The 10-Day Countdown Plan

Instruction Sheet

It’s not too late! You can still pull together a successful Christmas in a few days!

(Check off the items as you do them. Fill in the blank 10-Day Countdown Plan with dates, and assign the tasks to specific days. More explanation for each task is found in the related section.)

5 10 Days—Make your final gift list on the Master Gift List (page xx).

5 9 Days—Finish shopping at one store or one online store.

5 8 Days—Wrap remaining gifts and send out final Christmas cards.

5 7 Days—Put up remaining decorations and enjoy a holiday movie.

5 6 Days—Bake a favorite Christmas cookie or nutbread recipe.

5 5 Days—Vacuum and give a quick cleaning to your home.

5 4 Days—Plan your meals and bring in final groceries.

5 3 Days—Confirm Christmas Day plans with others.

5 2 Days—Read and reflect on the real meaning of Christmas in Luke 2.

5 1 Day—Celebrate with Christmas gifts, family, and a time of thankfulness.

My notes: