Calan helped Harley off his steed’s back. She’d remained silent on the ride to the warehouse near Cynthia’s home. He’d tried to get her to talk about Raul, but she’d only shaken her head. She’d needed a moment to deal with the news he’d delivered, but the time had come to face the implications of her past.
Nine years had gone by without Calan knowing Harley’s fate. He wanted the knowledge of the life she’d lived. What she’d done. If she’d loved the males she’d accepted into her body. How Raul had hurt her. There would be no secrets between them. They would close the gap.
Starting now.
He led her across the lot, opened the door and ushered her inside. Her gaze zeroed in on the fairy ring.
“Here? He’s had a damn fairy ring right in our hometown?”
She didn’t wait for the obvious answer. She stormed into the building, hands flexing and releasing at her sides. With quick strides, she circled the mushroom border, an expression of rage twisting her features. He extended his mind to hers. A wall met him. An actual brick wall. He felt the roughness of the blocks under his mental fingers.
She’d blocked him.
Her limbs trembled, and her pace quickened. He rushed forward. Bringing her here had been a mistake. Without their complete tie, he couldn’t touch her mind unless she allowed it. Her refusal of his assistance made it harder for him to help her through her anger. He should’ve anticipated her reaction to the ring. He’d been too focused on uncovering the reason why she’d sought out other men instead of him, the one lover who would worship her for eternity.
In the face of her anger, it had been a damn selfish reason and one he regretted.
“Harley, stop.” He stepped into her path.
She cut him an irritated look. Her nostrils flared, and she promptly sidestepped him to continue her looping. On the next pass, he grasped her wrist and tugged her tense body against his. She didn’t resist but didn’t relax into his embrace either.
“Flower, let me in.”
She shook her head. He pressed kisses to her neck, her jaw and finally licked the seam of her lips. She pushed against his chest. “Calan, st—”
He slid his tongue between her parted lips and led her in a slow, drugging kiss. On and on, he twined their tongues. Finally, she linked her arms around his neck.
The wall separating them came crashing down.
He swept through her in a metaphysical caress, easing her tension and spreading warmth into her. She moaned in response to the sexual push he gave and kissed him harder. He probably should’ve felt bad for influencing her, but sex offered a Huntsman a safe way to alleviate their pent-up rage. It’d do the same for Harley. Their struggles weren’t all that different, simply flip sides of the same battle. He wanted to avenge the wronged; she wanted to hurt those who’d wronged her.
Lust built the longer they kissed. His cock lengthened and ached for the cushion of her body. He wanted to love her. The warehouse with Raul’s fairy ring and the display of Harley’s pictures wasn’t the right place for it. He broke their kiss and cupped her face between his hands.
“Do not block me. For both of our sakes, I need to be able to touch your mind and comfort you the way you have done for me. We need each other.” He brushed his lips over hers once more. “Understand?”
“Yes. It’s just that…” She leaned back, putting enough space between them to motion toward the portal to the fairy realm. “This has been here for a while, hasn’t it?”
The mushrooms grew with each passing year. Some of the older ones he’d seen had stood as tall as a man. “Several years at least.”
She pushed away from him and knelt next to the ring. “Ian owns a company that does security work for the government and sometimes personal protection cases. At least that’s the side of it that makes money. In truth, he uses all the contacts he’s made to protect me.”
“I’m glad. I’d like to know how he managed to keep you out of harm’s way.”
She glanced over her shoulder. “He hasn’t. I’ve moved every time I’ve drawn the notice of one of the fairies’ creatures. What he has done is kept detailed records of sluagh kills and has the profiles of at least two-dozen redcaps. When word reaches him of murders that fall into either category, he investigates and searches for their fairy rings. He burns any he finds.”
Calan tensed. “That’s dangerous. As a human, he wouldn’t know of the danger he was in until the monsters revealed themselves.”
“I know.” She sighed. “He feels it’s his duty to protect as many people as he can, but he could never find the fairy ring close to our home. He’d always suspected there was one. Too many locals had disappeared over the years, and the types of murders in the neighboring cities suggested sluagh activity. It drove him nuts.” She swept her gaze over the dirt floor. “Raul is smarter than I thought.”
