Sleep was elusive. As much as she wished for it, Sophie had been tossing and turning restlessly for what seemed like hours. She threw off the blanket with a disgusted snort and got up. She pulled her dressing gown from the hook on the door, put on her slippers and left her room. She slowly navigated down the floor towards Eleanor’s room, debating if she should knock. When she drew nearer, Sophie heard strange noises coming from that direction. It sounded like a woman’s voice but one she couldn’t place. Sophie stood in front of Eleanor’s door and heard the distinct sound of a woman in ecstasy.
Rooted to the spot and unable to force her legs to take her back to her room, she listened to a woman praising Eleanor’s skill as a lover. When she heard her reaching the peak, Sophie pushed away from the door and went back to her room as fast as she could. She shut the door behind her and collapsed against it, silent tears running down her cheeks. Her cane slipped from her grip, and she slid down to the floor. With her head on her knees, she sobbed hard, barely able to suppress the sounds that threatened to spill over her lips. Her body shook violently as the sound of lovemaking played over and over in her head.
What a fool she was, apologising for doubting Eleanor’s feelings when it seemed as if everything had been an awful joke. All those heartfelt words about waiting to make love were pure rubbish. Sophie was angry, mad, hurt beyond words, hoping against hope that what she had heard wasn’t true, that everything had been a misunderstanding. She didn’t know how long she had been sitting on the floor, propped against the door when the sound of a knock drifted through the fog of her brain. Sophie raised her head from her knees and wiped her eyes.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me, darling, may I come in?” Eleanor’s voice sounded muffled through the door.
“Leave me alone.” Sophie sniffed. “And don’t call me darling, you lying cheat.”
“What? Sophie, what is wrong?” Eleanor’s voice sounded shocked. “Please, talk to me! What happened?”
“Did you have a good fuck?” Sophie snarled through her tears. “I hope she was worth it.”
“What are you talking about?”
Sophie struggled to her feet, anger boiling in her veins. If Eleanor was with somebody else, she could at least be honest enough to admit it. She threw open the door and hissed at the startled woman.
“I’m talking about the tryst you just had in your room, Eleanor. Is that why you insisted that we should wait because you already had somebody on the side you were fucking?”
Eleanor stepped back at the accusation and crude words. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. “I have no—”
“Don’t lie to me! I heard you. There’s no defence you can use for that.”
Eleanor’s face was red. Through gritted teeth she asked, “What did you hear?”
“You know exactly what.”
“No, I don’t. So please tell me!”
Eleanor’s hands were on her hips, her nostrils flared, and her eyes flashed with fury.
“I came to your room because I couldn’t sleep. I thought you might be still awake so we could talk. Before I could knock, I heard the voice of a woman praising your abilities to satisfy a woman before she climaxed. It seems the good Lady Harrington was right after all.”
At the mention of this name Eleanor took a step back, as if somebody had punched her in the chest. “Lady Harrington? Oh, I see. Will you at least give me the chance to explain what really happened?”
Sophie wiped furiously at the tears continuing to run down her cheeks. This was it? Eleanor would explain why she did what she did, and their relationship would be over before it had started? It was probably better that way. She opened her mouth to answer when she heard Martin’s voice.
“Thank goodness you’re not back in bed, Mama.” He approached them, looking from his mother to Sophie. “You forgot the folder in my room.” When he reached them, he said, “Is everything all right? Sophie, are you hurt?”
“Everything is fine,” Eleanor said as Sophie attempted to compose herself.
“I’m so sorry, Mama. I didn’t mean to keep you so long.”
“What do you mean?” Sophie whispered uncomprehendingly. “What are you doing in the middle of the night?”
“Neither one of us could sleep,” Martin said with a shrug. “Mama came to my room to decide what to do about the Count so we can return to Vienna sooner than planned.”
Sophie felt lightheaded at Martin’s words. She felt like the biggest moron in the entire world. Not worthy of a woman like Eleanor at all. Her insecurities had been exploited and used against her. She was so ashamed she wished the ground would open and swallow her. The hurtful words could never be taken back. If their relationship ended now, it would be completely her fault, nobody else’s.
