I travelled to Freeport, Nova Scotia, to eat fresh lobster and to learn how it’s fished. I can report back to you that lobster fishing stinks, it’s stupid hard, and it’s totally worth it. Thankfully, there are lobster fishermen who are tougher than I am, and kind enough to keep us happy with all the lobsters we can eat. I also now believe from my first-hand experience that Bay of Fundy lobsters are among the finest in the world.
Everybody knows that lobster is tasty, but until you have it straight from the sea, you don’t really get how crazy great it is. I mean, honestly, think about this: as a chef in New York City, I used to make an omelette with lobster, asparagus, white truffles, and caviar and charge $1000. It was amazing. Yet then I get off a lobster boat in Nova Scotia and there’s Stanton Seamore on the dock with just a lobster in a bag of seawater and he pops it in the microwave. It was the best lobster I had ever tasted, as fresh as it gets, simple, and full-on flavour.