost, we left your room as it was. No charge for the extra days. We haven’t needed the room and we understand floods around here. Do you still have the key or do you need a new one?”
“I have it, thanks, but I’m just staying until around 1:00 p.m. I’ll be vacating the room then.”
“I hope there’s no problem.”
“No, everything has been lovely. Better than that, really. It’s been perfect. I’m staying at the Eagles’ Roost Ranch for a few days.”
“Mr. Howard often stays here,” he said. “He’s one of our favorite guests. Is there anything we can do for you?” he added.
“No, thank you.”
“I can heat up some rolls for you,” he offered.
She groaned. “I had a huge breakfast this morning, but thanks.”
She went to her room.
It was exactly as she’d left it, except the bed was made and the bathroom was spotless. She opened her small laptop and went online. She hadn’t taken it to Eagles’ Roost. She’d been too much in a hurry to get there and had overlooked it. That was a first for her.
Eagles’ Roost, she decided, had placed a spell on her.
Maybe it was a good spell. She felt alive, truly alive, for the first time since Dane died. It wasn’t only Reese, although he was a big part of it; it was also the pleasure of seeing her daughter find something she loved as much as running. She didn’t know how she would manage it but she was determined to give her daughter that horse. And a dog.
The phone rang. “Hi,” Reese said. His deep voice warmed her. “Just wanted to make sure you made it okay. Some roads are still pretty bad.”
“No problems on this one,” she said as she pictured him in her mind. He would be in jeans, maybe in a dark blue shirt with his worn boots and worn cowboy hat. Probably leaning over the fence and staring at the mustangs.
“It’s a long drive.”
“It’s nothing compared to some of the flights I’ve piloted,” she said. “It’s good thinking time.”
“Reach any conclusions?”
“As a matter of fact, I have,” she said. “I’ve been thinking about your computer on the way here,” she added, trying to keep amusement from her voice. “I think maybe if you named it something warm and fuzzy, like Maggie, it would respond better. I think it senses your hostility.”
There was a silence, then a chuckle. “Maybe I better find another computer fixer.”
“Then she would really throw a tantrum.”
“I can’t let that happen,” he replied. “Maggie it is, and I’ll give all the credit to you.” He paused, then added, “I miss you already,” he said, the laughter gone.
“I’m heading out to my riding lesson.”
“You know there’s a few riding instructors around here,” he said.
“But they’re already booked up to capacity,” she retorted, then added seriously, “I don’t want to compete with my daughter. Eagles’ Roost is meant to be her world. I don’t want to break into it. If I’m there, I want to be in the background. I don’t want to take up teaching time. I do want to see my daughter taming a mustang.
“And,” she added, “Luke and I understand each other,” she continued, trying her best to explain to herself as well as to him. “Student and teacher. However, I am not averse to private instruction from time to time.”
“I’ll see if someone can provide it.”
“How is Julie?”
“She met her mustang this morning. She has the black mare and named her Midnight. The selections were made by picking names from a box. I didn’t want anything to do with it.”
“When it comes to choosing mustangs for kids, yeah, I’m a chicken. As for Julie, she’s reading a story to Midnight now. She’s about eight feet away from her and the mare is listening. Julie has a great voice for this. Calm. Soothing. She is definitely your daughter,” he added. “She’s becoming a regular little equestrian.”
“I’m soothing? No one has ever called me that before... Has she said anything to you about her leg?”
“She’s taking off her brace more. Is that okay?”
“Now that the foot is responding, she needs to work on improving the movement. But while on a horse, I worry that the foot might get twisted in some way so I think it’s wise to use the brace while riding.”
“Okay,” he said. “Still staying until tomorrow?”
“No, I decided to head back after the lesson.”
“Great. Enjoy and drive safely.” He hung up.
She glanced at her watch. She had thirty minutes before the lesson. She chose one of the new pairs of jeans and a green-and-white-checkered shirt, brushed her hair back and pulled on her boots.
She packed everything else into her suitcase. She’d had to buy a new one for the trip. She hadn’t used anything but duffels for more years than she wanted to count. She stopped to consider that, nostalgia knocking at her mental door.
When everything was in the car, she checked out, thanked Jimmy for everything and drove to Luke’s ranch.
“You’ve improved,” he said when she cantered around the circle and pulled up neatly when he gave the signal. “You’ve had some practice.”