Eleanor thanked her son for the folder and with a reassuring pat on his back sent him back to his room.
“Come on, love. Let’s talk in your room.” Eleanor gently took Sophie’s arm and closed the door behind them. She picked up the cane from the floor and guided Sophie towards the bed where they sat down.
Sophie had gone completely quiet after Martin had told her where Eleanor had been when she was supposed to be having sexual intercourse with another woman. She stared at her hands in her lap.
Eleanor moved close, so close she could feel how chilled Sophie was. She could also tell that Sophie felt ashamed and didn’t dare look into Eleanor’s eyes. “It’s all right, love.”
Sophie whispered, “How can I still be your love after those horrible things I said to you?”
“Because I love you,” Eleanor answered simply, as she covered Sophie’s hands with her own. “You were hurting, and what you said was in the heat of the moment.”
“How what, my darling?”
“How did she know when to come to your room,” Sophie asked with a frown, “if it was Lady Harrington?”
Eleanor closed her eyes for a moment. Margaret had spread her poison again, making sure it would do its work in the most hurtful way. Sophie’s tear-streaked face tore at her heart and as much as she wanted to take her into her arms and never let go, Eleanor knew it wouldn’t be welcome at the moment. Sophie’s eyes begged for an explanation, one that would make the pain go away and let the hurt vanish, but it wouldn’t be that easy. Anger wouldn’t do and Eleanor took a deep breath to calm her racing heart before she answered.
“Oh, it was her, Sophie. I don’t doubt it. She’s a vile, vicious, selfish woman who doesn’t deserve the good things she possesses.” Eleanor squeezed her hands. “I don’t know exactly what happened, but I suppose she must have crept into my room at the earliest possibility to wait for me. When she heard your footsteps, which are quite distinct, my love, she seized the opportunity. She’s always been quite good at improvising to injure others.”
“It was an awful thing to do.”
“You’re right, but this woman would do anything to get what she wants.”
“And what she wants is you.” Sophie stated it as a fact, not a question.
“Unfortunately, yes, and she’s a despicable woman.” With a finger under Sophie’s chin, she lifted her lover’s head and gazed deeply into those dark brown eyes, so full of love every time Sophie looked at her. Eleanor leaned forward and met her lover’s full lips in a long passionate kiss that left them both panting, wanting more.
“She will never have me,” Eleanor said. “For I am yours and yours alone.”
“I am yours as well,” Sophie said breathlessly before she captured soft lips in another kiss. They only stopped when both had to yawn, causing them to laugh. Together they climbed underneath the blanket, holding each other. Eleanor rested her head on Sophie’s chest while Sophie’s arm circled her shoulder to keep her close.
Eleanor told her about Margaret and everything that had happened since they’d met for the first time years earlier and how she had tried to drive a wedge between her and Cathleen.
Sophie listened carefully, realising how cunning the woman really was and to what lengths she would go.
When sleep finally overcame them, they rested blissfully in each other’s arms.
“Good morning!” Count von Radványi greeted them heartily when they entered the breakfast room.
“Good morning,” Martin answered, while his mother and Sophie merely inclined their heads.
The table was long and wide, and both Martin and Sophie took seats as far away from the count and Lady Harrington as they could get.
Lady Margaret chirped, “You seem awfully well rested, my dear.”
“Indeed,” Eleanor said curtly. “I had the most perfect pillow.” She smirked when she registered the slight colouring of Sophie’s cheeks. It was true though, falling asleep and waking up in Sophie’s arms was utter bliss. She would never get tired of it and if it were up to her, she would love nothing more than do so every day.
Turning her back on Lady Harrington, Eleanor said, “If you don’t mind, Count, I want to speak to you about your business proposition after breakfast.”
“Of course. Why so urgent?”
“To get on with it,” Eleanor informed him, “so we can leave before midday.”
