Phil Callaway is president of Laugh Again Ministries, an award-winning humorist, best-selling author, and the only one we know who broke his nose dropping barbells in ninth grade. About a hundred times a year, Callaway brings his humor with a message to corporations, conferences, and churches. Phil is the author of Laughing Matters, It’s Always Darkest Before the Fridge Door Opens, and Parenting: Don’t Try This At Home, and his writings have been translated into languages like Spanish, Polish, Chinese, and English—one of which he speaks fluently. His five-part video series, The Big Picture, has been viewed in eighty thousand churches worldwide. Phil is married to his high school sweetheart, Ramona. They live in Canada. For more information on Phil’s other books, CDs, DVDs, or speaking ministry, visit www.laughagain.org or write Laugh and Learn, P.O. Box 4576, Three Hills, AB TOM 2N0.

Phil is editor of Servant magazine, an award-winning magazine read in 101 countries. A ministry of Prairie Bible College, Servant is full of insightful interviews with well-known Christians, helpful articles, world news, and Phil’s trademark humor. For a complimentary one-year subscription, please call 1-800-221-8532, or write:

Servant Magazine

Box 4000

Three Hills, AB Canada