
Night has fallen with no sign of Bishop, nor Priest. A strange fear took over my household when they left. I like it not at all.

Father has been sullen ever since and disappeared to the barn with the bone-hilted dagger. Mother took Rebecca several times to cheer him. I gather she intended to learn if Father abandoned us to follow the strangers into the woods.

Each time they return, Rebecca tells me they find Father upon the milking stool; his gaze lost in the sockets of the skulled dagger. What spell is cast upon it not even Rebecca can break him from its transfix?

With Father out of his wits and Mother beside herself with worry, George lords about our home. He and Andrew brought down gunpowder and shot from our stores to place near the windows. Why he does this I do not pretend to know, but his enthusiasm for it keeps them busy.

I am forbidden to leave the house, even to gather firewood. All because Mother fears witches may truly come for her daughters. I notice, too, she will not allow Rebecca five feet from her since Bishop’s warning. I banish myself upstairs rather than be consumed by the fear gripping them. On my way up, I see Rebecca rise to follow me. She takes but two steps ere Mother wrangles her close.

Even my own room has been taken over. A rifle leans against my window. I wonder if George expects me to use it, or if he plans on manning all the positions he has laid out. With naught else to do but wait, I light a candle, lie upon our pallet, and resume my reading of Thomas Putnam’s journal.


2nd day of February, 1692

Would that I could have murdered Captain Alden today. To my deep regret, the savage-lover has already departed for Quebec. An honest man told me Alden offered to seek out a Wabanaki medicine man to rid my Ann and the other girls of their affliction.

As if I would allow he or one of his red men near my home, let alone touch my daughter.

I cannot fathom why Alden be allowed to come and go as he pleases. The man is a traitor to his people.

12th day of February, 1692

Doctors Campbell and Griggs returned to panic in our town this afternoon. Good doctors both, but they are far better actors. I nearly believed their distress at the woeful affairs they returned to in Salem. Griggs insisted upon examining each of the afflicted girls at once, with Dr. Campbell to aid him. A crowd followed them to Reverend Parris’s home, tittering of evil spirits and the Devil come to bear.

The pair of doctors tarried in the home not an hour ere returning to an even larger gathering outside, all eager to spread their words throughout the countryside. Griggs refused to speak until he had examined my Ann.

I gather this is Dr. Campbell’s ploy. The delayed response only sowed the seeds of fear deeper amongst the crowd.

I would not permit any, not even Parris inside my home. Indeed, I barred my wife from witnessing also. Once alone, Dr. Campbell apologized for his lack of communication, but insisted it necessary for panic to truly take hold. I again am left to wonder what sort of mind devises a plot such as this; to bend a town so easily to his will? I admit, I am envious of such power, yet feel blessed I am partnered with it rather than pitted against him.

With only I to watch, the doctors ceased their examination pretense. In truth, Griggs stood beside me trembling whilst Dr. Campbell removed his satchel. From it, he took what I first believed a small rock. He first required Griggs and myself to restrain Ann, a feat which took near all our strength. She continued to moan, and lash at me, a sure sign of the Devil if ever I saw one.

Dr. Campbell insisted she were not witched. He closed her nostrils and forced the rock inside her mouth, then placed his hand over it to prevent her from spewing it out.

She nigh choked upon swallowing, yet I felt her body go lax beneath me after. She slept soundly then.

Dr. Campbell assured me she would awaken by nightfall. He then preached we must proceed as agreed upon in the woods, and asked Griggs to address the crowd.


Newfound strength, the moaning, and lashing; each word I read only serves to transport me back to Ruth’s home. Could what afflicted the girls in Salem truly have come to Winford?

I am torn by the thought. My friends snorted of a powder, not drank it as Thomas Putnam claims his daughter and the other Salem girls did. Mayhap the powder and drink are different substances.

I wonder what is this remedy Dr. Campbell gave to calm her? Could it be similar to that which Father gave Ruth? Perhaps someone discovered a cure and made available for others to remedy afflictions of witchery on their own after Salem ended.

I think on Father’s satchel. Given his current state, mayhap I could sneak the satchel away to better learn what else may be hidden inside.

No. If he discovered the theft…

I return to my reading.


Later, I overheard Griggs relay to the village the girls acted in accordance to how the children did when bewitched by Goody Glover. I heard gasps from the women and more rumored whispers than I care to recount.

