Chaos got out of bed and walked to the window in her bra and panties. She peered down the block to see the old Lincoln that YB and Rufus were in. They were waiting for her to give them the signal.

Chaos felt that tonight would be the last night of bullshit she would ever have to endure. She cracked a smile, feeling like YB was that prince on a white horse and she was the lady in the tower, waiting to be rescued.

Is this my fairytale? She asked herself.

She sighed and then turned to see Toy-T standing in the doorway in his wife-beater and jeans. “Bitch, we gonna have some company again tonight. I got Jumbo coming over again to fuck you.” He chuckled. “You got that nigga open off your pussy. I know the feeling ’cause your shit is good.”

Chaos sighed again and turned her attention back to the window. She wasn’t trying to hear Toy-T’s mouth tonight.

Toy-T got upset. He wanted to be like Crown so he knew he had to lay the smack down if he wanted respect from a bitch. He walked into the room and shouted, “Bitch, you don’t ever turn your back to me when I’m fuckin’ talkin’ to you!”

He grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him. Toy-T glared at Chaos, but his bark was louder than his bite. “Get dressed, bitch. We got some money to make tonight.”

Chaos sighed a third time. She could get away with the attitude with Toy-T, but if he were Crown, her jaw would have been filled with blood.

Toy-T pressed himself against Chaos and rubbed his hands against her butt. “Damn, you’re so soft, bitch. I like that. I do, I do,” he said in a sleazy tone.

Chaos wanted to pry herself out of his greasy hands. She hated the smell of his breath when he tried to kiss her. Chaos closed her eyes and tried to pull away, but Toy-T wasn’t having it. He pressed his crusty lips to hers but became startled by the sound of the Escalade pulling into the driveway. Toy-T released Chaos and rushed downstairs to meet his cousin and to see why he was back from the club so early.

With Toy-T finally gone, Chaos sat on the bed and prayed that tonight went down smoothly. She couldn’t take another night of Toy-T’s shit and his greasy hands.