Money is not complicated. The principles behind financial transactions are simple enough. It is usually the detail that confuses by obscuring the principles.
The money world, like many others, develops its own practices and jargon, which are usually incomprehensible to the layman. Even an intelligent watcher of the financial scene is at a disadvantage. Sometimes the financial world likes to keep it that way, because an aura of mystique can enhance the value of its services.
The financial press, at its best, attempts to bridge this comprehension gap, but it is often forced to satisfy two different markets. It is writing both for those in the money business and for the outsiders who like to follow the financial and economic scene and who, in their personal or business lives, have to choose among many financial services and investment products. A first-time reader of the Financial Times or the business pages of the national dailies or Sunday papers may still feel he is faced with a foreign language.
The escalating popularity of the Internet – covered for the first time in this edition – may help. Many of its financial pages are targeted very clearly at the general public. But even here, a little understanding of the basic investment principles can be a great advantage.
This book sets out to explain the language of money. It does so by explaining the principles and practices behind the markets and financial institutions that deal with money and investments. Understand the principles, and the jargon falls quickly into place. The book consists of two main parts. The narrative chapters provide a guide to the workings of the financial system and its main components. This is suitable for the newcomer to the financial scene, though will also serve as an aide-mémoire for those with existing knowledge. At the end of the book comes a combined glossary and index, which either provides explanations of financial terms or points to where they are explained in the text. Since the financial community often risks taking itself too seriously, an antidote is provided between the two parts in the form of a light-hearted look at some of the more oblique terms and techniques that financial journalists use in putting their message across.
The approach is intended to be practical. The explanations of financial terms are not aimed at the professional economist or banker and should not be taken as legal definitions. They explain the sense in which these terms are most likely to be encountered in the financial press.
The book follows the pattern of financial press coverage. Much of what is written concerns companies and the stockmarket, which therefore require explanation in detail. The sections on company accounts help to explain the background to the main investment yardsticks in use – they can be skipped if you are familiar with the concepts. Other areas such as the euromarket warrant less space. Though far larger than the domestic stockmarket, the euromarket or international market impinges less on the general public in Britain and attracts less coverage in the national press.
One point of detail: tax rates can change rapidly and examples incorporating tax calculations therefore risk being outdated soon after they are written. The tax rates adopted in this edition are those applying in the 2000-01 financial year. Thus, the basic rate of income tax is 22 per cent, the higher rate is 40 per cent and the corporation tax rate is 30 per cent. The dividend tax is deemed to be 10 per cent, with a higher rate of 32.5 per cent.
A final word of warning: in times of boom, investment markets become infected by their own enthusiasm. The money men forget the existence of the word ‘bust’.
Journalists who write about the City are not immune to this enthusiasm. It sometimes colours their judgement, as it colours that of the City’s professionals. The way to read the financial pages during a stockmarket boom is with a modicum of caution. Booms do not go on for ever and some journalists, like brokers, are better at advising when to buy than when to sell.