“Are you certain about this?” Wynfrith leaned on the table to emphasize her words. “This is a risky undertaking that could easily end in disaster.” She looked at the others who’d gathered for the meeting.
Athgar and Natalia had assembled everyone in Ebenstadt to discuss their plans prior to going home to Runewald. It had been difficult to arrange, but now all the Thanes of Therengia sat at the table, along with the four Orc chieftains and their shamans. The Temple Captains of both Saint Agnes and Saint Mathew rounded things out.
Natalia had hoped everyone would support their plans for the attack on the Volstrum, but some voiced disagreement about how, or even if, the campaign should commence. “I doubt we’ll see another opportunity like this again. If we don’t act while we have the advantage, we will never be rid of them.”
“I agree,” said Belgast. He’d returned from Kragen-Tor with grand news, for the vard had agreed to Athgar’s proposal. Even as they gathered here, the first wagons of Dwarven goods were headed to Therengia.
“You would,” said Stanislav, “but you’re not the one doing the fighting.”
“I resent that. I’m no coward.”
“And I’m not saying you are, merely that we’ve lost many fine people because of our military campaigns. Successful we may have been, but at a grim cost.”
“War is brutal,” said Yaromir, “but if we are unwilling to fight for what we believe in, we only perpetuate the evils of the past.”
“Well said,” added Temple Captain Gabriel. “I say we confront them now before they use their power to assist in the empire’s conquest of the Petty Kingdoms.”
Natalia turned to Kargen. “What do you think?”
The Orc chieftain studied those seated at the table, finally resting his gaze on Shaluhk, who nodded slightly. “We are at a turning point in history. As the Temple Captain indicates, if we do nothing, we risk the empire seizing control of the entire Continent. Our people did not fare well under their rule.”
“How could you possibly know that?” asked Gabriel.
“Our shamans can communicate over long distances.”
“What do you mean by ‘our people did not fare well’?”
“They were exterminated, or at least we assume they were. Contact with the tribes in Halvaria ceased centuries ago. We have no alternative but to end this while we still possess the strength to resist.”
Wynfrith nodded. “I still hold reservations, but if the majority feels it necessary, then so be it.”
“Good,” replied Athgar. “Now we’ve dealt with that, let’s talk about specifics. What is the state of our army?”
“It is as strong as it’s ever been,” replied Natalia. “More than capable of supporting this endeavour.”
“That begs the question of how many warriors we need.”
“What are your thoughts?”
“Thanks to Temple Captain Cordelia,” said Athgar, “we have the commitment of two companies of her knights. In addition, I suggest all four companies of the Thane Guard, along with a decent number of archers.”
“Arrows won’t be much use in the Volstrum,” warned Yaromir.
“True, but the Army of Ruzhina might force us into a battle before we arrive.”
“I have consulted with the other tribes,” said Kargen, “and they agreed to commit an equal number of Orcs, along with two companies of warbows.”
“Will that be enough?” asked Stanislav. “The Volstrum was always well-protected whenever I visited.”
“That is where we come in,” said Zharuhl, Chieftain of the Stone Crushers. “Rather than attack at an entrance, our masters of the earth will make short work of their stone walls. We shall be in amongst them before they realize what is happening.”
“A good strategy,” said Yaromir, “but I’m more concerned about what happens once you’re inside. The Stormwinds are powerful mages, and we need to neutralize their magic, not to mention worrying about any family members residing in the city.”
“Arrows can take down any mage,” said Natalia. “Remember, a mage is deadly one-on-one, but hit them with numbers, and we’ll overwhelm them.”
“We’re looking at what…” said Stanislav. “Eight hundred warriors?”
“We could certainly take more,” replied Athgar, “but bring too many, and they’ll end up getting in one another’s way.”
“True, but that should give us enough to secure the perimeter. The last thing we need is the mages who live outside the Volstrum descending upon us while it’s under attack.”
“Would they respect Temple Knights?”
“I doubt it. The knights have no presence in Karslev, or the rest of Ruzhina, for that matter.”
“That makes sense,” replied Natalia. “They’re allied with Halvaria, and the fighting orders are the sworn enemies of the empire.”
“Whether they recognize our orders or not,” said Cordelia, “they’ll be hesitant to take on heavily armoured knights.”
“The family can be fickle,” offered Stanislav. “I’d be willing to bet there’s a good chance many would avoid getting involved until they see which way the wind’s blowing. The key to this is finishing them off quickly before they organize themselves.”
“Precisely,” said Natalia. “Which is why we must maintain the element of surprise.”
“I’ll deal with organizing the army,” offered Wynfrith, “but you should give some careful consideration as to who will accompany you on the journey there.”
“We’ve already discussed that. Athgar and I will proceed upriver with Kargen and Shaluhk.”