“Not much,” she replied, “but some, and I have to cancel tomorrow’s lesson. I’m returning to the ranch today.”
He nodded. “You have a new sparkle in your eyes. Mountain air seems to suit you.”
“It does.”
“Might you be staying longer than you expected?”
“I’m not sure.”
“I think you are,” he said with a twinkle. “Reese?”
She nodded. It was impossible to lie to him.
Luke nodded. “He’s one of the good guys. You two are suited for each other if I’ve ever seen it. You’re quiet on the outside and full of heart inside.”
“It’s been such a short time,” she protested as she dismounted and led the horse to the stable.
“When you know, you know,” he said. “I took one look at a girl barrel racing at a rodeo one evening and knew I was going to marry her. She thought I was crazy when we met, and I told her that. We’ve been married now for more than forty years and I love her more each day.” He paused. “Don’t let it get away from you.”
She stretched up and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you.”
He just nodded and turned away.
She glanced at her watch as she hurried back to the car. It was just twelve thirty. She had just enough time for one last stop before heading back to the ranch...
Otis Davies was tinkering again, this time with the two-seater trainer.
“Didn’t know if I would see you again,” he said when she reached him.
“Oh, I think you knew.”
“Mebbe.” He smiled.
“I might be staying in the area longer than I thought,” she said.
“I heard you were at Eagles’ Roost up the road,” he commented.
“My daughter’s there.”
“Heard that, too,” he said.
She just shook her head. She should have known.
“Are you interested in my proposal?” he prompted.
“I don’t know,” she replied. “Not freight. I have a pretty good idea when you make those flights. Storms. Snow. When roads are blocked. I have a fifteen-year-old daughter going on sixteen who lost her father. I can’t take those risks anymore.”
“But...?” he finished for her.
“Teaching. You mentioned that. I could be interested.” She hurried on, “I don’t even know where I’ll be or how long, but I know I love this area and would like to stay around here or farther up in the mountains. I’m thinking maybe classes one or two days a week if you think there would be any demand.”
“Interesting,” he said. “You could talk to the high schools in the area... I think they would swarm over here. I’m just an old coot.”
“Remember, I learned from an old coot,” she said. “I just wanted to feel you out,” she said. “I’m not sure any of it is possible. I might even be leaving the area in a few weeks. It might be a wild, impossible idea but...”
“You’re doing your prep work just in case?”
“Nothing would pleasure me more than having this place fill with people again. But isn’t it a long way from where you’re staying now?”
She shrugged. “A few hours once or twice a week, but I don’t know how long I’ll be there. I do know I like this part of the country. I’m just thinking about possibilities now.”
He nodded and thrust out his hand. “I hope it works out.”
Wheels were turning in her head as she headed for Eagles’ Roost. She wasn’t even sure why she just did what she did. She might be leaving in a few weeks.
It was just that pesky compulsion to figure all angles of any possible move, no matter how impossible it seemed.
She didn’t think Julie would object to leaving Texas. She’d only lived in San Antonio a few months after Lauren’s transfer to Lackland. The rest of the time had been mostly in military hospitals.
But she might never convince her daughter that flying again was safer than driving a car.
All she knew was she wanted to protect her daughter first and have a goal of her own, small as it might be.
She arrived back at the ranch in time to see her daughter standing in front of the large black horse in one of the four pens outside the mustang stable. Soft music came from her small computer and she was reading from her e-reader. The horse was not fooled. She was on alert. Lauren knew the signs now.
Reese and Robin were standing farther away. Watching. Not moving.
Some other hands were watching, as well.
Reese nodded to Julie.
Julie stepped toward the pen as Reese joined her and together they approached the horse. Reese held out a carrot to her. The horse snorted and backed up. He then gave the carrot to Julie and backed away. “Put it on the railing,” he directed her. Julie did as told, then backed up. The horse waited until they retreated, then approached, sniffed the carrot and took it.
Reese nodded his approval. “We’ll offer the carrot again later today and twice tomorrow. She’ll start associating the carrot with you.”
The two of them came over to Lauren, and a broad grin stretched over Julie’s face.
“Julie did great,” Reese praised, “although I’m not sure Midnight is the most cheerful choice for a black horse.”
“I doubt if the horse cares,” Lauren replied.
