The Illusionist

[Benito Mussolini]

FROM THE THREE great architects of the Italian Risorgimento in the mid-nineteenth century – Mazzini, Garibaldi, Cavour – to the rule of Mussolini from 1922 to 1943, it would be hard to find a single figure in Italian politics whose biography is in print in English today, this despite the country’s colonial expansion in Libya and participation in World War One. A fluid parliamentary system of shifting alliances between fragmented parties largely in thrall to the whims of an interfering and mediocre monarchy meant that those who held power did so only by dint of interminable compromise and ad hoc administration. Much the same, minus the monarchy, could be said of Italian leaders since World War Two, at least until Berlusconi. Biographers find it difficult to have such men emerge from an elusive and very Italian context.

With Mussolini, on the other hand, the literature is extensive and the reader spoilt for choice. It is the nature of a totalitarian dictatorship that the psychology of a single, usually charismatic, individual is superimposed over a nation’s destiny for an extended period. Thus it may seem that the story can be grasped without too much context. Then in Mussolini’s case the psychology in question was neither simple nor stable. Indeed, we might say that for every action and declaration of Il Duce, as he liked to be called, there was, as it were, a shadow action or declaration which complicated or straightforwardly contradicted the first. As a result, regardless of the damage he did to Italian democracy and the ruin he brought upon Italy through his alliance with Hitler, historians can continue to argue about what his real intentions and achievements were. Here was a man who both saved Jews from Hitler’s Holocaust yet passed anti-Semitic laws in Italy, who talked about modernising his country and, simultaneously, of returning to the mentality of Roman imperialism, who fomented a European war then desperately sought to postpone it, who spoke of wishing to be hated and feared while giving money anonymously to charitable organisations.

Aside from the fascination one is bound to feel for a life at once so contradictory and eventful, there is the growing conviction as one reads recent biographies of Mussolini that the conflicting codes of behaviour between which he oscillated are still in competition for our minds today. In a nutshell: while most politicians will do everything to present themselves as ‘good’ and above all peace-loving, though often behaving in ways that seem to us tainted with self-interest if not downright evil, Mussolini was determined to appear warlike and ruthless while frequently finding it difficult to carry through his threats. No published photo, he ordered, must show him smiling. It was better, he felt, that the Italians be known for torturing their prisoners than for their mandolin-playing. But when a dangerous political opponent was murdered by Fascist henchmen, a shamed Duce was quick to give a generous pension to his family. There is room here for considerable controversy.

Born in 1883 near the provincial town of Forlì, son of a blacksmith, a man known for his militant socialism and heavy drinking, young Benito soon had a reputation for turbulent behaviour. At school there were knife fights. He was expelled three times. But between these crises there were also long periods of quiet diligence and excellent exam results. Benito’s mother was a schoolteacher, much admired for her exemplary piety, and in his late teens it was her vocation that he chose. He taught languages in primary school and in later years, often at moments of great drama, he would withdraw from his duties to immerse himself in some literary or historical translation, as if an alternative and contemplative way of life were still available to him. The works of Plato were always on his desk, together with a revolver.

In his early twenties the young Mussolini liked to take a woman by brute force, rape almost, then become romantically attached, then move on to another town. His father kept a mistress. Dismissed from his first school where, unlike his mother, he had been unable to control the children (‘some of them were incorrigible and dangerous urchins’1 he complained), he wandered poverty-stricken around Switzerland, until involvement with the Socialist Party led to the discovery of a genius for inflammatory journalism. He was expelled from various Swiss towns and finally from the country. Back in Italy, he was sacked from other teaching jobs for blasphemy in the classroom, philandering, running up debts and political agitation. It was as if his mother’s job had been given to someone with his father’s qualities; but his mother was dead now, killed by meningitis in 1905. Brief periods were spent in gaol.

All the same, Mussolini was still hard-working and evidently talented. In 1909 he was given control of the socialist newspaper in Austrian-held Trento, where he engaged in a fierce battle of words with future Italian leader, the very Catholic Alcide De Gasperi. ‘The church was a corpse’2 Mussolini wrote. The notions of loving your neighbour and turning the other cheek were pathetic and pernicious. Violence was the necessary and moral response to capitalist injustice. Once again he was expelled. But in 1912, with a view to imminent revolution, the Socialist Party decided to make use of his capacity for stirring up conflict and appointed him head of their national newspaper, Avanti, based in Milan. It was the breakthrough from minor agitator to major player.

