Adams, Douglas
Against a Dark Background
Aldiss, Brian
The Algebraist
The Ambassadors
Archaeologies of the Future
Arnott, Steve
Austen, Jane
Ballard, J.G.
The Banksoniain (fanzine)
Bayley, Barrington J.
Bear, Elizabeth
Bellamy, Edward
Bester, Alfred
Blackburn, Annie
Blair, Tony
Blazing Saddles (1974 film)
Borges, Jorge Luis
Branscombe, Mary
The Bridge
Brown, Carolyn
Brown, Chris
Brown, Fredric
Brown, James
Brown, Jim
Brunner, John
Bujold, Lois McMaster
Butler, Andrew M.
Cabell, Craig
The Castle
The Causal Angel
The Centauri Device
Cherryh, C.J.
Childhood’s End
Chivers, Tom
Chomsky, Noam
Civilization (video game)
Clarke, Arthur C.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977 film)
Clute, John
Cobley, Michael
Cohen, Leonard
Colebrook, Martyn
Conan (Howard)
Conrad, Joseph
Cox, Katharine
The Crow Road
The Culture (fanzine)
The Dark Light Years
Dark Star (1974 film)
Dead Air
Delany, Samuel
Demand the Impossible
Demand the Impossible (2014 edition)
De Vet, Charles V.
Disch, Thomas
The Dispossessed
Dougherty, Stephen
Downbelow Station
Eliot, T.S.
Empty Space
Extrapolation (journal)
Farnham’s Freehold
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Feersum Endjinn
The Female Man
A Fire Upon the Deep
Foucault, Michel
Foundation (journal)
The Fractal Prince
Frankenstein: Or, the Modern Prometheus
Gaiman, Neil
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Garnett, David
Gernsback, Hugo
Gevers, Nick
Gibson, William
“A Gift from the Culture”
Goethe, Johann
Gold Coast
Gramstad, Thomas
Grass, Günter
Gray, Alasdair
Greenland, Colin
Guerrier, Simon
Haddock, David
Hamilton, Edmond
Hardesty, William H.
Harrison, M. John
Harness, Charles
Hartley, Adele
Heart of Darkness
Heinlein, Robert
Heller, Joseph
Herr, Michael
Hoggard, Liz
Horwich, David
Hughes, Colin
The Hungarian Lift-Jet
The Hunt for Red October (1990 film)
Hutchinson, Peter
Hutton, Will
Hyperion Cantos
Interzone (magazine)
Jacobs, Alan
James, Edward
James, Henry
Jameson, Fredric
Jeffries, Stuart
Jonas, Gerald
Kafka, Franz
Kaveney, Roz
Kelly, Stuart
Kincaid, Paul
King, Stephen
King Lear
Kulbicki, Michael
Langford, David
The Lathe of Heaven
Le Guin, Ursula
Leishman, David
Leith, William
Letson, Russell
Levy, Michael
Lippens, Ronnie
Locus (magazine)
The Longest Day (1962 film)
Looking Backward
Lowe, Greg
MacFarlane, Les
MacLean, Alistair
MacLean, Katherine
MacLeod, Ken
The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976 film)
March, Christie
Martingale, Moira
Marx Brothers
The Matrix (1999 film)
McAuley, Paul
Melia, Sally Ann
Mendlesohn, Farah
Metamorphoses of Science Fiction
Middleton, Tim
Miller, Faren
Monbiot, George
Monk, Patricia
Monty Python
Moorcock, Michael
More, Thomas
Moylan, Tom
Myra Breckinridge
Natural History
The New Atlantis (journal)
New Space Opera
New Wave
New Worlds (magazine)
Nova Swing
“Odd Attachment”
Palmer, Christopher
The Paradox Men
Pattie, David
Peake, Mervyn
Person, Lawrence
Piercy, Marge
Poole, Steven
Prettyman, Gyb
The Quantum Thief
The Quarry
Rajaniemi, Hannu
Raw Spirit
Rawlinson, Linnie
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Reynolds, Alastair
“Road of Skulls”
“The Roads Must Roll”
Robinson, Kim Stanley
Robson, Justina:
Roddenberry, Gene
Rundle, James
Russ, Joanna
Sargent, Lyman Tower
Saving Private Ryan (1999 film)
Science Fiction Chronicle (magazine)
Science Fiction Eye (magazine)
Science Fiction Studies (journal)
Scraps of the Untainted Sky
“Second Game”
“The Secret Courtyard”
September 11
SFX (magazine)
Shakespeare, William
Shelley, Mary
Simmons, Dan
Sladek, John
Slocombe, Will
Smith, Cordwainer
Smith, E.E. “Doc”
A Song of Stone
“Space Oddity” (1969 song)
Space Opera: An Anthology of Way-Back-When Futures
Spinrad, Norman
Stableford, Brian
Stand on Zanzibar
Star Trek (TOS)
Star Wars (1977 film)
The Stars My Destination
Starship Troopers
The Steep Approach to Garbadale
Stephenson, William
Stevenson, Robert Louis
The Stone Canal
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Stross, Charles
Suvin, Darko
Tales from the Forbidden Planet
The Tashkent Rambler
Thatcher, Margaret
Thompson, Hunter S.
The Tin Drum
Titus Groan
The Trial
Tucker, Wilson
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968 film)
Up Through an Empty House of Stars
Utopian Studies (journal)
Van Vogt, A.E.
Vidal, Gore
Vinge, Vernor
Walking on Glass
Wargames (1983 film)
Wark, Kirsty
The Wasp Factory
The Waste Land
Watson, Rory
Westfahl, Gary
White Dwarf (magazine)
Williams, Walter Jon
Wolfe, Gary K.
Woman at the Edge of Time
Year Zero
Young Frankenstein (1974 film)
Zelazny, Roger