Dr. Toothaker, spoke then, he who had come at our request to examine the girls before doctors Griggs and Campbell returned. He went amongst the crowd claiming he and his daughter have killed witches in the past, and could do so again if necessary. The superstitious man has always been a nuisance, but now the crowds hearkened to his every word. Several asked how could he tell a witch from an afflicted?

I did not stay to hear his ridiculous answers. Instead, I returned home to find Ann awakened. She told me spirits beckoned her to dance after she had drunk of the potion. Aye, and felt lifted to heaven as if she could fly. She next asked of me for more of it.

I admitted I had none.

She grew unruly, begging me to obtain more whilst claiming an unquenchable thirst. Her body twitched as if possessed anew, and she would have torn her face off, I fear, had I not halted her from doing so. When I restrained her, she kicked at me and flailed about until her release. Again, she demanded I retrieve her more. Again, I refused, and she beat upon me with a furious strength no mere child should possess.

'Twas shock bid me strike her, I realize now, yet she seemed not to feel the blow that should bring an average man to his knees. I do not recall the knock upon my door, nor can I remember when Dr. Campbell entered the room, but he was suddenly there. I watched in wonder as he approached my Ann, unafraid, with a vial of sherry in his hand. He gave her but a spoonful of the drink, and that she drank down greedily.

I scarcely heard what Dr. Campbell said next to me, my attention being solely for my daughter. She turned calm not a few minutes after she drank of what he gave. Falling back into bed, she smiled and moaned lecherously.

Dr. Campbell asked if I preferred her in such a state, or would I have him return her affliction. Before I could speak, he held the remainder of the vial before my eyes. The evil shall retake her without this, he told me softly. He then set the potion on my table and reiterated my family’s role to play in the dastardly plan. Then he took his leave.

My precious Ann turned feral again but two hours later.

I gave her the remaining lot, and, as if magicked, she grew calm again. Yet now the potion is gone, and I fear it will not be long ere she has need of it again.

25th day of February, 1692

There are multiple girls in Salem now afflicted, my own servant, Mercy Lewis, chief among them. I fear all have drunk of Dr. Campbell’s potion. Could it be he spread it amongst the girls in fear I shall betray him? If so, I must relay his threat well-received. I shall play my role to the fullest, as my partners continue to act their own, so long as my Ann is given what she needs.

To the public, Griggs claims he can find no remedy for the girls’ affliction but they be witched, and so the villagers have turned to superstitious remedies.

I heard tell the slave, John Indian, was ordered to bake what he named a witch cake—a foul concoction made from the urine of Betty Parris and Abigail Williams—and fed the cake to a beastly dog, it being said the animal is a familiar of the Devil. I am told the mongrel ate the lot, yet both girls remain afflicted.

Fulfilling his obligations to the plan, Reverend Parris preaches of the Devil in all his forms and how even the most faithful in heart may be corrupted.

Dr. Campbell visited me later under the pretense of examining Ann once more, though I knew he came to assuage my concerns. He made mention I would soon witness a sign he is a good and honest partner to me. The time is ripe to earn my reward, he said. And I shall understand his meaning soon.

27th day of February, 1692

Betty Parris mentioned this morn their savage, Tituba, caused her torment. Accusing a slave of such witchery seems of little offense to me, but she and Abigail later accused Sarah Good also.

Dr. Campbell saw both women clapped in irons and led away. He then asked if there be anyone I reckoned a witch.

Then, I fully understood the doctor’s meaning two days past. My partners be the truest allies I could ever have hoped for. I called my Ann into the room where first Dr. Campbell gave unto her a potion that caused her to convulse. I planted the name in her mind, and she went with me to seek a legal warrant for the arrest of Goody Osborne.

I cannot imagine a test more suited to our plot. A slave, a beggar, and a thief; with these three souls, we lay the foundation for that to come.


I hear footsteps walking up the stairwell. I close the journal, and shove it in my apron. Rebecca appears in the doorway.

“Mother says it is time for supper,” she says.

“Aye, I shall be down in a moment.”

Rebecca remains. Her fingers play about the handle.

“What keeps you?”

“I-I have not told Mother, nor Father, of your leave for the gathering,” she says tenderly. “Can you not tell them you that put the dagger in the barn?”

She cannot mean it. “But I did not do so.”


I swing my legs out of bed. “Where am I to have acquired such a dagger? And the mastery of carving such intricacies upon its hilt?”

