Chapter 87: Nelly Shuttleworth

Bradlow: Thursday, November 6th

Nelly heard the hushed sounds of movement in the room but was too tired to open her eyes.

‘Hello, Gran.’ A touch of soft lips on her cheek, the light familiar floral scent.

Ah, the beloved sound of Linda’s voice. Nelly smiled to herself.

‘What did the doctor say?’ Another voice, another kiss, a brush of sweet-smelling hair across her face.

Mary. Best friend a body could have. Like a daughter. The woman both her rotten sons had hurt so badly. Nelly felt the habitual anger rumble around inside her.

They were whispering now.

‘She’ll not last the night.’ A stifled sob.

Linda again. Don’t cry, pet. Nelly fought to speak but it was too much of an effort. She strained to listen.

‘Do you think she can hear us?’

Nelly felt one of them put their cool hand on her forehead. Mary, she guessed.

‘No, the doctor said it was a massive stroke.’

A warm tear fell on Nelly’s arm. She tried to lift her hand but it wouldn’t move.

‘I hope she’s at peace.’

Oh, I am, my pets, I am.

‘She will be. And at least where’s she’s going she won’t meet those two blasted sons of hers.’

Not if I’ve got owt to bleedin’ do about it, I won’t, Nelly thought, smiling inside.