These can be toy rooms for the children, family rooms, game rooms, craft rooms; you name it.
Often this room will be just stuffed to the hilt and you have no idea where to start. My standard system may not work in this room. Depending on the type of room it is, there may be too many little pieces or things that can get broken to put everything on a bed or in one big box before you start. If this is the case, you are still going to start on your left when going in the room. You will sort what is in front of you and take things that do not belong to the general area of the room where they will find their permanent home. If something does not belong in this room, you will still put it in the box that goes to another room. Of course, you will still have your standard boxes.
This room will take you longer if you cannot just pile everything somewhere until you can find it a home. Don't worry; if you are methodical as you go around the room you will still be able to get it clutter free at some point.
If it is a game room and there are many video games, consider bookshelves if you still have the case for the games. I cannot believe that people pay $60 for a game and then come home and leave the game out of the case to be scratched. Give them a home on the shelf and get in the habit of putting them back when getting out a new one.
If it is a toy room you will start with the sorting of course. In this room you will want a garbage bag, a box for things to store for younger siblings, a box to donate, a box to sell perhaps maybe encouraging your child that they can get that new toy they wanted when you earn enough, and of course a box for items to keep that need a home. Explain to you child about children that do not have as much as they do and how much one of their old toys might mean to them. Children have huge hearts and you might be surprised at how generous they might be. Even enlist your child’s help in sorting the toys, this actually works better than you might think. Once that is done it is easy because you put the toys either in bins or on shelves. You can get a net to hang your stuffed animals but be careful if you have little ones who cannot reach the toys or you asked constantly to reach their new favorite animal. Be logical, like items with like items. Books and movies go on shelves, the blocks go in a container with just blocks, baby dolls and baby clothes could go in another or you could even have one container for dolls and one for clothes, art supplies go together, board games go together. This is really the easiest type of room to organize. Do keep in mind that it should be easy for the children to put things back where they go. Consider putting a picture of the item on the outside of the container or drawer so the child remembers the toys new home.
If the room is a family room, it depends on the contents but be logical. Often these rooms have different areas. No matter what this room is used for you can start on the left and work your way around the room. Assess your needs, paying attention to what you do and do not use. Designate certain items to the sell or donate boxes and then take stock of what is left. Start putting things where you think their home should be. Again, could you use shelves, drawers, baskets, bins, some type of wall hanger to organize your stuff? First, use what you have and see if that works. If not, take some of the money you have been making by selling stuff and purchase what you need. Once this room if finished it will be so much more inviting. You will be able to invite friends over and no one will be embarrassed.
What if it is a craft room, and it is just stacked high with different projects? Chances are that of all rooms you are attached to the items in this room the most. Ask yourself why? Is it because your mom or grandma did this craft? Now, do you enjoy doing this craft or are you doing it because you think you should to follow in the family footsteps? No one is judging you. If it isn't your thing, face it now and sell it or donate it. Pick the things you like and hang on to those. If you are never going to do any of it, then have fun deciding what you will make this room.
If you love it all, then what do you do? Well, then who am I to tell you to throw it away. However if you keep it, you must organize it. In order to live in this house, it must have a proper place to call home. I have found that either drawers or stacking baskets are the answer for craft rooms or a combination of both. If you use drawers, be sure to label them. Stacking baskets can be pretty cheap and that way you can store all kinds of different items. I once had an 8 x 10 room with stacking baskets all around it. It is the handiest way I have found to keep craft items.
It is wonderful to have all of your various craft supplies and projects accessible. For small things I found that the plastic shoe racks you hang over a door were wonderful for holding crochet hooks, quilting squares, rotary cutters, my jar of buttons, stuff like that. This room really is not so hard if you decide to keep it all. The hard part is facing the fact that not all of these projects are ones you enjoy. Sometimes you have been doing them to please someone else. Give that up and do what you enjoy.
You are done; you know what to do next. I am not even going to tell you this time. Just do it.