This book is the result of a team effort, not only during its writing but throughout my education and career. I would like to acknowledge those people who have been instrumental in my life.
First, I thank the head of my own first team, my wife, Laura. For your unconditional love, and your unwavering commitment to me and our boys, I cannot adequately describe my appreciation. And I thank Matthew and Connor, who will soon be able to read one of my books, though they’ll certainly prefer Dr. Seuss. You give me so much joy.
Next, I offer sincere gratitude to my team at The Table Group, without whose ideas, editing, and passion this book would not have come to be. For Amy’s graceful judgment and intuition, Tracy’s extraordinary and unending diligence, Karen’s kind support, John’s stylish wisdom, Jeff’s optimistic intelligence, Michele’s insightfulness and humor, and Erin’s youthful authenticity. I am constantly amazed and touched by the depth and quality of your commitment. You have helped me learn more about real teamwork than any group I have ever known, and I thank you for that.
I want to acknowledge the support and love of my parents. You have always given me the emotional safety net I needed to take risks and chase dreams. And you have given me so many things that you never had yourselves.
Thanks to my brother, Vince, for your passion, intensity, and concern.
And to my sister, Ritamarie, for your wisdom, love, and patience that mean more to me with every passing year.
And to the hundreds of cousins, aunts, uncles, and in-laws of mine—the Lencionis, the Shanleys, the Fanucchis, and the Gilmores. Thank you for your interest and kindness, which mean a lot to me even though I am far away from many of you.
Thanks to Barry Belli, Will Garner, Jamie and Kim Carlson, the Beans, the Elys, and the Patchs for your interest and friendship over the years.
I thank the many managers and mentors I’ve had during my career. Sally DeStefano for your confidence and graciousness. Mark Hoffman and Bob Epstein for your trust. Nusheen Hashemi for your enthusiasm. Meg Whitman and Ann Colister for your advice and counsel. And Gary Bolles for your encouragement and friendship.
I thank Joel Mena for your passion and love. Rick Robles for your coaching and teaching. And so many of the other teachers and coaches I had at Our Lady of Perpetual Help School, Garces High School, and Claremont McKenna College.
I thank the many clients whom I’ve worked with over the years for your trust and commitment to building a healthier organization.
I want to give special thanks to my agent, Jim Levine, for your humility and insistence on excellence, or as my wife says, for being “a humble butt-kicker.” And to my editor, Susan Williams, for your enthusiasm and flexibility. Thanks to everyone at Jossey-Bass and Wiley for your persistence, support, and commitment.
Finally, and certainly most important of all, I give all thanks to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for all that I am.