He didn’t bother tugging her away from the ring. It wouldn’t cloud her mind during the daylight hours, or afterward for that matter. Her fairy blood made her immune to its influence. Humans, on the other hand, were lured in to the rings by illusions.
Most often they saw people dancing who would then invite the unsuspecting person to join them. Other times, they saw someone in distress, beseeching their help. No matter what captured their attention, the end result was the same. Once a human stepped past the ring of mushrooms, they tumbled into the fairy realm and became a slave to the owner of the ring.
He crouched beside her at the edge of the circle. “Be thankful your brother never ran into a sluagh or redcap.”
“I made him a dagger, so at least he had something to fight with if he had.” She gave him a wan smile. “If I lost Ian to them, I would’ve killed myself, no matter what promise I made.”
“You love him that deeply.” A stupid question, maybe, but he needed the answer. Although he’d invited Ian to ride the Hunt, Calan hadn’t decided if he’d let him. Once the human accepted a horse, he’d be bound to it and the Hunt for eternity. Such a commitment was not accepted or extended lightly.
“With all my heart. Ian and my vow to you are the reasons I’ve lived so long.” She laid her hand on his chest. “It hasn’t been easy, Calan. Every day the temptation to act on my rage has grown and so has the guilt. Everywhere I go, people die. I’m a menace to everyone, more so now.”
He covered her fingers with his and stroked her knuckles with his thumb. “They would kill and torture whether you lived or not.”
“You sound like Ian. That’s his favorite argument.” She chuckled. “He even has the statistics to support it.”
He treasured the lighthearted smile and hated that he had to erase it. The sooner he got it over with, the better. “Do you notice anything different about this circle?”
She held a hand out to hover over the nearest mushroom. “It’s not diseased.” She scrunched her brows and glanced at the skylights. “Why, because it’s out of the direct sun?”
“No. Raul has fed from you, and you still retain your goodness. The ring will remain healthy unless you turn Unseelie.” He tipped her chin up. “How did he get your blood?”
She gave the ring one more glance, then sighed. “It was a couple of weeks after you saved me. I was on my way to find you, and…”
Her voice trailed off. His first thought centered on the knowledge that she had tried to keep her promise. The second chilled him.
“Raul stopped you.” He supplied the words she hesitated to say.
She nodded.
“What happened?”
“I stupidly fell for an illusion he created. I saw a young girl on the side of the road, crying. She had a suitcase, and”—she groaned—“I pulled over to see if I could help her. God, I was so damn naive.”
A growl crawled up his throat. Raul had played on Harley’s goodness.
She skimmed her fingertips across his back in a soothing caress. He savored her touch. Here she was, recalling a difficult time, and yet she sought to comfort him. He pulled her closer.
“Raul was waiting, wasn’t he?”
“Yes.” She rested her cheek over his heart. “I should’ve expected it. You’d left me with the knowledge of the tricks they played. I just hadn’t really believed anyone would do that. I…I didn’t have much experience with people.”
“Your mother knew what had raped her.” She had to have. It was the only explanation for why Harley had lived to adulthood.
“Yes, and she used the knowledge to protect me. Unfortunately, she did so by isolating me from the outside world.” She lowered her voice. “I grew angry and bitter as I got older. Finally, I started sneaking out. Within a week, Raul found me.”
He pressed his lips to her hair. “I’m sorry. I wish I could’ve saved you from the pain and sadness you’ve experienced.”
She clutched him tight. “Me too.”
He held her in silence for a long moment, but he wanted the rest of her story. He suspected whatever happened made her change her mind about returning to him. “When you got out of your car, Raul attacked you.”
She dragged in a shaky breath. “He dragged me into the woods, and he…”
His anxiety spiked. “Did what?”
She slipped out of his embrace. Her back to him, she wrapped her arms around her chest. “He gnawed and sucked on my ankle, as if I were a juicy fruit or something.” She shivered. “Then he…”
Again she trailed off. He curled his fists and fought to remain calm. “What did he do?”
A shake of her head answered him.
He gentled his voice and asked, “Please, my mate. Tell me.”
“While he was distracted, I stabbed him.”
He’d gotten his answer as to how she’d slipped closer to accepting her Unseelie side. No doubt she’d wanted to hurt Raul, and because of the damned heritage her father bestowed upon her, she’d probably enjoyed it too.