My sister puzzles over my words.

“Do you truly think me a witch?” I ask.

I am surprised to hear not a little of Mother’s voice in my own. A queer feeling near strikes me down as I watch Rebecca run away in answer. How could it be my own sister believes me capable of such evil? I have told her we do naught but dance at the gatherings. Does she truly think I would sport as such to put fear in both the hearts of her and Mother?

I hear our main cabin door open below and close as quickly. I hurry to the window. Mother carries a plate of corn, carrots, and a slab of venison toward the barn.

Father must be there still, and she off to serve him.

With both out of the house, I slip downstairs. In truth, I am happy Father does not join us. He believes children should be silent in the presence of adults and so our meals together have ever been a bleak affair. At least Mother’s absence will allow me the chance to eat quickly and leave the table.

I reach the bottom of the steps. George and Andrew have positioned themselves off to the sides of our front windows as lookouts. Each holds one of Father’s long rifles across their laps. They barely acknowledge me as they eat in watchful silence. I wonder if the pair of them gave any real thought to what Father will do should he find his best rifles taken without consent.

Rebecca sits at the table with her poppets strewn about to keep her company. She is deep in conversation with them as I make my plate. I take my place down the table from her. With Mother gone, I sit comfortably with a leg tucked up beneath me as I read on to discover more of Thomas Putnam’s scheme.


1st day of March, 1692

The witches have turned on one another. Parris’s slave Tituba named Osborne and Sarah Good as conspiring with her and the Devil.

I sense Dr. Campbell’s hand in this; perhaps he whispered a subtle word she may free herself by admitting guilt and condemning the others.

Later, Sarah Good admitted conspiring with the Devil. She turned on Osborne not long after.

However, an earlier fear of mine has come to pass. Martha Corey called the afflicted girls liars, and spoke of her disbelief in witchery also.

Dr. Campbell cared naught of it when I told him the news. He would only say Corey will be dealt with in due time.

I pray he is right.

He did praise my choice in condemning Osborne. Prideful and stubborn, she will not confess, nor name other supposed witches as Good and Tituba have done. Dr. Campbell mentioned her refusals only serve to strengthen the resolve of all in the village now seeking answers. It will not be long ere they find some.

I shall see personally to that. I admit to a sense of joy in seeing Osborne suffer so. The woman has tormented me these many years in her withholdings of the lands that by rights belong to me. Let her rot in jail and think on the wrongs she showed me. Many will join her if I have my way. My list is long, and the good Dr. Campbell gave unto me the keys to fortune and vengeance. I should be a fool not to use them.

12th day of March, 1692

Our cause grows stronger.

Dr. Campbell has further swelled the ranks of afflicted girls, including my servant, Mercy. All do as they are bid or risk facing the terrible agony my daughter spoke comes from the absence of potion.

Would that I knew the contents of it. I have asked Dr. Campbell, but the man has smartly refused. At least my partner is no fool to give up his secrets so easily.

Martha Corey also now stands accused of witchery. It will be a mighty blow for our cause if she be condemned; she being so highly regarded for her faith.

Parris means for her to face the rope, but I could not fathom a means to blacken her name. Would that I had more faith in our reverend. He aims to spread talk Martha is both whore and mother to the bastard slave boy, Benoni, who lives with her and her equally wretched husband, Giles.

24th day of March, 1692

A sadder sight I ne’er saw than that I did today. Dorothy Good, the daughter of Sarah Good, was arrested for witchery and she being only four years old.


I choke on a bit of venison. Bishop spoke true…there were child prisoners in Salem!

I look down the table at Rebecca. She is double the age of Dorothy Good. Even the thought of her in chains shudders me.

How could one so young be thought a witch and, worse, imprisoned in a dank cell?

The notion robs me of my appetite. I rise from the table, and clear the scraps into a bucket for George to give the hogs later. There is a small basin to wash the dishes in. I do so hurriedly, ere Mother returns with more for me to clean. Rebecca comes to help me dry the plate, one of her favorite tasks. I carefully place it back inside Mother’s cabinet so as to not chip it.

Our watchful guards drowse at their posts. I collect the rifles and return them to their rightful home beside Father’s bed ere he discovers the boys’ misstep. It would not be proper for Andrew to receive a strapping for obeying my brother’s commands whilst he is a guest in our home.

