breathing images



Badha Konasana

Modern life does not pay much attention to the role of breathing. Breathing enables us to control our emotions and recover our calm when we’re stressed. Using the image of a butterfly inhaling and exhaling the nectar of a flower as a fun visual aid, children can experience the value of the breath by utilizing this pose.

1. Visualize yourself as a butterfly who’s just landed on a flower and is about to take in some nectar. Sit down, with your back straight and your legs extended in front of you.

2. Slightly bend your knees and place the soles of your feet against each other. Wrap your hands around your toes.

3. You are now a butterfly. Bend your torso forward, until you can touch your feet with your forehead, if you can without forcing too much.

4. Come back up slowly while inhaling.

5. Once your back is straight, slowly exhale through your mouth. The butterfly is slowly breathing out some of the nectar.

6. You can repeat this exercise several times, calmly.