The pattern of this early part of Mussolini’s life, then, is one of kicking against all forms of authority while at the same time seeking both power and approval for himself, first with schoolchildren and lovers, then in the Socialist Party and its newspapers. Even his marriage in 1910, swiftly followed by the birth of his first child Edda, involved a breach of authority, if not taboo. Seventeen-year-old Rachele Guidi was the daughter of his father’s long-time mistress. Both Benito’s father and Rachele’s mother were sternly set against the union. To get his way, Mussolini threatened suicide. Of peasant stock, uninterested in politics, regularly producing children and always supporting family values, Rachele gradually got a hold on her man and saw off a series of mistresses. One of her strategies was to challenge him really to play the macho part he advocated. His first supporter and goad, she invariably insisted that he be harder on opponents. Years afterwards, observers would remark that Mussolini appeared to be afraid of his wife. Whether or not that is true, he clearly experienced relationships of whatever kind as power struggles in which one side must eventually assert authority and take control. This psychological make-up, rationalised by an acceptance of Darwinian determinism, would ultimately be fatal in his dealings with Hitler.

The Italian Socialist Party of the early twentieth century was internationalist: capitalism was an international phenomenon and the workers as a class must respond with an international revolution. The socialists thus opposed wars between nation states as merely furthering the ends of capitalist manufacturers. As editor of the socialist newspaper, therefore, Mussolini vigorously opposed the idea of Italian intervention at the beginning of the First War. But his position rapidly shifted and in October 1914, without consulting his colleagues, he published a leading article claiming that Italy could not stand on the sidelines while such great events were going on.

There were various considerations behind this dramatic volte-face, not least the calculation that war might create a situation favourable to revolution. But with Mussolini the drive to take action and play a leading role – something to which he attached positive moral value – together with the attendant fear of being seen to be weak, was almost always decisive. In any event, he collected another expulsion, this time from the Socialist Party, and opened his own newspaper, Il Popolo d’Italia, telling the readers ‘From now on we are Italians and nothing but Italians.’3 The move from international socialism to Fascism, or National Socialism as a similar phenomenon would elsewhere be called, had begun.

It was characteristic of Mussolini that he always assumed that wars would be short and victorious. ‘The winner of the war will be whoever wants to win it’,4 he felt, declaring a faith in the power of human will over material reality that would remain with him till the end. Conscripted into the army in 1915, he was wounded by a hand grenade in exercises behind the lines in July 1917 and thus back at the newspaper in Milan before the terrible collapse at Caporetto in October of that year which saw 300,000 Italians taken prisoner and the Austro-German army on the brink of capturing the Northern Italian plain. Eventual victory with Allied help brought a huge sense of national achievement but not the territorial gains that Britain and France had originally offered when encouraging Italy to join the war. With half a million dead, half a million injured, a weak government, a weak economy and a general sense that the country had been cheated, Italy was now fertile ground for political agitation. In particular, the rapidly growing Socialist Party had before it the example of the Russian Revolution.

It is in telling the next part of the story, the three years that brought Mussolini to power, that recent biographies declare their differences most powerfully. What is at stake is our attitude to democracy and to the use of violence in domestic politics. In 1919 Italy introduced universal male suffrage with a radical form of proportional representation. Every area of opinion would be faithfully represented in parliament, including the newly formed Partito Popolare Italiano which represented Catholic Italy and had the blessing of the Pope. The year’s election thus returned a parliament where no one grouping had a majority and where neither the socialists nor the PPI would work with each other or with the older and now much diminished Liberal Party. The minority Liberal government eventually installed was faced with a dramatic wave of strikes organised by the socialists, who were evidently seeking to push the country to revolution.

Within this scenario of chronic fragmentation, a recurrent Italian nightmare, Mussolini had formed, in February 1919, the so-called Fasci di Combattimento (Combat Bands). Members were not obliged to relinquish membership of other parties. The idea was rather to ignore class differences and economic interests, insisting on solidarity, with all its advantages. At its simplest, one might say that Mussolini’s Fascism, as it was soon being called, aimed to create, in peacetime, the embattled, nationalist solidarity he had experienced during the war. (A fascio is a bundle of things tied together.) So all differences of opinion would be subordinated to the principle of the good of the nation. In reality, this meant subordination to the principle of taking power over the nation. Every ‘divisive’ party, and in particular the socialists, would be attacked and denigrated until all parties were dissolved and the people bound together in the solidarity of Fascism. Expelled from every organisation he had been a member of, Mussolini would now absorb all organisations into his own.