Rebecca, too, seems tired. With a yawn, she lays on the floor in front of the hearth amongst her dolls. I think to scold her for keeping them so close to the fire. If a spark popped just right, it could singe her dolls, or catch fire. I think better of it.

“Rebecca,” I say. “Won’t you come to bed?”

“I wait for Father.”

I know better than to argue. Nothing will give her cause to move once her mind is made. As I climb the steps, I think on how long Mother and Father have been gone. The thought frightens me some, but not enough to journey outside and be scolded for leaving the safety of home.

Once in the confines of my room, I thumb through the few remaining pages of Thomas Putnam’s journal. Sleep is calling my name, and, while I do not wish for night terrors of children clapped in irons, I must know the fate of those condemned.


I had not thought it should ever come to this. I sought only vengeance against those who trespassed against me, not children.

Dr. Campbell made mention that the villagers allowed the child led away further proves our hold over them. No one dares speak against the accusers now lest they be clapped for doing so.

Indeed, even I have not raised objections though I fear the afflicted girls go too far in this. I wish I could coerce them and my Ann into reversing their claims against Dorothy Good, but to do so would weaken our position. Still, the thought of such a young girl shivering in the cold cells next to her mother haunts me.

19th day of April, 1692

I grow fearful our position weakens.

Dr. Campbell refuses to meet with me any longer, instead communicating through Reverend Parris. Blast him! Has Campbell not come to me on several occasions for information on my neighbors? Did I not warn John Proctor should be dealt with sooner? Proctor has ever been dismissive of the afflicted girls’ claims, and more vocal still once the girls accused his wife.

It matters little with Proctor now also accused, but I have heard others say it was only because he protested his wife’s arrest. It takes but a small crack in the rock for water to split it; I fear Proctor may have begun what will be our undoing.

Furthermore, we are now forced to deal with the Proctors’ servant, Mary Warren. My daughter mentioned to me some time ago Warren eagerly wished to join the afflicted girls’, but Proctor would not allow her to leave his home. Warren claimed Proctor beat her for claiming she, too, is afflicted and warned of further torments if she continued her claim. Two weeks past, she admitted before the magistrates she were a liar and neither afflicted, nor a witch.

Dr. Campbell warned such would happen. He said it necessary for one of the girls to break from the fold that the others bear witness to Warren’s pains when his potion is withheld. In this way he keeps them loyal.

I have seen Warren scratching at her body already; a sure sign the lack of potion affects her.

On the matter of potion, I have asked Dr. Campbell to wean my daughter of its evil power since first I learned of its power. The damnable man obliged me, but only when I pay him handsomely to do so.

Parris mentioned he requested the same but quickly grew short of income, and so sent his Betty away to live with the Sewalls. He hopes time might draw the poison from her. However, he did not send Abigail Williams away, in keeping his end of the bargain to supply an afflicted girl.

Indeed, despite my own misgivings, I, too, have seen my share in this plot upheld. I had Ann allege the spirit of a man rumored murdered by Giles Corey many years ago now torments her. The specter requested Giles not be shown the rope, but rather, be pressed to death to extend his suffering.

I shall do all in my power to see the so-named specter be pleased. Aye, and see Corey’s body crushed in equal to the fortune he stole from me.

7th day of May, 1692

It appears Dr. Campbell’s reach has no bounds.

I had Ann accuse our former reverend George Burroughs of witchery less than a week ago, but ne’er expected to see him returned to Salem. Today, I witnessed him drove in, clapped in irons.

More of my earlier written fears have also been assuaged, for now.

Mary Warren recanted her position but a few days after my last entry. The lack of potion must be a wicked sort. Now she is deemed a hypocrite, and defies the Proctors who employed her.

Indeed, the accusations are daily routine here and now.

I find myself again marveling at Dr. Campbell’s plan; because the crime of witchery occurs in Reverend Cotton Mather’s invisible world, there be no evidence but what the girls allow. Yet even I, who well know their claims false, am amazed at how convincing their portrayals of affliction be. The girls act a marvelous show before the accused, none more so than Abigail Williams. Where she rocks and condemns, the others are quick to join, aping her every whim.

10th day of May, 1692

I am again repaid for my part in this plot.

Goody Osborne died in prison today. Her lands now belong to me until her sons come of age. I mean to profit much from them until then. And who is to say, in time the boys may also be condemned for witchery…

18th day of May, 1692

I must needs remind Griggs to thank me for the part my daughter played today, she being chief among the accusers against his competitor, Dr. Toothaker. It helped our cause Toothaker performed medicine these many years with no proper education. “How is it one could acquire such knowledge without being schooled,” others have asked. “And how is it a man and daughter who have killed a witch came to know what a witch was, but they be witches also?”

