Acknowledgments and Permissions


Chapter 1 was originally published as Leçon inaugurale faite jeudi le 21 mars 2002 (Paris, 2002), and reprinted as Pour une histoire conceptuelle du politique (Paris, 2003). © Éditions du Seuil, reprinted by permission.

Chapter 2 was originally published as “Towards a Philosophical History of the Political,” in Dario Castiglione and Iain Hampsher-Monk, eds., The History of Political Thought in National Context (Cambridge, 2002), after a manuscript original and in a translation substantially revised here. © Cambridge University Press, reprinted by permission.

Chapter 3 was originally published as Le peuple introuvable: Histoire de la représentation démocratique en France (Paris, 1998, 2000), 35–55, along with a section on the Terror from La démocratie inachevée: Histoire de la souveraineté du peuple en France (Paris, 2000, 2003), 84–89. © Gallimard, reprinted by permission.

Chapter 4 was originally published in this form as “La république du suffrage universel,” in François Furet et Mona Ozouf, eds., Le Siècle de l’avènement républicain (Paris, 1993), translated by Laura Mason as “The Republic of Universal Suffrage,” in Biancamaria Fontana, ed., The Invention of Modern Republic (Cambridge, 1994), 192–205.© Cambridge University Press, reprinted by permission. It also essentially coincides with Rosanvallon, Le sacre du citoyen: Histoire du suffrage universel en France (Paris, 1992, 2001), 342–47, 364–66, 372–87.

Chapter 5 was originally published as the editorial matter to François Guizot, Histoire de la civilisation en Europe, ed. Rosanvallon (Paris, 1985). Different parts of the editorial matter—one section of it, entitled “Préface: Le Gramsci de la bourgeoisie,” introduced the book, while another presented a previously unpublished essay by Guizot on sovereignty—have been combined and interwoven in this selection.

Chapter 6 was originally published as “Rationalisme politique et démocratie en France (XVIIIe–XIXe siècles),” Zinbun, Annals of the Institute of Research in Humanities 29 (1994): 17–32, translated anonymously into English as “Political Rationalism and Democracy in France in the 18th and 19th Centuries,” Philosophy and Social Criticism 28, 6 (November 2002): 687–702, heavily revised here. © Sage Publications, reprinted by permission.

Chapter 7 was originally published as “Culture politique libérale et réformisme,” Esprit 251 (March 1999): 161–70, and is reprinted by permission of the journal. The text also appeared under the title “Le marché et les trois utopies libérales” as the preface to the new edition of Pierre Rosanvallon, Le capitalisme utopique: Histoire de l’idée de marché (Paris, 1999).

Chapter 8 was originally published as “Marx et la société civile,” Commentaire 4 (Winter 1978–79): 468–77, reprinted as Rosanvallon, Le capitalisme utopique: Critique de l’idéologie économique (Paris, 1979), chap. 9, “Marx et le retournement du libéralisme.” © Éditions du Seuil, reprinted by permission. This book has since been republished, most recently as Le capitalisme utopique: Histoire de l’idée de marché (Paris, 1999).

Chapter 9 was originally published as La démocratie inachevée: Histoire de la souveraineté du peuple en France (Paris, 2000, 2003), 413–50 (the last section of chap. 11 and all of the conclusion). © Gallimard, reprinted by permission.

Chapter 10 was originally published as “Le déficit démocratique européen,” Esprit 288 (October 2002): 87–100, from remarks originally delivered in 2001 at the Cini Foundation in Venice, and is reprinted by permission of the journal. The text conserves the lecture format; the translation is based, if distantly, on Karsten Sand Iversen’s earlier English-language rendering.

The Postscript is an original text.