Robin, who’d been standing with them, laughed. “She doesn’t,” she said. “I’m really proud of Julie. She’s fearless.”
“That’s what scares me,” Lauren replied.
“She apparently takes after her mom,” Reese said.
“That scares me even more.” Lauren hugged Julie. “You’re becoming a fine horsewoman. I’m sorry I wasn’t here to watch everything.”
“It’s boring,” Julie said. “Not to me because I’m talking to her, but it would be to someone watching.”
“I wanted to be here when you had your first visit with the mustang.” Lauren said. “I’m going to take my luggage inside,” she said. “I’ll see you at dinner.”
As she walked toward the house, she wondered about Julie’s lack of enthusiasm this morning when she announced she would be staying. Was she having second thoughts about her mother staying at the house or had she heard something linking her with Reese?
Nathan was coming out of the house when he saw her. “Can I help you, Mrs. MacInnes?”
“Sure. I would appreciate it.”
He led the way to her room and put the luggage down. “That was a pretty neat thing you did last night. The guys all appreciated it.”
“It was the kids,” she insisted. Was it only last night?
He chuckled. “I heard you had a trip today?”
“To Covenant Falls and back.”
“That is long,” he said. “Betty said supper will be at six thirty in the dining room. There’s nothing afterward. I think everyone is pretty exhausted today.”
“Did you get all the cattle safely away?”
“Yes, ma’am. They’ll stay up in the high pasture now for two months, then we’ll bring them back when the weather starts getting cold. We can protect them better here and it’s easier to provide feed if they need it.” He started to leave.
“I hear you’re a musician.”
“I like to play music. Not sure that qualifies me as a musician.”
“I would like to hear you.”
“There will be the celebration tomorrow night. I think Uncle Reese has some special plans for it. He’s asked me to sing a few songs.”
“I look forward to it.”
He went to the door. “Julie’s doing really good in her riding. Even with the brace, she’s one of the best we’ve had since Uncle Reese started the program. She said she won’t need it much longer.”
“She’s right. We’re just being cautious now.”
“That’s...good. I heard she used to run.”
“She did. That’s what is so helpful about this program. She’s competitive, she likes to test herself and she hasn’t been able to do that for a long time. The only thing I fear now is that she tries to do too much, especially with one of the mustangs.”
“We’ll watch her. Thanks for telling me.”
“Thank you,” she said.
After he left, she unpacked her suitcase, then checked her watch. It was nearly time for supper. She chose a new pair of jeans and a tan shirt and went downstairs to the dining room. There were just five of them: Betty, Sally, Chet and Ann, and herself.
“There’s usually more of us,” Sally said. “Reese is catching up on some sleep. Nathan decided to eat with the teens—he’s more involved this year than before—and we usually have some visiting instructors but the storm has sent everything off-kilter.”
Betty explained, “The teens eat at the table in the kitchen. We gave them a choice, and they settled on the kitchen at night so they can talk about us while we talk about them. The morning is catch as you can. There’s a buffet in the dining room. Everyone has a different time schedule. Lunch is pretty much the same.”
“Except for this Saturday,” Chet said. “That will be interesting.”
“Have the teens said anything about the menu?” she asked.
“I think they made Betty take a vow of silence,” Sally replied. “How was your trip?”
The attention turned to Lauren. “Good. The riding lesson was great and now I have my clothes with me.”
“Well, we’re happy you’re joining us,” Sally said. “The evildoer might complain but that’s to be expected.”
“The evildoer?” she asked.
“The computer. Reese swears it’s alive and targets him. The name changes according to his current frustration. Sometimes it’s the monster, sometimes the evildoer. He says now there’s a new sheriff in town and you’re it.”
She raised her eyebrows in mock horror. “I’m the sheriff? I already suggested he take a friendlier tact. Like calling her Maggie.”
“How did he take that?”
“I’m not entirely sure,” she replied. “He was kinda silent when I mentioned it.”
“I bet.” Chet chuckled.
The discussion turned to schedules being changed because of the rain. The weather report predicted clear skies the rest of the week. “Of course, that’s what they said last week,” Sally quipped.
When they finished, most of them headed for their beds as a result of the lingering effects of the storm. When Lauren went to check on Julie, Sally mentioned both girls had gone to bed early.