“Using umaks?”
“That’s the plan, yes.”
“I can’t say I fancy the idea of our High Thane undertaking such a perilous journey without protection, let alone our warmaster or the Chieftain of the Red Hand.”
“We are the best ones equipped for the journey,” replied Shaluhk. “Yes, it is risky, but a smaller group travels faster than a large one.”
“And if you run into danger?”
“We have a powerful Water Mage with us. It is difficult to conceive of anything that would prove too much for Nat-Alia, not to mention Athgar’s Fire Magic.”
Stanislav wasn’t convinced. “I might remind you an entire expedition disappeared into Zaran, and naught has been seen of them since.”
“That was a century ago,” said Athgar. “And unlike King Karzik, we have experience surviving in the wilderness.”
“Yes,” added Shaluhk, “and we can always return home using Nat-Alia’s magic if necessary. Do not worry. We will proceed with extreme caution.”
“Just out of curiosity,” said Belgast, “how do you intend to navigate?”
“I have given that much thought,” replied Kargen. “The Zaran River that forms the region’s eastern border joins up with the Windrush, the very same river on which Beorwic lies. We follow that downstream until we find where they converge, then head upriver. If the river veers off target or stops before we arrive in Ruzhina, we shall abandon it and travel directly north.”
“A smart strategy,” said Stanislav. “We know there’s a river forming Ruzhina’s southern border. What we don’t understand is what lies south of it. What if wild tuskers are about, or even worse creatures?”
“Worse?” said Belgast. “What could possibly be worse?”
“I might remind you that until you ran into tuskers, you didn’t know they existed. There could be all manner of beasts in the area we’re unfamiliar with.”
“They’re more than capable of dealing with whatever comes their way.”
“What we really need to know,” said Wynfrith, “is how long it will take you to get to Ruzhina? We can’t keep eight hundred souls camped by the standing stones forever. They’d eat up all their supplies.”
“I shall be in daily contact with Voruhn,” said Shaluhk. “Once we cross the river that borders Ruzhina, the army should travel to the standing stones. Prior to that, I suggest they camp in Runewald, which is reasonably close by.”
“Raleth will command the Thane Guard,” said Athgar. “All four companies worth, and I want Hilwyth to command the fyrd’s archers.” He turned to Kargen. “Who will command the Orcs in
your absence?”
“Kragor,” the chieftain replied.
“Not Laruhk?”
“Laruhk is a fine leader, but he commands the tuskers. In my absence, I also need him in Runewald to act as chieftain.”
“I assume,” said Yaromir, “that Temple Captain Cordelia will command the Temple Knights?”
“Yes,” replied Athgar. “I suggest the masters of magic be organized under Voruhn, providing that causes no offence?”
“I am in agreement,” said Kargen. “Her responsibility will be to ensure all our spellcasters are ready to travel once Nat-Alia activates the frozen arch.”
“Then it appears we’ve covered every detail. If we think of anything else during our travels, Shaluhk will advise you.”
“What about the actual attack?” asked Cordelia.
“There’s no sense worrying about that until we reach Ruzhina.”
“I would suggest the cavalry go through the arch first so they can spread out and secure the area.”
“Certainly,” agreed Athgar, “but I’d like Kragor’s warbows next in line. We might need them if any dangerous creatures are in the area. In regards to the rest, I’ll leave the order up to Raleth.”
Wynfrith stood. “I shall issue the orders unless you want to see to them yourself?”
“No. I’m far too busy preparing for our trip. I trust you to do what’s needed.”
“Then I suggest we let the High Thane have some privacy.” She looked around the room, daring any to object. “Well… don’t just sit there. Be about your business!”
Everyone filed out save for Athgar, Natalia, Kargen, and Shaluhk. Athgar waited until the door closed to turn to his wife. “I’m concerned we won’t have enough spellcasters.”
“Aside from Shaluhk and myself, we have three shamans, three masters of earth, and one master of air. That’s more than sufficient to bring down a wall or two of the Volstrum.”
“Yes, but they can field scores of Water Mages.”
“I estimate less than fifteen are battle mages, and they will be the most experienced ones there. Fortunately, except for the dining halls and dormitories, most of the Volstrum consists of a series of corridors.”
“Wouldn’t that make it easier to defend?”
“You might believe so, but the relatively confined area makes it easier for warriors to close with their opponents. Remember, it takes time to cast a spell, time in which an opponent can get within melee range. You must also remember no mages will be wearing armour, which makes them easy prey should our people get close enough.”
“Is Marakhova a battle mage?”
“She is,” replied Natalia, “and likely the most powerful caster we’ll find ourselves up against. She’ll have a variety of spells at her disposal, so we must keep an eye out for her. There’s also the possibility she might flee at the first signs of danger.”
“What of guards?” asked Athgar.
