List of Names and Terms

Aaron, Hank

Adamle, Tony

Adams, Chet

Agajanian, Ben

Agase, Alex

Aguirre, Joe

Akins, Al

Albert, Frankie

Alford, Bruce

All-America Football Conference

Ameche, Don

American Football League

American Hockey League

American League (baseball)

Anaconda Copper Company

Angsman, Elmer

Armstrong, Graham

Army (football)

Ashland, OH

Babe Ruth Stadium (Baltimore)

Baldwin, Alton

Baldwin, Burr

Baltimore, MD

Baltimore Colts (AAFC)

Baltimore Colts (NFL)

Banducci, Bruno

Banonis, Vince

Barber, Jim

Barwegan, Dick

Battles, Cliff

Baugh, Sammy

Beals, Alyn

Bearden, Gene

Beasley, Scott

Beggs, Walter

Bell, Bert

Bellaire, OH

Benningson, Ray

Bertelli, Angelo

Bidwill family

Big Nine Conference

Blandin, Ernie

Bock, Wally

Boedeker, Bill

Bossard, Emil

Bossard, Harold

Boston, MA

Boston Braves

Boston College

Boston Red Sox

Boston Yanks

Boudreau, Lou

Bowling Green, OH

Bowling Green State University

Bowser, Charley

Boyes Springs, CA

Breuil, Jim

Brickels, John

Bronx, NY

Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn Dodgers

Brown, Jim

Brown, Paul

Bruce, Gail

Brugge, Bob

Bryant, Bob

Buffalo, NY

Buffalo Bills

Buffalo Bisons

Bumgardner, Rex

Burrows Books

Burruss, Harry

Calder Cup


Cambridge Springs, PA

Camp Roosevelt

Canisius College

Canton McKinley high school

Carter Hotel

Case Institute of Technology

Cason, Jim

Cedar Point

Chappuis, Bob

Cheatham, Lloyd

Chesapeake Bay

Chewning, Lynn

Chicago, IL

Chicago Bears

Chicago Board of Trade

Chicago Cardinals

Chicago Hornets

Chicago Rockets

Chicago Tribune

Chicago White Sox

Christ, Art

Civic Stadium (Buffalo)

Clarke, Harry

Clarke, James

Clay, Walt

Cleveland Barons

Cleveland Indians

Cleveland Municipal Stadium

Cleveland Naps

Cleveland Panthers

Cleveland Rams

Cleveland Touchdown Club

Cline, Ollie

Cobbledick, Gordon

Colella, Tom

Coleman, Herb

College All-Stars

Collier, Blanton

Collins, Ted

Collinwood high school

Collmer, Mickey

Columbus, OH

Columbus Citizen

Comiskey Park (Chicago)