Lauren was tired as well, but she was also restless. She went outside. The mustangs were in their pens. Each pen was about twice the size of a stall and had its own water and feed bucket. She heard a loud braying of protest and went toward the sound.
“Noisy little beast, isn’t he?” Reese said from behind her.
She spun around. “At least he doesn’t sneak up on people and scare them to death.”
“I just fed him. He was alone in the stable. He couldn’t get into the pens with his friends. Well, maybe friends isn’t the word for it. More like his victims. He likes to terrorize them. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You weren’t at dinner.”
“I caught an hour’s sleep. I imagine you know what that’s like.”
She smiled, remembering. All pilots slept with one eye open. They never knew when or where they would be sent next. They slept when they could. “Yeah, I do.”
“Want to go for a ride?”
“At night?”
“Sure. It’s one of the best times. We’re almost at full moon tonight.”
“Yes,” she said, “I would, but you didn’t have dinner.”
“I just happen to know where the fridge is.”
“I guess you do,” she said with a smile.
“I also know where some horses are.”
“Did you know I would be out here?”
“No, but I hoped.”
“Because I want you to see something.”
“And you don’t think anyone will see us tonight?”
He chuckled. “I think nearly everyone is exhausted after last night and should be in bed with the exception of a few I can trust.”
“Okay, where are we going?”
“A favorite place of mine. It’s a short ride.”
He led her into the main stable and went down the aisle until he stopped at a stall.
“Max is already saddled,” she observed.
“I was going for a ride,” he said. “It’s a beautiful night. It often is after a storm. Everything is cleansed.”
“I noticed,” she answered softly. “Who am I riding?”
“I took a chance and saddled Lady.”
“Good. I like her.”
He led both horses out and gave Lauren a boost into the saddle. They walked out and turned in the direction they had taken on their prior ride.
He was right. The moon was huge with only a sliver hidden behind the mountains. The light bounced off the snowcapped mountains to the west and spread its glow over the valley. It was spectacular. He stopped and looked at her.
“You’re right,” she said. “It’s beautiful.”
“It’s supposed to be clear again tomorrow night. I’m thinking about bringing the kids here for the celebration.”
“I think you should,” she said. “It’s fantastic. What would you have done had I not come down?”
“Come anyway. I wanted to see if it might work tomorrow night.”
“Where are we going now?” she asked.
“Not far.”
They were going on the same trail they took Sunday, then he turned off on another one until they came to a spring. She slipped down before he could reach her. He took her hand and led her to what looked like a small cemetery protected by a wrought iron fence. He led her inside.
He stopped at the smallest marker. “Many of the Howards are buried here,” he said, “including the founder and my father.” His hand tightened around hers. “There’s no one under the smallest one,” he said. “Only a memory. A son that never lived.
“I brought you here because something is happening between us and I want you to know the dangers of living here. I married when I was twenty-eight. Cara was from Denver, an executive with a high-tech firm. My father had died a year earlier and I was ready to start a family.
“She was everything I thought I wanted. Smart. Funny. Loving,” he added, a sad note in his voice.
“We started having problems after the first year. A ranch sounded romantic to her but the reality was far different from what she imagined. Cara couldn’t find friends with common interests. The ranch took most of my time and what money we had. It had been heavily in debt when I inherited it. In the next few years, cattle prices were down and feed prices up. Even after eight years, we were still rebuilding the stock that had been decimated.
“Cara resented sharing a house with Sally. That’s when I divided the house the way I did. I thought it would give her the privacy she wanted, and still be home for Sally and Nathan. I made it clear I wasn’t going to abandon them. It was their home as much as mine.
“We tried. We both did. I tried taking her on trips, but then there was always an emergency and we had to come back. By the fourth year we were talking divorce. What love we had was damaged by arguments and demands. We’d decided on a divorce a month before learning she was pregnant. We agreed we would try again.”
He stopped, and Lauren sensed something very painful was coming. After a short pause, he continued, “To make it short, the baby came early during a snowstorm and I couldn’t get my wife to a hospital in time to save him. The doctors thought that if we had, he might have lived.
“His name was going to be Adam.” There was a world of hurt when Reese said the name.
“We were both devastated. Cara asked for a divorce and by then I knew it wasn’t worth another try. The baby would always be between us. She buried Adam in Denver. I put a stone here in our family cemetery. He deserved acknowledgment that he existed, even for a very short period of time.”
