Chapter Twenty-Five

Harley pressed a balled fist to her chest where the dull ache had developed. Dar had arrived, exactly as Raul had warned. She scanned the woods for him. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Ian racing toward her with hounds flanking his ghostly horse.

“Ian, no.” She held up a hand. “I’m fine. Help Calan. Dar’s here.”

Her brother closed the last few feet, ignoring her order. Perched on his horse, in sleep shorts with his reddened eyes and flaming sword, he looked like a cross between a weekend warrior and something out of a nightmare. His gaze drifted to the greenhouse.

“Not with that fucker in there. He’s got Trevor.”

“Raul won’t hurt me or Trevor. It’s a ploy to manipulate me. I can handle him.” At least, she hoped she was right. “The curse. This is Calan’s chance to transfer it back. That’s more important. Remember, I can’t die.” The words rushed out, leaving her breathless.

“Trevor can.”

Remembering her failure when she’d stopped Calan from killing Raul because she’d wanted to save Allie, she made a decision that broke her heart. Trevor’s life would have to be risked. “If Calan fails, the world will suffer. Please.”

Ian cursed. He glanced at the hounds around him. Faces contorted in rage, saliva dripped from their mouths, yet none made a sound.

He waved them off. “Go.”

As one unit, the dogs turned and fled across the woods.

“Dammit, Ian—”

He slid off his horse. “I can’t disobey Calan. He ordered me to stay with you.”

She opened her mouth to argue, but turned toward the greenhouse where she felt the awareness of a sluagh. Cynthia walked out of the woods at the same time as Raul exited the building with Trevor. Duct tape covered Trevor’s mouth, and a thick rope bound his hands, but it was the gun Raul had pressed to Trevor’s temple that stopped Harley’s heart.

“Cynthia.” Ian’s whispered voice sounded strained.

Harley cut a quick peek at the sluagh that used to be Ian’s girlfriend. Besides her chalky skin, she looked no different than the pictures Harley had seen of her, pigtails and all. Cynthia hadn’t been turned long enough for her body to reflect what she’d become.

“Ian, h-h-help m-me.” Cynthia stretched an arm out. “I hurt.”

Ian’s sword disappeared. He stepped forward.

Harley grasped his wrist. “That’s not really Cynthia. She’s a puppet.”

“Yes, my puppet, and I am Dar’s.” Raul continued forward, forcing Trevor to move with him. Raul slammed a fist into Trevor’s back, dropping him to his knees. “Dar has ordered me to prepare your friend to receive his bloody cap, but I’d rather feed my newest sluagh. She’s hungry.”

Harley choked on bile. “Don’t do it.”

“Come here, Cynthia.” One corner of Raul’s mouth lifted.

Cynthia’s body jerked. She walked stiffly toward where Raul stood. Her fingernails lengthened.

“No!” Ian lurched forward.

Cynthia pivoted on her heel and ran. Ian followed. They disappeared into the woods. A roar pierced the night. Cynthia’s screech came next.

Harley blocked it out and met Raul’s confident gaze. He’d planned his trap well. “Let Trevor go.”

“Not until you give me what I want.”

Harley glanced from the warning in Trevor’s eyes to the smug look on Raul’s face. “What do you want?”

“You. You’re my ticket to redemption.”

A bitter laugh escaped. “Is this your way to earn my affection? Because let me tell you, it’s pretty pathetic.”

He shrugged. “You took that option away from me. No matter. I’ll still get what I want. I always get what I want. Remember that.”

She stepped forward and held out her hand. “Let Trevor come to me. Then we’ll talk, okay?”

“Dar has played us both.” He slid his finger to the trigger. “I’m done with his games. I refuse to be anyone’s pawn again.”

Her heart knocked hard against her rib cage. “Don’t, Raul. Please.”

More of Cynthia’s shrieks carried through the night. They cut off abruptly. Ian’s agonized roar filled the silence.

A sharp pain stabbed her chest. Oh God. Cynthia. Ian had killed her.

“Yes, now it’s time.” Raul whipped the gun and pointed it at her.

A pop sounded. She jerked. Pain exploded in her belly. Her mouth opened on a soundless scream. Two more bullets hit her, and she fell.

Raul knelt over her and pressed a balled-up rag to her gut. “You see, Harley,” he held up the bloody fabric, “I always get what I want.”

Calan. She had to reach him. She pictured his eyes, saw him fighting, but a fist to her face stopped her from connecting with him.

Raul’s laugh followed her into oblivion.