Despite Mussolini’s remarkable journalism and powerful public speaking, the new movement polled only 5,000 votes in the 1919 election. Very soon afterwards, however, it found a role in transforming widespread public resentment of socialist strikes into orchestrated punitive raids. While the police stood by, reluctant to intervene, groups of the Fasci di Combattimento set out in their black shirts and black lorries to break strikes, beat up opponents and burn down socialist headquarters. There were deaths on both sides.

Nicholas Farrell, in his Mussolini: A New Life, is sanguine about all this. Bolshevism was a real threat, he points out, and the socialists ‘gave as good as they got’.5 He repeats this formula three times. Anyway, ‘the Fascists’, Farrell writes, ‘opposed the bourgeoisie as much as they opposed the socialists because both exalted one class at the expense of the other. The Fascists exalted the nation, united not divided.’6

This of course was the official line, but is difficult to square with the fact that in the early days Mussolini’s newspaper and movement were funded primarily by land-owning and industrial interests. For the moment, resentment of the bourgeoisie, however heartfelt, went no further than rhetoric. The Socialist Party was the enemy that, largely because of its internationalism and relations with Russia, aroused the animosity that bound together Mussolini’s variously assorted followers.

Farrell is likewise ready to endorse Mussolini’s route to power. In 1921, new elections saw the Fascists gain thirty-five seats in parliament and take a place in government. But in 1922 when the socialists threatened a general strike and the government followed its normal line of non-intervention, Mussolini undertook his long-threatened March on Rome. Claiming to be more patriotic than the country’s leaders, 30,000 of his followers converged on the city, for the most part travelling by train. For the good of Italy, the government must act or hand over power to those who would. The Fascists could easily have been dispersed given the army and police presence around the city. But the king was unwilling to call the marchers’ bluff, perhaps afraid that widespread violence would ensue. Instead he invited Mussolini, who had barricaded himself in his office in Milan, to form a government. Mussolini thus took power legally, though only by threatening an illegal course of action.

Farrell, whose determination that we take a fresh look at Mussolini and Fascism is welcome, spoils his position by making enthusiastic claims such as: ‘the king was in tune with what the majority of Italians wanted and felt they needed.’7 Certainly there was a desire to put an end to widespread strikes, but whether that meant people would have chosen Mussolini as their prime minister we have no way of knowing. King Victor Emmanuel will not go down in history as a man who knew or cared much about the will of his people. Farrell’s repeated use of the disparaging expression ‘chattering classes’ to describe those who write off Mussolini without, as Farrell sees it, considering the consequences of a socialist revolution or the stalemate of Italian democracy, suggests that he is in fact using his book as a personal polemic against political correctness and liberal orthodoxies in general. As a result some of the excellent points he makes are less telling than they might be.

Presenting his new government to the Chamber of Deputies, Mussolini, now thirty-eight, told them: ‘I could have turned this deaf and grey Chamber into a bivouac for my legions … I could have barred up parliament and formed a government only of Fascists. I could have, but I have not wanted to, at least not for the moment.’8 The speech is typical of the two contrasting attitudes that are always present in Mussolini’s life and that characterise his relationship with the Italian people. On the one hand there is the arrogant, self-glorifying claim of the moral right to violence and destruction, on the other he looks for approval for not having done what he says he might have; for being, at the end of the day, benevolent. The concluding ‘at least not for the moment’ is both a real threat and an example of the way he learnt to keep competing moralities apart by reserving the more drastic manifestations of himself for some unspecified future occasion. For the moment he will deal with the king, the parliament and the Pope and accept their institutional roles; later, if he so desires, he may destroy them. Similarly, in the 1930s, Mussolini would speak frequently of the need for a European war to destroy the pernicious power of Britain and France, but this cataclysm was always to take place at some distant date. In this regard he was less drastic and ruthless than Hitler, who always wanted the future to arrive as rapidly as the German armaments industry could bring it about. One senses that Mussolini praised men of action and instinct so incessantly (‘If I trust my instinct I never make a mistake’9 he claimed) because he actually pondered a great deal before taking action and more often than not found himself paralysed by indecision.

