Appendix 3

Index of Myths and Names in the Tiruppimagevai
and Nimagecciyimager Tirumoimagei

I have catalogued below the myths alluded to in the Tiruppimagevai and Nimagecciyimager Tirumoimagei (table 3). These are organized in the order in which they appear in the Tiruppimagevai. Where a myth or name occurs only in the Nimagecciyimager Tirumoimagei, it is listed after Tiruppimagevai 30 (table 4). Where a myth occurs more than once, I have indicated the relevant verse numbers in both texts. Included in this list are also Kimageimageimagea’s names that appear in the two poems and have specific mythic connotations. But when a myth occurs only in the form of a specific name (for example, Keimageava), I have marked it with an asterisk. This compilation only refers to the myths and names associated with Viimageimageu that occur in the Tiruppimagevai and Nimagecciyimager Tirumoimagei. For the names of other characters that occur in the two poems and in the commentaries, please refer to the glossary of terms.

Table 3. Index of Myths in the Tiruppimagevai and Nimagecciyimager Tirumoimagei




Table 4. Myths and Names that Occur in the Nimagecciyimager Tirumoimagei