How indeed?” I whispered in their ears.

Reverend Parris is also repaid for his loyalty. His ill will struck again at Rebecca Nurse and her goodly family of high esteem by way of my servant, Mercy.

Upon the declaration and freeing of Nurse’s sister, Mary Easty, this afternoon, I had Mercy accuse her anew. Easty now rots in chains again, not a few hours after her release.

I am told she wishes her accusers judged in court.

We deemed it a fool’s defense for a woman to so boldly speak to such learned men.

Her challenge went unheeded.


Is this the truth Hecate bid me find? I wonder as I turn the page. That the Salem trials occurred only because corrupt men warranted it for vengeance sake?


31st day of May, 1692

I swear Dr. Campbell has aged ten years since I saw him last. Tonight, whilst giving Ann her treatment of potion, he looked over his shoulder so often I feared he had drunk of his own stores. He attempted to take his leave quickly, but I bid him stay a moment.

I mentioned a point I have recently thought much on…many of the afflicted girls are orphans. Aye, and made orphans by the Indian war. I admitted I had thought little of this earlier, but the plan is genius. If the girls are found frauds, their lives mean little to anyone with no family to speak of. Likewise, they cannot betray us lest they face the torments Mary Warren experienced.

I had always deemed Dr. Campbell’s choices wise, but of late I am less sure.

The girls seem now vindictive. Indeed, Abigail Williams revels in her newfound power, tossing accusations against some with no guidance from any of us.

Dr. Campbell did nothing to assuage my doubts. He said only he would think on what I had told him.

I have been most discomforted ever since he took his leave. There has been a reason for all he set in motion thus far. I would be a fool to not think he has further plots. But what plans are they, and where do I place among them?

I wish to end this eve’s entry on a note of happy circumstance. I saw Captain John Alden, Jr. recently seized and arrested for witchery. I had seen him accused, but not yet heard he returned from ransoming prisoners. I wonder how a traitorous dog will fare when locked away in the dark? I mean to visit him there. Aye, and ask if he yet feels his Wabanaki medicine man could strike witchery from the countryside.

3rd day of June, 1692

I woke this morning to Griggs beating upon my door. I answered believing he meant to relay news about a Court of Oyer and Terminer recently issued, with Lieutenant Governor William Stoughton appointed to rule over it. Stoughton’s close friendship with Reverend Cotton Mather makes his judgment nigh invincible, and it is said he will allow spectral evidence into the courts. I could not see how any of the accused may hope to clear their names with these good tidings.

Griggs bore ill news. He claimed Dr. Campbell never came to him with potion for his niece. Indeed, he feared the founder of our plan disappeared in the night. A visit to Ingersoll’s inn proved it so.

God, but where can he be? How could he abandon us now?

Parris has ventured off to find him, claiming business abroad. He asked of me to keep watch over Abigail Williams, which I agreed to readily.

We have since agreed to proceed as planned until Campbell be found. If he is, mayhap the young doctor will learn what the accused experience. He is still a stranger to these parts, after all, and it would be easy for me to convince the others such a man does not tarry here with good intent.



“Sarah!” The familiar voice comes from outside. It sounds like a girl’s, but croaky and deeper. I close the journal, and go to the window.


“Ruth?” I ask.

“No. Come down…”

I look to the rifle beside me. Father once taught me to shoot when we heard the Tuscaroras raided nearby. He claimed me not a bad shot for a girl with no experience. It angered me so that I practiced until I could shoot an apple off a scarecrow from fifty yards away. But that were four year ago. I have not felt the coldness of a trigger since.

“Who are you?” I ask. “What do you want of me?”

The bushes rustle. A living, twitching nightmare steps from behind it. I would think she shivered from the cold had I not seen Ruth’s body do the same.

“Charlotte!” I say. “Oh, Charlotte. Where have you been?”

She seems not to have heard me. Her head snaps nervously in the direction of every sound in the night as if she is privy to whispers I am not. “Come with me, Sarah,” Charlotte says. “You must come with me to the gathering!”

“I cannot. My father will—”

“Come with me!” Charlotte insists. “You must. I-I have need of a witness.”

“But I do not think I should.”