“But . . .but . . .” he sputtered at the unexpected news.
With false worry in her voice, Lady Harrington said, “I hope you aren’t cutting your visit short on my behalf, your Grace?”
“Don’t flatter yourself! You are a nuisance but hardly of importance where my decision to leave is concerned.”
Lady Harrington opened her mouth to reply but closed it again when nothing was forthcoming, giving the impression of a fish out of water. She shut her mouth with an evil glare in Eleanor’s direction before she returned to her breakfast.
The rest of the meal was spent in silence as nobody felt the need or necessity for small talk. When they were finished, Martin and Sophie went upstairs to get everything ready for their departure while the duchess accompanied the count to his study.
“Let me make one thing perfectly clear, Count,” Eleanor said, before von Radványi could utter a single word. “I merely agreed to your invitation because of my late grandmother’s high regard for your late father. As I recall he was a true gentleman. Sadly enough, the same cannot be said about his son.”
“Now . . .” He opened his mouth to defend himself but was effectively stopped by a raised hand from the duchess. The expression on her face was enough to make him swallow hard and shrink in his chair.
“I do not take kindly to someone’s attempts to play me for a fool because, rest assured, I am not a fool, Count. Although it saddens me to see that your father’s legacy has gone to naught by your uncaring ways, I will not save you from the impending bankruptcy. Never again contact me or my family in the future. I also highly recommend you think about your ways of conducting business, for I know nobody who is very keen on being tricked, lured, played, and surprised in the most unpleasant manner. Good day, Count.”
With a rustle of her skirt, Eleanor swept from the study, climbed the stairs to her room where Rose had finished packing and was waiting for her return to help her change into a travelling dress.
On Sophie’s arm she descended the stairs and found Lady Margaret waiting for them in the hall. Eleanor patted Sophie’s arm and told her to wait in the carriage for her because she wanted to have a final word with Lady Harrington.
“I knew you wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye to me,” Margaret purred as she reached out to touch the duchess’ arm.
Eleanor caught the offending hand and tightened her grip, eliciting a pained gasp from Margaret before Eleanor caught herself and reluctantly let go.
“Don’t ever do that again.” Eleanor ordered with pure ice in her voice.
“What, my dear? Touch you—or rile your little slut?”
“Either,” she said, ignoring the insult. “Should you ever dare show your face in my presence again, I’ll make sure you will rue the day we met. If you go near the von Hagendorf family, I’ll ruin you. You will stay as far away from anyone I’m acquainted with now and forever.”
Lady Harrington looked like she was shaking in her boots. “Is that a threat?”
“A promise!” She stepped around the woman and left the hall without a look back.
She had never been so direct with Lady Margaret before and was certain she would heed her warning. Risking social exclusion by ruining her reputation was anathema to Lady Harrington despite her faux daring attitude.
Should they ever run into each other again, which very well could occur given that their social circles overlapped, Eleanor believed Margaret would avoid her completely.
Their arrival in Vienna was unexpected, so they found the palais more or less deserted. Benson, who welcomed them warmly, informed them that the Contessa Silvestri was lounging in the garden and having tea while everybody else had gone out. Eleanor took off the jacket of her travelling dress and, with a relieved sigh, handed it to Rose before she entwined her hand with Sophie’s and dragged her outdoors to join her grandmother for tea.
“Eleanor,” the contessa exclaimed when she saw her granddaughter coming down the path, with Sophie right by her side. “We didn’t expect you before tomorrow.”
“It is good to see you too, Nonna.” Eleanor laughed as she kissed her grandmother’s cheek.
“Hello, my dear,” Giulia said warmly to Sophie.
“Good afternoon.”
“Does that mean I could have gone with Sophie to her hotel and made passionate love without you bothering me?” Eleanor asked playfully as she sipped her tea.
Without missing a beat, Giulia said, “Why would you go to a hotel? You have a perfectly good bedroom here to do that.”