“In all probability, they’ll be the biggest obstacle. They’re intimately familiar with the layout of the Volstrum, not to mention fanatically loyal to the family. I doubt they have as much experience as our people, but I don’t want to underestimate them.”
“Agreed. We did that last time, and it didn’t turn out so well.”
“We escaped, didn’t we?”
“We did, but we lost too many in the process. I prefer not to repeat the mistakes of our past.”
“Then we shall take great care.”
“This Volstrum,” said Shaluhk. “I assume the walls are thick?”
“So I’m told,” replied Natalia, “though I’ve never really noticed. I spent most of my time within the walls, not examining them.”
“With the help of the other shamans, I shall endeavour to ascertain their defences.”
“How will you do that?” asked Athgar.
“Thanks to Khurlig, I have memories of spells from the past. I can use them to travel into the spirit realm and walk amongst them.”
“Yes,” added Kargen. “We used it to learn of Ostrova’s plans last autumn. It was as if we were ghosts.”
“I’m not convinced,” said Athgar. “Wouldn’t the family set magical wards against such things?”
“Wards?” replied Natalia. “The spirit realm is not easily blocked, and besides, the family doesn’t employ Life Mages.”
“Not even for healing their students?”
“They may have some in Halvaria, but as far as I’m aware, none in Karslev.”
“How would you know if there were?”
“During my time there, a student made a mistake while casting ice shards. She ended up losing a leg, but then the wound festered, and she died of a fever. I can’t imagine that happening if they had a Life Mage, not when a student represents years of investment.”
“You talked of Life Mages and Water Mages,” said Kargen, “but we must also consider the possibility that Sartellians may be present, which means our people might end up facing Fire Magic.”
“We considered that but can do little to prevent it from happening. Still, even an accomplished Fire Mage can be killed by an axe. We also have the advantage that we can heal our injured.”
“We shall have plenty of time to refine our strategy once we are underway,” said Shaluhk. “The trip through Zaran is a lengthy one.”
“I assume we’ll take only one umak?” asked Athgar.
“I originally thought two in case one got damaged, but after careful consideration, we are safer all together.”
“Agreed,” said Kargen. “I arranged for one to be ready for us in Runewald. Will we use a frozen arch to take us to Beorwic?”
“Yes,” replied Natalia. “Then we’ll make our way down the Carlsrun.”
“The Carlsrun?”
“Their name for the Windrush River.”
“How original,” said Athgar. “I suppose by that logic, the river at Beorwic should be referred to as Beorsrun?”
“I don’t believe they’ve given it a name,” said Natalia, “but now that you mention it, I’ll suggest that to King Maksim. Oh, and before you ask, Carlsrun is named after the city's founder, a fellow named Carl Dotterfeld—the city, too, for that matter.”
“Didn’t Svetlana say he was a drunkard and a wastrel? It seems history has a way of forgetting things like that.”
“You are too nice,” said Kargen, suppressing a laugh. “If you want something named after you, my friend, you need to become closer with your darker instincts.”
“No, thank you,” replied Athgar. “I don’t want a river named after me, or a city, for that matter. I’m more than happy just being Natalia’s husband.”
“And the High Thane,” added Shaluhk. “Not to mention a powerful master of flame in your own right.
“Yes. Well, let’s not get carried away. I’m trying to remain humble. Any more praises, and my helmet will no longer fit.”
Natalia stood. “Come along, Shaluhk. You and I should gather the children while our bondmates ready the horses.”
“Don’t forget Prince Piotr,” said Athgar. “Agar’s keen to show him Runewald, although I have a feeling our young princeling will not be impressed.”
“Have you arranged extra horses?”
“I have. I considered a carriage for His Highness, but something tells me he would see that as beneath him.”
Kargen grinned. “Are you suggesting he is… What is the expression?”
“Full of himself?” suggested Shaluhk.
“Yes, a most interesting term. What else, I wonder, might someone be full of if not himself?”
“Dung springs to mind,” said Athgar.
“Now, now,” chided Natalia. “We should be more charitable. Piotr has his flaws, but that’s not his fault; he’s a victim of his upbringing. The Volstrum taught us such attitudes are common amongst the nobility throughout the Petty Kingdoms.”
“It is a wonder they’ve lasted so long.”
“I agree,” said Kargen. “Such an attitude would not endear a chieftain to his tribe.”
“True,” said Athgar. “Then again, Gorlag was the Chieftain of the Red Hand, and I don’t recall him being much different.”
“You speak the truth, my friend, but thankfully, our people had the sense to be rid of him.”
“Only after I fought him.”
“I am not speaking of the fight; I refer to the events that succeeded it. If you recall, the tribe banished Gorlag.”
“I wonder whatever happened to him?”
“We shall likely never know,” said Shaluhk.