Charlotte falls to her knees and weeps. “They will not give me more without you. I-I have need of it. Please come with me—” Her head jerks up. “You! You could take of the powder also! Then we can truly be sisters, Sarah. Aye! Moon sisters forever and ever!”


“I need it, Sarah! I nee—”

A shadow leaps from the corner of my home. It spears Charlotte to the ground. Her wails of torment die, replaced by furious hissing as the shadow attempts to subdue her. It climbs atop her belly and sits with its knees upon her shoulders. Charlotte scarcely seems to feel its weight. Swinging her arms about, screaming like a wounded pig, she claws wildly at the shadow.

“Where are they, Charlotte Bailey?”

Father…How is it he came there?

“Tell me, child!”

I leap from my window.

“Why do they come for me now?” Father demands of her.

Charlotte chuckles, the sound of it laced with scorn. “You know why…”

Father slaps her. “Tell me!”

“Nooo!” she screams.

I pull at Father’s shoulder for striking her. He roughly pushes me away, sprawling my body to the ground.

Charlotte continues to flail. “Release me!”

Mother restrains me ere I can speak sense to Charlotte. “No, Sarah,” she says. “Leave her be!”

Mother means to drag me to the house.

“Charlotte,” I say, fighting through tears. “Charlotte, it is I, Sarah.”

I see her writhe and buck with the ferocity of an unbroken stallion.

“I need it…” She snarls. “I need it…”

Father struggles to stay on top of her. “I will help you, child. But first tell—”

“They will kill you!”

Father succeeds in grabbing Charlotte’s wrists. He strains to push her arms to the ground.

Charlotte is too strong. “I need it!”

She shirks her arms straight out like she be crucified. The sudden move pitches Father forward, crashing him headlong into the grass. Charlotte rises and makes for the corn like a startled fawn bolts for the thicket.

I hear twin rifles bark.

George and Andrew awoke with the commotion. The smoke clears. I look to the window. Both reload powder and shot.

There is no reason to do so.

I thank God for their poor aim as Charlotte disappears into the field.

Mother releases me that she may help Father.

He pushes her away. Then he glares at me. “Where is she going?”

“I-I do not—”

Father crosses the few feet between us and slaps me. “Do not lie to me!”

Paul!” Mother yells.

I rub the sting in my cheek. When I draw the courage to look up, I see Father is gone, replaced by a mad man with murderous rage pulsing through him.

“She mentioned a gathering,” he says. “Do you know of what she speaks? Where it occurs?”

I nod.

He grabs my arm. Pulls me back to my feet. “And the Devil’s powder—did you take of it?”

“No…” I say quietly.

Father studies me. By the look of his face, he wrestles with the truth of it. He releases me, but the force of his grasp leaves a mark soon to bruise upon my wrist. “What did he look like?”


“Aye. He,” Father sneers. “The man who offered the powder to you. What did he look like?”

I cannot understand this. Why should a man have been at the moon dance? “But no man offered me anything, Father.”

Father raises his hand. “I will not warn you again, Sarah. Describe him to me.”

Mother steps between us. “You will not strike her again.”

“You do not command me, woman,” Father says. “I will stop the moment she speaks truth.”

I flinch, but do not shy away. “I tell you true. There was no man. A woman offered me the powder. I swear it on my soul. The others…they named her Hecate. The Devil’s daughter.”

Daughter?” Father lowers his hand. My answer has thrown him. He looks up at the moon, puzzled. I see him grimace. “So that be his plan…Very well. Then I must away to meet this...daughter…of his. Sarah, fetch my rifle from your brother.”

Father leaves Mother and me. Her tears wet my arm.

“I’m sorry, Mother,” I say. “I never meant—”

She tries to pull me close. I will not allow it, lest she keep me in her embrace until Father arrives and strikes me again for not doing as bidden. I leave her there, and away to fetch Father’s rifle.

For a moment, I fear George will not part with it peacefully. For a moment, I hope he does not. Anger I did not know existed swelled in my heart the moment Father struck my cheek. It must be plain upon my face.

George gives the rifle over willingly.

I hear the barn doors kicked open.

Father rides our painted mare, the one Rebecca named Callie, the fastest we own. He barely stops to allow me up behind him before kicking Callie’s ribs so savagely it sounds like the booming of a drum. Tearing across the yard, bound for the distant woods, she carries us toward a gathering beneath the moon.