“M. L. Brennan’s Generation V urban fantasy series is a fresh, fun take on vampire lore. Reluctant vampire Fortitude Scott is one of the most interesting takes on vampires I’ve seen in a long time. Grab these books. You won’t be disappointed.”
—Stephen Blackmoore, author of Broken Souls
Tainted Blood
“Wickedly clever. . . . Rapid-fire prose and intimate characterizations infuse stock mythic figures with pertinence and attitude. Fortitude is an enthralling good boy going bad, struggling to merge monstrous powers with humility and wisdom. . . . Brennan’s smart, sassy, and seductive vampire mythos injects fresh blood into a lethargic subgenre.”
—Publishers Weekly
Iron Night
“A pitch-perfect addition to this imaginative, funny series. . . . Fortitude Scott is an earnest, engaging hero with a heart of gold. Fans will delight to see the return of his sidekick, Suze, in all her wild glory, as well as the rest of this fascinating cast.”
—Romantic Times
“A funny, refreshing urban fantasy tale. . . . Geek-inspired humor and unexpectedly sympathetic characters (particularly the deadly Madeline) help make this a novel worth reading.”
—Publishers Weekly
“An excellent sequel. . . . M. L. Brennan manages to entwine horror and urban fantasy strands smoothly.”
—Fantasy Book Critic
“These books are golden! . . . A fresh take on the bloodsuckers of the paranormal world.”
—Kings River Life Magazine
“Iron Night is just as good as Generation V. . . . There’s plenty of action and supernatural baddies to round out Fort’s narrative, but it’s Fort’s journey, within himself, and with his family . . . that really makes this shamelessly addictive series sing.”
—My Bookish Ways
“Ripe with mystery, suspense, and a cast of richly diverse characters that will have you laughing and rolling your eyes at their antics. . . . Brennan has brought back the dangerous and cruel supernatural creatures of old and integrated them into the modern society with nary a hitch.”
—Smexy Books
“A wonderful trip through a continuously creative universe.”
—All Things Urban Fantasy
Generation V
“I loved M. L. Brennan’s Generation V. Engrossing and endearingly quirky, with a creative and original vampire mythos, it’s a treat for any urban fantasy lover!”
— Karen Chance, New York Times bestselling author of Tempt the Stars
“Full of vivid characters and terrific world building, Generation V is a fun, fast-paced romp of a story that kept me glued to the pages to the very last word. Loved it! Bravo, M. L. Brennan, bravo!”
—Devon Monk, national bestselling author of Infinity Bell
“At last, the millennial generation has a vampire to call its own. Brennan’s debut blends old-world mystique and the brutality of literature’s best vampires to make a sensational coming-of-age story rife with chills and smart one-liners . . . [a] promising series.”
—Romantic Times
“Brennan has a wholly new, and very deep, take on the vampire mythology . . . a perfect combination of new and old that comes along only very rarely.”
“A strong debut with a lot of heart, with an interesting take on the vampire mythos . . . unexpectedly awesome.”
—SF Signal
“Brennan’s new, creative take on vampires was a breath of fresh air. Creepy fresh air, but fresh nonetheless.”
—All Things Urban Fantasy
“A quirky, humorous new urban fantasy series . . . a clever mix of dark humor and seriousness.”
—Smexy Books
“A unique, and sometimes very scary, take on the vampire mythos . . . [a] wonderful debut.”
—My Bookish Ways
“A refreshingly unique novel that all urban fantasy enthusiasts should read, and a book capable of encouraging even the most ardent critics of the genre. Very much a page-turner, a story that has a lot of heart and much to offer. With an extremely fun novel full of charm, Brennan has written a winner.”
—Bastard Books and Other Crap
“Generation V is that rare beast: an urban fantasy that managed to both entertain me and surprise me, while also eliciting plenty of chuckles. . . . It’s quickly paced, tightly written, and often funny.”
—Civilian Reader
“Brennan does an excellent job of separating Generation V from the run-of-the-mill vampire tale . . . a fresh take on an old saw that benefits from Brennan’s excellent world building and the authenticity of its cast. Fans of urban fantasy who are weary of the same old, same old shouldn’t miss this engaging mix of action, humor, and coming-of-age tale.”
—52 Book Reviews
“Brennan’s vampires are much more complex than your run-of-the-mill vampires. They are the brainchildren of science and fantasy. . . . Extremely well written, the characters were well developed, the comedy was beautiful, and the serious parts made my heart swell.”
—Ladybug Literature