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Wilder reached Adrienne just in time. He stood in front of the bear prepared for a fight. His large canines showing through his raised lips. His body five feet tall on all fours, his hair rising on his back, but his fighting stance, not enough to deter the ferocious female bear from her prey.
Hungry, and trying to get to the river to hunt fish, the bear would eat what she could because Adrienne was there and she was potential food. Wilder knew the danger of a bear ready to hibernate and he prepared himself for the onslaught.
He needed to protect Adrienne at the risk of his life. The bear lunged at Wilder and tore into his leg and already wounded arm, but Wilder’s strong mouth and teeth ripped the bear’s leg and it backed off, heading back into the forest.
With blood oozing from Wilder’s legs, he hobbled in the direction of the cave carrying Adrienne. He had shifted and lifted Adrienne from the cold snow and into his arms. She had fainted earlier when she saw the bear attack Wilder. His powerful muscular arms held her near his chest when she opened her eyes.
“Who are you?” she asked but she never heard the reply. Her eyes closed again.
Wilder wanted a family of his own, but never found a female werewolf compatible to him. She had to accept his brothers, and the female would have to be fertile. Most were-females were sterile. And to have a strong pack, it was imperative that any female he chose would have to bear all their pups, because as triplets, and all Alpha wolves, they were inseparable.
Wilder and his brothers made a pact and swore to their father that they would stay together, and they controlled the territory they inherited equally from their father, and neither were willing to destroy that or push the other out.
His brothers agreed that whomever Wilder selected they would accept and mate with her because they trusted his decision as the head Alpha. And if for some reason he died, the next in line would take her and marry her. As he headed for the cave with blood dripping from his wounds, he thought that may come sooner than later.
Building a fire wasn’t easy with Wilder’s injured arm. He set Adrienne on the bear rug, pulled the wet animal skins and black leggings from her body. She shivered from the cold, as he managed to get the fire going. It had been uncomfortable and a difficult transformation into human form just to carry her in his injured arms. He was tired, and so he lay besides her holding her in his comforting large muscular arms.
Although conscious again now, she didn’t want to open her eyes, so she lay there.
Being with this female is taxing, he thought. Never had he been in so much danger, or had to make so many changes to human form.
Usually on his working ranch, he and his brothers would spend their time as humans entertaining and being entertained, but when the moon was full he would assume the appearance of a wolf to hunt and maintain their survival skills. He enjoyed his time alone hunting and wandering through the western states, visiting packs, and hearing their grievances.
He and his brothers controlled a large territory in several states, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming, and his small pack in Alaska. Returning from Oregon to his ranch in Nevada, he decided to hunt for game to replenish the food at the cave for the winter, but an early snowfall had prevented him from catching the swift buck in front of him as well as the unsuspecting accident that brought Adrienne into his life and to his cave.
Seeing the shaking Adrienne, Wilder made a change once more to his wolf form. He lay down beside her to keep her warm preventing her from freezing. His thick fur would protect her from frostbite.
Adrienne stirred and all she saw was the large white wolf sleeping near her. She screamed and when she did, Wilder’s body began to change, he tried to stop it but it was impossible at this stage of his transformation. His natural animal instinct had taken over him and he began to transform into the human, but he resisted and reverted to the wolf.
Wilder stood on all fours and the scream from Adrienne heightened. The sound echoed around the cave causing his large ears to ring. Surprisingly her scream didn’t affect him as much as the howl of the females of his pack. It took on a calming effect and he wanted to protect her but from whom? So, he changed once more to his human shape and she screamed louder. With his transformation complete, he cupped her mouth with his large hands.
“Quiet, you will call wolves to this cave. Few know where it’s located.”
“Tell me,” she whispered, “Tell me I didn’t see you change from a wolf to a man,” she said, shaking and arms trembling at her side.
Dropping the skins from her body when she stood, she was now standing naked in front of the tall handsome male. He grabbed her and brought her to him. Holding her close he gazed into her eyes and she locked eyes with this amazing man. She felt his body heat and warm her like she had never felt before. “I didn’t need to see that,” she said with her eyes wide.
His large arms with muscles rippling across his chest, tall and tough like the pines in the forest. She felt safe. She felt his manhood.
Once, when she was raped by a group of frat boys, her fiancé, Paul, asked if she did anything that made them want to attack her. And if that wasn’t a slap in the face, he even suggested that she may have dressed suggestive to bring on the attack.
She never forgot their faces. But she never reported them because Paul was a member of that fraternity, and he begged her not to, with all the usual reasons. Against her better judgment, she didn’t. She did see a doctor and the news wasn’t good, and that was another reason to leave in the middle of the night, and put distance from him, and the horrific memories.
Adrienne knew then that Paul wasn’t for her. But this beautiful protective man had potential if she could get over him being a werewolf and wanting to share her with his brothers, she would consider him as a potential, to put it into his words, ‘mate.’ When she saw her chance to leave Paul she took it. She wished she had made better plans before departing on this journey, which had turned into an adventure she could have done without.
“You’re going to freeze in the next few minutes if you don’t get some clothes on,” Wilder said with hungry eyes surveying her naked body.
“Where are my clothes and what am I doing back here?” He dropped his arms and walked away from her. From scalp to toes she trembled from the cold when he took his heat away. She pulled a fur poncho over her head. It had been sitting on a large tree stump used as a table.