Conkright, Red

Conzelman, Jimmy

Cooke, Bob

Cornell University

Cowan, Bob

Cravath, Jeff

Crawford, Denver

Crowley, Jim

Cuyahoga County

Daley, Bill

Dallas Cowboys

Davies, Tom

Davis, Lamar

Dawson, Red

Dayton, OH

DeGroot, Dudley

Dellerba, Spiro

Derricotte, Gene

Detroit, MI

Detroit Lions

Detroit Tigers

Dewar, Jim

Dewey, Thomas

Dietrich, John

Dobbs, Glenn

Doby, Larry

Dorais, Gus

Dove, Bob

Drake, Johnny

Durocher, Leo

East Cleveland, OH

Ebbets Field

Edwards, Bill

Edwards, Dan

Elbi, Ray

Embry, Robert

Eshmont, Len

Euclid Avenue


Evans, Fred

Fenenbock, Chuck

Fenway Park

Fesler, Wes

Findlay College

Fischer, Bill

Flaherty, Ray



Foldberg, Hank

Freeman, Lee

Freitas, Jesse

Fremont, OH

Froberg, Frosty

Frosty Fort, PA

Gafford, Monk

Gallagher, Dick

Gambino, Lu

Gatski, Frank

Gaudio, Bob

Gentry, Dale

Gibbs, Ronald

Gillman, Sid

Gillom, Horace

Gilmer, Harry

Glass, Bob

Glass Bowl

Goldstein, Herman

Goll, Paul

Gompers, Bill

Graham, Otto

Grange, Red

Great Lakes Naval Training Station

Green Bay Packers

Greene, Nelson

Greenwood, Don

Gries, Bob

Grigg, Chubby

Grossman, Rex

Groza, Lou

Halas, George

Hall, Forrest

Hampton-Sydney College

Hanley, Dick

Harlem River

Harrington, John

Harris, Amos

Hayes, Woody

Hearst newspapers

Heath, Stan

Heck, Charley

Hein, Mel

Heisler, Fritz

Heisman Trophy

Henrich, Tommy

Hester, Harvey

Heywood, Bill

Hillenbrand, Billy

Hirsch, Ed

Hirsch, Elroy

Hoernschmeyer, Bob

Hoffberger, Jerry

Hollywood, CA

Hotel Cleveland

Houston, Lindell

Huber, Bill

Huff, Sam

Humble, Weldon

Hunter, Willis

Indiana University

Ingram, Jonas

Isbell, Cecil

James, Tommy

Jensen, Bob

John Carroll University

Johnson, Harvey

Johnson, Nate

Jones, Dub

Jones, Edgar

Jones, Wilbur

Keeshin, John

Kempthorn, Dick

Kennedy, Bob

Kerns, John

Kessing, Oliver Owen

Kezar Stadium

Kilroy, Frank

Kimbrough, John

Kinard, Frank


King, Ed

King, Fay

Kissell, John

Kosikowski, Frank

Kurrasch, Roy

LaBrucherie, Bert

Lafayette College

Lahr, Warren

Lajoie, Napoleon

Lake Erie

Lakewood, OH

Lambeau, Curly

Langley, Gus

Lavelli, Dante

Lawson, Jim

Layden, Elmer

Layden, Pete

Layne, Bobby

League Park (Cleveland)

Leahy, Frank

Leicht, Jake

Lewis, Cliff

Lewis, Franklin

Lillywhite, Verl

Lindheimer, Ben

Lopez, Al

Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles Dons

Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum

Los Angeles Rams

Louis, Joe

Louisiana College

Louisiana State University

Luckman, Sid

Lujack, Johnny

MacArthur, Douglas

Maceau, Mel

Mack, Connie

Magdziak, Stan

Maggioli, Chuck


Mallouf, Ray

Mara, Tim

Marotta, Vince

Marquette University

Marshall, George Preston

Martin, Pepper

Martineau, Earl

Martinovich, Phil

Martins Ferry, OH


Massillon, OH

Massillon High School

Matheson, Riley

Mathews, Ned

Mayne, Mickey

Mazuca, Dick

Mazza, Vince

McBride, Arthur (Mickey)

McBride, Arthur, Jr.

McCarthy, Jim

McGraw, John

McKeever, Ed

McMahon, Roy

McMillin, Alvin

Medwick, Joe

Mellus, Johnny

Mertes, Bus

Miami, FL

Miami Seahawks

Miami University

Mid-American Conference

Mike, Bob

Milligan, Mike

Milwaukee, WI

Mize, Johnny


Morabito, Tony

Morris, Max

Moss, Perry

Motley, Marion

Mount Union College

Mutryn, Chet

Nagurski, Bronko

Nash, Dick

National Football League (NFL)

National Hockey League (NHL)

National League (baseball)

Negro League (baseball)

New England Patriots

New York, NY

New York Bulldogs

New York Giants (baseball)

New York Giants (football)

New York Yankees

New York Yanks (NFL)