Sophie’s tea left her mouth in a spray, and she coughed violently when some of it found the wrong way down her throat.
The contessa patted her back sympathetically. “I am sorry, darling.”
Eleanor took Sophie’s cup and put it on the table and handed her a napkin to clean herself.
“I didn’t mean to startle you, my dear,” Giulia said with a gleam in her eyes.
“No, no, not at all,” Sophie wheezed. “You took me by surprise, that’s all.” Never in her wildest dreams had she thought that the contessa or Eleanor would banter this light-heartedly about such intimate matters.
“That is good to know,” Giulia continued unfazed, “because I think, my dear Eleanor, Charlotte will have to tell you something when she returns.”
“You mean,” Eleanor covered her mouth, feeling very emotional at the news, “my little girl is now a woman?”
True to her grandmother’s words, when Charlotte and Adele returned from their horseback ride, Charlotte came running out of the palais and flew into her mother’s open arms. Adele followed at a more appropriate pace but beamed broadly when she saw her cousin Sophie watching her expectantly. The cousins excused themselves and took a walk in the garden while Charlotte was still in her mother’s embrace.
Eleanor pulled back slightly to look at her daughter who was positively glowing. She appeared every bit a happy woman and completely in love.
“Was it everything you had hoped, darling?” Eleanor asked as she put her palm against her daughter’s cheek.
“Yes, Mama, and so much more,” Charlotte answered dreamily, before she embraced her mother again.
Eleanor returned the hug and felt tears of relief and gratitude well in her eyes. She was happy Charlotte had found such a considerate partner who ensured the first time they made love was a wonderful pleasurable experience.
By the expression on Adele’s face when she came back with Sophie, Eleanor was certain Adele had experienced the same love and care during her union with Charlotte, and for that, she was grateful.
Philip, Henry, and Jonathan returned from a visit to the History of Art Museum in time for luncheon. Martin joined in with their laughter and light mood while Charlotte and Adele, both still looking gobsmacked with love, watched in amusement.
With everyone carrying on so gleefully, Eleanor said to Sophie quietly, “Why don’t you stay tonight, darling?”
“I don’t know,” Sophie was reluctant. She didn’t want to be presumptuous.
Henry was close enough to overhear and came to his wife’s assistance. “Yes, please stay, Sophie, unless of course, the two of you care to accompany us on our evening jaunt.”
Sophie cast at glance at her beloved, who raised her eyebrow to leave the decision to her. “Thank you. But I would rather stay behind.”
“Very well.” Henry sounded oddly cheerful. “The Palais will be all yours then.”
“What do you mean, Henry?” Eleanor asked.
“Since we didn’t expect you back until tomorrow, we all agreed to visit the opera again for an encore performance of ‘Die Zauberflöte,’ and I decided to give the servants the evening off. Do you mind?”
“Not at all,” Eleanor assured him. She was certain that their need for dinner would be taken care of, so why would she mind?
“Good.” Henry smirked. “I have no doubt you are going to enjoy a quiet evening.”
When the two of them were left alone in the huge house, they had a light dinner and retired to the drawing room for a game of chess.
Before they even had the pieces set in the proper places, their eyes met over the chess board, and without a word, everything fell into place. Neither felt the need to ask if the other was sure; they both simply knew.
Eleanor stood and held her hand out to Sophie, who took it without hesitation and let herself be led upstairs. Eleanor closed the bedroom door behind them and carefully locked it. She went to the hearth opposite the bed to light a fire, which filled the room with a warm glow.
Sophie stood in the middle of the room looking scared and little bit lost. Her lover sensed her nervousness as she stepped closer. With both hands Eleanor cupped her face, kissing her passionately.
Sophie let go of her cane as she wrapped both arms gently around Eleanor’s back to hold her firmly against her body. Eleanor felt the warmth of Sophie’s hands seep through her blouse where they caressed her back. Their kisses were a delicious combination of softness, lust, passion, and tenderness.