While Farrell often expresses his enthusiasm for Il Duce as an admirable example of effective authoritarian rule, R. J. B. Bosworth begins his Mussolini by declaring that he considers Mussolini a complete failure. He points out that the Liberal government’s policy of non-intervention in socialist strikes had actually undermined and defused left-wing revolution. By 1922 Bolshevism was on the wane. Again and again he shows the inconsistencies in Mussolini’s declarations and simultaneously acknowledges that the Fascist leader was not concerned with intellectual consistency but with finding a way to power. In this view, however, and partly as a result of Bosworth’s heavy use of irony, Mussolini can seem merely cynical and opportunist, while the more visionary side of his personality appears only as a means to an end, or plain ridiculous. Bosworth uses the word ‘rant’10 to characterise the aggressive rhetoric that Farrell admires.

In his more modest Mussolini, prepared for the Routledge Historical Biographies series, Peter Neville uses the word ‘nonsense’.11 Neville drops various hints that he is not enamoured of his subject. He is a professional historian writing to order. But this does give him the advantage of having no axe to grind and no original research to show off. For anyone eager to get a succinct overview, at once well organised and easy to consult, his book is an excellent choice. What’s more, his rather schoolmasterly determination ‘to discern what really drove Mussolini and to assess the sincerity of his political opinions against his obvious desire to exercise great power’12 alerts us to an underlying problem with all these books. None of them offers a serious psychological study of this unusual mind and, despite all the lip service paid to context, and in Bosworth’s case an admirable handling of background detail, none takes time to go back in history and consider how that mind may have meshed in exciting and dangerous ways with long-term cultural conditions in Italy.

As early as 1826 the poet Leopardi had suggested that Italy occupied a very special position in Europe as far as public debate and morality were concerned. In his Discorso sopra lo stato presente dei costumi degl’italiani he suggests that, faced with the collapse of traditional belief systems, England and France had been able to fall back on a well-developed aristocratic and moneyed society that had gradually substituted a morality based on metaphysics with one that rested entirely on custom and aesthetics, so that a man is ‘ashamed to do harm in the same way that he would be ashamed to appear in a conversation with a stain on his clothes’.13

Italy, on the other hand, divided as it then was, despotically governed and dominated by a religion people observed, as Leopardi saw it, mostly out of superstition and subservience, lacked such resources. Public debate was no more than a school for insults and people laughed at the idea of moral behaviour. A gesture of real nobility was unimaginable. What was required in these circumstances, Leopardi felt, was some kind of collective ‘illusion’, which, if it could never give life ‘real substance or truth’, might at least confer ‘the appearance of the same, so that we might be able to think of it [life] as important.’14

Other figures of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries suggest a moral condition in line with Leopardi’s description. Mazzini, the revolutionary ideologue behind the Risorgimento, found himself battling above all with the total indifference of the vast majority. To combat this he spoke of the need to encourage Italians to have a ‘religious concept of their nation’,15 an expression Mussolini would pick up.

Garibaldi, utterly scathing of the church and deeply pessimistic about the behaviour of his fellow Italians, nevertheless demonstrated how much could be achieved, at least in short-term military campaigns, by appealing to an exalted vision of the nation where solidarity and unity took precedence over any political colour. Like Mussolini, he frequently drew inspiration from the achievements of the Romans. Indeed it was precisely the abyss between past grandeur and present meanness that fed both despair and idealism. A convinced democrat, Garibaldi nevertheless decided that when you wanted anything done in Italy, you had to play dictator. Anti-Catholic as he was, he was worshiped as a saint, in much the same way that Mussolini would be. ‘Incredible,’ Mussolini remarked, ‘the readiness of modern man to believe.’16

Verga’s splendid novellas of the late nineteenth century also present a world where all public and in particular Catholic morality is quite empty, its rhetoric no more than a weapon in a vicious Darwinian power game. His magnificent portrait of the violent young miner Rosso Malpelo is a description of a man waiting for his innate violence to be enlisted in some collective enterprise. D’Annunzio too, who pointed the way for Mussolini when he led a people’s army into Yugoslav-held Fiume in 1920, had for many years been writing novels where an idealised rhetoric deployed by a Nietzschean superman imposes itself on and transforms grim reality into something noble.