Northwestern University

Oakland, CA

O’Connor, Bill


Ohio House of Representatives

Ohio State University

Ohio University

Ohio Wesleyan University

Oklahoma City University

Orange Bowl

O’Rourke, Charley

Owen, Mickey

Paige, Satchel

Painesville, OH

Palmer, Derrell

Parseghian, Ara

Pasadena CA

Patterson, Red

Patton, Cliff

Pearcy, Jim

Pecarovich, Mike


Perry, Joe

Petritz, Joe

Phelan, Jimmy

Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia Athletics

Philadelphia Eagles

Philadelphia Phillies

Piascik, Andy

Pirro, Rocco

Piskor, Roman

Pittsburgh, PA

Pittsburgh Steelers

Polo Grounds

Pool, Hampton

Portsmouth Spartans

Prchlik, John

Pro Football Hall of Fame

Proctor, Dewey

Prokop, Eddie

Pucci, Ben

Pyle, C.C.

Ramsey, Ray

Rapacz, John

Ratterman, George

Rauch, Johnny

Reeves, Dan

Reinhard, Bill

Reno, NV

Richman Brothers

Rickey, Branch

Rochester Royals

Rockne, Knute

Rooks, Irwin

Rooney, Art

Rose Bowl

Rubber Bowl

Russell, Jack

Ruth, Babe

Rykovich, Julie

Rymkus, Lou

Saban, Lou

St. John, Lyn

St. Louis Brown Stockings (Browns)

St. Louis Cardinals

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco 49ers

Sanders, Red

Sanders, Spec

Sandusky, OH

Santa Clara University

Sarkisian, Alex

Sarringhaus, Paul

Sauerbrei, Harold

Saylor, Tod

Scarry, Mike

Schleich, Vic

Schmidt, Francis

Schneider, Don

Schnellenbacher, Otto

Schuette, Carl

Schwall, Vic

Schweiger, Bob

Scott, Don

Scott High School

Scranton, PA

Sensabaugher, Dean

Shaughnessy, Clark

Shaw, Buck

Shaw high school

Sherby, Dan

Shibe Park (Philadelphia)

Shipkey, Ted

Shoemaker, CA

Shoener, Harold

Shurnas, Marshall

Simonetti, Len

Smith, Gaylon

Smith, Jimmy Bob

Smith, Paulie

Soldier Field

Sonoma Mission Inn

Southern Conference

Southern Methodist University

Spadaccini, Vic

Speedie, Mac

The Sporting News

Springfield, OH

Springfield College

Stanford University

Stephens, Vern

Steuber, Bob

Stewart, Dave

Still, Jim

Stoneham, Horace

Strader, Red

Strohmeyer, George

Strzykalski, John

Stuart, Bobby

Super Bowl

Sustersic, Ed

Sutherland, Jock

Sutphin, Al

Sweiger, Bob

Terlep, George

Terminal Tower (Cleveland)

Thayer, Harry

Thompson, Alex

Thompson, James

Thompson, Kenneth

Tittle, Y.A.

Toledo, OH

Toledo Times

Tomasetti, Lou

Topping, Dan


Trippi, Charley

Truman, Harry

Ulinski, Ed

University Circle (Cleveland)

University of Alabama

University of California–Los Angeles

University of Cincinnati

University of Georgia

University of Illinois

University of Maryland

University of Michigan

University of Nebraska

University of Nevada

University of Notre Dame

University of Pittsburgh

University of San Francisco

University of Southern California

University of Texas

University of Toledo

University of Washington

Vacanti, Sam

Van Buren, Steve

Veeck, Bill


Voyles, Carl

Wagner, Lowell

Walker, Doak

Walsh, Davis

Ward, Arch

Washington, DC

Washington, DC, Touchdown Club

Washington Redskins

Webb, Del

Wedemeyer, Herman

Weinmeister, Arnie

West Wyoming high school

Western Reserve University

Western Union

Whelan, Tommy

White House

Widdoes, Carroll

Wilkes-Barre, PA

William & Mary College

Willis, Bill

Willkin, Willie

Wistert, Al

World Series

World War II

Woudenberg, John

Wrigley Field (Chicago)

Yale University

Yankee Stadium

Yellow-Zone Cab Company

Yonakor, John

Yonkers, Bob

Young, Buddy

Young, George

Zuppke, Bob