Slowly and carefully, they undressed each other in front of the fire. As they discarded clothes, each patch of skin revealed was worshipped by gentle fingers. Caresses and touches, followed by lips, kissing, and nibbling the warm tender skin. Naked bodies pressed against each other as they embraced.
Eleanor suddenly felt hot tears on her shoulder. She held on to Sophie, running her hands soothingly over her back, reassuring her through softly spoken words.
Her lover had been hesitant to let her take off her clothes, but gentle persistence had worn down her barriers. Sophie’s scars were less prominent than Eleanor had thought they’d be. Though clearly visible, there was nothing ugly or disgusting about them. Their pattern over Sophie’s stomach, hip and leg did not distract from her beauty at all.
Eleanor took Sophie’s hand and guided her towards the bed, where she pulled back the cover and held up the sheet indicating for Sophie to slip underneath. Eleanor followed suit. Lying on her side, she brushed her fingertips over Sophie’s cheeks, and luxuriated in the way Sophie closed her eyes and leaned into the touch.
“Why are you not repulsed?” Sophie whispered with her eyes still closed, too afraid of what she might see in those sky-blue eyes she loved so much.
“Look at me, love,” Eleanor pleaded softly. She waited for Sophie to open her eyes again before she continued. “Nothing about you is repulsive. You are beautiful inside and out. I feel very honoured to be with you.”
She kissed away a stray tear that rolled down Sophie’s cheek before she put her hand against Sophie’s chest. With gentle pressure she pushed her on her back. Eleanor rolled over, resting against Sophie’s left side. She captured alluring lips in another intense kiss.
Sophie let her hands wander over Eleanor’s back, from her shoulder blades, down her spine to the small of her back, applying a subtle pressure when she felt Eleanor trying to slip off of her.
“Stay,” she whispered against exceptionally talented lips.
“I don’t want to squash you.”
“You don’t.”
Eleanor showered her face with kisses, her lips moving from mouth to chin, over Sophie’s jaw to her temple and across her brow. She kissed her eyelids, down her nose and covered her mouth again. Warm lips trailed down Sophie’s chin, over her throat to her chest. Eleanor pushed her upper body up and gazed into Sophie’s flushed face before she leaned down again to capture one of Sophie’s nipples between her lips. She circled it with her tongue, sucking gently. Sophie’s moans were all the encouragement she needed to give the other breast the same treatment.
Hands slipped into her short white hair holding her firmly into place as she paid homage to her lover’s wonderful breasts. Eleanor revelled at the sounds emanating from Sophie. She enjoyed the way she arched her back and offered those glorious globes to her. Her right hand caressed her lover’s stomach, gliding along her waist to her hip and over the top of her upper thigh. Sophie opened her legs invitingly, and Eleanor slipped a hand between them, her mouth never stopping the worship of her breasts. Her body rested between Sophie’s legs, and she could feel her lover’s arousal against her own lower abdomen. She let her hand slide over the soft skin of Sophie’s inner thigh. Reaching short crisp curls, she stopped before she went any further.
Eleanor lifted her head from Sophie’s chest, “Darling, look at me.” With great effort brown eyes opened and locked with blue ones.
Their hands entwined where they lay next to Sophie’s head. Eleanor’s fingers slowly brushed through warm wetness. Her lover’s hips rose to meet the gentle touch. Soft fingertips drew small circles over Sophie’s clitoris, forcing her breath out in pants.
She closed her eyes when wonderful sensations overtook her body, but Eleanor’s plea forced them open again. Eleanor kissed her as her fingers slowly slipped lower hovering, “May I?”
“Yes, please.” Sophie rasped hoarsely, her eyes never leaving her lover’s. She felt their entwined hands tightening their grip as Eleanor tenderly slipped two fingers inside. A short gasp escaped her lips at the intrusion which was soon replaced by moans of pleasure as Eleanor’s fingers started a delicious rhythm in sync with her thumb on her clitoris.
