Chapter 8. Authentication and Key Exchange

At first glance, it may not be clear that authentication and key exchange are two topics that go together. But they do. This chapter is really all about secure connection establishment—everything the client and server need to do before they start talking. Generally, the server will need to authenticate the client; the client will need to make sure the server is the correct machine (not some attacker). Then the two parties will need to come to some agreement on how to communicate securely beyond that, also agreeing on an encryption key (or a set of keys).

Yes, authentication doesn't always happen over an insecure network connection—it is certainly possible to authenticate over a console or some other medium where network attacks pose little to no risk. In the real world, however, it's rare that one can assume a secure channel for authentication.

Nonetheless, many authentication mechanisms need some kind of secure channel, such as an authenticated SSL connection, before they can offer even reasonable security levels.

In this chapter, we'll sort through these technologies for connection establishment. Note that in these recipes we cover only standalone technologies for authentication and key exchange. In Chapter 9, we cover authentication with SSL/TLS, and in Chapter 10, we cover authentication in the context of public key infrastructures (PKI).

An authentication factor is some thing that contributes to establishing an identity. For example, a password is an authentication factor, as is a driver's license. There are three major categories of authentication factors:

No common authentication factors are foolproof. Passwords tend to be easy to guess. While cryptography can help keep properly used physical tokens from being forged, they can still be lost or stolen. And biometric devices today have a significant false positive rate. In addition, it can be simple to fool biometric devices; see

In each of these major categories, there are many different technologies. In addition, it is easy to have a multifactor system in which multiple technologies are required to log in (supporting the common security principle of defense in depth). Similarly, you can have "either-or" authentication to improve usability, but that tends to decrease security by opening up new attack vectors.

Clearly, choosing the right technology requires a thorough analysis of requirements for an authentication system. In this chapter, we'll look at several common requirements, then examine common technologies in light of those requirements.

However, let us first point out that it is good to build software in such a way that authentication is implemented as a framework, where the exact requirements can be determined by an operational administrator instead of a programmer. PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) lets you do just that, at least on the server side, in a client-server system. SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) is another such technology that tries to push the abstraction that provides plugability off the server and into the network. We find SASL a large mess and therefore do not cover it here. PAM is covered in Recipe 8.12.

There are several common and important requirements for authentication mechanisms. Some of these may be more or less important to you in your particular environment:

Practicality of deployment

This is the reason that password systems are so common even though there are so many problems with them. Biometrics and physical tokens both require physical hardware and cost money. When deploying Internet-enabled software, it is generally highly inconvenient to force users to adopt one of these solutions.


Usability is a very important consideration. Unfortunately, usability often trades off against good security. Passwords are a good example: more secure mechanism would require public keys to establish identity. Often, the user's private key will be password-protected for defense in depth, but that only protects against local attacks where an attacker might get access to steal the key—a well-designed public key-based protocol should not be vulnerable to password-guessing attacks.

Another common usability-related requirement is that the user should not have to bring any special bits with him to a computer to be able to log in. That is, many people want a user to be able to sit down at an arbitrary computer and be able to authenticate with data in his head (e.g., a password), even if it means weaker security. For others, it is not unreasonable to ask users to carry a public key around.

When passwords are used, there are many different mechanisms to improve security, but most of them decrease usability. You can, for example, expire passwords, but users hate that. Alternatively, you can enforce passwords that seem to have sufficient entropy in them (e.g., by checking against a dictionary of words), but again, users will often get upset with the system. In many cases, adding something like a public key mechanism adds more security and is less burdensome than such hacks turn out to be.

Use across applications

For some people, it is important to manage authentication centrally across a series of applications. In such a situation, authentication should involve a separate server that manages credentials. Kerberos is the popular technology for meeting this requirement, but a privately run public key infrastructure can be used to do the same thing.


Many people also want to avoid any algorithms that are likely to be covered by patent.


Other people may be concerned about efficiency, particularly on a server that might need to process many connections in a short period of time. In that situation, it could be important to avoid public key cryptography altogether, or to find some other way to minimize the impact on the server, to prevent against denial of service.

Common mechanism

It may also be a requirement to have authentication and key exchange be done by the same mechanism. This can improve ease of development if you pick the right solution.