‘Now we have made Italy we must make the Italians.’17 So said ex-prime minister Massimo D’Azeglio shortly after national unification was achieved. Again the statement suggests both a pessimistic take on the present and a hope in moral regeneration. Clearly this was fertile territory for a man who combined a creative use of extravagant rhetoric with a tendency both to bully and then to seek approval for having bullied in a positive way, a man who, having spent his early twenties in a state, as he saw it, of moral collapse, had then urgently cast about for a mission that would harness his energies and bring self-esteem. Nobody could have been more contemptuous of the Italian character than Mussolini – ‘a gesticulating, chatterbox, superficial, carnivalesque people’18 he called them – and nobody more determined to achieve the ‘conversion of the Italians’19 through a powerful collective vision, for which, like Leopardi, Mussolini uses the word illusion. ‘It is faith which moves mountains because it gives the illusion that mountains move. Illusion, is perhaps the only reality in life.’20

How, most of us will wonder, can someone believe in and act upon something that he also (unlike the fundamentalist) stands back from and refers to as an illusion? Leopardi considered this the paradox for modern man. It required constant labour and energy, he felt, to sustain an illusion. Fascism, a movement with no real content beyond its nation-building vocation, ‘constructs day by day’,21 Mussolini claimed, ‘the edifice of its will and passion.’ Asked to define the phenomenon in a few words he said it meant that ‘Life must not be taken easily.’22 He referred to himself as ‘the national mule’ carrying ‘heavy burdens’.23 Fascist artwork would portray him as a builder, digging the foundations of Italian civilisation, on his own, with a spade. ‘I am convinced’, Mussolini told a conference of doctors in 1931, ‘that our way of eating, dressing, working and sleeping, the whole complex of our daily habits, must be reformed.’24 It was a ‘fatica grandiosa’, he remarked, using the word that describes the mythic labours of Hercules.

Behind all this, then – the distance between the Italians as they are perceived to be and the modern, united, industrious nation they might become – lies the heroism of the impossible task. ‘The credo of Fascism is heroism, that of the bourgeoisie egoism.’25 It is as if, quite unlike Hitler, Mussolini was always half aware of being defeated before he started. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of the Italian biographer Renzo De Felice’s classic seven-volume study of Mussolini, and what most distinguishes it from English biographies, is not so much his supposed sympathy with Mussolini as his shared understanding of this reading of Italian life. The same cultural trait is observable with Berlusconi and his Forza Italia party today. What has to be grasped is the Italian willingness to subscribe to an ambitious project of transformation while actively disbelieving that it can succeed. This is why it is not a major setback when a leader fails to deliver. Certainly Il Duce had ceased believing in his project, De Felice remarks, before he was halfway through his time in power. He had ‘dominated the masses like an artist’,26 but he had failed to change them. On the contrary, his ostentatious shouldering of all responsibility encouraged irresponsibility in his adoring people. ‘Fascism is nothing but a bluff’ Mussolini’s son Vittorio would tell his adolescent friends. ‘Daddy hasn’t managed to do anything he wanted to. The Italians … don’t give a damn about the revolution.’27 All the biographies mention Mussolini’s growing loneliness and melancholy as the hopelessness of his project emerged.

* * *

One thing, of course, that makes an illusion very hard to sustain is someone who reminds us of harsh reality, or supports a rival illusion. Having taken power, Mussolini became obsessed by propaganda and spent much of his time scouring the newspapers and reading police reports on friends and enemies. Neither he nor Fascism nor Italy must ever be presented as ridiculous. Having altered the electoral laws and deployed considerable thuggery to win a landslide victory in elections in 1924, he faced his first serious challenge in parliament. Socialist deputy Giacomo Matteotti accused him of widespread electoral fraud. Shortly afterwards, Matteotti was murdered. Having survived – only just – the ensuing scandal, Mussolini moved rapidly to turn his government into a dictatorship and the country into a one-party state. The lower house of parliament would eventually be closed and very tight control was taken of the press. ‘Our totalitarian will’, Mussolini declared in 1925, ‘shall be declared with still greater ferocity.’28 Everything would be ‘for the state, nothing outside the state, and no one against the state.’ Throughout the 1920s the myth of a militaristic, modernising Fascism was slowly consolidated; its component parts included the Roman salute (the handshake was banned), paramilitary youth movements, after-hours workers’ organisations, statues and bas-reliefs that recalled an imperial past and grandiose authoritarian architecture. Meanwhile police powers were considerably increased and thousands of communists and other agitators arrested.

