Perp. Revival i’ the North

O, I wad gang tae Harrogate

    Tae a kirk by Temple Moore,

Wi’ a tall choir and a lang nave

    And rush mats on the floor;

And Percy Dearmer chasubles

    And nae pews but chairs,

And there we’ll sing the Sarum rite

    Tae English Hymnal airs.

It’s a far cry frae Harrogate

    And mony a heathery mile

Tae a stane kirk wi’ a wee spire

    And a verra wee south aisle.

The rhododendrons bloom wi’oot

    On ilka Simmer’s day,

And it’s there the Airl o’ Feversham

    Wad hae his tenants pray;

For there’s something in the painted roof

    And the mouldings round the door,

The braw bench and the plain font

    That tells o’ Temple Moore.