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Mukha Yoga

These facial expressions stimulate your child’s many facial muscles. They help tone the face and allow children to express their emotions and relieve their stress.

1. Sit comfortably with your back straight.

2. Puff up your cheeks as if they were balloons.

3. Let go of the air and pinch your inner cheeks with your teeth.


4. Make a big smile by bringing your cheeks all the way to your ears.

5. Clench your teeth and open your lips to show all your teeth.


6. Pucker your lips as if sending a kiss, then lift your head as if kissing the sky.


7. Rotate your tongue in your mouth, between your teeth and the inside of your cheeks.

Ask your child to hold the expression for at least ten seconds. Between expressions, the child comes back to a neutral face, eyes closed and muscles relaxed.