But the illusion of totalitarian control was the greatest illusion of all. One thing, for example, that remained decisively outside state control was Mussolini’s stomach. Shortly after having survived the Matteotti crisis, Il Duce coughed blood and was afflicted by crippling stomach pains. An ulcer was diagnosed and he was put on a diet of no meat, no alcohol and abundant milk, with which he continued for most of his life. The pains, however, would return with some frequency. The biographies in question, while all suspecting a psychosomatic element to the problem (a post-mortem decades later would reveal no trace of an ulcer), do not seek to establish a pattern between the attacks and the kind of decisions and circumstances Mussolini was facing. Matteotti’s death was the first occasion when Mussolini himself was suspected of direct involvement in murder, when the criminal side of Fascism was seen by all for what it was, not a might-have-been or a figure of speech. Il Duce’s decision to grant a generous pension to Matteotti’s widow suggests he experienced a sense of guilt. Later, Mussolini would be especially afflicted by pain while involved in negotiating Italy’s aggressive military pact with Germany. It remains for some diligent researcher to establish whether these pains occurred at moments when Mussolini found it most difficult to reconcile the poles of ruthlessness and accommodation between which his behaviour oscillated. In any event, for a man of action who liked to have himself photographed playing vigorous sports or cruising Rome in a convertible with a lioness called Italia, to find himself bent double in pain and reduced on occasion to writhing on the floor was a significant setback. Naturally, none of this could ever be spoken of in the press, just as years later newspapers were forbidden to mention Il Duce’s age.

Also outside state control was the church. ‘It is impossible to ignore reality, however sad’29 Mussolini had once written to D’Annunzio, and he was aware that it was unrealistic to imagine that the vision that was Fascism could ever entirely replace Catholicism. They would have to live together. Mussolini replaced the Christian calendar date 1922 with the Fascist date, Year I, but for the duration of his regime allowed the different dates to be printed side by side on official documents. It was a classic example of his habit of allowing contradictions to persist unresolved. For years Catholicism and Fascism fought each other over who would have the right to run youth groups and indoctrinate future generations, but in 1929 Mussolini and the Pope nevertheless settled the profound disagreement between church and state that had been going on since Italy seized Vatican territory in the Risorgimento: the Pope agreed to recognise Italian sovereignty over Rome in return for a series of generous concessions. It was an extraordinary coup and brought Mussolini considerable international acclaim.

In general, as Farrell is eager to remind us and Bosworth is obliged to admit, Mussolini enjoyed an excellent foreign press throughout the 1920s. Many – including influential names like Churchill and George Bernard Shaw – saw him exactly as he wanted to be seen: a strong leader who had restored public order and modernised his country with a programme of public works and a policy of intervention to protect workers’ pay and conditions that had spared Italy the class conflict that dogged other nations. The sacrifice of freedom of speech and, by now it was clear, democracy, was overlooked. Bosworth, however, is interesting in suggesting how little the country was in fact modernised, how few were the members of the old establishment, particularly in the army, who were replaced, how much of the perceived change, in short, had to do with propaganda. The extent to which Italy still lagged behind would be dramatically revealed in wartime.

‘He who does not feel the need to fight a bit of war’, Mussolini remarked, ‘is not in my opinion a complete man. War is the most important thing in the life of a man, like maternity in that of a woman.’ The curious use of ‘a bit’30 suggests Il Duce’s eternal ambiguity. One cannot imagination Hitler having slipped in this qualification. G. Bruce Strang’s On the Fiery March looks in meticulous detail at the dealings between the two men in the years that led to Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939 and Italy’s declaration of war on an already desperate France in 1940. As in all these books, the story is fascinating if only because Mussolini’s behaviour would appear to defy explanation. From 1922 to 1935, despite all its menacing rhetoric, Italy had hardly misbehaved on the international scene. Then in 1935 it invaded Ethiopia, in 1936 it intervened in the Spanish Civil War and was largely responsible for Franco’s victory in 1939. In 1938 it invaded Albania and in 1939 it signed the Pact of Steel with Germany, an aggressive military alliance whereby if one signatory launched a war of expansion, the other was bound to join in. How far was all this the consequence of a long-term plan, of ideology or of opportunism? Or did it reflect a midlife crisis of both Fascism and Il Duce?

