The following week my birthday falls on a Tuesday, and despite Jay’s willingness to ditch school to spend the whole day with me, Mom insists I can’t miss another session at Ulysses. Besides, Miss needs to fulfill her eccentric duty by celebrating my special day with a god-awful-sounding drum circle out on the deck. It’s another charming Ulysses “tradition.”
That evening, Jay gives me a plethora of wildflowers and takes me out for sushi and a romantic comedy. When the movie’s over, he guides me with my cane to a nearby park. The playground is empty and I pump myself higher and higher on the swing until I’m light-headed. Jay recites a sonnet from the top of the jungle gym before taking me up the stairs of the elaborate wooden castle. He asks me to wait at the top while he runs to his car for something.
I grin when he comes back carrying a gift bag bursting with heaps of tissue paper. Stopping on the ground directly below me, he places his hand on his heart and calls up, “‘O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!’”
“No more Shakespeare on my birthday,” I yell down. “I want something original.”
Laughing, he bounds up the stairs to me and holds out the gift bag. “Many trees gave their lives for this dazzling presentation.”
“Lovely.” I feel my smile widen.
Jay leans against the railing and pulls me to sit on the ledge beneath him. Clawing at the colorful paper, I uncover a chubby rainbow teddy bear with hearts for eyes.
“I know it’s cheesy, but I saw him in Manny’s front window and I couldn’t resist,” he says. Giving the bear a hug, I reach up to make it caress Jay’s cheek until he laughs and leans down to kiss me.
Next I pull out a cover for my phone with the image of a star-filled sky on the back of it. “Since your phone is too ancient to get the stargazing app.”
“Hey, I like my old phone.” I smile as I look at the phone case. “This is seriously sweet. And I love that some couples may have a special song, but we have a geeky app.”
“It will always be our app,” Jay says.
Next I unwrap a retro silver bicycle bell that he attaches to my cane for me. “To get those rotten kids out of your way.” I laugh as he pulls out my final gift and hands it to me. “And this is for after you get around to finishing Romeo and Juliet.” It’s a hardcover illustrated copy of Krakauer’s book Into Thin Air. “This one’s about a group of climbers who get stuck in a storm on Mount Everest.”
“Wow, cool,” I say, opening it to flip through the thick pages.
“Eight of them die.”
I look at him. “Well, thanks for giving away the ending.”
He chuckles. “Krakauer tells you that from the start. But it’s amazing how quickly things can turn deadly when people don’t respect nature’s power. I mean, why would anyone even consider a crazy climb like that? I don’t get it.”
I stop at a full-page photo of Everest and trace my fingers over the craggy peak. The highest point on earth. “I do,” I whisper.
“What?” Jay asks.
I smile and hold up the book. “Thank you. I love everything.”
“Happy birthday, Dyna.” He squeezes me. “Hope you don’t mind that I didn’t get you jewelry. I know you don’t like wearing it.”
“You got me there.” I grin. “And anyway, wouldn’t jewelry imply it’s time for me to start putting out?”
Jay feigns shock and covers his mouth. “Dyna. What would make you think I’m ready to have sex with you?”
“We’ve been dating for almost three months.” I stand, turn toward him, and give him the most luscious, seductive, tender kiss I can.
When I pull back, Jay pretends to almost collapse over the railing. “Is it too late to maybe swing by the jewelry store?”
I laugh. “Nice try.” We look into each other’s eyes and I add, “Maybe soon.”
“Don’t worry,” he says. “We’ll know when the time is perfect.”
He’s perfect. “We’ll know,” I agree, and pull him down so we’re completely hidden by the walls of the castle.
He stretches out beside me in the shadows and I breathe in the familiar scent of his shampoo. Putting my hand on his chest I say, “I love you, Jay.”
His eyes widen and he caresses my cheek. “Wow, do I ever love you, too,” he says, and moves in to seal it with a perfect spearmint kiss.