THE LOVE CURSE OF THE RUMBAUGHS. Copyright © 2006 by Jack Gantos. All rights reserved.
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New York, N.Y. 10010.
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Square Fish and the Square Fish logo are trademarks of Macmillan and are used by Farrar, Straus and Giroux under license from Macmillan.
Originally published in the United States by Farrar, Straus and Giroux
The author would like to thank the Boston Athenaeum for its generous support during the writing of this book.
Square Fish logo designed by Filomena Tuosto
Designed by Robbin Gourley and Vera Soki
eISBN 9781466824751
First eBook Edition : June 2012
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Gantos, Jack.
The love curse of the Rumbaughs / Jack Gantos. p. cm.
Summary: A young woman named Ivy, who made a shocking discovery in her small western Pennsylvania town when she was seven years old and learned a surprising secret nine years later, questions whether she has inherited the Rumbaugh curse of having excessive love for one’s mother.
ISBN-13:978-0-312-38052-6 , ISBN-10: 0-312-38052-6
[1. Mothers—Fiction. 2. Twins—Fiction. 3. Secrets—Fiction. 4. Taxidermy—Fiction. 5. Horror stories.]
PZ7.G15334Lov 2006
First Square Fish Edition: July 2008