Mist clouded her eyes. Her heart cried for him. She held on to his hand tightly as he fell into silence.
He broke the quiet several minutes later. “I’ve avoided serious relationships since. I always felt like I destroyed her life. I love this land,” he said, “but it’s not for everyone.”
“Did she ever remarry?”
“I received an invitation to the wedding five years later.”
“Then you didn’t ruin her life.”
“I hope not.”
“And is Adam the reason for your program?”
“Not consciously. I just heard about the need from friends in Covenant Falls, and realized I had the space and the horses. Sally is a physical therapist and worked hard to get there, but she spends so much time looking after Nathan and me she doesn’t have much time to take assignments.
“And then I have friends who train horses and teach riding. We have a retired psychologist neighbor friend in town who helped develop the program. I wanted to single out emotionally troubled or physically handicapped children of veterans who’d died in combat.”
“And now,” she said, “you’re warning off all potential women friends?”
“That sounds...”
“Very self-protective.”
He grinned suddenly. “Are you always so blunt?”
“I’m afraid so. When I lost Dane, I thought I would never marry again. It hurt too damn much when I lost him. He was a good guy. A real good one despite his background.”
“Tell me more about him. Or is it too painful?”
“No. We met in advanced training and disliked each other on sight. I came out of a poor background where we scrambled for everything. He had the Ivy League manners and speech.
“I thought he was a snob, and he didn’t like me any better. And we were competitors.” She grinned at the memory. “Were we ever competitors!
“I’m not sure when everything changed. It started one night when we were all drinking. Someone asked him about his family. He said he didn’t have one. It was the way he said it that hit me at the gut level. Over the next weeks I coaxed the story from him. His family never talked to him again after he joined the air force.
“They didn’t even contact us after I tried to notify them of Dane’s death. They couldn’t care less about their granddaughter. That’s what continues to hurt me. Julie doesn’t understand.”
“That’s a hell of a lot for a kid,” he said. He took her hands in his. “I’m so sorry. But she has you, and that’s a hell of a lot, too.”
“It hasn’t been enough. Until, maybe, now. She’s making friends. She’s talking to me a little. She loves the horse and feels good about herself again. I can see the pride on her face when she canters, and the intensity with which she read to Midnight. I’m getting my Julie back and I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”
He listened intently. “She really has been through hell. Both of you.”
“It’s been nearly a year and a half, and this week is the first time I’ve seen her smile, really smile, since the accident.”
He closed his eyes and to her amazement, she thought she saw a tear. It might have been the reflective moonlight. Then he put his arms around her and just held her.
“I’m so sorry.”
“She’s so much better in the short time she’s been here. It helps that she can share with other kids who have gone through similar traumas, that she’s not alone.” She turned around and faced him. “You’re doing good, mister.”
“A tiny little drop in an ocean,” he said. “Do you want to go back to the air force? I imagine the door is still open.”
“I want to keep flying but I won’t go back to the air force. I can’t do that to Julie. She’s terrified of losing the only family member she has left.”
“I get that.” He stood, offered her his hand and pulled her up into his arms. “I like you a lot, Mrs. MacInnes.”
The air between them was thick with emotion. His fingers stroked her cheek, then curled around her neck. Her arms went around him, his breath whispering against her lips. Then their lips met, lightly at first, then hungrily with all the heat that had been building between them. She responded with an intensity that shook her.
His hands traced her form, touching lightly, and she marveled at the wells of tenderness that accompanied the passion roaring between them. At the same time she felt a glow, a warmth that filled her so completely that she suddenly realized how lonely she had been.
The howl of a coyote separated them. She looked at him askance.
“We should go,” he said. “This is their territory at night and I don’t have a weapon with me.” He took her hand. “A conversation to be resumed later,” he said.
“I would like that,” she replied softly.
He walked her over to Lady and offered his hands to boost her up into the saddle. She leaned over instead and kissed him again. “I like you,” she said. “Very much.”
“Back at you,” he said as his hand touched a curl.
The coyote howled again.
“I think he’s trying to tell us something,” Reese said. He boosted her into the saddle.
“Like go away?” she replied as she adjusted her hands on the reins.
“I was thinking more like get on with it.”
“I think I like your translation best,” she conceded as they turned back to the house.