Creation Cards
In concluding the description of Atu II (Priestess), Crowley notes that we must specially observe a pattern in the sequence of Hebrew letters and cards. This is a little confusing in his text, particularly as it includes the swap of the letter He being the Star card. It is left to the reader to fit three attributes to corresponding cards out of the fourteen which are not given detail. They also do not quite fit the scheme given in the “Vital Triads” page which concludes the entire Book of Thoth . [497]
The detail he provides can be summarised as:
Fool/Magus = Hermaphrodite [Holy Ghost and Messenger in the Vital Triads]
Priestess, Empress, Star = Feminine/Triune Goddess [in the Vital Triads these are Virgin, Wife and Mother]
Emperor, Hierophant, Hermit = Masculine/Fathers [in the Vital Triads these are Ruler, Son (Priest) and the Secret Seed].
Then of the remaining fourteen cards he writes “represent these Primordial Quintessences of Being in conjunction, function or manifestation”. [498] Using the “vital triads” as a rough guideline, let us see if we can attribute these qualities to the remaining cards:
Conjunction Cards
Lovers, Adjustment, Lust, Devil
Function Cards
Hanged Man, Death, Moon, Sun
Manifestation Cards
Chariot, Fortune, Art, Tower
The Whole System
Aeon, Universe
This personal arrangement results in four cards assigned to each of the three characteristics and the Aeon (time) and Universe (space) cards being “the system” of all three; conjunction, function and manifestation. The reader is encouraged – should they wish – to consider whether this arrangement works for themselves or an alternative can be constructed.
It is useful in a reading, particularly utilising Majors only or where most cards drawn are Majors, to have a headline as to the proportion of conjunction, function or manifestation cards:
Mainly Conjunction : It is important to hold things together and not extend yourself or add more to the mix. There is enough going on, so find equilibrium whilst things come together.
Mainly Function : Keep a steady pace and look to the function cards to know how the machinery of the universe is currently processing things. Go along with those cards to avoid getting mauled in the machine.
Mainly Manifestation : Do what thou wilt to ensure things get done. Judge yourself by the situation and actual activity, not thinking or feeling about it. Get on with it. Nail things down.
We can also determine the overall nature of the reading from the proportion of masculine or feminine (or combined with the Fool and Magus) energy Majors, alongside these three sets. A reading, for example, with lots of masculine energy and function Major cards will be very different to one with a hermaphrodite card and conjunction cards.
Whilst all correspondences systems, sets, patterns, links and arrangements of tarot cards have an intrinsic value in training the mind to perceive the world as a unity in division, they also serve as a divinatory template through which to engage the divine in real time.
We will consider further patterns in the remaining pair of books of this present series, and now bring ourselves to a conclusion by looking at the first thing Crowley mentions in the Book of Thoth – where he states clearly in which works we should look to find more about his Tarot.