In Farrell’s view, France and Britain were largely responsible for Mussolini’s decision to side with Hitler. Italy was right to feel shortchanged by the Treaty of Versailles and trapped inside the Mediterranean by British and French power, to challenge which it was understandable that it should seek to expand its colony in Libya and open a new one in Ethiopia. At the same time, Italy was a natural ally of Britain and France against German expansionism, in that an eventual Anschluss of Austria by Germany would threaten Italy’s dubious claim to the predominantly German-speaking South Tyrol. There was also the fact that on first meeting, Mussolini despised Hitler and thought his anti-Semitic policy madness. The British and French thus behaved foolishly in pressing for US sanctions in reaction to the invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 (despite the 500,000 Ethiopians killed with nerve gas). Their opposition to Mussolini’s involvement in the Spanish Civil War showed that they hadn’t understood as profoundly as Mussolini the dangers of Bolshevism. In need of allies, Il Duce had to go to Hitler.

Strang refutes this interpretation. He shows how, despite Mussolini’s initial hostility to Hitler, their dealings rapidly took on a quite different tone from his negotiations with the British and French as Il Duce began to see in the rise of the Reich a fulfilment of his Darwinian vision (and personal dream) of the vigorous, recently unified and now Fascist nations prevailing over the exhausted and decadent capitalist democracies of Britain and France. The decision for Mussolini was not, Strang shows, between opposing camps – he knew at once where he stood over that question – but whether the alliance with Hitler would be restricted to rhetorical support or arrive at full-scale military conflict.

All the same, precisely because Strang’s approach is limited to a close examination of diplomatic exchanges, he cannot hide his consternation and puzzlement at the carelessness with which Mussolini and Galeazzo Ciano, his young foreign minister and son-in-law, accepted a German draft of the Pact of Steel without inserting the safeguards they had previously discussed, and this despite the fact that Hitler, with his sudden, unannounced invasions of Austria and Czechoslovakia, had already shown himself to be an extremely fickle ally. Neither opportunism nor ideology could explain the blindness with which Mussolini placed himself in Hitler’s hands.

One clue to understanding Mussolini’s behaviour is his introduction of the anti-Semitic Race Laws in 1938. Until that point, despite occasional anti-Semitic statements, Mussolini had denied the existence of a Jewish problem in Italy, criticised Hitler’s anti-Semitism, allowed Jews to be members of the Fascist Party (thousands were enrolled) and encouraged his Jewish mistress Margherita Sarfatti to write an adulatory biography of himself. Now Jews were to be excluded from public life and forbidden to marry ‘Aryan’ Italians.

In his partial biography, Mussolini: The Last 600 days of il Duce, Ray Moseley declares himself puzzled and reaches the conclusion that the Race Laws were the merest opportunism, a cheap way for Il Duce to ingratiate himself with Hitler. Neville, likewise mystified, reaches the same conclusion as it were by default: if it isn’t anything else, it must be opportunism. But this interpretation makes no sense. Hitler had put no pressure at all on Mussolini to introduce a Jewish policy similar to his own and these were days when Mussolini had no need to ingratiate Hitler, since Hitler’s need of his Italian ally was urgent indeed if he was to pursue his adventurous policies in Czechoslovakia and Poland. On more than one occasion Mussolini had spoken of the folly of arousing the opposition of international Jewry.

Farrell has a different answer. The conquest of empire in Ethiopia had raised the question of racial consciousness, he claims. The Italians had to be fit to rule. To do this they must eliminate their sentimental and bourgeois tendencies. ‘It was the Jewish psyche or spirit – the epitome of the bourgeois spirit which he scorned as la vita comoda – that he wanted to stamp out, not the Jews.’31 This explains, Farrell says, the exemptions from the Race Laws extended to those Jews who had served loyally in the army or joined the Fascist Party before 1922. ‘Mussolini’s mission … was to transform the Italians into Italians. The Jews became victims of this bigger process.’32

Aside from one’s unease with Farrell’s attempts to apologise for Mussolini (the terrible death toll in Ethiopia is partly excused by the fact that the Ethiopians were barbarous slave traders), this too makes no sense. If Mussolini wanted to stamp out the bourgeois lifestyle, he could have begun with those like Ciano who dressed expensively and played golf when they might more usefully have been working, or with the rich industrialists of Milan and Turin. He could have altered fiscal policy and limited the availability of consumer goods. As it was, he must have been aware that many of the Jews who would suffer from his laws were hardly bourgeois at all.

