

You hold this book in your hands because you’re someone who likes to work and play in the dirt. Or at least you like the thought of it, and you’re looking for inspiration to help you get out there. In either case, you’ve come to the right place. Like a garden itself, this book is filled with diverse bounty. It is a compendium of information, advice, projects, and nitty-gritty details to help you satisfy your passion to grow things.

If you’re already an avid gardener and are thinking about taking your hobby to the next level, the Greenhouses chapter is the place to start. Surely you’ve dreamt of bending the rules of nature just a bit, starting spring a little earlier, extending summer into October, or maybe creating a tropical paradise in the dead of winter. Even the simplest of greenhouse structures can expand the possibilities of what and when you can grow, and they make it much more fun and comfortable to garden in (what used to be called) the off season.

Today’s greenhouses are widely available in a variety of styles and sizes to fit just about any budget. And you always have the option of building your own custom house or assembling one from a kit. Projects for building the most popular types of hobby greenhouses are included here, along with answers to the essential greenhouse questions, like what type of structure is right for your needs, where and how to build it, what materials to use, and how to maintain it.

While many attractive greenhouses are available for sale in kit form, most would only blend in with your home style if you happen to live in a drive-thru restaurant. If you’d like to have the advantages of a fully functioning greenhouse but you want to maintain the architectural style of your house, then you’ll want to follow along the custom Victorian greenhouse project. There, you’ll find a complete, start-to-finish demonstration of a custom lean-to greenhouse with Victorian styling to match the Queen Anne house to which it is attached. Even the door and the windows are made from scratch using ordinary building materials.

And no matter what type of gardening you do, the Garden Projects chapter is bound to have something you can really use: planting beds, a compost bin, trellises, potting name it. Best of all, every design uses simple, inexpensive raw materials that you work with your hands into something that’s much more than the sum of its parts. Sounds a lot like gardening, doesn’t it?