“There are boots over there. I made them,” he said to Adrienne. She glanced to where Wilder pointed. She took a few steps and picked them up. Then she sat on the rug and tried to pull them over her feet and her naked crotch became exposed. She watched his manhood increase in size. Quickly she closed her legs when she noticed the look on Wilder’s face. She peeked at him, and he replied, “I made them for my mate. Female werewolves have smaller feet than humans. I’ll make you some more tomorrow.”
“Well, where is she?” Wilder didn’t answer because he had no mate. Only her.
Then Wilder said, “I have to tend the fire and get you something to eat.”
Adrienne sat down on the rug and fell asleep. It had been a long day and night. All the excitement of the bear and learning that the notion of Wilder being a werewolf was real, and not a joke. She had to find out how that worked. And how could he hide their existence from the outside world.
She knew something of wolves. She knew that they had been hunted almost to extinction. There were small numbers now inhabiting a few states in the US and only a few left in Alaska and Russia. But how did they evolve into these creatures, sometimes human and sometimes wolves?
Wilder returned carrying a piece of smoked wild duck. “We’re running out of food. If my brothers don’t make it back because of the heavy snow, I’ll have to go hunting.”
Her eyes opened when she smelled the food and she sat up and said as she yawned, “How can you hunt with that wound?”
“So, you care about me?”
Yes, she cared, but she didn’t want him to know.
“I just know that if you’re hurt then you’ll try something stupid and get killed and I’ll be alone here and starve before you get back,” she said. He turned, eyes narrow and dark, and he gave out a growl. And she jumped. “I’m just kidding, but you ate all that food not me,” she reminded him.
“I can last longer than you without food. I can go without food for two or three weeks, can you? I’m not doing this for me, it’s for you,” he said, his eyes now soft and clear. Adrienne forced a smile.
Sitting against a chair and eating the succulent duck, she sucked the juice from her fingers. “It’s the last one. You will have to eat some of the bear meat,” he said taking a long look at her breasts where the neck line of the poncho dipped.
She caught his gaze and put her hands over herself.
“I can’t eat that meat,” she said.
“You will have to,” he said, “I’ll go out to hunt tonight.”
“Don’t leave me here,” she said pulling his arm. He glanced down at her hand on his arm, and tightened his eyes. “I don’t know your name and you never asked mine,” Adrienne said. “All you call me is female and I’m tired of that, you treat me as if I’m not a person with feelings. What if something happens to you? Then what?” she said.
His face relaxed. “I have to get wood for the fire,” he said. He left in the direction of the bedroom to put on pants and a shirt, then he turned. “My name is Wilder.”
“My name is Adrienne. We have enough until morning. Don’t go. If you sleep near me I can be warm. The fire will last until daylight. I don’t want you to leave me in the dark,” she said, her face taking on a calm glow, “and besides you’re hurt. Anything could happen.”
After eating and convincing Wilder not to leave her alone, Adrienne propped herself up to read and hopefully to sleep before she was needlessly awoken again. She thought it best to know more about the life she had been thrown into—Wilder’s world. She glanced over to see that Wilder had taken one of the pain pills, and looking at his magnificent body, with scars crisscrossing his back and arms, it’s was no wonder he had pain pills and antibiotics on his shelf.
The cave turned bitter cold. She put down the book, walked across and looked down on him sleeping, but he wasn’t asleep. He could smell her body and he became aroused. He didn’t know how long he could keep himself from her. He couldn’t sleep or rest and he needed his rest to hunt and for his body to heal. She bent her knees and lay down near him.
She found pieces of cloth and fur to cover her vagina, disguising her smell. Lying and being near him, she could tell how sexually aroused he had become. She felt the same, but she could control hers. Her body didn’t dictate that she had to mate with anyone if she didn’t want to, but she did want to. She was afraid that her opening couldn’t accommodate his large penis. And what about his brothers? He had all but said that if she accepts him, she would have to accept his brothers. How would that work if she even considered such an arrangement?
Because of her past, she remained frightened of the idea.
Looking over at him she inched under his large arms and as if he knew she would be close, he raised his massive muscled arm, and she lay under it. Feeling the surge of heat from his body surround her, and the sensation of lying near him, with her butt next to his large cock, she began to squirm around trying to get comfortable without waking him. His firm biceps were like rocks that held her in place and she couldn’t move if she wanted to. Yet she felt safe in his arms. She couldn’t imagine being any other place.
He moved closer leaving no room between them, no room for rejection, no room to deny him what he needed, and what she knew was inevitable.
Wilder let out a soft moan as he nuzzled his nose in Adrienne’s hair, sliding it down, down the softness of her neck. She turned to face him, his lips caressing the throb and beat of her life’s vein. It called the wolf in him. The warmth of her neck ignited the basest of his animal instincts. Feeling her heart beat, he moved down her body and with his hand he placed her breast in his mouth and sucked her hard nipple, and fell into the rhythm of her body.
Adrienne’s faint moan of pleasure echoed through the cave. It was loud and it escaped because the pad of his thumb inched down between her legs. She opened them wide and his finger touched her clit and she couldn’t tell if it was her moaning or Wilder. His mouth moved to the other breast and his hunting eyes lowered to her folds.
With his mouth on her tender nipple and his fingers entering her opening, he felt the warmth of it, drenched and tempting.