Practice Practice Practice

I know it’s unseemly

to keep on grieving, go on

sorrowing this way.

It’s a presumption, some might say

(since everybody loses someone,

why should anybody claim

to bear them all, all

over, all at once,

each day?).

Unseemly to obsess

on suffering, in such

milieus, the top five

tourist destinations full

of dogs in hot cars, birds abandoned,

toddlers come to understand they can’t

be coddled from now on, and grown men,

lovelorn, throwing up in bushes near the dance...

(Even the King is lonely: the Enquirer’s lucre

has seduced the page. Alas, he loved

that bobbed, that bobbing

head.) And in the under-

funded hospice, there’s an only

irritable night-nurse. In a home with a

capital H, in daily and unfettered joys

an idiot appears advanced. We wish

we could, ourselves, slow down. Instead

we get on with the show. Rehearse

means Quick now, bring those big

black limos back around.