Sophie felt her climax building in the pit of her stomach. With a sudden explosion of breath shouting Eleanor’s name she came, shaking violently as her body rode out her first orgasm brought on by her lover. She pulled Eleanor’s head down and crushed their lips together in another passionate kiss. They only parted when oxygen finally became an issue and gazed breathlessly into each other’s eyes.
“I love you,” Eleanor whispered reverently, brushing sweaty hair from Sophie’s brow.
“I love you, too.”
Sophie brought the hand she was holding to her lips to gently kiss its palm before she pressed it against her cheek. Her breath was slowly returning to normal as she fixed her gaze on those blue eyes that shone with so much love.
Before Eleanor knew what was happening, she was lying on her back and Sophie was returning the favour of lovemaking with passion and skill. Sophie made love to her mouth and her breasts before her lips trailed down her stomach over her hip to her thigh, nuzzling the soft skin of her inner thighs close to her core. Eleanor arched her back when she felt Sophie’s tongue against her clitoris. Her lover sucked and licked with enthusiasm as if she couldn’t get enough of her. The pleasure she felt surged higher when Sophie entered her with two fingers and set a steady pace while her tongue continued to do the most wonderful things.
Eleanor writhed in ecstasy under the gentle but passionate ministrations of her lover, climbing higher and higher until waves of pleasure came crashing down on her. When she surfaced again, she felt soft fingers caressing her cheek and brown eyes gazing down at her.
“Are you all right, my love?” Sophie asked with worry colouring her voice. “Did I hurt you?”
“No, you didn’t hurt me,” Eleanor let the pad of her thumb brush over Sophie’s quivering bottom lip. “You were wonderful.”
To emphasize her words, she lifted her head to capture lush lips with her own, tasting herself on them.
They kissed until their passion led to more lovemaking. So lost were they in each other, they didn’t know Eleanor’s family returned from the opera or hear their lively discussion as they climbed the stairs to their respective rooms.
In the early hours of the morning, they finally fell asleep, exhausted, in each other’s arms.
It was lunchtime when Sophie slowly opened her eyes and found a head resting on her chest. She laughed happily at Eleanor, fast asleep in her arms, her body resting half on top of her. The feeling was most pleasurable, especially where Eleanor’s knee was pressing against the sweet spot between her legs. She tightened her arms around her lover’s body as she felt Eleanor stir and gasped when a warm mouth suddenly closed around an erect nipple. This was all it took to ignite the passion between them anew. Their lovemaking was as passionate as the night before, a delicious combination of unrestrained want and tenderness.
They lay spent between rumpled sheets, panting heavily from their last climax and smiling lazily at each other. Never would Sophie have thought it could be as glorious as this. Eleanor was an amazing lover.
She was basking in the afterglow when a loud rumble from her stomach sent the dignified Duchess of Darnsworth into a fit of giggles. Sophie pouted at being laughed at when Eleanor gently patted her belly.
“Come on,” Eleanor said, “let’s take a shower together and join the others for tea.” She padded naked into the bathroom but stopped at the door when Sophie wasn’t following, “Are you coming?”
Sophie sat up and followed the siren’s call of Eleanor’s gloriously naked body under the shower, which took decidedly longer than they anticipated.
Showered and dressed meticulously, Eleanor descended the stairs on Sophie’s arm. They entered the drawing room to find all the eyes of those present upon them. Sophie blushed at the knowing smiles on some of the faces, but Eleanor seemed completely unfazed by the looks they were receiving. As they took a seat on one of the sofa’s Henry cleared his throat to break the awkward silence that had descended over the room upon their arrival.
“Eleanor, my dear, may I suggest you wear a high-necked blouse next time after a night of unrestrained passion. A love bite this size simply does not help your air of well-mannered dignity.”
As soon as he finished speaking, a pillow hit him square in the face. Eleanor was pleased at her aim. Her husband sputtered at her behaviour which merely earned him a raised eyebrow.
“Serves you right,” she said.
The tension was broken, and afternoon tea was the lively and pleasant affair it had always been.