“Why didn’t you finish it?” He was glad she hadn’t. The joy of the kill might’ve tipped her over. Still, the reason seemed important.
She lifted trembling hands to her face and pressed them to her eyes. “There was so much blood, and I just wanted to get away. He”—she cleared her throat—“hurt me.”
A terrifying idea took hold. He turned her into his arms and gently pried her hands away. Sadness didn’t show on her face. Anger did. “What did he do?”
He glanced over his shoulder at the display of pictures. Raul was obsessed with her. He’d watched her for years. Calan focused on one of Harley sleeping naked on top of her bed. Raul had gotten close to her while she’d been unaware. Partially bonded to her or not, he would’ve hungered for the power contained in her blood. He hadn’t taken it. No, the redcap wanted more. He hungered for her body as well as the strength he could get from her.
Why? Because he’d enjoyed her before?
Calan prayed he was wrong. It would kill him to know his beautiful mate had been violated. “Tell me.”
“It doesn’t matter.” She shoved at his chest. He tightened his grip, and she relented. “I got away.”
Anger gripped him. Harley had suffered, and he hadn’t been free to protect or even comfort her. “Tell. Me. Now.”
“Why?” She tensed and pierced him with her narrowed gaze. “So you can embrace your rage?” She shook her head. “No. I won’t give you a reason. It happened nine years ago. I lived.”
The look in her eyes told him the truth. He had to be sure. “Raul raped you, didn’t he?”
A roar tore from his throat.
She wrapped her arms around him. “Calm down. I stopped him. It’s okay.”
His body shook from the power rushing into his muscles. He fought the downward spiral and focused on Harley’s small hands caressing him.
“Skin,” he rasped.
She shoved up his shirt and ran her fingers over his back. His anger subsided, but not the need for revenge. “He’ll come after you again, force you to embrace your rage, take you away from me.”
“He can try, but he won’t be able to, not with you as my pillar of strength.” She flashed him a smile. “Right? That’s what you told me. You’d help me.”
“Yes, but he won’t give up easily.” He peered over her head at the back corner of the room. “He’s obsessed with you.”
She gasped, then shoved away from him and approached the sick display of photos. A few feet away, she stopped.
“He’s been watching me for years. He told me he had. I didn’t realize…” She reached a trembling hand out to the picture he’d stared at not long ago. “I endangered every lover I took. I didn’t mean to. I thought I was being so careful, meeting them during the day, running afterward.”
She stepped backward and stretched a hand out to him. He grasped it and pulled her against him. Her pain beat at him, but so did his own. “Did you desire them so much?”
She snorted and turned in his embrace, wrapping her arms around his waist. “No, I used them. Every last one.”
With soft back and forth motions of her cheek, she caressed his chest. “I was horny and lonely. Selfish reasons, I know. I couldn’t help it.” She leaned back and met his gaze. “Your eyes haunted me. I couldn’t let you go, so I used them as substitutes, but it never worked. None completed me.” She trailed her finger over his chest. “They weren’t you.”
Her answered eased him, yet filled him with remorse. “I left a piece of me with you when I shared my knowledge and strength so you’d be able to find me and not fear what I am.” He ran his hands over her back in an effort to soothe them both. He hated the confusion and loneliness he’d caused her. “I am sorry I didn’t explain it to you. I should have.”
He waited for her to absolve him of the sin. She didn’t. After a long moment, she sighed. “Get me out of here, Calan. Please.”
He swept her into his arms and strode outside. His horse no longer stood where he’d left him. The morning sun brightened the landscape. His stallion would’ve returned to the Underworld with the first rays of light.
He surveyed the vacant lot. They’d have to return to Harley’s house by human means. “We need a car.”
She reached into her back pocket and retrieved her cell. A couple of swipes of her finger, and she pressed it to her ear. “Hey, it’s me. Come out to the warehouse behind Cynthia’s house. We need a ride.”
He heard Ian’s mumbled agreement, then she pressed a button on the phone and slid it into her pocket.
“Ian’s coming.”
Calan nodded. He would’ve much rather spent the day in his female’s arms but she hurt: for herself, her brother and all those killed by Raul.
He rested his head on hers. He hated knowing he’d failed to protect her for all the years they’d been separated but he finally had her in his arms. Nothing would ever hurt her again. He’d make sure of it.