Bosworth comes closest to a convincing explanation. He notes that Mussolini’s growing envy of Hitler and Nazism had intensified his frustration that ‘he himself had not been an iron-hard engineer of human souls.’33 Aware, particularly after his visit to Berlin in 1937, of the mobilising power of racism, Mussolini returned to Italy where from now on he would be ‘trying very hard to be wicked’.34 In this scenario, the anti-Jewish policy was, yes, as Farrell would have it, aimed at toughening up the Italians (they must become ‘tough, implacable, hateful’),35 but more out of desperate emulation than because of any beliefs about the nature of the Jewish spirit.

The irony, if one accepts this explanation, is that Mussolini was indeed only trying to be wicked, for as Bosworth points out, until the German occupation of 1943, although Italian Jews were now ‘persecuted in ways which they had not imagined when, in considerable majority, they approved Fascism: they were not, however, killed.’36 Mussolini spoke of setting up concentration camps, but did not do so. Nor did he punish those, including his own family, who protected Jews, nor even those members of the Italian army and bureaucracy who, after the war had begun, saved Jews from Nazi persecution in France and Croatia. What was going on?

On 29 November 1938, after Race Laws were announced, the Jewish publisher and Fascist Angelo Fortunato Formiggini jumped to his death from the cathedral campanile in Modena. In a letter to Mussolini he wrote: ‘Dear Duce … You have gone mad … deep down you pain me, because you have fallen into a trap placed for you by destiny.’37

Let us try to give a prosaic sense to this most pertinent observation. Until 1935, in a Fascism that, beyond restoring law and order through repression, was largely a matter of image and propaganda, Mussolini had found a strategy that kept the contradictory impulses of his personality in equilibrium: portrayed as heroically implacable, he was popular because, after all, for most ordinary people not much had changed and not much was required of them. The emergence of Nazi Germany, partly through the real opportunities it offered for altering the status quo, but above all through the person of Hitler, upset that equilibrium. Here was a man who really was ruthless and implacable, who really hurried history onward to its cruellest Darwinian convulsions.

Returning from Berlin in 1937, greatly impressed by the Nazi parades he had witnessed, Mussolini introduced the goose step to Italy. At the same time he suffered a severe attack of his stomach problems; they would continue to assail him throughout his many attempts to emulate Hitler in 1938 and 1939. He also suffered from acute indecision. Clearly the more accommodating side of his personality was still active. And indeed, however demeaning and humiliating the Race Laws were, there was no Kristallnacht in Italy. Impelled to transform himself and his compatriots into ruthless empire builders, history’s winners, Mussolini at some deep level could not want, or at least not want close to home, or not for sustained periods, the evil such ruthlessness required.

Once Mussolini had joined the war (at a moment when he felt Hitler could not lose and hence was convinced as ever of a rapid victory), there was one last attempt to equal the man who had somehow stripped him of his self-respect. Nothing else can explain the strategically, politically and ideologically absurd invasion of Greece. When that failed, abjectly, Mussolini handed more or less complete control of the war to Hitler in the same way he expected underlings to cede control to him; he recognised, that is, that in this particular relationship he must take the subaltern position. Hence Moseley’s account of Mussolini’s last days presents us with the pathetic picture of a man who seems relieved to have renounced the struggle with himself and is secretly pleased every time Hitler is beaten, despite the fact that such defeats could only bring his own demise nearer.

Two reflections in particular remain after reading these five books: that we would all stand to gain if, from time to time, historians could put aside their reluctance to draw on the disciplines of psychology and anthropology. So many of Bosworth’s intuitions are marvellously acute, but he does not bring them together in a coherent argument. We are overwhelmed with information that can only add up in ways the author doesn’t discuss.

Second, that the best answer to Farrell’s enthusiasm for dictatorship is that no psychology can be guaranteed as stable over the long run. Referring to difficulties forming a coalition government in 1922, Farrell speaks of ‘Italianesque government by imbroglio’.38 Few coalitions, however, could have been as muddled, indecisive and internally divided as the mind of Mussolini in 1939.