Instruction Sheet
It’s not too late! You can still pull together a successful Christmas in a few days!
(Check off the items as you do them. Fill in the blank 10-Day Countdown Plan with dates, and assign the tasks to specific days. More explanation for each task is found in the related section.)
10 Days—Make your final gift list on the Master Gift List (page xx).
9 Days—Finish shopping at one store or one online store.
8 Days—Wrap remaining gifts and send out final Christmas cards.
7 Days—Put up remaining decorations and enjoy a holiday movie.
6 Days—Bake a favorite Christmas cookie or nutbread recipe.
5 Days—Vacuum and give a quick cleaning to your home.
4 Days—Plan your meals and bring in final groceries.
3 Days—Confirm Christmas Day plans with others.
2 Days—Read and reflect on the real meaning of Christmas in Luke 2.
1 Day—Celebrate with Christmas gifts, family, and a time of thankfulness.
My notes: