To enjoy life to the full, keep it simple.
Celebration of Simplicity
After our long season of transitions, things got back to normal and we celebrated the happy occasion of our first child, Christy, getting married. The way I saw it, a wedding was a great opportunity to leverage getting something extra done around the house. “Honey,” I said to my husband, David, “don’t you think we could do something special—like getting the house painted? We could really use a paint job outside anyway, and all these people are coming.”
After many discussions and a half-dozen paint bids, the process finally began. The house was power-washed, the trim was scraped, and the outside walls were patched. Finally, our home was painted, and the house took on a new glow. It looked great!
But do you know what was even better? The windows got so dirty in the process that they had to be cleaned. They sparkled in the sunlight so much that the sky actually looked bluer, and the grass certainly looked greener.
That’s what it is like to organize and simplify your life. You take the time to organize one thing, and two great things happen—the project gets done and your outlook on life gets brighter. You just feel better on both accounts.
That same feeling can happen every day. When you set up your personal organizing center, you can routinely process the mail and clear the counter. When you know what’s for dinner, you can handle any delays that crop up late in the day. When you have a good game plan to accomplish your projects, you will feel secure that things will be completed. Life just looks better and works better when you persist in simplifying everyday living.
One of my organizing classes listed all the benefits of getting organized and simplifying life. Simplifying life means you
• save time,
• don’t have to look for things,
• think clearer,
• are a nicer person,
• feel better about yourself,
• save money,
• have less stress,
• are more productive,
• don’t feel guilty,
• have more time for people,
• don’t feel embarrassed.
Simplifying your life means organizing your time, your home, your office, and special seasons so they work for you, not against you. Take the time to work through the PuSH System from the project stage of setting it up right, to a system that is easy to maintain, and finally to a habit that becomes so natural you always keep it simple and organized.
And now that you know what to do, I know you can do it. You will experience a sense of freedom and order when everything is as it should be. The goal in organizing your life is not to be perfect, but to get better. Keep taking steps every day in that direction.
When God created us, He gave us the gift of time. He knows the number of our days, and although we don’t, the Bible talks about planning those days wisely. If we live until we’re eighty years old, we will have 29,200 days to start fresh each morning. That’s a lot of days. With all that opportunity, we can reshape our lives by reshaping our days.
We have covered a lot of ground in this book, and I congratulate you for reading through to the end. You are a precious, wonderful woman with an important role in life that only you can fill. Make every day count for you and for the people around you.
You’re ready. You’re well equipped to handle anything that comes your way, and I’m thrilled that you’ve made the effort to change your life.
I believe you can simplify your life—for good! Just keep at it, and even you will be amazed at the results.
Marcia Ramsland
Professional Organizer
A Simple Prayer for Change
Dear God, I believe You have a purpose for me, and that means accomplishing things in life. Forgive me for thinking undone things are more spiritual because I am waiting for some divine inspiration rather than taking action. May my closet cleaning, my new time schedule, and my clutter pick-ups make You smile as I look intently into Your heart and to my circumstances to figure out Your will for me. I know this is a new beginning in my life. Help me to follow through on my plans and dreams. Amen.
I firmly believe we can do what we set our mind to. It takes time and commitment and faith, but God is in the business of miracles. Don’t give up. You have no idea what’s ahead for you.
—LUCI SWINDOLL, The Women of Faith Daily Devotional