Many thanks to my agent, Carla Glasser, whose expertise and support made this book a reality.
And to my editor, Marian Lizzi, for effortlessly guiding me through this project, and for her enthusiasm every step of the way.
To my husband, Edgar, for his constant support and patience.
To my Dad, for the great stories.
To all who shared their recipes and techniques:
Mom, Philomena Parrillo, Gemma Luciano, Josephine Reynolds,
Mary Tropasso, Winnie Cerasulo, Jane Briotti, Lena Chillemi,
Ann Chillemi, Terry Sanchez, Sabina Figluizzi,
Antoinette Vaccarelli, and Louise Donnarumma.
For Grandma Bruscino and Aunt Giulia’s inspiration.
And to all the Sweet Maria’s staff:
Clotilda DelGobbo, Sarah Figluizzi, Louise Mastronunzio,
and Susan Tropasso, for their cookie sampling and honest opinions.