1. Have you ever imagined yourself living in another time, such as the 1800s? Did you think it would be fun, or hard to do?
  2. Can you see yourself coping with the rigors of pioneer life, particularly while traveling with a wagon train?
  3. Have you ever been frightened by a storm? When and where?
  4. When you see photos or read stories of being overtaken by a tornado, can you see yourself in such a dilemma? What would you do?
  5. When Emmeline sent Bess and the twins away to seek shelter, was she being sensible? Could that have been the best choice, under those circumstances?
  6. Meeting Will in the mercantile was very advantageous for the Carter family. What might they have done without Will’s help?
  7. In 1860, there was much unrest in the territories and even more in Missouri. I didn’t have room to deal with the border skirmishes and the clash of ideology, but it is good to keep in mind that war was looming.
  8. Since there was a good chance of war, does it seem odd that the pioneers in High Plains were more concerned with their current, day-to-day problems? Why was that normal?
  9. The society dynamics of the small town were what formed many personal opinions, right or wrong. Have you ever lived in a little town where everyone knew everyone else’s business? Was it difficult to cope?
  10. When Emmeline’s mother is left widowed, is it logical that she would seek to remarry, even though her late husband had been abusive? Why or why not?
  11. Emmeline needs a job. Why did she ask Cassandra such specific questions about possible employment? Were there other choices she didn’t mention? Why might she have omitted them?
  12. At thirteen, is Johnny old enough to be gainfully employed and help the family? Remember, this is 1860. Do you think today’s children or youth would be capable of carrying the burdens these settlers’ children did?
  13. Buffalo roam the flint hills freely and there are no fences to contain the cattle, either. When barbed wire came into use, was it part of the reason that the wild herds died out?
  14. The High Plains Community Church is too big for the town as it stands at the time of this story. Why would people build such a large edifice? Did you know that missionary societies and others back East often financed such projects?
  15. The Indian school in Council Grove has come and gone by 1860. Why do you suppose it failed? Why would the Kansa and other Indians send their children there in the first place? (In my research, I found that many of the young boys who were sent to live at the school were orphans whose parents had either been killed or had died from disease.)
  16. When Emmeline and Will marry, her wedding dress is not white. Was that common back then? Why? Could it be because clothing was so hard to come by and a gingham or calico dress could be worn long after that one special day?