Simplifying anything in life follows three steps in the SOS Pyramid I unveiled in my book, Simplify Your Space. For the holiday time pressures, it works the same way.
The SOS Pyramid
Step 1: Sort = Divide your calendar priorities, gift list of names, decorations, and Christmas card list onto the holiday charts so you can see how complicated or reasonable your holidays actually are.
Step 2: Organize = Arrange your calendar to balance the pressures of your current life by planning early how everything will fit. You can only do so much in a day or weekend so include just what is meaningful to you this season. Four nights out per week is the max we recommend to keep from stressing.
Step 3: Simplify = Focus on what’s meaningful by leaving out draining tasks and investing in those that are meaningful. Fewer quality activities and tasks may be just what you need to keep your season on a manageable level.