Economy of expression

An authentication protocol should use a minimal number of messages to do work. Generally, three messages are considered the target to hit, even when authentication and key exchange are combined. This is usually not such a big deal, however. A few extra messages generally will not noticeably impact performance. Protocol designers like to strive to minimize the number of messages, because it makes their work more elegant and less ad hoc. Of course, simplicity should be a considered requirement, but then again, we have seen simple five-message protocols, and ridiculously complex three-message protocols!


Security is an obvious requirement at the highest level, but there are many different security properties you might care about, as we'll describe in the rest of this section.

In terms of the security of your mechanism, you might require a mechanism that effectively provides its own secure channel, resisting sniffing attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, and so on that might lead to password compromise, or even just the attacker's somehow masquerading as either the client or server without compromising the password. (This could happen, for example, if the attacker manages to get the server password database.)

On the other hand, you might want to require something that does not build its own secure channel. For example, if you are writing something that will be used only on the console, you will already be assuming a trusted path from the user to your code, so why bother building a secure channel? Similarly, you might already be able to establish an authenticated remote connection to a server through something like SSL, in which case you get a secure channel over which you can do a simpler authentication protocol. (Mutual authentication versus one-sided authentication is therefore another potentially interesting requirement.) Of course, that works only if the server really is authenticated, which people often fail to do properly.

Whether or not you have a secure channel, you will probably want to make sure that you avoid capture replay attacks. In addition, you should consider which possible masquerading scenarios worry you. Obviously, it is bad if an arbitrary person can masquerade as either the client or the server just from watching network traffic. What if an attacker manages to break into a server, however? Should the attacker then be able to masquerade as the user to that server? To other servers where the user has the same credentials (e.g., the same password)?

In addition, when a user shares authentication credentials across multiple servers, should he be able to distinguish those servers? Such a requirement can demand significant trade-offs, because to meet it, you will need either a public key infrastructure or some other secure secret that users need to carry around that authenticates each server. If you are willing to assume that the server is not compromised at account creation time but may be compromised at some later point, you can meet the requirement more easily.

We have already mentioned no susceptibility to password guessing attacks as a possible requirement. When that is too strict, there are other requirements we can impose that are actually reasonable:

No doubt there are other interesting requirements for password systems.

For authentication systems that also do key exchange, there are other interesting requirements you should consider:

Let's look at common technologies in light of these requirements.

You can use PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2; see Recipe 4.10) as a password storage mechanism. It meets all the same requirements as the Blowfish variant of MD5-MCF discussed in the previous subsection. Authentication using PBKDF2 is covered in Recipe 8.11.

All of the mechanisms we've looked at so far have been password-based. None of them create their own secure channel, nor do they provide mutual authentication. SRP (Secure Remote Password) is a password-based mechanism that does all of the above, and it has a host of other benefits:

The big problem with SRP is that patents cover it. As a result, we do not explore SRP in depth. Another potential issue is that this algorithm does not provide forward secrecy, although you could easily introduce forward secrecy on top of it.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and its successor, Transport Layer Security (TLS), use certificates to allow entities to identify entities in a system. Certificates are verified using a PKI where a mutually trusted third party vouches for the identity of a certificate holder. See Recipe 10.1 for an introduction to certificates and PKI.

Certificates are obtained from a trusted third party known as a certification authority (CA), which digitally signs the certificate with its own private key. If the CA is trusted, and its signature on the certificate is valid, the certificate can be trusted. Certificates typically also contain other important pieces of information that must also be verified—for example, validity dates and the name of the entity that will present the certificate.

To be effective, certificates require the mutually trusted third party. One of the primary problems with certificates and PKI is one of revocation. If the private key for a certificate is compromised, how is everyone supposed to know that the certificate should no longer be trusted? CAs periodically publish lists known as certificate revocation lists (CRLs) that identify all of the certificates that have been revoked and should no longer be trusted, but it is the responsibility of the party verifying a certificate to seek out these lists and use them properly. In addition, there is often a significant window of time between when a CA revokes a certificate and when a new CRL is published.

SSL is widely deployed and works sufficiently well for many applications; however, because it is difficult to use properly, it is often deployed insecurely. We discuss certificate verification in Recipe 10.4 through Recipe 10.7.