Too Many Men, Book 2 of The Blizzard Chronicles

Releasing April 19, 2017


Trent loves Emma… But Emma is still reeling from a broken heart, and a curve ball that’s going to flip her world on it’s ear. What happens when Ryan comes back into the picture – can they all get along, or is it a case of Too Many Men?


Chapter 1 - A Dog’s Life


It was a beautiful day in their new neighborhood, and Trent was taking full advantage of it by taking Rory, their new tiny yellow Labrador/Pit Bull mix, for a run. Or as it were, for a roller-blading adventure. The puppy had been a surprise that Keegan hadn’t even warned him about, but he was certainly a welcome addition to the household. He was so expressive that Emma couldn’t help but smile watching him, and these days, that’s all Trent could ask for.


As he glided around the one mile route surrounding the house, Trent let his thoughts drift, to the days before Keegan had flown home and the conversations they’d had. Finally, unable to deny his gut instincts any longer, Trent had shared with Keegan his concerns that Emma might be pregnant. Trent confirmed for the younger Connelly that he wasn’t the father if that was the case. He’d promised to keep Keegan in the loop of any news on that front, but Trent had some concerns that Emma would try and hide that kind of news from him if given the opportunity.


There were just too many little signs, too many things Trent recognized from when his sister-in-law was pregnant that made him feel like Emma was as well. The constant backache, the nausea, the mood swings, hell, even her steadfast refusal to speak to Ryan at all – it all added up and pointed in one direction.


Perhaps more worrisome for Trent was that he had no idea how Emma would react to that kind of news at all. He’d noticed that Ryan had returned the ring she’d left him – he saw her fidgeting with it occasionally when she was working at her desk – but as far as he was aware, they still hadn’t spoke, not even on move-in day.


And what would it all mean for Trent? Would Emma go back to Ryan, give him another chance, because she was carrying his child? Would she stay with him, instead, and let him help raise the baby? He truly didn’t know because it felt like whatever relationship they might have was in its infancy – and this sudden twist wasn’t likely to help his cause any.


As he approached the house again after completing the first mile, Trent noticed that Rory was definitely whipped and decided to duck inside, calling out to Emma on entering, “We’re home! Tired your pup out!” It took her several minutes, but Emma soon enough ventured downstairs with what could best be described as a peculiar look on her face. Trent smiled at her, pointing to the dog. “He’ll sleep well tonight.”


“That’s good.” She replied in an almost absent-minded voice and after tilting his head, Trent reached to squeeze the back of her neck, smiling when she leaned into his touch and closed her eyes. “Why don’t you go finish your run.”


Gazing at Emma for the longest time, Trent finally said to her, “I think there’s something we need to talk about when I get back. You okay with that?”


Emma gave him a curious look but she nodded, and Trent headed for the door to complete his remaining laps.




Some 30 minutes or so later - maybe longer, she couldn't be sure - Trent finally returned from his remaining laps. Emma watched him as he sat on the steps to pull the rollerblades off, and found her eyes drawing over his muscular frame when he took his shirt off to wipe up his sweat. After another moment, he came inside and brushed his lips against hers, murmuring, “Talk first, or you want me to shower first? Completely up to you.”


“I want to know what’s on your mind.” She said softly and Trent leaned closer to kiss her.


“I think you’re pregnant.” And when Emma’s mouth just gaped, Trent nodded, telling her, “You have all the signs. Keegan and I picked up a home pregnancy test before he left, and I think you should take it.”


Gobsmacked, but determined to prove Trent wrong, Emma followed him upstairs to where he handed her the test, sitting on the bed while waiting for her to prep the stick. Emma stayed in the bathroom the entire time the test took, and when she came out, her face was pale and the test showed “pregnant.”


“Now are you willing to listen to me and your brother and see a doctor? If nothing else to confirm or deny that…” Trent dragged fingertips along Emma’s cheek and again she leaned into his contact, just focusing on his words, his touch.


Soon enough, she did reply, telling him softly, “I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I’m ready to have a baby, I especially don’t know if I want his baby, and that’s not even getting into how all of this affects you.”


“Listen to me, Em. I’m here for whatever you decide to do. I will gladly step in and play surrogate father if that’s what you need or want. But don’t worry about me. This changes nothing between us.”


It changes everything, Emma thought to herself, while biting on her lower lip. How could she expect Trent to stick around, out of anything other than honor and obligation, if she was pregnant with another man’s child? What kind of man would want anything to do with that kind of shitstorm clusterfuck?


But instead of voicing that, Emma just gave him a small smile, leaning into his hand when he stroked her cheek again and letting her eyes drift shut once more. “You should take a shower,” she teased. “You stink.”


Laughing quietly, Trent moved his fingers so he flicked Emma’s ear, and laughed a bit harder when her retort was to turn and try and bite his fingers. “Yeah, yeah. Love you too, Em. My stinky ass will go shower now. If you want to talk more when I get out, we will. And if you’d rather just lay in bed and forget this day ever happened, we can do that too. I’m sure Rory would be happy to cuddle either way.”


Staring at Trent in a bit of shock at his words, Emma nonetheless smiled after a moment, telling him, “Cuddling with my two favorite men sounds divine. Hurry up and get clean, ya?”


With a nod, Trent moved to head to the bathroom, and after a moment Emma settled on the bed. She still wasn’t sure how this was all going to work out, but she found at least a small amount of peace in Trent’s words, even if she wasn’t sure she completely believed him.